Heart Cheater


“Yonghwa, wait…”, Seohyun can’t hide her pale face when she realized that they just reached the next destination, his office. She took a sight from the car to a tall building which now was in front of them, but her hand was still shaking due to her nervousness.

“Are you sure I must come there?”, she asked him once more without even glanced to him, and still busy looking around.

Yonghwa looked at her, “You have heard me. Yah, don’t you dare to change your mind now. You agreed to do that”, suddenly he felt scared about her would change their agreement a while ago.



“My office… You have to come to my office”

“N- ne????”, Seohyun widened her eyes after heard what Yonghwa was saying. They just left the bank. Yonghwa continued to walking out from the park toward his car left his confused wife behind. Seohyun who was still shocking can only watch him without said anything until she got a call from him.

“C’mon, do you want to standing here for longer?”

“Yah! Explain to me first! Or… I will go home!”, she threatened him. Yonghwa sighed before looked at his wrist watch and looked at her again.

“I’ll explain to you in car later, but we need to go now! I have an important meeting before the lunch”, he was looked so frustration.

“Aagghh….”, she groaned.



“Tell me!”, she asked him for his actual reason want to bring her. He still focused his eyes to the road without glancing to her.

“My department head want to meet you. Two days ago I reported about my profile change, it’s a necessary for employee like me when their status has changed. My boss knew that I’m married, so he wanted to meet you”

Seohyun kept staring at him. She thought it was so weird for a boss wanted to meet their employee’s family. Even her father brought her or her mother to an office occasion, it can be counted. But he hasn’t bring them to the office, only to a place like restaurant or hotel where the occasion was held.

“There’s no other reason?”, she asked him more.

“No. Only that”, he answered shortly.

“But why me?”, she still asked him and gasped when suddenly he glared at her for a moment before focused to the road again.

“Are you seeing someone else as my wife?”, he gave her question, but it seemed more like a way to shut her and not asking further.

“I’m only curious, okay? Don’t get to be mad easily…”, she said. Then there was only silence in the car. No one spoke or argued like before, until the car stopped due to traffic light.

“I don’t know either why my boss wanted to meet you. I think it’s weird too…”, Yonghwa said tried to explain what actually he had in his mind.

“It’s only usual meeting, my boss is nice person I can tell you. Actually I feel become special because of the treat he gave. You know why? There’s no employee whose family met him before, especially in my office. So, inviting you for coming there, is something out of his box”

Seohyun tried to digest his words one by one, until she gasped because of her own crazy conclusion. She looked at him with horror face, worrily and hesitantly said, “ Does… Does he like you? I mean… He’s a gay???”

“MWO???”, Yonghwa turned to look at her, showed his very shocking expression, but couldn’t response her question. Seohyun just frowned with his reaction, looked so innocently. His state changed when the cars behind them started to asked him for moving because of the light turning green.

“Waeyo? Am I right?”, she asked him. He glanced at her then sighed and shook his head showing the frustration.

“Seo Joohyun, sincha… You are so…”, he can’t continue the next word.

“Me what??”, she glared.

“Listen, it’s not like what are you thinking about him. Yes, I feel special, but not because he likes me or what. Ohh, just think about that makes me wanna puke! I feel he treats me as special employee, you got that? A special employee! And it’s an advantage for me, because it would be one of way for gaining his more trust, so I can easily get a promotion. Understand??”, he looked at her.

Seohyun’s face suddenly changed into reddish colour because of her embarrassment. Oh, how much she wanted to hit her head, she thought that she was too stupid having a crazy conclusion like that.

“So, what should I do?”, she bit her bottom lip without looked at Yonghwa.

“Just act kind to him. And… Tell all of good things about me if he asks you how is my daily life”, Yonghwa told her in casual way, didn’t know that she was gaping . Now he was the one whose head she wanted to hit so much.

“Mwo?? You want me to lie?? Shiro!!!”

“Yah, just for once this time! You could think that as payment for staying at my house and getting your own saving account. It’s easy, isn’t it?”, he smirked and thought it was beginning for win.

“Omo… Omo… Maybe you forget that I never asked you to let me stay in your house or opened new account for me. It was you who asked me first!”, she was still stubborn about she was the one right.

Suddenly Yonghwa stopped his car and turned his head to stared at her.

“Okay, I beg you! Please – help – me! Is that what you want?, but his way for asking her help was not usual way people use. He raised his voice like angrily. Saw his face, Seohyun felt a little scared, so she just nodded and stummering.

“N-ne… I’ll do it”

End of Flashback



“Seohyun!”, Yonghwa moved his palm in front of Seohyun’s face, woke up her from the frowning. She gasped and looked at him, her eyes was like saying ‘Ohtokke?’



“Come in!”, a male voice was heard after Yonghwa knocked door of one room in the office. They were at 4th floor where his office located. No need to wait so long, Yonghwa grabbed Seohyun’s left hand which made her startled with his action. They came into the room and faced a good looking man in his about thirty-ish age.

“Sorry, Mr. Lee. I have something to do and makes us come late”, Yonghwa greeted the man who named Mr. Lee.

“It’s okay, there’s not so much schedule today, just a meeting an hour later. Oh, so this beautiful woman is your wife, Yonghwa-ssi? Anyyeonghaseo, I’m Lee Jangwoo, nice to meet you”, Mr. Lee stood up from his chair and greeted Seohyun.

“Ne, anyyeonghaseo. Seo Joohyun imnida. Nice to meet you too, Lee Jangwoo-ssi”, Seohyun greeted him back after quickly pulled her hand from Yonghwa’s grip. Unfortunately, Mr. Lee saw that.

“Aww, don’t be too shy with me… I’m used to see that kind of romantic things, even my wife and I always show off how close and romantic we are”, Mr. Lee gave them a teasing look and made the “couple” were uncomfortable.

“Arasso… Arasso… Let’s just talk there, don’t be so formal, Seo Joohyun-ssi. Actually I invited you to come here because you need to fill some sheets of form which has to be filled by our employee’s bride or groom. Yeah, actually those forms can be finished in your house, no need to comes here”, Mr.Lee explained his reason after offered them to sat on the couch.

“But, Mr. Lee… You said that she MUST comes here… I don’t know about the forms thing”, Yonghwa was surprised with Mr.Lee actual reason. If it was just for filling some sheets, it would be easier if he took them home and Seohyun filled them in their house.

“Waeyo? I just wanna see your wife. I wonder how the girl who makes you become a good employee is looking. Yah, don’t be jealous so much, Jung Yonghwa! Do you think I’ll fall in love for second time?”, once again Mr.Lee gave his teasing look to Yonghwa. The latter never expected that his boss was kind of this person. If there was a tomato near him, maybe its colour was same as his face now. Sometimes he glanced at Seohyun who was looked so uncomfortable and just played with her fingers.

After talking for a while, time for the meeting was coming. But Seohyun didn’t finish the forms yet, so Mr.Lee offered her to continue it later.

“It’s okay, Mr.Lee. I’ll finish it soon, only remain three sheets more”, she wanted to finishing them in the office.

“Okay then. If they have been finished, just give them to the secretary. Thank you for coming, Seo Joohyun-ssi. I hope we can meet again”, Mr.Lee said and left her. Before Yonghwa joined him in the meeting room, he brought her for waiting in the lobby.

“I’ll take you home at lunch break. So, wait here until that time”

Seohyun startled for a moment before responded it, “Oh… Is that so? Uhm… Okay”, she confused to take his offer or not. But she thought it was not bad, it’s just taking her home anyway.



Afte finishing all of the sheets and gave them to the secretary, Seohyun finally realized where the office located. She was too busy surpressing her nervous feeling until not noticed the address which was written on the office wall.

“Mokdo Street? Gangnam District? Hey, it’s near!”, she thought. Then she took her cellphone from the bag and look for one of contact name.

“Yoboseyo? Ne, it’s me, Joohyun… Are you in your shop? I’m in Gangnam now. Ah, sincha? Can I come? Okay, I miss you too…”, then she hang up and proceed to leave the office. But before that, she need to tell something to the secretary.

“Excuse me. Can you help me to tell Jung Yonghwa-ssi that I’ll go somewhere near here? Please tell him to not wait for me, because I’ll go home by myself”



“Okay, let’s take a break for lunch before we continue this meeting. Thank you”, Mr. Lee closed the meeting because it was lunch time.

“Yonghwa-ssi, wait a moment!”, suddenly Mr.Lee called Yonghwa. Then he turned his body and came to the caller.

“I have something for you”, Mr. Lee took a book from his table and handed it to Yonghwa. He widened his eyes when read the title of that book, PREGNANT WOMAN : A GUIDE BOOK FOR HUSBAND.

“Wha…What is this? Mr. Lee…”, he stummered.

“Hey, do you think I don’t know that your wife is pregnant? Why didn’t you tell me about it? I would gladly share my experience to you. Tsk, you… Unexperienced husband…”, Mr.Lee shook his head and pretended to act disappointed.

“I’m… I’m sorry, Mr.Lee…”, Yonghwa can’t say something right, he was still surprised with his boss attitude.

“Yah… I’m joking, Yonghwa! Don’t take it seriously… That book is given by my boss when my wife was pregnant with my first child, so it’s not new book. I just want to imitate my boss. But I can tell you it helps so much, especially for newbie like you”

Yonghwa just nodded, actually didn’t understand all of Mr.Lee saying. He got headache now. He thought that decision to brought Seohyun met his boss, it was a great fault!



“Hyunnie!!!!”, a brown haired girl screamed when Seohyun just came to her place. From her outfit, we can see thet she was so fashionable and stylish.

“Hyoyeon unnie!!!”, Seohyun screamed back before hugged the girl, owner of the shop, or it was boutique for exactly. Hyoyeon is her cousin, the daughter from her mother’s older brother. She didn’t enter a university, because she more interested with fashion and designed her own dress brand.

“Aish this girl! How could you didn’t tell me something important like that? If your mother didn’t tell us, maybe I’m like a stupid cousin now. Mean Seo Joohyun!”, Hyoyeon sticked out her tongue and pretended to sulking. They were sitting on the couch and started to chatting. Seohyun knew the marriage topic would come first in their conversation.

“Unnie… I’m sorry… I just… Okay, it’s my fault, unnie… Please forgive me…”, Seohyun begged her. She hoped Hyoyeon can understand. Then smile appeared from Hyoyeon’s lips and she hugged her cousin.

“It’s okay, Hyunnie… Your mom explained all, no exception. I can understand your position, though I’m still feeling a bit disappointed. You know who and how am I, Hyunnie… Did you think I will get angry with you? Of course, no…”, Hyoyeon smiled to her.

They chatted for about an hour when suddenly Seohyun’s cellphone was ringing. She didn’t know the number of caller, it was not listed in her contact. She was afraid that the caller might be Jinwoon again. But slowly, she pressed the “ok” button and answered the call.

“Yoboseyo?”, carefully she answered.

“Where are you?”, she heard a familiar male voice. No, it was not Jinwoon, it was Yonghwa. How could he get her cellphone number?

“Oh…Me? I’m at my cousin place, it’s near from your office, still in Mokdo Street too…”

“Tell me the exact address, I’ll fetch you”

“N-ne?? A-arasso…”

After told him Hyoyeon’s address and hang up the phone, Seohyun was still thinking how Yonghwa got her number. Actually, he got that from the sheets she wrote in his office, there was cellphone number coloumn there. He asked the secretary to gave the forms to Mr.Lee.

“Who is that?”, Hyoyeon woke her up from her thought.

“Oh… It’s him…”, Seohyun hesitantly replied.

“Him? Your husband? Does he want to come here? Omo… I’m so excited!”, Hyoyeon squealed and grabbed her hands. It seems like Seohyun’s mother has told her about how Seohyun’s husband was looking. And from what Yonghwa has done to her mother, it would be no wonder that Hyoyeon also would be same. They went back to front part of the boutique to wait Hyoyeon special “guest”. At least, it was like she said to Seohyun.



“Annyeonghaseo…”, Yonghwa greeted the boutique owner and bowed.

“Anyyeonghaseo… Welcome to my shop. I’m Kim Hyoyeon, your cousin in law”, Hyoyeon smiled like a fool. Seohyun can saw clearly that on her cousin’s forehead written ‘Omo, so handsome…’. She rolled her eyes knowing her cousin attitude was still same.

“You are gotten tricked, unnie… Poor you….”, she thought.

“Are you coming here to fetch my Hyunnie?? Can she stay here with me until your work time ending? I still miss Hyunnie so much, jebal…”, Hyoyeon blinked her eyes few times full of aegyo. Once more, Seohyun just can rolled her eyes and felt ashamed looking her unnie gesture. Yonghwa looked at Seohyun to know what about her want.

“Can I?”, she asked him.

“It’s okay. I’ll come here after my work time. Stay here, don’t go home alone before I come”, Seohyun just nodded heard his words. She squaled secretly in her heart.

”Owwhh… You’re so nice… Gomawoyo…”, Hyoyeon was happy because he let Seohyun spend more time with her.



“What is that?”, Yonghwa asked when he saw a big plastic bag in Seohyun’s hand. They were in his car after left Hyoyeon’s boutique. They were in journey to go home.

“Hyoyeon unnie gave these cow soup for dinner. She said her thanks for you”, Seohyun looked at him.

“Ahh, sincha?? She’s so nice…”, Yonghwa said with a slight smile from his lips. Seohyun crossed her eyebrows and had a surprised, or more like suspicious looking on her face. But Yonghwa didn’t saw that and still focused to driving. She didn’t realized that her hands squeezed the plastic bag holding tightly while turned her sight to the window near her and bit her lower lip.

She said in her mind, “What’s now? Jung Yonghwa and Kim Hyoyeon? Great!!!”   




Hahaha... I laughed when read the last part... Was that how Seohyun show her....uhm...jealousy??? Kekeke...

Comments and ideas, please... This writer have some writing/getting idea problem, help me....:-(


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GogumaStar #1
Chapter 24: No update since :'(
Hai authornim hope you will continue this beautiful story :)
Ironcatnguyen #3
Author, do you remember me - The loyal reader, and i still read this fic until now? What's happned with you? why did you postpone this fic long long time? I miss you so much! Please update soon!
seohyunsnsd #4
Chapter 24: Update pleaseeeee
Hi authornim, please continue this story T,T thank youu so much
rinyyulia #6
Chapter 24: update please authornim
julie-61 #7
Hai author, I really love and miss this story so much.
Please you can continue to update this story.
Hope you can consider it please....
Thanks for your time to read my comment.
specialtha #8
Chapter 24: Authornim,,,,, please update this one
I want more yobgseo interaction, wanna know how they'll fall each other
Please continue this story
Thank you
widifishy #9
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee
widifishy #10
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee