Heart Cheater


“Seohyunnie…!!!”, a girl shouted Seohyun’s name when she just arrived in a café. Seohyun smiled to her friend and took a seat next to her.

“Hey, Tiff…How are you? Did you have a nice vacation?”

“Of course…I was so glad could visit my family in USA. But I know I must back to Korea. It’s so fast to study again. Yeah…New semester begins…”

Tiffany invited Seohyun to discuss a lot of things about their plans for new semester. The university gave the students a week to decided how much credit they will take and which lecture they will study. Because tomorrow they will discuss it with their lecturers, so it must be prepared before.

“Here, I ordered salmon steak for you. It’s my treat!”, Tiffany said to Seohyun and winked.

“Really? It’s my favourite. Thanks Tiff!”, she smiled.

When Seohyun took a cut of the steak and pushed it to , she felt the steak’s smell was so bad and made her want to vomit. So she cancelled to eat it and just sipped her ice tea. Tiffany noticed that and made her confused.

“Hyunnie…What’s wrong? Why did you not eat the steak?”

“Uhmm…I don’t know Tiff…I feel like lost my appetite”

“Ooohh…It’s that? Okay, no problem, you can order other menu then. Aaahh, Hyun, I want to go to restroom a moment. You know, it’s my period, just want to check everything’s okay”, Tiffany asked a moment to left her.

“Hmmm…She’s in her period”, Seohyun though.

But suddenly she remembered something. Period? When was last time she got her period? She took her notes from bag, her diary exactly, and look for a page where she always writes her date’s period.

“I don’t get my period yet for this month. It should be 2 weeks ago…What? 2 weeks ago? It was so late, it never happened before”, she though once more. Then her heart beat faster when she realized about…




“No…No…No way…Calm down, Seohyun. You just worry too much”, she said to herself. But she must checked that as soon as possible. She didn’t want everything will be worse.


After her meeting with Tiffany, Seohyun decided to went to a drugstore, to bought a test pack of course. She rushed to her room and started unpack the thing. Took a long breath, she went inside the bathroom and did all of instruction which was written at tool’s label. Still sat on closet and held the test pack, she closed her eyes and started to count slowly.




She opened her eyes slowly, her eyes just looked at one direction. When she saw the result, her eyes started watered. She cried herself, alone in bathroom. The result : TWO LINES. She felt like a very big stone fell on her head, a hundred sword stucked in her chest. She clenched the test pack tight with her hand.

“Why? Why…?? Why this happened to me?? What’s my fault??”, she just could shouted in her heart.




Still weakly, she laid her back on the bed, stared at nowhere. Her mind was so blank. She didn’t know what will to do. She didn’t want to tell Yonghwa about what he’d done to her. She hates him so much.

Suddenly her cell phone told her that there was a message. She picked it and saw who was the sender. When she read the message, tears came again. It was from Jinwoon.

“Seohyun, let’s meet! I really miss you, honey. I’m sorry to made you angry. I know all of were my fault. Please accept my apologies. I’ll wait you at our park. Please come, I’ll be there at 4 pm. I’ll wait until you come”

Finished read his message, she cried more. She was bad for him. She couldn’t hurt him anymore.




Jinwoon sat on a bench when she saw Seohyun arrived at the park. He gave her a sweet smile which long time wasn’t given to her.

“Hyun…Come here”, he catched her hands to follow him sat.

“Uhmm…Can we walk and go to somewhere, Jinwoon? Ice cream parlor maybe? It’s long time since we went there months ago”, Seohyun suggested him. A smile plastered on her lips, but actually her heart beat so fast. Not heart beat because of happiness, but heart beat because of fear. She must suppressed herself to not crying in front of Jinwoon. She must be strong.

“Sure…But after eat ice cream, we must back here. I have a lot of things to talk to you”

“Okay…I have things to talk to you, too”, she replied. Yes, ‘that things’.



They spent an hour walking around the park and eating ice cream. Jinwoon always smiled and tried to make joke, but Seohyun just kept silence or just smiled almost all of the time. When they went back to the bench, Seohyun started a conversation. She didn’t let him talk first, although she must prepared all of strength she has to make sure she could tell him all. It was really hard for her.

“There’s something I want to tell you”, her expression was rigid.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”, Jinwoon got confused with her expression.

“I think…I think…We…”, she couldn’t continue her words, so Jinwoon waited. But after a moment, she was just silent.

“We??”, he asked her.

“We must break up our relationship. We can’t be together”, she got her strength to talked.

Jinwoon couldn’t hide his confussion. But he didn’t want trusted what she had said.

“What???You’re kidding, right? You still mad with me?”

“Of course. I was so mad with you. I want a boyfriend who will give me all of his time. I always try to understand you, but you can’t understand me. So, I decide to break up”, she clenched her fist while spoke.

“Non sense, Seohyun!!! I don’t want to break up. No, I love you! And always love you! You know that I always try to become your best boyfriend. Don’t talk about that anymore!!”, Jinwoon began felt a fear in him. She must be serious with her words.

“But you failed, Jinwoon. You’re no longer be my boyfriend now. I’m sorry. I have to leave you. Just look for a better girl, very better girl than me, to be your new girlfriend”, she stood and stared at him. She must leave now. If she stayed longer, her tears would come and he could notice something was wrong with her.

“This is your ring. I can’t wear it anymore”, she took his hand and place the ring on his right palm. When she just started to walk, Jinwoon grabbed her hand and turned her body face him.

“No, you can’t do this to me! I can’t, Seohyun! I can’t!!!”, he raised his voice and cried.

“Right, you can’t! But I can and I want all about us finished. So, let me go now”, she tried let off his grab, but he didn’t budge it.

“Tell me, it’s not the only reason, right? Tell me how and what can I do to fix our problem. I will do anything to keep you stay with me. Please, Seohyun…”, he tried to be calmer, hope Seohyun’s heart would melt a bit.

“Nothing! You’re late, Jinwoon! You want to know the real reason makes me want to leave you?”, she finally spoke her last plan. Last plan which make sure he agreed with her decision, and made her became a big liar in the world.

“Tell me!!”


“Because…I cheated on you! I found a man better than you!”



Oh no, Seohyun lies...Part 2 will be updated days later...

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GogumaStar #1
Chapter 24: No update since :'(
Hai authornim hope you will continue this beautiful story :)
Ironcatnguyen #3
Author, do you remember me - The loyal reader, and i still read this fic until now? What's happned with you? why did you postpone this fic long long time? I miss you so much! Please update soon!
seohyunsnsd #4
Chapter 24: Update pleaseeeee
Hi authornim, please continue this story T,T thank youu so much
rinyyulia #6
Chapter 24: update please authornim
julie-61 #7
Hai author, I really love and miss this story so much.
Please you can continue to update this story.
Hope you can consider it please....
Thanks for your time to read my comment.
specialtha #8
Chapter 24: Authornim,,,,, please update this one
I want more yobgseo interaction, wanna know how they'll fall each other
Please continue this story
Thank you
widifishy #9
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee
widifishy #10
Chapter 24: update pleaseeee