What's wrong with me?

Never thought i'd fall in love with you [UNFINISHED sorry i've stopped writing this story]

"What oppa? please tell me. is there a problem? Do you need help?
You want to ask for a favor?

"No, it's not that.... It's..."




"I what?? Come on oppa~"

"I love you."


"I said that i love you!"


"I'm sorry, i know you're surprised of what i said,
but, i just can't keep my feelings inside, i needed to tellit to you...
So, what's your anwer?"

"Oppa~ i really don't know, i need to think about
it first, mianhe oppa..."

"No it's fine, i understand, take your time."

[Your POV]

Heechul confessed his feelings for me but i don't know if i
feel the same way. I just don't want to go out with him if
i don't know my own feelings. Things are just too complicated
for me right now and i want a friend to help me out not a boyfriend...


"Ha Rin-ah, are you alright?" He asked me.

"Bwo? Ah! yeh..."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Ummmh~ I promised Eunmin that i'll go with her to
the mall." I lied.

"Oh~ so~ you want me to bring you?"

"NO! i mean... no thanks, i'll meet her at her house."

"Okay... Bye then."

"Yeah, bye!"

Heechul left and i went to the bathroom to wash up and
go to Eunmin's house...

[End of POV]


*Ding!* *Dong!*

"Coming! who is it?" Eunmin opened the dôor. "Oh! Harin,
what are you doing here?" You hugged her. "O...kay~...
come in..." You nodded and went inside her house
and sit on the couch. "So, what's up?"

"Heechul oppa confessed his feeling towards me..."

"WHAT?! really~? that's good then."

"No it's not! i don't even know what to say to him."

"But, what did you say?"

"I said that i'd think about it."

"Okay.... I got nothing..."

"Come on! you're good at giving tips, but why don't 
you have on efor me?!"

"No idea! but, do you like him?"

"That's the problem, i don't know! and it really surprised me
because, Heechul oppa is my bestfriend,
we've known each other for a long time..."

"Then, tell him that you don't know you feeling right now..."

"Yeah, but i'm afraid that i'll hurt him, and then that Donghae guy
comes along..."

"Okay, right now, i can't help you. But
just to think at something else, let's
go to the mall, alright?"

"Okay, let's go."

[Your POV]

We took the taxi and went at the mall. 

We looked at dresses, T-shirts, pants, etc. for more that 2 hours.
Then, we finished because we were tired and ate at an italian
restaurant inside the mall

"That was fun!" Eunmin smiled.

"Yeah~! thanks for bringing me!"

"No prob!"

The waiter arrived and i ordered a lasagna and Eunmin
ordered a pizza. We were disscussing random stuff until
i saw Donghae eating in the restaurant too.
He was not so far away but far enough to not noticing us.

"Yah! isn't that Donghae?" I whispered

"Bwo?" She looked behind her. "Omg
that's him! But who is he with? a date?"

"I don't care,  bad luck that he'll be the one 
who's going to help me around the company." 

I lied as if i didn't care about him at all, 
but i did care. Seeing him with another makes
me unconfortable, it's like that i want to 
push the girl away from him, but i can't, who
am i to do that?

Seeing him smiling happily with that girl
he's having fun. I clenched my fist, but why
am i doing that? he's a nobody for me, just a collegue
maybe but nothing more.... 
As i kept watching him with the girl and eating at the same time
my eyes opened wide whan i saw him french kissing
the girl he's with. 

"Wow! he's fast!" Eunmin said.

He is fast, he's the fastest guy i've ever met kissing a girl
that fast.
Oh well~ that doesn't concern me, that's not my 
problem. But when they left, i saw them holding hands
and that made me madder like hell

"Eunmin! let's go!" I screamed.

"O...Kay.." She was surprised with sudden action.

We payed for the food and left the restaurant and waited for
a taxi to head home.

What's wrong with me? why am i getting jelouse all of a sudden?
why am i getting mad at him?....

[End of POV]



Ok, so what's happening to Harin?? =P

This will be the last update before my exams in December 19 to 23.
And right after my exams i will go to the Philippines during
the Christmas vacation [YAY!! x3]
But don't worry,  i will try to update during the vacation...  =D

Don't forget! COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE~~!!! ^^ <3















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Hey, i'm working on the next chapter, but i don't know when i'll be posting it... And i have my final exams on June 4 --" please bare it with me! :)


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angel116 #1
Chapter 32: Oh please update!
Chapter 32: happy birthday XD
Chapter 32: Happy birthday <3
damn you Yoona! I'm torn... I love both Heechul and Donghae!
YoonA I hate you.... I think Heechul is the better one for Harin. Heechul Hwaiting. ^^
Yoona........ I don't like her.
Donghae!? What are you doing?!?! Go and say sorry! :D I love this story. Update soon ^^
Donghae you jerk! Don't do this to her! :(
Update soon!!!!! Love this story!