Will they gainn their trust today

I will always be here for you

Dalmatian Really really


Narator's POV:
Today you got to spend the day with Teen Top and you didn'tnknow what to wear or what to do when they get here. After the breakfast Kwon and Karma cooked you went to go get change and Karma helped you pick your outfit. The outfit you guys decited was shorts with a big shirt that had the number 22 on it. This shirt kinda showed your stomach and you are embarrassed to show your skin like that.

"Karma Oppa I'm really embarrassed when other people see my skin like this"
"Wah really you look nice though"
"Thanks but Oppa I kinda..."
"Oh it is too late they are here"
"Aww now I can't get change thanks anyway Karma Oppa I love it"
"ㅋㅋ no problem ________ anytime"

Karma had gone down stairs but you had to find a shoe and you did know which one to wear so you picked the flats and you were ready to go.
Chunji was yelling from down stairs"_______ are you ready to go to the amusement park yet?"
You came out of you room really quick,"ne coming right now Oppa umm did the rest come too?"
"Ne they did waeyo" Chunji was looking up the stair case.
"Just asking I wanted to spend the day with them too^^" you smiled and waited to come out.
Chungji had a wide smmile on his face,"Oh that is good"
You come out of your room with the cute clothes you and Karma picked out.

"Oppas do I look fine in these clothes?" you asked to make sure they were fine with it.
L.Joe with his mouth open,
"Wahh Hyung you are so lucky to have her as your girlfriend" T-T
Changjo was really happy to see you,"Ne Chunji Hyung you are so lucky to have her"
Chunji chuckled,"ㅋㅋ I know I am that is why we are going as a group so you guys can help me watch if any guy hits on her"
"OPPA~ don't be like that" you looked around to see if the 'Kingkas' where there but they had left.
You had looked at you phone to check if any of them text you and they did. Kwon told you that they were going to the movies to hang out.
Everybody laughed at you
"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ"
CAP was really happy to see you and your smile"_______ its ok I'll to tell you, you look really cute in your outfit"
"Oh thanks CAP Oppa you look cute too^^" you giggled and he pinched your checks.
CAP was happy to hear you say that,
"Haha she told me I look cute and not you"

Your POV:
Omo they are so funny.A few minutes and we were there.
Ricky and Changjo were happy to be there,
"WWWAAAHHH this is so cool let's go come on"
L.Joe and Chunji,"YAHHH wait for us we can't just run in like that"
I was tring not to laugh but it comes out. "ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ you guys are so wired"
"That is why we are here.To make you laugh like that all day" CAP Oppa really like me laughing a lot.
"Aww yup that is why^^ let's go come on Oppa I really want to go" I was tugging on Chunji's arm to run.
Chungji didn't want to go but he ran anyway,'"Ok baby let's go"
Ricky Screamed his head off,"YYYYYEEEEESSSS^^ we get to go and have fun today no working"
Neil giggled at him,"ㅋㅋ that kid is hyper today"
Why do they always act like this when they are with me.
"Omo oppa for the 7 of us it cost $70 to get in"
L.Joe was shocked,"WWWWAAAAHHHHH $10 PER PERSON"
"Ne Oppa at least it not $20 per person" I giggled and took out my wallet.

We were walking around the amusement park. We wanted to ride all ther rides but we need tickets to ride so we had to go buy them first.

"WAH this is so cool let's go on all the rides" me and Neil giggled and ran to one of the lines.
"No way we don't have that much money Neil" CAP Oppa was worried about the money we had.
"But Oppas I have money too it's ok I will pay for half of the rides ok"
"Are you sure ________" Chunji was worried all my money I earned would just be gone by one day.
"ne I am that is why we are here right to have fun and enjoy today like a family"
After we bought the ticket we went on 3 rides. We go of the third ride and I was dizzy.

Chunji's POV:
"ChungJi Oppa I want an ice cream can we go get it" you begged me to go.
I had to go because you looked to cute,"Ne lets go i want one too"

"Can you pay please" you begged again but cuter than earlier.
"Sure I will pay just for the 2 of us ok" I giggled and took her.

"but wat about the oth....." I stoped you from leting them knon even though you didn't get to finish because of my interruption you still looked cute.

"It's ok they will get to buy there own so we can take our own tour around the shop ok"I shushed her and we walked in.
"Ne Oppa let's go come on I really want some" you looked really cute when you are happy, I missed that so much.
After buying the ice cream we went and took a little tour around the shop. it was really cute because she like almost everything in there.

I had to ask her something so she wont ask for anything else,"Is the ice cream good or not?"
You giggled,
"Yummy i really like it thanks Oppa Saranghae"
"Your welcome Baby" I giggled and we walked out.
You secretly put ice cream on my nose I didn't even know you were going to do that to me. But we planed for something like this.

"ㅋㅋ Oppa look at ur nose" you giggled and ran away from me.
"I'm going to get you ________" I ran after you but slower because you had nice shoes on.

"Wahh Oppa no no stop AHHHHHHH",you run strait to Teen Top "Teen Top Oppas help me Chungji is tring to get me"
Ricky stood in front of you,"What happen??",he was good at looking at you worried.
"I put ice cream on Chungji's nose", you hide behind CAP Hyung.
L.Joe giggled and grabed your arm
"Oh ok we got this"

L.Joe took your hand and I puts my arms around your waist about to put ice cream on your nose till...I decited to kissed your sweet little face.
I giggled,"ㅋㅋ you thought I was going to get u uuuhh baby"

"Ne Oppa I really did why did you do that" T-T
"It was all planed out that is why" Neil giggled and walked towards us.
You looked really clueless
"oh~ you guys really got me"  
"Sorry are you ok I hope we didn't hurt you at all", After what happen that month Changjo was really scared to hurt you again.
You giggled and went to go hug Changjo,
"Ne I'm ok not hurt at all don't worry ok"

Narator's POV:
Chunji was tired,
"Ok that is good",he kisses you to convince you to go to,"let's go home ok"
You didn't want to go but it was late,"But Oppa I still want to stay and play.Ugh ne Oppa Im ready to go Im getting tired anyway"
"I'm getting tired too and it's late so let's go home"Ricky giggled and took your hand.
CAP lead the group out,"Ok then let's go home and rest"
"YAAY I can't wait to sleep"CAP say your little tired eyes and giggled.
Everyone laughed at you"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ"
Neil and L.Joe teased you,"_______ sleep to much ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ"
"No I don't T-T Oppa stop lying"you went to Chunji and hugged him.
"Yah stop teasing my baby"he looked up from you and scoled Neil and L.Joe.
Neil and L.Joe were scared,
"Ok ok Hyung we will"
You giggled,"Thanks Oppa Saranghaeyo"^^
You were walking and almost ran into a pole untill Ricky got you before you did.

Ricky looked at you really worried,
"Noona are you ok you look very tired"
You looked at him,"ㅋㅋ ne I am don't worry just need some sleep"
CAP bent down,"Hey ________ get on my back and sleep ok it's late and I don't want you to fall"
You were worried you were to heavy,"Are you sure Oppa I'm really heavy"
CAP looked at you like you were crazy'"______ just get on you can barely walk and no you're not heavy. Ricky is heavy."
"ㅋㅋ ok CAP Oppa thanks",you giggled and got on his back.
CAP got you on his back and got up'"you are not heavy at all it's ok just sleep now GOODNITE LIL one"
You giggled and kinda fell asleep,"Ok Oppas goodnite Saranghaeyo"
Chungji looked at CAP,
"Hyun why did you do that, I was going to do that",he walks to you and pinches your checks.
CAP told Chunji his mistake,"You took to long so I had to do something about her"
"Ok fine just this time ok but next time I got it" Chunji shruged and went away to let you rest.
A few minutes later you guys your house. The only person who was the keys to the house was you. But then Neil remembered that you gave him another one so he can check on you when you are all alone in the house.

Ricky looked at Chunji with puppy eyes,
"Chunji Hyung can we sleep here I'm really tired"
Chunji just looked around the room for blankets,"yeah we can I am too"
CAP laid you on the couch while they got ready to sleep. Chunji and Changjo found all the blankets. They gave everybody one and they gave you the warm blanket to keep you warm at night.
L.Joe looked at you and wishper,"Goodnite _______ see you tomorrow^^"
Changjo bent down and kissed your check."goodnite Noona"


When you woke up the next morning you saw Teen Top sleeping on the floor at your house. You were shocked that they didn't go home. But what time did you guys get back home?
You smiled and went to go cook some food for them and you decited to cook something that Karma always cooked.
Chanjo got up when you truned on the stove,
"Noona is that you? Are you in the kitchen?"
You walked to see who was talking to you and it was Changjo,"Ne it's me just cooking for you guys"
Changjo closed his eyes but got up"ok I will help you then is that fine with you"
"Ne it's come I need help any ways" you took his hand and you guys went to go cook.
Changjo's eyes widen when he got up to fast
"WWAAHH ok let's go cook some really good food for my hyungs^^"
You giggled,"yeah let's go^^"

An hour had just past and you woke up the rest of the boys to come and eat.You and Changjo already ate so you guys just tlked while the others eat.
Ricky looked at you
,"_______ Noona why do you wake up so eary?"he was still tired.
You giggled and walked to him,
"because I went to sleep befor you guys that is why"
CAP and L.Joe said it at the hame time
,"ㅋㅋ Ricky how can you not know that"
Ricky then turned red and you laughed as well. You pinched his checks and went back to go watch television.Chungji saw your big smiling face when you are around Teen Top but he wanted to tell you something he never told a girl before.
"Chungji Oppa are you ok why are you not eating??"you looking worried but you didn't want him to starve.
"Oh yeah I'm fine"Chunji then took a bit of his food.
Everybody was shock,"WWAAHH this is really good ________"
Changjo and you giggled,"ㅋ Thanks it our special things that we put in there ㅋ"
They all giggled and finished their food,"Nice team work you guys"
You and Changjo where happy that they like your food and it was the last thing that Changjo cooked because it was to early for him.After they were done eating you had to cleaned up after them.You then went to your room to change your clothes.
You giggled but didn't really mean it,
"YAY I can't wait to go on a date with Chungji Oppa later^^"
"Huh ok then let's go I'm fine with it, umm at 8pm is that fine"Chunji looked at you and giggled.
"Umm yeah that is fine with me"you giggled and went up stairs.

It was already 8pm and you were tired but really excited to go on this date.
Chunji looked at you and giggled,
"are you ready to go baby I want to eat dinner I'm hungry"
"ㅋㅋ ne Oppa I'm ready to go"you pointed to your room because you need your shoes.
You come out with a cute dress on ready to eat some yummy food. You had to change because Chunji looked really nice in his n his kind of suit.
Chunji's mouth dropped,
"WWAAHH you look so pretty Baby"
you were really shy,"really I don't really think I do"
Chunji looked at your beautiful eyes and pinched your checks,"at least I do^^"

You blushed a little,"aww thanks Oppa Saranghaeyo"
Chunji kissed you passionately,"your welcome baby I'm always here remember ok"
"Ne Oppa i remember^^"you giggled and walked towards him.
Chunji grabbed your hands,"let's go baby"
You looked at him with your doe eyes,"ok I'm ready...umm what are we doing after we eat??"
Chunji giggled,"we are going to come back home and spend time together"
"Oh ok Oppa"you wanted to go to the movies but didn't say anything.
Chunji just had to get your hand and walk out the door. He really wanted to go and you were kinda upset about what he decited to do after.You guys arvied at the restaurant and it was really romantic. He had open the door for you, pulled out you chair, and servied you, your food.

After you guys took your guys order you guys waited for your food and eat.
"Yummy Oppa this place is good. I really like the food here"you had a big smile on your face.
Chunji giggled,
"I knew you would like this place I would always come here when I was younger"
When Chunji said that you started to shed some tears. You never had anyone to take you to places like this. They were just to expensive for you and Minwoo's family.
Chunji was worried about you,
"_______ are you ok what happen did I do anything to you??"
You looked up with some tears in your eyes,"huh oh no Oppa I'm fine",you whipped the tears away from your eyes,"I just thought of my parents when you said when I was younger"
Chunji searched your eyes,"are you sure _______ you never cried in front of me before"
"Because Oppa I hate it when I cry in front of you and Teen Top that is why I always smile when I'm with you guys"you tried to fake a smile.
Chunji felt really bad,
"awww baby don't cry ok you have all of our parents ok they are your parents too ok"
"Ne Oppa thanks"you sat there and tired to eat you food.On your way home you cried again but Chungji didn't see you. You didn't like to do this but you just had to cry today.
"_______ let's go to sleep I want you too rest and have a good night ok"you guys where at your door of the house.
"Ne Oppa I will don't worry to much about me"you giggled and took your keys out.
"How when you never barely told me about your past this makes me really worried about you and I will never help if I don't know what happen"
"But oppa I already told you when I told Boyfriend and Teen Top. Uggh I will tell u tomorrow right now let's sleep ok I want to rest as much as you. If you want you can call Teen Top Oppas too and they remember, but Neil remebers the most about me."
"Ok I will and we will keep you comfort, and yeah Neil dose know more than I do about you."
"Oppa~ come on hurry. Yup yupp he dose, you Oppa your a bad boyfriend. Know I want to go out with Daneil"
Later that night Teen Top Oppas arrived and you saw their happy faces. You giggled because Chunji kept Neil away from you the whole night.

It was around 11 when Teen Top came you almost feel asleep when they were talking but you didn't.
Ricky was happy to see you again,
"hi Noona how are you??"  
Changjo giggled,"Yea Noona how have you been??"
CAP scolded them,"Yah you guys look she's tired let her rest and we can talk to her tomorrow ok"
Ricky n Chanjo was sad they didn't get to talk to you,"ne Hyung"
They all said at the same time,"goodnite _________" and you giggled because they always do that.
"Have a good sleep _________"Neil had went to you kinda and smiled.


After that you fell fast asleep Teen Top talked and was worried after what they heard from Chugji the next morning you were the first on to wake up again so you decided to cook for them again after you were done cooking you woke up Teen Top and watched them eat you didn't feel like eating.
Neil was really happy to eat,
"Wah this is so good just like when we were here but this time Changjo didn't help"
Changjo had sorrow eyes,"sorry Noona did you needed help?"
You giggled,"no it's ok I was fine just cooking by myself",one thing they didn't know you cried while cooking the food.
CAP looked at you worried,"__________ are you ok?"
"Did you already eat?" Chunji looked at you with his doe eyes.
You giggled,
"no I didn't feel like eating this morning thanks though Oppa"
L.Joe was worried about you,"ok just making sure you ate some snacks or something don't starve yourself ok"
"Ne L.Joe Oppa",you got up and left.

After they ate you cleaned up after them and Ricky,Neil,and Changjo helped you clean. You didn't really feel good but you wanted to spend time with them.
Ricky just had to ask you,
"Noona can you tell us something you never told anyone"
"Like what I really have nothing to tell you guys",you looked around the room.
Chungji looked at you,
"are you sure then why did you cry yesterday?"
You had to tll them but you knew they already knew about it,"Oppa I only cried because i..i..i didnt have a real family when I was younger that's why. And I thought I already told you guys"
CAP already knew but still felt bad,"awww _________ it's ok we are here for you. And yes you did these wierdo forgot"
You giggled at hugged him,"ok thank you CAP Oppa saved my life for telling you guys again"
CAP giggled back,"__________ your so funny I think Neil still remebers too"
You giggled,"Yeah I know CAP Oppa Neil always remeber a lot about me"
L.Joe forgot that you told them so he was really lost,"are you sure you told us because I forget a lot of stuff?"
You looked at Neil and giggled,"ne im sure L.Joe Opp i really did tell you guys right Neil-ah"
"Ne L.Joe Hyung she did tell us and I remeber really well" Neil never forgets anything she says.
CAP kind of scolded him,
"L.Joe ___________ did now stop it"

Chunji's POV:
The 2 maknae giggled and they only laughed at me because they knew that I forgot about it.
Neil looked at you,
"Noona im so sorry for Chunji Hyung being dumb"
Ricky giggled,"ne Noona sorry because we just acted to not remeber ㅋㅋ"
Changjo giggled too,"ne Noona don't you loves us more"
I think when she heard them say that she thought of a supsific family that raised her then she started to cry. She didn't know what to do because we only seen this once and she had heard that line more than once.  
I had hugged her,"_________ please stop crying you know that Teen Top has never seen you cry till now this is hurting all of us"
You wiped your tears away,
"I know that Oppa sorry"
I kissed your checks,"you don't need to cry I will take good care of you ok"
You had so much tears that wanted to come out,
"Oppa you don't have too I already have been living by myself for more than 2 years now"

After that long hour of talking with Teen Top you  kinda fell asleep.But Teen Top woke you up and you guys went to the park.
Ricky was happy that you guys got there safe,
"YAY we are here"
Neil and Changjo yelled at Ricky,"Ricky you are so much like a little kid when we are here you run around like crazy"
CAP laughed at what they said to Ricky,"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ you are never to old to have fun here guys"
Neil was really embarrassed,"but Ricky runs around screaming and then we are all embarrassed because of him"
You giggled and walked to the bench,"WAAHH Ricky you are just like a little boy I know"
Ricky was happy to hear you say that,"really Noona who"
You had to tell Ricky about that someone they already knew,"ummm let me think...OH! I got it his name is ㅋㅋ just kiding his name is No MinWoo know he is in a band called Boyfriend and he really likes this place. But you guys already know him right?"
A few hours past and you fell asleep on L.Joe's shoulder. I was busy looking for the rest that I forgot about you the only person who sait to keep you company was L.Joe. I'm thankful for them.

I looked at your sleeping face,"is my baby that tired I guess she didn't get that much sleep last night"
CAP looked at you,
"yeah she didn't I woke up in the middle of the night hearing her cry she didn't say anything she just cried of her past"
L.Joe felt bad about your past,"awww poor thing I wish we can bring some of her childhood back for her"
I had an idea and it was because of L.Joe,"there you got it and we need that Minwoo kid she was talking about maybe she has his phone number"
I got her phone and searched through it and found Minwoo's phone number. I got the number and I had just called him and is on the phone with Minwoo.(remember No Minwoo form Boyfriend)
Minwoo answered the phone
,"Hi Noona how have you been"
I was shocked I remebered the vocie kind of,"ahhh Noona ok....umm this is Chunji from Teen Top I'm her boyfriend can I ask you a few questions first"
Minwoo was happy to hear my vocie,"Oh hi Chunji Hyung. I haven't talked to you in a long time. And ne you can I have plenty of time for this"
Waah so it is him I got it know,"Ok ummm did __________ lik eating ice cream everyday or wen she had time to go get it?"
"Ne Hyung she loves ice cram a lot" Minwoo giggled.
I knew it Why did I forget all about her,"I figured ok so was her childhood great or did she have a really bad one?"
Minwoo giggled,"ne beacuse she always run away from my family when she wanted to be found by her real family"
I felt really bad hearing all of this,"Oh...really did she always come back and cry to you guys?"
Minwoo stopped for a while
"......Ummm....ne she would come back but she never cried in front of anyone.Oh and also she cries at night and you can't hear her at all she is like on mute when she cries"
I already knew a lot but not that much,"Oh ok did she have a favorite stuff animal of character?"
Minwoo giggled,"of course she dose Hyung she likes Pickachu and Hello Kitty"
I giggled,"ok thanks...um if you want we are going to plan a little thing for her like a suprise Childhood she never had. So if you want you can bring you band Minwoo-ah (Boyfriend) if you want to help  us and her"
I heard Minwoo's Hyungs in the back,"ok I will tell my Hyungs and I will text just make sure she doesn't see it though. Oh wait I have your number ㅋㅋ forget it"
"ㅋㅋ yea you do.ㅋㅋ I know she wont get her phone until I erase all the stuff I did on her" and we ended the call.
Minwoo said before we hung up,
"ok Hyung I will text you in a little bit"
After I hung up with Minwoo her quickly replyed back and I got it on my own phone. Wahh this si so cool I can't wait.

NE my hyungs said it is ok that we come n help u n her^^

ok that is good come this Friday then ok thanks a lot

After that you woke up and saw that I was going though you phone. You didn't say anything unlit I got to a picture that you took with Minwoo.
"How come you don't take a picture with me" T-T I was feeling sad because you never wanted to.
You looked up,
"I will Oppa but just how did you get my phone?"
I giggled,"with a little help from someone"
You qickly got up and looked a CAP and L.Joe and almost scream but I came up behind you and hugged your waist.
"Baby I was just joking I got it they didn't do anything you just feel asleep on L.Joe's shoulder that's all",I looked at her scared face.
Your face relaxed and you hit me,
"Yah don't do that to me. Umm sorry L.Joe Oppa dose your arm hurt now?"
L.Joe looked at your cute little eyes and giggled,"no it's ok you were tired and my arm only hurts when my Hyungs and the Maknae hit it"
You looked at L.Joe with your big doe eyse and giggled,"Ok then....umm are you guys ready to go"
Everybody answered together,"ne"
CAP looked around the park a little,"let me go get the kids and we can go"
You giggled because you only called them the boys,"ne CAP Oppa I will come too^^"
CAP yelled out their names and they slowly came,"Niel,Ricky,Chanjo let's go back home"
When people heard those names they came running towards us and you got scared and you jumped behind CAP Hyung. He laughed at your cute reaction and told the fans that they were with a special Angel. And wanted to spend a little more time with her.

You giggled,"thanks CAP Oppa you really saved me there from getting hurt by those girls"
CAP giggled at you because of your red checks,"yeah no problem we are use to girls running up to us but you were so cute you really got scared"
"No I didn't I was just a little scared not that scared",you checks turned a darker shade of red.
Neil giggled at your shyness,
"are you sure look at your checks they are all red"
Changjo and I just had to laugh at her too,"ㅋㅋㅋ yup they are Noona no lie"
L.Joe giggled more,"ㅋㅋㅋ how cute"
You then got really shy and didn't know what to do until I came and hugged your waist.
You did your puppy eyes and pouted,
"Oppa they are teasing me again"T-T
"Don't worry that is what this family dose to each others"I giggled and hugged her tighter.

"Really, ㅋㅋ then pay back just wait"
L.Joe panicked,"wait no no you can't I'm wearing nice clothes"
She giggled and walked away,"ㅋㅋ just wait I will soon Oppa don't worry"
We all laughed at L.Joe"ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ"
"Oppa your such a pretty boy",you giggled.
Changjo giggled and walked to you,
"Noona your liying right?"
You giggled,"Huh Umm maybe I might LIE about it I don't know"
Rick was really y scared and didn't know what to do,"But Noona I'm scared now"
"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ Ok ok I will stop...when I want to"you giggled and waited for the rest of us.^^
All of a sudden your phone ring and MBLAQ Mona Lisa started to play. You looked really lose but you knew it was your phone.

Your face turned a light color red when you hear that song. The song was for Minwoo your brother.
you picked it up,
All you heard was Minwoo and Boyfriend,"HI!! __________"
"Hi Minwoo and Boyfriend how are you guys I'm miss you guys so much"
Donghyun told you where they were,"we are really good..but we are almost at your house are you there??"
You're worried because they are almost there,"WHAT?!? umm no Oppa I'm not but I will be there in a little please wait for me ok I'm sorry."
Youngmin really didn't care if he waited for you,"that's ok Noona we'll wait for you"
You were lost because they seem nice today too nice,"????? minwoo please when I get there tell me why Boyfriend is being so nice today"
Minwoo giggled,"ㅋㅋ ok Noona i will"^^
When you got to your house you saw Boyfriend. You ran to Minwoo and Boyfriend to give them a hug. They had changed so much from when they first debut together.
Minwoo held your hand,
"hi Noona have Teen Top Hyung been nice to you?"
You pouted,"no they keep on teasing me"T-T
Jeongmin giggled,"that's ok because we alredy tease you too when we just meet"
You knew they always tease you no matter what,"u.u ㅋㅋ I know"
They all laughed with you,"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
Hyunseong had asked you,"___________-ah how have you been?"
You looked at Hyunseong,"Oh good Oppa I really am good"
Youngmin and Kwanmin felt left out,"Don't forget about the Jo Twins"
Kwangmin looked really sad,"Noona you didn't forget us right"
"Ne I didn't forget you guys"you giggled and pinched his checks.
Youngmin also looked sad,"are you sure Noona"
"Ne no lie"you giggled and pinched Youngmin's check too.
Jeongmin giggled and tolf the truth,
"ㅋㅋ she will never forget us."
"ㅋㅋ yup I will never forget you guys"you giggled and walked to Minwoo.
Donghyun walked up to you kissed your forhead,"Yup that is our little girl that is why"
Hyunseong giggled and agreed,"ㅋㅋ yup and she will always be our little girl"
You agred with them,"ne that is ture I will be the little girl forever. Oh do you guys want to go inside it is getting cold out here?"
"Ne" we all said and went inside.
Everybody went in and you cooked some food with the help of Minwoo and Changjo. You also warmed some water for tea and hot coco.
you yelled so we can hear you,
"Oppa Dongsaeg the food is ready and some hot dirnks are on the table so be careful sitting down."
After we ate it was time for you to watch WGM. You really liked this show and never missed an episode.


Minwoo's POV:
You were so happy that is was on,"waahh WGM is on let's watch that I want to know who it is"
I giggled at you because you never missed an episode,"awww Noona it's not on"
You really wanted to watch it but today there was nothing on,
"aww it's ok let's go walking and shopping"
Teen Top and Boyfriend said at the same time,"ok let's go"
We got ready then left the house to go look at some stores. You really hated to shop but like a lot of stuff in them.
"WWAAHH PICKACHU and HELLO KITTY Chunji Oppa let's go in pleasssee"you begged him.
"Ok Ok Baby let's go in and buy you one"Chunji Hyung giggled at you.
"Yes thanks Oppa"you were happy to go in and you also gave him a kiss on the check.
I giggled because you never changed,"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ Noona is still her hyper self when we were younger"
Kwangmin knew she liked pikachu but forgot,
"WAHH she likes pikachu too"
"Ne didn't I tell you guys already and remeber she wore your pikachu shirt too"I scolded Kwangmin Hyung.
Boyfriend said at the same time,
Kwangmin looked down in shame,"I wasn't paying attention sorry"
You came out with a bag with 2 teddy bears and a hat,"thanks Oppa I love it now we can go buy some ice cream and cady for you guys ok is that fine?"
"ne it's fine with us _________"Boyfriend said at the same time.
"It's fine with us too if it's fine with you and them"CAP Hyung said after us.
You giggled,"ne let's go to..ummmm Oppa I don't know where"
Chunji giggled and took your hand,"ㅋㅋ it's ok I do"
You followed Chunji and left,"ok Oppa"
While walking I came up behind you and scared you. You had screamed when I tickeled your waist (your tickelish spot).

You had laughed really loud,"ㅋㅋㅋ Minwoo stop it don't do that it tickles stop Minwoo!!"
I stoped and hugged you,"ok Noona i will stop",I miss her so much and her laugh is still the same.
We were at the ice cream shop with candy every where. It was so cool.
Ricky was really supised,
"WWAAHH this is so cool"
Youngmin really liked it,"ne it is cool"
Chungji smiled and looked at you,"I knew you guys when I was younger I would always come here"
You were about to cry hearing those words but held it in. I always hated to see you cry.
"Minwoo do you want ice cream with me I will buy it for you"you had took my hand and we went to the counter.
"Ne Noona"I said while we got there.
After taking our order you and I waited for our ice cream.

"Minwoo how is umma and appa have you seen them at all after you debut??"you had question me.
"Huh umm ne I have and they are healthy like always"I smiled and went to you.
You had tears in your eyes so I wiped it
,"that is good at there age I will call umma and appa later and talk to them"
I had your back when you cried but today you were strong,"that is good umma and appa really miss you"
"I do too. I will visit them too how is Unnie and Oppa are they heathy and in school too"you asked about my older sibbiling.
"Ne they are I had to tell them to go to school to suport you and me"I giggled.
You are always happy to hear they care
,"aww that is so sweet. That is good they are almost done with collage right?"
I agreed,"ne Noona"
After getting our ice cream Teen Top and Boyfriend bought candy but me and you didn't because we got ice cream.

Jo Twins saw our ice cream
,"WWAAHH that looks good"
Kwangmin was happy that it looked like pikachu,"Noona it looks like PIKACHU"
You giggled,"ne Kwangmin it's Pickachu I order it like that"^^
Kwangmin never seen anything llike this before,"WWAAAHHHH that is so cool"
You giggled more,"I know it's. I really like it and I'll come here again if you want to come next time"
Jo Twins really wanted something like your again,"ne Noona we will love to come next time"
You were shock all day,"Wah you guy are so nice to me today I wonder if Minwoo told you guys anything?"
Jeongmin really hated you asking because he would always tell you,"Wah wae do you keep on asking"
Hyunseong pinched your checks,"aww our little girl really wants to know"
Donghyun also pinched your checks,"aww  you are so cute", she likes pikachu and has a lot in common with our Maeknae.
"CAP Oppa did you buy the candy? Can we go it's already 4:00pm",you had something to do i guess.
CAP Hyung wanted to go too
,"ne I bought it. We will seperat it when we get home"
We got home CAP Hyung and DOnghyun Hyung seperated the candy and they enjoyed eating it. You just watch us eat the candy they even bought some for us too but you didn't eat it.
you wishper,
"I'm happy that Teen Top got along with Boyfriend very fast today....umm what are they up too"

Narator's POV:
Friday has reached and you had no school or work so you just stayed home that day. Your phone rings and MBLAQ Mona Lisa played.
You answered you phone,
"it's Minwoo. Hello?? Minwoo-ah don't you have school??"
Minwoo giggled,"no Noona just come outside"
You giggled and went outside,"Minwoo don't you have to go to work??"
Minwoo was worried that you would never come out,"no I don't just like you"
You giggled and hung up after that,"ok I got it"
Boyfriend was outside waiting for you. But one thing you didn't know that it was a suprise.

Jo Twins was happy to see you,
"Hi ________ Noona"
You giggled and waved,"hi Boyyfriend how are you guys"
Donghyun answered for everone,"we are good"
Jeongmin had asked you,"_______ do you miss anyone from you childhood??"
You answered with a frown,"ne I do"
Hyunseong also asked,"who is it then"
You had to answer,"Sulli n Krystal.....oh and my Umma and Appa"
Minwoo moved,"look here is Umma and Appa"
Youngmin giggled,"and Sulli"
Kwangmin giggled,"also Krystal"
You were about to cry but didnt,"WWAAHHH hi you guy.......hi Umma Appa" you ran and gave them a hug.
Umma and Appa said at the same time,
"hi _________ how have you been"
You giggled,"I'v been good.....and what about you Sulli and Krystal Unnie"
Sulli and Krystal smiled,"good"^^
Donghyun told you guys what to do,"your Umma and Appa will stay with us and you,Sulli, and Krystal will go out for a little ok"
you giggled,"ne Oppa we'll be back in an hour right??"
Jeongmin giggled at you,"ne that is right good you know when to come back"
"Ne I do Jeongmin Oppa you guys always tell me one hour that is all but Baiiii Oppas"
Boyfriend,Umma,and Appa waved,"bye"
Sulli asked you,"hey did you know that we are in a band now"
You giggled,"Ne I know it's called F(x) right?"
Krystal had to ask,"ne you got it do you like the song that we sung so far??"
You giggled,"ne I really like and my favorite member is Amber she is so cool"
Sulli was happy to hear that,"that is good...Oh we are just going to stay at they park ok"
You looked around,"ok that is fine with me"
You guys went to go sit on the swings to talk about your life. They were jealous that you are going out with Teen Top's great picture taker.

Your POV:
I giggled,"ㅋㅋㅋ you guys are so funny. Ne I know he is good at taking them but we never took one together"
After an hour we walked back you open the door so Krystal covered your eyes.
I tried to take her hands off of me,"Unnie what is going on"
Teen Top, Boyfriend, F(x), Umma, and Appa,
I knew that they had planed something but I didn't know it was this big,"WWWAAAAHHH this is so cool thanks everyone I love it..umm who did all this though??"
No one said anything. Until Chunji broke it.

Chungji steped up,"I did baby I just wanted you to have a little of your childhood back"
I was happy that they did this,"aww thanks Oppa and everybody else I love it so much"
I then started crying because of the pictures that where there I remebered all of those fun time with Minwoo and his family. Because they took me every where they went and I always had fun with them. Soon I broke down into tears on the floor because of all this I had always wanted to know who my birth parents where I never knew how they looked or who they were.
Minwoo was at my side hugging me with tears in his eyes,
"Noona please don't cry I really love you and hate it when u cry so dose Umma and Appa....."
Umma looked at me,"_______ we have never seen you cry in our whole life please don't cry now ok"
Appa saw standing right beside Umma,"this hurts us too we know what had happen to you when you were younger when you were born we had heard that your parents didn't want you at all they had left you at our door but we didn't know what to do to you so we gave you to the House of Little Kids"
I looked up,"I know the whole story already I figured it out when I was 6 years old that those kids where never my brothers or sister I knew everything at a young age and was hurt I know that Minwoo was never my real brother but you guys loved me like I was your real daughter"
Chungji couldn't take it he stood you up and hugged me
'"__________ please stop crying I love you too much to hear that you don't care who loves you ok because I love you with all my heart",he then kissed me.
Sulli then gave me a scrapt book that had pictures of me, Sulli, Krystal, Amber, Luna, and Victoria,
"this was our memory when we were younger and the pictures of you and your family"
Amber hugged me,"we love you too ok we are always a BIG FAMILY no matter what happens"
Hyunseong really hated my tears,"we love you too no matter what the obstacle are we will help you through it"
L.Joe then came and hugged me,"ne they are telling you that you hav us and the entertainment that found us are your FAMILY WE ARE A BIG FAMILY no matter what happens in life ok"
Boyfriend n Teen Top,"SARANGHAEYO"
F(x) n "Family","SARANGHAEYO ___________"
You had a lot of tears in you eyes,"Saranghae my..my Family"

Narantor's POV:
You then took a little bit of the cake,
"yumm this is good cake where did you guys but it??"

Minwoo and Chunji laughed at you,"ㅋㅋ you are so cute from sad to happy"
Victoria giggled,"isn't that why we love her so much she can change her mood so fast"
Minwoo,"yup that is why she is in my family"
You giggled,"ㅋㅋ but I thought you guys didn't want to eat so i ate it"^^
Umma n Appa,"ㅋㅋ _______ is so FAT"
You pouted,"Umma Appa no im not"
Appa giggled,"sure you always eat so much but never gain weight"

You giggled with him,"I know that...oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys but I adution for the band and I made it now I'm apart of Power"
Jeongmin was happy that you made it and is not a trainee anymore,"YAY that means we can see you everyday YAY"
Kwangmin was happy too,"YAY we can tlk about Pickachu all day"
Youngmin didn't really know what to do when you are there,"...Umm we can...Umm"
Donghyun and Hyunseong was also happy they had the same idea,"You can help teach us cook Yay"
You giggled,"ㅋㅋ yeah we can and it's ok Youngmin I really don't know what to do to they just said it"
Youngmin giggled with you,"ㅋㅋ yeah we can just hang out and nap"
Minwoo was also so happy for you,"oh yeah Noona Youngmin and Kwangmin like to sleep like you"
You palyfully hit his arm,"YAH no I do not like to sleep"
Neil giggled,"yes you do Noona don't lie"
Ricky and L.Joe also agreed,"we agree all the way too"
CAP giggled,"ㅋㅋ no she dosen't you guys love to sleep that is why"
You giggled,"Oh No here is where the teasing starts"
Luna took your hand,"bye_________ we have an interview to go to sorry"
"It's ok work comes first and it's important to do so OH WELL bye Unnies"you waved at them as they left out the door.
Chunji then grabs your wrist and makes you sit on his lap
,"baby you never talked to me all day I MISS YOU"
You giggled,"Oppa I miss you too but i want t....."
Umma interuppted you,"it's ok ________ talk to your boyfriend"
You asked Umma,"Umma how long have you known that we were going out?"
Appa answered for Umma,"Minwoo told us ever scene you  guys were going out and all the problems you had"
You looked at Chunji,"Oh ok did he introduce himself and Teen Top??"
Umma giggled,"ne they did and F(x) don't worry"
You giggled too,"ok that's good"
Appa looked at the time,"well ______ we have to go to so see you next time ok Princess"
You looked at the time too,"ne Appa that's fine make sure to take good care of the doggy to ok"
Umma giggled,"we will bye Honey"
You waved,"bye Umma and Appa Saranghaeyo"
Minwoo looked at you and asked,"Noona did you see our new song called "Don't Touch my Girl" yet??"
You looked at Donghyun,"Ne I did and it was good you guys look so manly now but you guys are still playful like when you guys debut"
Jeongmin giggled,"ㅋㅋ ne it's true we do"
Donghyun was shock,"really thanks"
Hyunseong knew he was manly all along,"thanks"
Jo Twins,"WAH a sweet compliment"
you giggled,"ㅋㅋ No Problem"
All of a sudden your phone ringged "Your my Lady" and you blushed because you really like that song.

Jeongmin asked,
"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ how is that song for??"
You looked down,"ummm one of you guys text me that is why it ringed like that"
Chunji wanted to know about when th
e others text you,"what about when Teen Top text you"
You giggled,"go ahead and text me then L.Joe"
L.Joe text you and it ringed "Angel" because he said when you guys first meet you were and angel.
You looked at the text,
"but when Chungji and Minwoo text me it's different"
Chunji and Minwoo text you and Minwoo was MBLAQ Mona Lisa and Chunji was Crispy Crunch Thumbs up they all laughed when they heard Thumbs up.
Chunji asked in a wired voice,
"who ring tone is Crispy Crunch Thumbs Up??"
You giggled,"ㅋㅋ it's you Chunji Oppa"
Everyone burst out laughing hard at that and Chunji was mad because you had fun with them and not him so his little face told you something.
Chunji was mad,
"________ let's go to the park"
You looked at the time,"but we have to clean up don't we and it is late"
Chunji didn't care,"yeah after that we can go right.And who cares about the time"
He then puts his hand around your waist so you won't get up and clean with them they knew that now it was time for the 2 of you to spend a little time together.
you tried to get up
,"Oppa don't we have to...."
Changjo interuppted and looked at you,"no Noona it's ok we got it"
You looked at everyone else,"are you sure I can help??"
Youngmin looked at you too,"no it's ok Noona there is 11 of us cleaning that is all we need"
You felt bad for not helping,"ok then I'm going to get ready to go ok"
CAP and Hyunseog said at the same time,
"ok then you can go when we are done cleaning"
You giggled and ran upstairs,"ok Oppa thanks..oh and if you want you guys can play the games that I have and enjoy yourself here if you want it dosen't matter with me"
Neil and Youngmin giggled,"ok thanks Noona"
You giggled with them,"ㅋㅋ no problem"^^
After you got change you went down stairs and they were still cleaning. You came out with really cute clothes because it was pikachu and it was warm clothes.

Everybody heard you coming so they stoped and looked,"WWWAAAAHHHHH you look so....."
Chunji was smiling,"PRETTY"
Your checks turned red,"thanks"
After that long 3 hours with your family and friends you got to spend the rest of the day with your boyfriend.
You had asked Minwoo,
"Minwoo did you guys figure if you guys are staying to play my games with Teen Top?"
Minwoo giggled,"ne Noona we are going to stay"
You looked at him really wired,"ok I will tell CAP Oppa that..CAP Oppa Boyfriend is going to stay so make it fair don't cheat to ok I trust you and Donghyun Oppa"
CAP looked at the time,"ne Dongsaeg don't worry I got it. And stay safe out there"
You giggled and walked to Minwoo,"ok Oppa we are going now Chungji Oppa is waiting for me outside. And ne I will don't worry"
You gave Minwoo Minwoo a hug and started to leave.
Minwoo giggled
,"bye Noona see you later"
You walked out the door,"baii Oppa baii Dongsaeg Saranghae"


A few minutes later you and Chungji where at the park you guys talk about today and how much you had fun.Chungji was glad that his baby had fun today. He hopes it stays that way for a long time.
You begged in a cute way,
"Oppa can you push me PPWWAASE"
Chungji giggled,"ne Baby I will"
Chungji pushed you to high and you screamed.

Chunji's POV:
You screamed the cutest,"Oppa stop it I'm scared"
I giggled and stopped it for her,"ㅋㅋ baby you are always scared when I push you"
You almosted cried,
"because you go to high and I'm afraid of highest you know that"
I hugged you,"sorry baby I wont do it again"
You tried to giggle,
"it's ok Oppa and I can swing myself then I got it"
I let you go and stood there,"are you sure you got it"
You giggled,
"Ne Oppa I got it. You push to hard anyways"
After the park you guys went to the store to stay warm. You guys also bought hot coco to stay warm.
I asked in a sweet way,"is the hot coco good cause I like mine"
You giggled,
"ne Oppa it's very good"
Chungji then put wipe cream on your nose and giggled at you.
you pouted
,"Oppa~ wae why did you do that to me"
Chungji,"because your my angel and  you are so beautiful to me"
You blushed red,
"really I am ^^ are you sure because Appa said I'm Fat"
Chungji giggled,"ne I'm sure and no you are not fat ask CAP Hyung he carried you all the way home one time"
You giggled
,"oh yeah he did"^^
The wipe cream melted to your lips and I kissed you and it off your lips. Your checks tured red and you went into the restroom to clean up.

I have never did that before how embarrassing is that uggh she must be mad now.
You were talking to yourself,
"wah Chungji Oppa has never did that befor why did he do that I'm so embarrassed now"
You then came out all washed up and I had to apologized to you.
Chungji,"baby I'm so sorry for doing that I didn't mean to"
You kissed me,
"it's ok Oppa"^^
WWAAHH she is not mad wow im so happy. I turned bright pink when you said that it was ok because I felt all wired after that happen. It was 11:00pm and you were tired you had spent the whole day with me. A whole 5 hours of just the 2 of you.
You giggled,
"Oppa I had so much fun today but can we go home and sleep??"
I laughed at you,"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ne we can baby"
We had walked home and went insinde to see that Teen Top and Boyfriend were already sleeping.

Your POV:
I laughed really quiet,"ㅋㅋ they must have had a lot of fun together...look Minwoo is sweating a lot that means they did"
Chungji giggled
,"or baby maybe because it's hot in here"
I disagreed,"no Chungji Oppa they had a lot of fun the whole time they were playing with the AC on. ANd maybe it is just hymid in here"
Chungji giggled,
"ㅋㅋ ne look at Ricky sweating like a pig"
I giggled at the way they all sleep too,"ㅋㅋ Oppa don't be mean. But just look at the way they all are sleeping though"
I got a wet towel and whipped everybody's forehead because they were really hot. Even though it was cold outside they were in here sweating the whole time.
Chungji grabed my waist and hugged me,
"Baby I'm happy that you had a lot of fun today with us and your family"
I giggled,"me too I'm very happy"
Chungji asked me,
"are you going to cry at night anymore??"
"No Oppa I will smile forever I hope"I kind of giggled.
"Huh ㅋㅋ ok I hope that is true ok"Chunji kind of giggled too.
I had to keep that promise,"ne Oppa it's a promise"
Chungji didn't let go of my waist,
"ok promise and you will never break it right"
I tried to go but couldn't,"ne Oppa I will never break it"
Chungji then let go,
"ok that's good Goodnite Baby"
you giggled,"goodnite Oppa"
After that long day with my friends and family I was really happy to hav a boyfriend like Chungji and hope that we never break up. I really love him and he have a promsie that will never break RIGHT?? I then cried beacuse I was happy not because of the past but the present I really love everybody I have in my life even though I don't know who my really Umma and Appa are.


Sorry for the long wait I have been busy. But I will try to update a little faster this week. seens there is no school.^^

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!