Having a bad day

I will always be here for you

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6N72sYd8IR4) ~http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-n6bewBbVY~
Shinee-Stand By Me Kroean and or Japanese    
Listen to which ever onr you want  

Narator's POV:
When you woke up the next morning Karma went to go cook again but he we not done yet so you decited to scare him. You rean quietly down the stairs and into the kitchen and back hugged him. He was scared and you felt him jump when you hugged him. You giggled but he got you back with the flower. You really didn't know what he was cooking till you saw bowls and a bunch of stuff you cook cake with what was today was it his birthday did something sepcial happen today did he really cook that much all ready all he had left was the flower that he was playing around with it so when you had hugged him he through the flower that was in his hand in your face so you had  to get him back. You had found some melted chocolate and wiped it on his fame. You giggled and ran to the bathroom to wash off. Karma came after you to wash off to but he almost all of it off his face. Karma really liked chocolate compaire to you he told you that he can eat choclate all day. You didn't really like choclate so when it was Valentine no one bought you choclate they got you lollipops instead. After that little act with Karma you went to your room and had a long thought on your month not talking to your friends. You really like your close friends but for about a month or more they didn't talk to you. You and Karma have been living together for about one month. You really didn't know why they didn't talk to you. The only person who  would talk to you was Neil. But for a few days or so he has stoped replying back to you even when you called him. You felt really lonely and didn't know what to do and you felt like the only person you can trust was yourself, god, and Karma. You wanted to cry so much but you couldn't cry at all. The only thing you can do is talk to Karma not even your Unnies you talk to you so you dected to hang out with who ever you trusted the most and that was Sistar, K.will, Boyfriend, and Karma you felt like they were your one and final friends. The only thing you can do was cry and the only time you cried was at night.

"Oppa are you still here"
"Ne waeyo"
"Oh I was just wondering"
                                                                                                                                                                                 "Oh ok are you ok though it looks like you really want to cry"
"Umm ne Oppa I'm ok"
"Ok take care ok I know that you will just stay in your room and listen to music"
"Ne Oppa I know I will don't worry"
"Ok have fun then"
You giggled and went up stairs to go read and listen to music.

Your POV:

After a few minutes thinking and listening to music I wen t down stairs to talk to Karma Oppa and he was kinda sleeping I guess.
I him woke up,"Karma Oppa let's go to my work"

He was kinda sleeping and awake,"Huh umm ok then let's go but let's get dress first right"
"ㅋㅋ yeah we should get ready first"
"ㅋㅋ ok then let's go up stairs"
We walked all the way to my work that was only about 30 minutes away. I really wanted to see if Teen Top was there I really missed them and everybody else I haven't seen for about a month. We walked in and I saw Teen Top. I ran in to L.Joe I was going to say hi but he didn't look like he was going to talk to me.
"He Hyung your girlfriend is here"
"Oh ok then come on Teen Top let's go we have something better to do than stay here"
"Yeah we do"
"But Oppa, CAP Oppa please stay and talk to me"I wanted to cry but I didn't.
"I'm..so..sorry ______, I miss you so much but" and he left me in front of all their fans.
Do they hate me that much? What did I do to them to hate me? The only thing is that I know that Boyfriend is busy so I don't want to bother them. All of their fans where there so I knew that they where there for a fanmeeting. When I walked in all the fans gave me a wired look like they knew who I was. WHat did I do to make them hate me so much ugh what did I do.
"Shhh ________ you will be ok"Karma hugged me and I hugged him back.
"Oppa what did I do to make them hate me so much"
"You did nothing it's ok if they hate you then don't talk to them at all"
"Ne Oppa let's go"
I was still hugging Karma Oppa when...when Kwon Oppa walked out I wanted to talk to him. When I turned around I saw him he was looking at me. He turned around and went to the back I followed him but when I got there he was gone so I gave up and left with tears in my eyes not wanting to come out.

Narator's POV:
You and Karma had walked out and you were about to leave till Karma took your hands and looked into your eyes. You had scoted back and he told you to not cry at all it hurts him to see you cry. When Karma did that Kwon was looking out the window but you didn't see him at all. Ever scene you and Karma have been living together you guys almost done every thing together. You guys would always walk to school together and he would walk you to class. He really liked you and you didn't know that at all you didn't even know a lot of things but he was the only one you trusted this whole month. No one talked to you so you didn't really care about the others. The one place that you really enjoyed going to was to go pray to his Umma and Appa. When you guys prayed to them you would always ask them if they knew who your parents were but they never answer. Even if they didn't answer you would always know that they would tell you one day. When you guys got home after that you where really tired so you went to go get change   and the only shirt you had to remind you of Boyfriend was Kwangmin's pickachu shirt so you decited to wear that to bed. When you went down stairs to get Karma to come and sleep he was already sleeping so you gave him a blanket and you went up stairs to get ready to sleep. When you got up there you had a train of thought that ran through your head that you couldn't sleep so you decited to listen to B1A4 Only One. You fell asleep listening to them. Karma came up to check on you and he saw your sleeping figure and he giggled because you had fell asleep on the computer at your desk.

"ㅋㅋ she is so cute I wish one day we can go out and have the time of our lives and not worry about the others"
"ㅋㅋ Oppa I can hear you, you know that right"
"Omo ha ha sorry I'm going to then"
"Oppa wait please stay with me"
"Umm ne, then yo go and sleep on your bed"
"But Oppa I'm too tried to move"
"ㅋㅋ your so lazy let me carry you then"
"Yay thanks Oppa Saranghaeyo"
"ㅋㅋ Saranghaeyo to"
"Oppa if you want you can sleep on the bed or on the groud ok"
"Ne, ummm I will ummm sleep on the bed i guess"
"ㅋㅋ ok I'm fine with that Oppa"
"Oh ok then good night _______"
"Good night Karma Oppa"

The next morning you woke up and Karma didn;t wake  up early today so youdecited to go cook him some food scene he always cooks for you. So you went down stairs to figure out what to cook and you got it a little cake for him and some pancakes with kimchi. You giggled because you remebered you watched 2PM cook kimchi and they couldn't cook it at all.
"Umm this is going to be really good I can't wait to eat my kimchi stew"
"_______ are you that fat"
"Omo" you turned around to see your brother Minwoo.
"ㅋㅋ are you Unnie are you that fat you even cooked a little cake"
"Yah don't make fun of me you little baby and no this is for one of my Oppa"
"Wah Unnie who"Minwoo had a big smile on his face.
"Umm Karma Oppa from school I had to let him live with me because he had lost his family"
"Omo really I'm so sorry"
"ㅋㅋ I said that too but he said that it was ok he really didn't care"
"Oh really that is wired"
"Yeah it is but he said that they didn't really like him so"
"So what _______ do you really think that telling the person you haven't talk to in a month would want to know about my life" Karma had woke up and was mad at you.
"Omo Oppa please I didn't mean to"
"ㅋㅋ I'm just joking I already knew he was coming and I told him what is going on"
"Oh thanks Oppa for scaring me thenㅋㅋ your welcome, Oh Minwoo-ah I can hear Donghyun Oppa calling you that means you have to go"
"ㅋㅋ yeah I have to go PPYOUNG Noona and Hyung"
"ㅋㅋ PPYOUNG Minwoo-ah"

After Minwoo had left you had thought about it and you decited to go check up on the coffee shop. Even though you didn't pwn the shop you need the money for your school and your house. So you had left without telling Karma. He was worried so he had called you and you didn't pick up. You finally notice that you got a call from Karma but you were already at the shop. So you decited to call him back and when you did he was already there looking for you.
"WWAH ______ you scared me why didn't you tell me that you left"
"Omo Oppa I'm so sorry about that I was going to tell you but I really didn't want you to come with me"
"Oh yeah I knew that but I came to see if you were here because I didn't want to lose you"
"ㅋㅋ yeah I know, Umm now I have to go check in and work now so you can go home ok"
"Ne Ok then bye _______, oh and Kwon and when we go to school on Monday can we talk"
"Huh Oh yeah we can talk on Monday at the garden" Kwon was kinda scared but he really didn't know why he was scared.
"Ok that is good"     

You went to the back to check in because there were a lot of people and not enough workers so you had to go and help. When you went back there all the girls who worked there gave me a wired look they never gave me before and you was kinda mad because you knew that Chunji posted about you. You knew that he was the one who posted all those little things about love and to never give up and now he is posting that love hurts and you should just give up on that person you loved with all your heart. When you went to go take some peoples order you saw Chunji with some girls but it was only him and about 3 girls with him. You were about to cry until one of the employ came up behind you and scared you.
"Yah ______ why do keep on looking at Chunji like that"
"Oh hi Oppa umm that is umm because ummm well ummm I can't say"
"Oh I know why I remeber they had a fanmeeting here and you came in to talk to him but just left you there like a little pice of umm paper"
"Umm ne I remeber that to but it was just on Friday"  
"ㅋㅋ yeah it was but I also know that Teen Top and the rest of your freidns have not been talking to you"
"Yeah none of them have talked to me ever scene Karma Oppa has moved in with me"
"Oh that is why they wont talk to you Chunji told me"
"Oh really they wint talk to me because Karma Oppa is living with me"
"Ne now go back to work ok"
"Ne Oppa I will"

After talking to one of the works and ho knew why no one was talking to you. So you decited to go and take Chunji's and those girls orders. You did this becaue they have not yet order and you want to see what he would do if he saw you there.
"Hi are you ready to order yet, oh hi Chunji Oppa"
"Huh what _______ I thiught you were not working today"
"Oh I knew to come in today scene there are a lot of people here today"
"Oh really ok well can we order"
"Yeah sure what would you like"
"Umm I would like a mocha" the girl with short hair ordered.
"Oh me too but an extra shot please" the other girl with longer hair ordered too.
"Umm I...I would like...like umm a white mocha...please"
"ㅋㅋ ok then I will tell Kwon Oppa"

After about 2 minutes the coffe was ready so you took it to them. And you really didn't do anything to them but you out a little spicy stuff on it, well, one of the workers did not you. As you gave it to them you kinda giggled and walked away. Later after they were almost done you went to go check if they wanted anything to eat or any more drinks. They dicited to not get any but you knew that Chunji really wanted to eat something, but you didn't give him one and said you would pay for it. One of the workers had already had this all plained out and one of the girls who wored there gave it to him. He was kinda mad that you didn't give it to him, he saw you taking another order and didn't care that he was leaving you didn't even say goodbye to him when he had left. You went back to the table and got a $5 tip you were really happy till you read the little note they had. It said what can we go out or do you want to wait for a little? The answer was a let me think about it I will get back to you tomorrow. You really wanted to go and scream. You thought he still like you but he really wants to go out with this girl he probaly just meet.
"Ugh I guess he really dosen't care for me anymore I will just give up and move on to another person I guess"
"What really are really going to forget about Chunji Hyung"
"Huh what Kwon Oppa"
"Did you just say that you are or might just move on with you love for Chunji Hyung"
"Ne I might I still have to think about it"
"Oh ok then"
"ㅋㅋ if I do, who should I go out with"
One of the girl worker told me,"________ you and Kwon Oppa should go out you guys look really good together"
"Oh ok maybe I will keep that in mind then"
"Yeah no problem"
"Ok well I think I have to go and get ready to go to school tomorrow I knida have a lot of studing to do but I will be here and on time"
"Ok that is good ________ don't give up on what you belive in ok" Kwon really missed you but you didn't even talk to him.

Chunji's POV:

Wah I can't belive that _________ was there did she really work that day? Am I that slow I really miss her I really don't know what to do anymore I really love her but I feel like she hurt me. I must have hurt her too but I think about it and I know that it is all my fault. Now I feel so stupid for doing this to her I wish I can go back in time to make a better desiction. I want to make her happy not mad at me for the rest of her life I really hate seeing her cry. When she cries I want to cry with her and I really want her to be with me for the rest of our lives.
"Ummm Hyung are you ok you almost ran into the door"
"Huh what are you talking about oh yeah I knew that"
"Hyung don't lie we can all tell you were thinking about __________"
"Ok this was all your idea if you want to change it talk now so we now ok"
"Ne CAP Hyung I know but first a letter to see if she wants me to come back to her"
"Chunji-ah of coruse she dose she almosted cried in front of all our fans and she begged me to stay and talk to her"
"Omo really am I hurting her that much she would cry just to see us again"
"Ne Hyung she even told me that a couple days ago"
"Oh really I didn't know that how come no one told me anything gosh you guys are so hard headed"
"No we are not it is just you being really rude to your boyfriend"
"Ok ok I know I did it and you guys just fallowed along with what I did"

After that little talk with Teen Top I had to right a sorry note to her. They made me felt like I murdered her or one of her loved one. Now I just want to apoligize for what I have do to her. I had wrote the letter and went to her house to give it to her but it seems like she was sleeping. So I decited to go inside and put it on her desk next to her. I wanted to kiss her forehead but didn't I felt like Karma-ah was watching me the whole time. Even though I knew he wasn't because the both of them were sleeping and she looked happy to get to sleep with him. __________ if your going to read the letter I'm so sorry for the ways I have been acting around you lately.

Narator's POV:
After Chunji had left and the door slam you had woke up and saw a letter on your desk you really didn't know who gave it to you. You knew that is wasn't Karma because he was still sound asleep. So you thought and you finally got it you knew that it was Chunji you opened it and you read it.
The letter said-

Dear _________,
I'm sorry for the way I have been acting. I didn't mean to hurt you and I really still like you no matter what. Do you aprove of this or not? I really want to know if you will forgive me for what I did? Will you love me after this? Will we still be together? I want to know the truth write back when you get to ok.
You one and only,
Lee Chanhee

After reading that you just had to reply back so what you wrote almost made you cry.
You letter said-

Dear Chanhee Oppa,
I don't really know if I can forgive you. I reakky don't knnow what to say anymore. You kept all my friends away from me and you even kept Teen Top away from me. I really miss you to and I think I still love you I really can't decied yet. I Know that your sorry for what you did but would you trust me? I know that is has been a while and I can't really say no to anything you tell me. But I'm sorry no I think it is better if we stay aprt for a while if it works then maybe we can get back together. If we do move on have a fantastic life with her. I don't think loving will help me anymore. After what you did I don't know anymore. I really don't think I can move on anymore. You can move on if you want I know that you don't love me anymore. Don't lie to me.
Your little girl,
Park _________

After writing that you started cring and you almosted cried out until Karma woke up. You didn't know he was up until he had hugged you. As he hugged you, you wanted to cry even harder but you kept it in and took his arms off of you and went to go send it to Chunji.
"_______-ah please stop cring I know you were cring and don't forget I'm always here"
"But what if your not and I know that will happen"
"I wont I promise"
"I don't know if I can trust anyone anymore"
"Yah you can trust me don't worry all your worries are mine too"
"No they are not don't lie, my whole life has been a lie I...I just can't take it no more"
"_______, stop ok I wont lie to you and I will never lie to you"
"Yeah right you Karma Oppa it is ok I'm just going to send this letter"
"Ok be back I really want to give you something"

You had went down stairs and you had went outside to go send the letter you had waited for the mailman and her was there in about 5 minutes and you had tears in your eyes. The mailman and you were really close you knew almost everybody who really cared for you. So the mailman had left but had a worried look in his eyes he want to hug you but he had work. You couldn't really talk to him because he was working and you wanted him to keep his job and you also wanted his kids to have a really good life. After you had gave the letter to the mailman you had went inside but Karma wasn't there he didn't leave your room so you went to go check but he wasn't there too. So you decited to go check the bathroom and he was there and you can hear him cring. You felt bad so you knocked on the door but Karma didn't open it. You just remebered that there were keys on top of the door. You tiptoe to get it and you open the door. All you saw was a lot of tears in Karma's eyes, you just hugged him and didn't let go at all. The both of you guys were cring. But why were you guys cring. Well because you had a rough month and Karam felt like he had lost his whole life.

Chunji's POV:
I had just got the letter and I read it. After reading it I had a bunch of questions I had just asked Neil. I knew that Neil had been talking to ________ but about what?
"Yah Neil-ah"

"Ne Hyung"
"Come here I need to ask you something"
"Ok I'm coming"
"Do you know why ________-ah is mad at me"
"Well because you had kept her away from all her friends and she really wants to see them again"
"Oh and what about loving someone else has she moved on yet"
"Hyung did you not read the letter or what. She really can't you were her first love and her last love she can't do anything to get someone like you"
"Ne Neil-ah I did read it but she really thinks I moved on"
"Wel Hyung don't you remeber going on a date with those 2 girls"
"Ne I do and"
"Well she went to work to try to talk to Kwon but you were there, oh and there was a note on the table and you had wrote on it to"
"Omo is it that letter on the napkin omo I really didn't mean to do that"
"Well Hyung it is to late she can't and probably wont forgive you for the rest of her life and she will ummm die alone"
"Don't say that she will not I still love her and that will never change"
"I think it all ready did Hyung one of the girls that you went out on a date on is here to see you"Ricky yelled to get me to come to the door.
"Huh really"

"Ne Hyung she is here"  

After that talk with Neil and the girl Teen Top and i planed to talk about this love she really wants. But the one thing is I don't want to see her anymore.
"Yah Chunji-ah you have to go see her, she really misses you and us"
"But why should I that girl earlier that was talking to me I told her we can go on another date"
"Really Chunji Hyung are you that stupid, she really thinks that you moved on, so take her words and move on"Changjo was really fustrated.
"Well yeah didn't she move on already she knew that I have one of the girls number already"

"Ughh Hyung I already told you that she can't even move on she still loves you, you are the only one who is keeping her away from what she really wants"Neil got really mad at me.
"Then why did she have to write that I can move on and if I do I have a good life with her"

"Because Hyung she know that you are the sweetes person the first person to really ask her out the first person to hold her"L.Joe told me the truth that ________ had never told anyone.

I felt cring I really miss her and I don't get it I...I just don't

"Ne Hyung L.Joe Hyung is tell you that because he knows"Ricky had knew about it but no one had told me.
"How do you guys know that she misses me that much"

"Hyung I have been in contact with her"Neil spoke the truth.
"And Chunji-ah she begged me to stay and talk to her when we had the fanmeeting, also she almosted cried in front of all our fans"CAP Hyun had a hard time telling me that.
"Ok ok let's go to her house and say that it was all your guys fault"
"What the hell you had this stupid idea to not bother her"L.Joe got really mad and yelled at me.
"Well I didn't mean to"
"Stop saying that you know that you really wanted to hurt her"Changjo almosted yelled at me too.
"Ok ok just relax and let's go gosh"

We had got out and walked there. We all had been use to walking because we had been ________ a lot and she always walked every where. It took us about half an hour to get to her house to the front of her door. I decited to ring the door bell and the first thing I hear was your voice.

"ㅋㅋ Karma Oppa I got the door" I can hear her vocie from the living room.
"Ok tell me who it is ok"
"Ne Oppa I will"
As soon as she open the door Teen Top and I had bowwed to her. she just stood there in shock that we had came to her house.
"_______ who is it"
"Umm it is just the mailman that is all I will be back ok Oppa I wont go anywhere far"
"Oh ok that is fine with me"
Dose she love him that she told him that she wont go to far. And dose she hate me so much I turned into mail? I really don't want to be here now.
"Wh...what are you guys doing here"
"Umm we are here to say sorry"
"Sorry for what there is nothing to say sorry for and I though you guys hated me so just go home"
"No we don't Noona please"
"I can' ok and any ways I al..already have a new boyfriend"
"wh...what who is it"
"Well I talked to Taemin sunbae and he said he will talk to his Hyungs and then he will tell me"
"Oh really umm ok then"

Ricky and Changjo had got up and hugged you. You didn't even hug them back. What is going on are you really moving on? Do you really not care for us any more.

Your POV:
I just can't do this anymore I still love Teep Top but what do I do.
"Noona please I miss you to much for you to forget about us"
"Changjo I miss you guys too but do you really think I can take it anymore what you guys done hurts me and you and I know that"
"Bu...but Noona we didn't do this it was all Chunji Hyung he didn't think you would care for us and him anymore"
"Huh really so you thought I forgot about you guys, why would I do that? I loved you guys so much but now i can't trust you guys anymore I'm sorry. And I have to get ready to go to Starship with Karma Oppa so I have to go now"

I had kissed Ricky and Changjo on the forehead and went inside. I felt so bad I went to sit next to Karma and didn't talk the whole time we were together.

Neil's POV:
Noona really you don't trust us anymore because of Chunji Hyung. We didn't do anything. Ugh you make me want to cry so much. I saw Ricky and Changjo's cring face to I decited to tell CAP Hyung to take L.Joe and Chunji Hyung somewhere and I will take Ricky and Changjo-ah somewhere else. So I took their arms and we went to the nearest park to sit down and relax. When we got there, there were a lot of fans there so I had to do something about it.
"Hi Angels a special Angel has broken all of our hearts so we had seprated the group to relax so we kinda need a little peace and quite"

"Ne"they all said at the same time.
I wanted to cry but I was the oldest and I had to stay strong in front of them.
"Ricky-ah and Changjo-ah relax look all our Angels are here to make us happy"

"B..bu..but..I..want our Noona"Ricky said still cring.
"Y..yeah..me..too"Changjo supported too.
"Ne I know but they are the only one we have for right now ok"

"Ne Hyung,ummm hi every..one I..am Ricky..the lovely..boy"Ricky kept on cring a little.
"And I'm..Changjo..the..dance..boy"
"ㅋㅋ not like that stop cring and just smile"

Ricky kept on cring a little but not that much he want to cry for the rest of his life.
"ㅋㅋ Ricky Hyung stop man I think it is fine now we just have to move on too we can't just wait for her anymore"
"Huh yeah maybe your right no more waiting"
"Wait you guys we can wait just not that much she will come back don't worry I know she will"
"Oh ok then we will wait for a little bit longer"
"Thank you for helping me cheering them up"
We left and went to the dorm and meet the Hyungs there.

Your POV:
I sat there not talking and kinda smiling, I felt like I didn't do the right thing to the 3 youngest.
"Karma Oppa do you want to come with me to Starship to practice"

"Huh umm yeah we can go but let's change first"    
"ㅋㅋ ok then Oppa let's go then"
Karma came out in pants and I was in sweats. I felt like really wired because he would always wear sweats. I was about to go back in the room to get change but he grabed my arm.

"Yah where are you going"
"Oppa I need to change"
"ㅋㅋ no you don't you look fine"
"But Oppa your in jeans and now I feel all wired not looking like you"
"ㅋㅋ you don't need too because....come in guys"

I turned around to see Jay-ah, Mika Oppa, and Kwon Oppa in sweats. I giggled because I never seen them in sweats before I only seen them in school clothes or jeans and shorts.
"ㅋㅋ you guys look funny"

"ㅋㅋ We know we do that is why Karma Hyung gave it to us"Kwon smiled at me.
"Yeah he did, Karma Hyung can we change"Jay was embarrassed.
"Nope you guys have to stay in those and walk out of here in those"

"Awww really why"Mika Oppa complained.
"ㅋㅋ because you guys look...look good in it"I giggled and walked on out holding Kwon Oppa's hand.

"Yah that is no fair he gets to wear jeans and we don't"Jay protested.
"Huh oh yeah Karma Oppa go wear your sweats to"
"But I don't have any left"
"Then wear one of mine"
"No, no I'm fine let me go get change"
"ㅋㅋ ok then come out quickly then"
"Ne ne I will"

It took Oppa at least 2 minutes to get his sweat and change. While we were waiting i almost fell aslepp until Jay yelled at Karma to hurry up because it was already 4pm and we need to get there. I laughed because they would never act like this in front of me. So I guess today was a special day kinda.
"Ok let's go"Karma came out looking really comfortable.
"Yeah let's go before you get introuble for being late"Kwon Oppa made fun of me.
"Yah be quite"
"ㅋㅋ you're so cute but you do know that your a nerd right"Mika Oppa laughed and make fun of me.
"You guys are so mean"I pouted.
"ㅋㅋ no we are not"Kwon came over and pinched my checks.
"Ne you guys are.  Don't lie"
"Ok ok we are just teasing you that's all"Karma came to me and hugged me.

We had left after they had teased me. And my checks were turning red. The whole way there all they could do was make fun of me. It took about half an hour to get there and I just remeber that I had my card to go in. I was lucky the Karma Oppa was holing it or else we couldn't get in. When we went in there in room 1 was Boyfriend in room 3 Sistar Unnies where in there. Both of them were practicing. In all the other room trains just like me were practicing to be in the new group called Power. I had been practicing for this and I made it to the top 10 and I'm very happy about it. The only room I got was room 8 and there was no one in there so I had brought everyone and I had my disc. I gave my disc to Kwon Oppa to put it in and the cameraman started to record us. The frist song was Beast Beautiful and I got to dance to it. All of us got a little dance part. At the end was the last song by TVXQ Mirotic. I was glad that they remebered dancing to the song with me. The 5 of us had pratice this song more than once   and we had a lot of fun at the end. We really liked this song and when the song played I decited to sing along. Kwon Oppa had back hugged me and the song was over and the lights went out. I didn't know what was happeding I was scared what if the lights went out. Then candles appered and someone was singing congratulation. Right away I knew it was Minwoo-ah. He came close to me to be able to blow out the candles. I almosted cried but I remembered that the camera was still recording so I heald it all in.

"Congratulation Noona you made it to the top 10"
"ㅋㅋ thanks Kwangmin-ah"
"ㅋㅋ yeah no problem"
"Kwangmin-ah you were suppose to wait for the rest of us"Jeongmin pouted.
"Huh oh sorry Hyung I didn't mean to"with a sorrow look on his face.
"ㅋㅋ you guys would never wait to suprise me you guys always do it all at different times"I giggled and walked to Jeongmin Oppa.
"Umm I guess you can say that"Hyunseong Oppa walked in with a box.

I looked at it and Donghyun Oppa smiled and hugged me.
"Hey _______-ah. How is my little daughter"
"Yah I'm not your daughter, I'm your younger sister"
"Umm sure what ever you say"
"Yah stop being so mean to me"
"ㅋㅋ Noona it's ok that is how we show we love you"Youngmin just walked in with Sistar Unnies.
"Oh hi Unnies"

"Hi ________"Bora Unnie came and hugged me.
"Hi" Dasom Unnie smiled.
"Hello" Soyou giggled and walked torwds me with a present.
"Hillow" Hyorin just smiled with hurt in her eyes.
"Hyorin Unnie are you ok"I asked in a wonder.
"Ne I just fell on my but earlier"
"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ
   ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ" everyone laughed at her and we couldn't stop for a while.
"Yah it's not funny"Hyorin pouted and walked away.
"Mianhaeyo Unnie I didn't mean to do that"
"ㅋㅋ got you"
"Yah your such a..a I don't know"

Now everyone was laughing at me because I couldn't say anything. Soon as we got the cake Sistar Unnies song came on and it was How dare you. I really like this song and I sung along until Kwon, Karma, Jay, and Mika came and put frosting on my face. They giggled and ran away because they didn't want me to get them back. I turned to go get them but when I turned I turned to the door and saw Chunji there.
I was really shock,"Wh..what are you doing here"
Minwoo came to me,
"Noona he called me and told me what happen today, Why did you do that"
"Huh..oh umm Minwoo-ah I will tell you later ok I have to go wash up"
"Oh ok then Noona do you want Sistar to go with you"
"No it's ok I'm fine"

I had walked to the bathroom and the cameraman followed but didn't go inside with me. I went inside and locked the door I started to cry and I didn't know what to do anymore he is using everyone I know just to get to me. I really can't take it anymore do my fans who are supporting me to get into Power, want to see me cry. I really need to, ok wash my face and go out. After I washed my face and dried it I walked outside with tears in my eyes.
I decited to talk to the camera for a while,"Hi fans I'm Park ________. ㅋㅋ you guys should know that. I have umm something to tell you guys" then tears came out of my eyes and I hated it."Tooday and probably only today is the day you get to see me cry. But I need to ask you guys something should I or should I not say something to Chunji? Should we just move on? Should I just stop loving? I don't know what to do anymore, if you want to help me just send me a message at my me2day and I will see the votes ok. Thanks you guys Saranghae"
I had asked my fans and everyone else who was watching it I really hated how the whole world saw me cry. Oh well I need to sovle this and today is the day to ask them. I just can't say anything to him from right know and so on. I will just have to tell someone to tell him.

Chunji's POV:
________ had just came back and I can tell that she had cried. I can't belive she had cried for how long did she cry. I really can't be,ive myself for hurting her. She seemed to have had so much fun when I was gone. And look now everyone is laughing and having a good time but she is sitting in the corner by herslef. I really messed up big time. I want to say sorry but I know she will never forgive me for what I've done to her.
I decited to walk to her and try to talk to her,"Umm hi ________. Are you ok?" She had ignored me and just got up to sit on the couch. I guess she will never talk to me ever again. I have been watching her for about 30 minutes and she had smiled at least 4-5 time. This is what happen to her when I come here I really just made it worse for me and her. Even all her Unnies are tring to get her to dance but she wont. If they grabed her hand she would just reject them and stay setted. I felt bad enough so I decited to go to you and say something.
"Umm _________ I'm going to go in a little bit" she seemed like she didn't hear me so I decited to watch her for a little. She had just checked her phone, and there was a bar that was green and it had a lot more than the red one.
When I walked away _________ had back hugged me,
"Oppa I guess I have to say something." When she did that everyone stoped what they were doing and looked at us.
"Oppa I'm sorry I don't really know what I'm doing but all your fans, my fans, Boyfriend's fans, and Sistar Unnies fans say that even though you hurted me I can still forgive you" She had hugged me and never let go.
Until I broke it,"________ are you forgiving me for what I did"

"Umm I guess even though this happen for a long time but it was just the people I had kinda lived with but it is ok I live without my parents longer"
"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" everyone giggled at what she said.
"What it is true and I really don't have anyone to talk to so I asked the fans and they are fast repliers"
"ㅋㅋ Ne Noona they are"Minwoo giggled and agreed with her.

I really was happy that the fans told her to forgive me and we can move on. I'm happy to see her smile again, I really like to hear her voice again, I missed her to much to let her go.

Narator's POV:
You were smiling after what you just did. Chunji seemed to be really happy to. you guess asking the fans what they thinked was the right thing to do. You were really happy to see Chunji again and to see all the people in your life didn't really change anything to you. After the little fun with Boyfriend, Sistar, Chunji, Kwon, Karma, Mika, and Jay, you guys left to go home. On your way out Sistar heard you singing My Boy and they smiled and walked out. You went home with the Kingkas and Chunji went to his dorm. You guys had a lot of fun, on the way home you were getting tired so Kwon decited to carry back home. So he decited to carry you and you fell asleep when he walked about 5 feet. He really missed you like how you missed every one else.

"ㅋㅋ Hyung she is so cute look at her sleeping face"Jay giggled and pinched you checks.
"Yah don't do that to her or else she would wake up and be really mad" Mika scolded him.
"Mianhaeyo ________ Noona" Jay apoligized for what he just did.
"ㅋㅋ it is ok Jay-ah, and yah stop being so loud gosh I can still hear you guys" you giggled and scolded them all.
"Ok gosh we'll be quite"Kwon giggled and kept you warm.
"Umm thanks Kwon Oppa"
"Huh oh no problem"
"ㅋㅋ good night Oppas"
"Good night little one" Karma looked at you and smiled.
"Good night Noona" Jay said in a quite vocie.
"Good night" Mika and Kwon said at the same time.     
You guys had got home and it was already 10pm. Kwon took you up stairs and laid you down on your bed and kissed you good night. He then left and they all fell asleep down stairs watching tv. The next morning you woke up and heard little laughing and you got scared. So you decited to go down stairs to see if anybody was there. Luckly someone was there and they were laughing at the tv, Spongebob was on. You looked at them like they were crazy and you sat there watching them laugh and you looked at the tv and all you saw was MBLAQ dacing to Oh Yeah. You giggled because the tv had half and half when you sat down. You also remebered that someone had fixed your tv so you can do this half and half thing. You smiled when you saw Joon's abs, GO looked really nice in those kind of clothes, Seungho did a cool flip, and the 2 maknaes that are older than you so Oppa looke really cute and they all looked HOT. ^^
"Wah they are so cool I wish I can meet them" you looked down and looked at your phone.
"Noona you will just wait" Jay giggled because he already knew.
"Wah ok thanks I guess Jay but Minwoo-ah is at the door" you got up and ran to the door.
You had oppen the door and a guy with roses was there, not Minwoo. This guy looked like Mir from MBLAQ.
"Hi me Mir and you" Mir said in english.
"ㅋㅋ Hi I'm Park _________. Who are you?" You asked in english.
"What?? Umm many many good" Mir made you giggled a lot.
"ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ" you giggled at him with the rest of MBLAQ.
"Mir-ah you don't know english that well so don't try to speak it" Joon embarrassed Mir.
"ㅋㅋ It is ok Joon Sunbae, it is really cute because all my Oppas don't know english too and they try to hard to speak it"
"ㅋㅋ but you know english very well" GO was happy someone knew english very well.
"Are you from America" Seungho asked puzzly.
"ㅋㅋ no I just listen to something and I can speak it very well, waeyo" you giggled because you never been to America.
"Oh that is good well we came here because your brother No Minwoo said you liked us"Cheondung said in a wired vocie.
"ㅋㅋ yeah I really like MBLAQ"
"That is good well we just came to say hi and have a nive day" Seungho said and left.
"I hope me get to see again you" Mir said in english and shock your hand.
"ㅋㅋ I hope to see you guys again too" you giggled every word in english.

Your POV:

Wah I got to meet MBLAQ and they look so much cuter up close. Mir Sunbae is so funny he can't speak english that well but he still tries. ㅋㅋ Sarang Minwoo he is the best I'm happy I got to meet MBLAQ. Today is also the day I get to hang out with Teen Top and they have to gain their trust today I hope they are really happy to see me again because I am.

Chunji's POV:
I'm really happy to spend today with ________. I hope she is happy to all of us because we are happy to see her.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!