Life must go on

I will always be here for you

B1A4-Chu Chu Chu

Yeah life's hard and you always just want to give up, but just to let you know you shouldn't give up that easy let things come to you. You don't want to bring those things to yourself just let it come a good future will come out of it. Lead yourself in a good path don't let others bring you down not today not ever.
_________ has been having a very hard time after hearing about Karam and the rest, but she knew deep down inside of her that they had earned it and that they should take it. She didn't want to stop them she wanted the best for them like it is for her now. She wants them to have the lives they always wanted.

_________ took it hard but it was ok because soon it will be to busy to take time to see each other. After a couple of months Star had another comeback. This comeback had them on their toes they were at interviews back to back and they went to radio staitions back to back. They also went to Japan, Tiwan, Chian, Phillipen, and Thailand. They were busy doing concerts everyday there and they also had to learn Japanese to make a couple of song in Japanese.
They were busy all the time every now and then she would get a call form Mika, Jay, Karma, and or Kwon. They would always call to see how she was doing and if she had been eating well. They really cared for her and wanted to best for her. They soon graduated High School and __________ had missed hers because she was busy in Japan. She wanted to go and see the Boys but she had no time too, what she really wanted to do was say good bye to them before they left oversea. So she had begged her manager to go back to Korea so she could say bye to them. When we got there they were all saying goob bye to their parents and friends and she was the last one to say good bye to them. They were waiting but soon they had to leave but ________ made just in time to say her last farwell.

It's been a couple of years scene you saw Minwoo's parents so you decided when you were done with schedules in Japan you would go and see them right away. It took a couple more months in Japan and she had aged, but she was to busy to even celebrate it. She thought to herslef that it was ok and that she didn't need to celebrate, but her Unnies wanted her to be happy and to age well so they set a little party in Japan it wasn't that big because they didn't know that much people, but they still had the best time ever. __________ was crying when they celebrated her birthday because she never knew that they wanted to do this that they wated her to have a good birthday. She thought to herself 'Was it because I didn't have real parents to say Happy Birthday to me?' 'Why did they even take the time to do this?' 'I'm ageing to fast I'm becoming old =_='.

Chunji had also messaged her that day saying Happy Birthday and that he misses her. All of Teen Top, Infinite, and Boyfriend did the same thing for her. You had got the messages and you ended up crying even more from missing them even more. You tried not to miss them or think about them but it failed you wanted to see them all so bad.

When you came back from Japan you got lots of presents from the fans and they all sung Happy Birthday to her while she walked to the car. She smiled and thanked them the next stop was to Minwoo's parents house for her to hello and talk to them. When she arrived she notice there were a couple too many cars outside their house.

She had walked into the house too see all of Boyfriend, Teen Top, Infinite, Minwoo's parents, and 2 other adults. She had greeted everyone very friendly and lovely she hugged each and everyone of them. They all gave her a present for her birthday and a little cake that Minwoo's Umma made.

"Umma where is Unnie and Oppa?"
"Oh ________ their here some where"
"Oh ok then well I just want to say thanks to everyone for coming and getting me presents I was not expected this"
"Ahh it's ok Noona we all wanted to suprise you because you have been so busy lately", Minwoo smiled.
You had bowed they you wishpered into Appa's ears,"Appa who are the 2 other adults here?"
"Well ________ you have always wanted to know who they were and we made this our gift to you",Appa smiled.
"What do you mean Appa?"
"_________ these people are yo-",_______ had cut Appa off.
She went and hugged them,"My real parents"
"Ne we are and we are so sorry for letting you go like that",her birth mom smiled and patted your head.
"Ne we are very sorry, we wanted the best for you so we gave you to Minwoo's parents because we trusted them"
She turned to Minwoo's parents and hugged them,"Umma Appa thanks"

Chunji was there too _________ smiled and she hugged him. He had kissed her on the forehead and hugged her back.
"________-ah I told you when ever you need help just to ask me"
"And this was the biggest help you have ever hepled me with Thanks Oppa",________ had kissed Chunji on the check.
"How did you know that I had found them for you?"
"Because Oppa I told you everything about my life and you would help me no matter what"
"Babe I just want you to be happy and I know you have always tried to be happy and now I have made you even happier"
_______ had playfully hit Chunji in the arm,"Anyo Oppa Minwoo's parents has they had planed this all for me when I told them that I would come see they after our schedule in Japan"
"But babe I helped them"
"I don't believe you Oppa",_______ playfully .
"Honey he did help he found your real parents for us because we couldn't pay for you"
"Ahh araso araso",She smiled and kissed Chunji on the cheeck again.

After a long time there your real parents had to get back overseas because their business needed them. _________ had said her last good byes to her real parents and parents before she left back to the dorms. _________ had said good bye to everyone too she was really happy to finally meet her real parents and was greatful that she had met them. Now she is happy that everyone was there because she had miss them all so much.    

This seems to be the best birthday you have ever had.

Life was good for you and were really thankful for a wonder family and friends. You loved everything and everyone you wanted things to always be like this.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!