Finally getting to meet them

I will always be here for you



Narator's POV:
You are finally going to talk to Teen Top it has been at least a week from that Friday when L.Joe took you to the studio. Today was Wednesday and you decided to go back there and suprise L.Joe. It was already lunch and your two Unnies wheren't there today. They where on a trip to Japan. This was for school but you couldn't go because your were to young and didm't make it to the finals for math.

"Omo where do i sit now with no Unnies waiting for me. Im so lonely" you were so depressed about it.
"Opps Mianhaeyo" someone ran into you.
"Oh it's ok" you almosted laughed at the kindness.
"Are you sure your ok you look hurt" the worried person looked at you.
"Ou..umm yeah I'm ok just fine thanks" your hand was hurting because you spranged it last night.
"Oh I know who you are. Ummm are you _______. Is L.Joe your friend?" He was really shocked but really wasn't this was all planed out.
"Umm I guess you can say L.Jope is my friend." you looked around to see if L.Joe was there.
"I thought you guys were friends?" He questioned you.
"Yeah I guess we are we are pretty close to each other" smiling at him.
"Oh that is so cool well hi I'm Neil"
"Oh hi Neil I'm _______ and it is really nice to meet you." you giggled.
"Do you know who I am??" Neil was scared that you didn't know
"Ne I do why did you ask that??"looking at him like he was crazy.
"Because you didn't know who L.Joe was" looking around to see if anybody heard him.
I was just joking around" giggling you about to walk away.
ㅋㅋ really I thought you had no clue who he was" giggling with you.
Inside you really didn't know that he was L.Joe. You felt really dumb When Neil asked but you knew Teen Top well.
"Well do you want to meet the rest of them" Neil questioned you.
"Sure I would love too" smiling.
"Ok Sunbae follow me" walking away telling you to come.
"Umm and I really don't like being called Sunbae but for now you can" really hating the name.
"Ok when we get to know each other more" Neil was really happy to hear that.
"Yeah sure"
On your way to go meet Teen Top for the first time in a long time. You had to go to your locker first. Neil had gone with you and he had notice that you got a present. You had turned around and saw him smiling.
"Did you get this for me??" looking at Neil.
"Nope but someone did" laughing at your cute expression.
"Really do you know who" tring to get him to tell you.
"Yeah I know who got it for you" giggling more and more you ask.
"Can you tell me please" begging him.
"Awww please please tell me" begging him even more.
"I'm sorry sunbae just look at it so we can go ok. I'm so sorry"

Your POV:
I can't belive I got another present but Neil won't tell me who got it for me. This is a big myster for me but any ways we are on our way to meet the rest of Teen Top.

"Hyung and Dongsaeg this is _______ she is L.Joe's friend"
We had walked in when they were dancing. It was really cool they were dancing to Supa Luv. My favorite song I really love it.
"Oh hi I'm Ricky"
"I'm Changjo"
"I'm CAP"
"I'm L.Joe"
"And I'm Chunji"
"Oh wow hi I'm Park _______. I already know Neil and L.Joe. And Now I finally know the whole Teen Top."
"YAY you finally meet us now we have a secret to tell you" Ricky jumped up and down.
"Ummm what secret it that" I looked at L.Joe.
"Those two presents you got" Changjo looked at the two prestents you were wearing.
"Wow really do you know who got them for me" you then turned your attention to Neil.
"Well of corse we do" C.A.P giggled.
"The frist on was from L.Joe not Teen Top" Neil told your smiling face.
"And the second one was from me" Chunji told you what you wanted to hear.
"Wow thank I really like it" I really am thankful of what I have.
"But what about the rest of us we don't a thanks" Ricky pouted.
thanks to all of you guys for umm being awesome to your fans" you giggled and walked to your locker.
ㅋㅋ yeah that is right" Ricky giggled.
ㅋㅋ yeah it is. Umm sorry I have to get to class now bye"walking away with your books.
"Bye" Teen Top yelled as you waled away.
OMO I really like Chunji. But he is really quite when I meet him. Oh well I guess they are really different around girls. Ugggh class with all the queenkas I'm going to be in hell for an hour and thirty minutes. I Need BIG help.
"OMO this is so cool what is it??" you questioned the ladies how helped me out when they bullied me.
"It's a little thing the boys had set up for you" she was smiling at me.
"For me really who are these boys that you are talking about" I kept on questioning her.
"I can't say but they really like you" she giggled.
"Omo really that is so cute" I giggled every time I got.
"Yeah it is oh and here they come" she pointed out to me.

C.A.P's POV:
Yes I really did force them to do this. I can't belived it worked. That is why I am the leader of this group. Now it's our turn to show her we have a romantice side.

L.Joe's POV:
I really can't belive C.A.P. Hyung is making all of us do this they had just meet this girl. Gosh obsessed with this girl I talk about. But she is really nice when she meets people so that may be it. When we got there we had heard girls already screaming but we didn't care about them we had to care about _______. She was very inportant to me and the rest of the guys.

Chunji's POV:
Omo I really like this girl she is so cute. But what do I do she seem very shy meeting others. I can't wait to see her again. This is my chance to shine a little to her.

Neil's POV:
This makes no scene we just meet her I hope this works so she can be Chunji Hyung girlfriend. SHHH I'm the only one who know about this. And no one else that is why I have big lips to keep them shut. Oh and also I like her too.

Ricky's POV:
YAY we get to see her again and this time for a longer time period. I'm so happy CAP Hyung did this and planed it very nice too.

Changjo's POV:
Omo we just meet her now this really Hyung really I can't wait to leave her and go to get my own girl. Keke I'm just kidding but I do need a girlfriend. I'm hopeless too I hope we do good to get her to like all of us.

Narator's POV:
When Teen Top got there you were rea;;y suprised that they did this for you and you also wanted to know more about other groups. By the time you sat down Yoona had text you. You didn't want to be rude but you took it out and read it.

Omo dongsaeg there is a new boy band called MyName you need to listen to them they are so good and cute.

Omo really I can't wait to get home and watch them.^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

L.Joe's POV:

ㅋㅋ  she is so cute look at her happy face. Ok now sit yes we finally get to set and talk to her.
"Hi again keke" you giggled.
"Keke hi" Ricky and his chilish self.
"Hello" our proper C.A.P Hyung.
"Hi" Changjo waved to you.
"Hi~yeom" Neil and his shone of cute.
"Hi~seom" Chunji and his cuteness.
"hello" meeee.
"Umm why did you guy do this for me we just meet" you said cutely.
"Umm because one of us has a question" Neil looked at all of them.
Really how come I didn't know about this question. Ugh Teen Top and their stupid secret I can't know. Oh well I will foind out sooner or later. I guess I just have to go through this I know everything but really don't.
"C.A.P Hyung can we talk first for the whole group" Chunji looked scared.
"Sure Chunji we can" C.A.P smiled at him.
"Ok thanks" Chunji turned around after saying that.

Changjo's POV:
ㅋㅋ I really like her expression when we said we had a question for her. But what is the question about how come the maknae never know about these secrets Teen Top know. Ugh I never know what the stupid secret is. Oh well we get to talk about it frist I hope that we get to know whhat happen that is why we are asking the question.
"Ok so what is this question about why are we asking her a question" I questioned all of them.
"Because I really think I like her like L-O-V-E her I don't know should I ask now or later" Chunji looked at all of us.
"Ask later when we get to know her more" L.Joe Hyung told Chunji Hyung.
"But I really like her she is really cute and every thing I want in a girl" Chungji told L.Joe with a sad face.
"Ask her know if and tell he to go out with you for a week if that dosen't work then you will leave her stop bothering her." C.A.P. told him with a smile.
"ㅋㅋ that is a good idea" Chunji giggled.
"Yeah I awlways do that when I want to go out with a girl" Ricky lied to him.
"Ok break keke just kinding its up to you know C.A.P Hyung" I told every body.
"Ok Chunji go talk to her take her some where else then here" C.A.P told Chunji.
"Ok I will thanks guys.Umm ______ can you follow me please" Chunji came up to you and asked.
"Sure umm where are we going" walking with him out.
"To the garden I really love the smell there I go and relax there" smiling while walking you out.
ㅋㅋ really I do to" smiling at where you guys where going.
"ㅋㅋ we have something in common then" Chunji took your hand.
"Yeah we do" giggling ang walking away a little faster.
"Umm when we get there I have a question to ask you ok" Searching your eyes.
"Ok" looking away with a smile.

Naratos's POV:
You and Chunji arravied at the garden. It was really pretty and you really liked it. But the only question for him was that if he was really like that to girls that he meet was he really that shy to say hi and talk like the others? Would he ever say a thing to you.

"Yay we are here....umm ok so what is the question" you looked at Chunji with a smile.
"The question is would you...would you be my girlfriend" you looked away as he asked you.
"??Ummm sure if that is ok with the rest of them" you were very scared on what L.Joe might say.
"Yeah it is I already talked to them" with a big smile on his face.
"Oh really you did are you sure I don't want them to be mad at you" you tried to look at him but was to shy too.
"Yeah I'm sure they are really happy to hear that I finally talked about a girl" he giggled as you finally looked at him.
ㅋㅋ really that is really wired so do you want to go back now" you also giggled at what he said.
"Yeah sure we can go back...But would you like to hold my hand" tring to grab your hand.
"Ummm sure i guess we can" you quickly grabed his hand because you were scared people were staring at you guys.
You were really happy that he asked you that question. This finally answered the big question that you always had. This was a big thing you alwaysed liked him when he was on tv and now he asked you out. On your way back all you heard was people talking about the two of you guy. You got very shy and you checks turned red and Chunji saw and smiled.
"Aww you are so cute oh and Teen Top all agreed that you can the three older than you oppa and the youngest by their name" he smiled at you.
"Oh ok then the three youngest can call me Noona then that is fine with me just that they don't call me Sunbae" you smiled as you told him.
"Ok I will tell them that they can call you that" he smiled at you even more.
"Ok thanks Umm Oppa" you giggled as you said that.
ㅋㅋ that is so cute" he smiled at your cuteness.

Chunji's POV:
Wow she is so cute I really understand why L.Joe became her friend. This is the only reason. But don't people make fun of her all the time. Why is that I have to ask her.
"Umm ______ why do people bully you all the time" I questioned you.

"Umm I think it it's because I look like a nerd I geuss and I always study on my free time" you looked away in shame.
"Oh really I do that too but why do they call you a nerd and they don't call me that" I turned you to face me.
"That is because you are famous and I'm not" you told me tring not to cry.
"Oh well what are you good at" trying to figure this out.
"Umm well I like to sing and dance but i'm really bad at it" you told me what you really loved to do.
"Don't out yourself down in a little bit you have to show me and Teen Top and what you got and we will tell you ok"smiling and tring to make you smile too.
"Umm ok I guess I can do that but at the end of the school day ok"you smiled as you answered me.
"Ok I will tell them" i giggled at you cuteness.
On our way back I didn't really care what others said but ________ did she was really shy holding my hand on the way back. But I decited to give her a hug infront of the queenkas so they know not to bother her. Keke they are so jealous now haha now they can't do anything about it.

Your POV:
Omo Chunji really had to hug me infront of all the queenkas. Omo I'm so scared now what do I do I really don't want to get in big trouble with these girls. Ugh why did he do that. Oh well at least we made it to my class. I quickly walked in and saw L.Joe and the rest of Teen Top I thought that I was in the wrong room but it was the right room they all had class with me but the three youngest didn't they has science at the end of the day.      
"Oh so we all have class together huh why didn't I know this" you looked at L.Joe and giggled.

"Oh well you knew you had it with L.Joe right" Chunji looked at me.
"And now just add two more nice Kingkas in you class" C.A.P looked at me smiling.
"Oh ok that is nice but I sit next to one of the other kingkas not next to L.Joe Oppa" I frowned at my set.
"Oh that is ok we can talk to the teacher about the setting because we sit next to the queenkas and they are very ignoring" they all did a dirty look.
ㅋㅋ yup they are very ignoring well to me and the other who hate them" you giggled.
"Do you hate the kingkas" Chungji asked in a wired vocie.
"Nope they are very nice to me" I looked at them.
"Wow that is good" L.Joe looke at them too.
"Yup it is"^^ ^^ I giggled.
As I sat down the Mr.Lee came in and took role then CAP, Chunji, and L.Joe went up to talk to the Mr.Lee. This is embarrassing I have to know these wiredo. Keke I really am going to like them. Soon going to sit next to all of them. Yay can't wait to.

L.Joe's POV:
I really like how we are doing this for ______. She is so cute, but Chunji Hung is so lucky to have her. I was really going to ask her I hate how slow I am on stuff. Ugh I hope she is happy with him.

Chunji's POV:
I really am happy I get to sit next to her now. And we get to go to school with her. I thank L.Joe and our manager.

C.A.P's POV:
This is all for ________ and Chunji. I hope they are happy together I really want them to be happy togetoher. I will suport ____ji all the way.

Narator's POV:
This was a big thing for the class but mostly the queenkas they really wanted to sit next to one of Teen Top but now they sit next to the other Kingkas. L.Joe, Chunji, and CAP was glad to move from there sits.

"Class we are moving sets today" the Mr.Lee told the whole class
"Yes!!" you shouted
The whole class looked at you like you were crazy. But you didn't care what they all thought at this point.
"_______ and the three from Teen Top sit together anf the rest of you guys find a partner" teacher commanded everybody to move.
"Awww ok" everybody complained.
"Yess thanks Mr.Lee" you told the teacher with a smile.
"Haha your welcome ________ anything for my best student" he smlied and sat at his desk.
"You always get what you want I hate you for that"the oldest queenkas hated your guts.
"Yeah thanks a lot nerd" the next oldest yelled at you.
"Yah I don't know why you keep on doing this to me but what I think is that you are just jealous of what I have and you don't so stop or else" you yelled back at them.
"Wow wow calm down you guys just sit down and work on this page I'm handing out ok" the tearcher cut the queenka from what they were going to say to me.
ㅋㅋ ok teacher" you smiled and look like nothing happened.
ㅋㅋ _______ I never heard that from you before" L.Joe laughed and did his work.
ㅋㅋ that is because I can do that when I am really mad so that is when I'm mad so don't mess with me. Keke just kidding" you giggled and went strat to work.
ㅋㅋ your so cute _______"Chunji pinched your checks.
ㅋㅋ you are I really like you tough side too" C.A.P. did the same.

Your POV:
ㅋㅋ they never seen that side of me before. L.Joe had never seen it too keke I'm a bad girl keke just kidding.
"______ what did you get for #22 I don't get it" C.A.P looked on my paper.
ㅋㅋ look on my paper I'm all done take it just make sure to look for it too ok" I giggled and laid my head on the table.
ㅋㅋ ok thanks and yes ma`am" C.A.P. giggled and took my paper.
"Ugh they are so lucky to sit next to ______. She is so cute and smart" the oldest kingka was jealous that Teen Top sat next me.
"Yeah they are lucky I wish I was there with her making her laugh"the third oldest said with a sad expression.
"Shhh gosh I'm tring to sleep here and bother me I will hurt you" I yelled and the class got all quiet.
"Ok little one as you wish" L.Joe giggled.
"L.Joe Oppa SHHHHH I want to rest for a little bit please" I was really tired and iratted by him.
"Ok ok sorry _______ Chunji Hyung said it though" L.Joe had to blame someone else to start nosie.
"It was not me"Chunji almosted yelled at L.Joe.
"Shhh you guys look ________ is already mad at this nosie you guys created" C.A.P scolded them.
"Mianhaeyo Hyung" both kids said in a cute voice.
"Omo now i can't sleep thank you very much Oppa you guys are nice" I got up and went to the kingkas.
"Hi _______ are you that tired you just yelled at your Oppas" the oldest kingka looked at me.
"Yeah I am sorry but I'm going to leave so got to go....Mr.Lee can I go early to the next class"
"Sure _______ go ahead no help"he looked at me in a wired way.
"Nope I'm fine they are really irattaing me right now"
"Haha yeah they are" he laughed as I walked out.
As I walked to the next class I stoped at the stairs and fell asleep for a few minutes then the bell rung. I screamed when Ricky came up behind me and huged me. I didn't know that it was him.
"KKKKYYYYAAAA Ricky why did you di that it scared me" i was scared out of my mind.

"ㅋㅋ you so cute that is why I saw sleeping on the stairs when I came down"Ricky giggled at me.
ㅋㅋ we heard you scream ________ Noona you are so cute"Changjo giggled and looked at Neil.

Neil's POV:
Awww poor ________ I can't belive Ricky did that to her. Keke but it was really cute though.
"_______ Noona are you ok did Ricky scare that much" I was really worried about her.

"Umm yeah I think I'll be ok I hope"you slowly smiled.
"BOO!!!!! Happy Nothing _______" L.Joe and Chunji yelled.
"KKYYYAAAA stop I'm really scared now I feel like crying I barley got to rest and now I get scared but Teen Top not fair"you almosted cried.
"Awww sorry it's ok I got you _______" Neil huged you.
"Thanks but I have to go to the garden to relax a little I also have to talk to Mrs.Choi first"I walked you to the next classed you had.
I felt really bad about how everybody scared her and she barley got any rest the night before and today. So I have to do what is right I have to be the man right now this will work she will finally think I'm a man.
"Umm Neil-sshi thanks for walking me here" Smiling.
"Your welcome _______ Noona and please get enough sleep at home ok" I really am worried.
"Ne I will don't worry"she really is smiling to me and only me.
"Ok I'm going know don't run into trouble ok" I got to stop worring.
"Ne ne I know...Hi Mrs.Choi can I be a little late to class today would this affect my school recored"
"Nope it wont because I will just mark that you are here" Mrs.Choi was really happy.
"Ok thanks Mrs.Choi your the best teacher in the world" you were smiling the whole time you walked to the garden.
Gosh I really am stolking you ok I got to stop it I have class to go to.

Your POV:
YYEEESSSS!!!!! I finally get to rest and not get in trouble.I love my teahers they seem to really like me and all the teachers know me too.
"Yes peace and quiet I really get to rest now"I laid back and almost fell asleep.

"KKYYAA please now don't do this please stop"someone yelled.
"Gosh right about to sleep and I have to go help this person who needs my help"I'm really iratted by this.
"You stupid dumb why did you bump into me"the queenka yelled at the poor girl.
"Yah..WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING"I yelled at the stupid queenka.
Everyone stoped and looked at me.
"Well well look it is ________ the stupid little nerd we know"she giggled and looked away.
"Haha I knew it you really are jealous of me I got everything that you don't have"I laughed at her stupid reaction.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!