Chapter 22

Never thought i'd fall in love with you [UNFINISHED sorry i've stopped writing this story]
[Heechul's POV]

Sunlight landed on my closed eyes as I opened them slowly and adapting myself to the brightness. My head felt so heavy like there was a big stone on my head. Memory from las night was flashing through my mind until i heard footsteps behind the door. The person behind it was Harin. She was holding a tray of food and put it on a table. I watched her every moves she makes. I was waiting for her to yell to me and hit me but i was surprised when she just cupped my face with her hands.

"Oppa, what are you feeling? Do you have a headache?" she said and i nodded. She let out a sight and put her right hand in her short pocket and got out of it a medicin. "Here, You will need this. Drink it when you've finished eating okay?" i nodded without saying a single word. "After that, come downstaires, we need to talk. Just take your time." She smiled and i nodded for the last time.

I don't know why she's acting like this to me, why is she smiling to me? Why isn't she mad at me? Why? I have so much question to ask her but i just don't know how. After i ate breakfast, i went in the bathroom and wash my face. Then, i picked up the tray and headed to the kitchen. There i saw Harin and Donghae smiling and hugging each other. I was really diapointed to see them so happy when i'm not. Donghae noticed my and Coughed saying that i was behind them. Harin turned around.

"Oppa, how was it? Good?" she was reffering to the breakfast she prepared for me.

"Yeah, it was delicious." i smiled.

"Thanks! Let's talk to the livingroom."

The three of us went in the livingroom like Harin said. She sat next to Donghae and i sat in front of them. I was a nervous.

"So~ oppa, i'm sorry if-"

"Wait." i said cutting Harin's sentence. "I want to talk with you alone, please." they looked at each other.

"Okay oppa." Donghae left leaving Harin and me. "Look, i know that you're mad at me because i-"

"i'm not mad at you" i cut her sentence again."I thought about this alot and all i want for you is to be happy. Harin, i love you so much and i'm prepared to let you go for Donghae. I know him very well and i know that he'll love you like i do."


"Just promise me that you'll be happy."

"I will oppa, thank you!" She stood up and hugged me tightly. She called Donghae back and i asked for Donghae to talk to him alone too. He accepted and Harin went in her room leaving us.

"Donghae, do you love her?"

"Yes hyung, so much. I don't know if i can live without her, she's the reason why i'm really happy for the first time in my whole life."

"Just promis me one thing, love her, cherish her, take care of her for me i know that you'll make her really happy."

"I will hyung forever."

"But if you hurt her, you'll be sorry."

"I know, you'll be the one who will beat me up."

We smiled to each other and laughed until Harin came back. We stood up and Donghae walked towards Harin to hold her hand.

"Well, i'll leave you two alone."

"Were are you going?"

"I'm a very busy guy, i have a meeting in thirty minutes, bye!"

We bid goodbye and i got in my car heading to my office.

[End of POV]

[Your POV]

When Heechul left, Donghae and i were watching TV while we snuggled and hekd hands.

"Oppa, i love you~!"

"I love you too. Do you want to go out?"

"Where?" i asked him excited

"Mmmmh~ what about to the park?"

"Okay, let's go!"

I grabbed his hands and got outside the car and in his car, it was a good thing that we were already prepared to go out.

We were walking hand to hand while eating ice cream. I felt so happy and felt like i was the luckiest girl in the world. Donghae is the right guy for me, i love him so much.

"Oh look! An arcade!" he stopped walking and walked towards the arcade and stopped in front of a game."Let's play this one." he asked and I nodded.

After two hours of playing, we had enough ticket to exchange them for a stuffed toy. He gave me the light blue teddy bear.

"Here, it's for you."

"Thank you oppa!" his face was shocked after what i said.

"What did you just called me?"

"What? Oppa?"

"Yes that! You never called me that way~"

"Don't you like it?"

"I do silly." He said and we went in a restaurant to eat our dinner

After our little date, he took me home.

"Oppa, thanks~!"

"You're welcome babe~"


"Yeah, from now on, i'll you 'babe'" i chuckled and kissed him on the cheek and ran towards the door.

"Thanks for tonight oppa~! Saranghae~!!!" i yelled and went inside my house.

[End of POV]

[Donghae's POV]

She kissed my cheeks and yelled that she loves me and went inside her house. I couldn't help it but smile to myself while i was driving home. She's really the right girl for me, i love her so much and i'll do everything to make her happy...

[End of POV]



Thank you for you lovely comments~ keep it up! ^w^ <3 And don't forget to subscribe~!!! :DD


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Hey, i'm working on the next chapter, but i don't know when i'll be posting it... And i have my final exams on June 4 --" please bare it with me! :)


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angel116 #1
Chapter 32: Oh please update!
Chapter 32: happy birthday XD
Chapter 32: Happy birthday <3
damn you Yoona! I'm torn... I love both Heechul and Donghae!
YoonA I hate you.... I think Heechul is the better one for Harin. Heechul Hwaiting. ^^
Yoona........ I don't like her.
Donghae!? What are you doing?!?! Go and say sorry! :D I love this story. Update soon ^^
Donghae you jerk! Don't do this to her! :(
Update soon!!!!! Love this story!