Chapter 30

Never thought i'd fall in love with you [UNFINISHED sorry i've stopped writing this story]

"Yoona, i need to go." Before Yoona could complain, he
left her house and quickly drove to the restaurant where
the two of you supposed to meet. *Please Harin, please
still be there.*
When he arrived to the restaurant, you weren't there
anymore. *!* "Excuse me sir, but the restaurant is
closed.". He left the restaurant and drove to your house.

Meanwhile, you went to Heechul's house and ate dinner
there. "What's for dinner?". "Spaghetti carbonara."
"Yum!" you smiled and watch him skilfully sliced the bacon
and mushroom. You the TV and the news was on.
Your eyes widened when you heard Donghae's name mentioned
on TV.
"Donghae and Yoona seen entering a bar together." You read
from the TV out loud. You looked at the footage and saw Donghae
carying Yoona inside his car. "That's why he didn't show up."
You got disapointed because he didn't show up at the restaurant
and mad because he was with Yoona.

Your phone rang as you looked at the caller
who was Donghae. "Hello?". "Harin! Are you home?". "No, i'm
at Heechul oppa's house.". "I'll come get you."."No."
"Why not?" "I don't want to see you right now.". "Why?". "I need
to hung up.". "No, not before you tell me why." But you didn't
listen to him and hung up. "Who was it?" Heechul asked. "Donghae."
"I understand if you want to leave.". "No, i won't. Can i spend
the night here?". "Sure".

A few minutes later, Donghae arrived at Heechul's house. He
barged in and kept yelling. "Harin, Harin! where are you?!"
"Donghae, leave her alone, come back tomorrow-". "No hyung!
i need to know why won't she see me."."You wanna know why, HUH?!"
He yelled and pushed Donghae. "Didn't i tell you not to hurt
her?! Why did you do that?!". "What are you talking about?"
"You don't know or are you just playing dumb? See that? It's all over
the news!" Donghae turned around to watch the screen and his mouth
and eyed opened wide in shock. "How did-.. No... NO! this is a
misunderstanding, i-". "You what Donghae? Why didn't you show up?
You know what? I don't wanna hear anything. Get out!". "Hyung please-"

frustrated and got home.


"Oppa, Donghae..". "He's gone." he said coldly. "I'm sorry.". "Why
are YOU sorry? He was the one who messed up.". "But i got mad, before
knowing the truth.". "Just ignore him for a few days so that he could
learn his lesson."."Okay" You entered the guest room and tried to sleep.

The next day, you did what Heechul said, is to ignore Donghae. Everytime
he saw you at the office, he always tried to get close to you to talk
but you would walk to the opposite direction.

You were working inside your office and it got interrupted when someone
knocked on the door. "Come in" The door opened and you saw Donghae.
"Don't you have work to do?" you asked coldly. "Harin, please let me explain."
"Even thought you explained it to me, i don't know when i'll be able to
forgive you."."I understand but just hear me out." You let him explain
but of course, he didn't mention the part where Yoona kissed him and the
After the explenation, he left and you sat there thinking of it...


A few days later, you were inside Donghae's car without him knowing
because you wanted to surprise him and tell him you forgive him.
You were cooking dinner when you heard the telephone ring. You ran to
answer it nut it was too late, the answering machine did it. After the
beep you heard a woman voice. "Hey, Donghae it's me Yoona. About
last night, ummmh~... I was serious about what i feel..." You were
you wanted to ansawer the phone and yelled at her but she
continued talking..."And... I enjoyed the kiss.."


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Yoona had to ruin EVERYTHING (=.=")

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Hey, i'm working on the next chapter, but i don't know when i'll be posting it... And i have my final exams on June 4 --" please bare it with me! :)


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angel116 #1
Chapter 32: Oh please update!
Chapter 32: happy birthday XD
Chapter 32: Happy birthday <3
damn you Yoona! I'm torn... I love both Heechul and Donghae!
YoonA I hate you.... I think Heechul is the better one for Harin. Heechul Hwaiting. ^^
Yoona........ I don't like her.
Donghae!? What are you doing?!?! Go and say sorry! :D I love this story. Update soon ^^
Donghae you jerk! Don't do this to her! :(
Update soon!!!!! Love this story!