Our Not so MINI Concert

I will always be here for you

VIXX-UUUU (Love Hurts)

September 24
(2min)1.Intro- do a little video of us messing around and having fun, then introduces each and very group.
(7min)2.JJ Project- Bounce and Hooked
(2min)3.JJ Project introduce themselves
(7min)4.VIXX- Rock Your Body and UUUU (Love Hurts)
(2min)5.VIXX introduce themselves
(7min)6.C-Clown- Farther for fear and Cold
(2min)7.C-CLown introduce themselves
(7min)8.Star- The Real Me and Somebody Else
(2min)9.Star introduce themselves
(7min)10.BtoB- Irresistible Lips and Lover Boy
(2min)11.BtoB introduce themselves
(8min)12.Dace Group-JB, Jr., Ravi, N, Rome, Maru, _________, Min, Illhoon, and Minhyuk (Maxstep~Younique Unit~ and Freeze~Chris Brown ft.T.Pain~)
(15min)13.Main Vocal Group-JB, Leo, Ken, Ray, Kangjun, _________, Jessica, Hyunsik, and Eunkwang (Father~BtoB~,Dear Mom~SNSD~, Sorry~F(x)~, Baby Baby~4men~)
(4min)14.Rap Group-Jr. Ravi, Hyuk, Hongbin, Rome, T.K, ________, Hyuna, Illhoon, Sungjae, Peniel, and Minhyuk (Run To You~Dj Doc~)
(4min)15.Leaders-JB, N, Rome, Hyuna, and Eunkwang (The Learders~GD and CL~)
(4min)16.Maknae-Jr., Hyuk, Maru, _________, Sungjae (Candy~H.O.T~)
(8min)17.Acting- JB, Jr., Ken, Hongbin, Hyuk, _________, Suzy, Minji, Minhyuk, Kangjun, T.K, Maru, and Leo (Love Virus~Eunkwang and Sungeun~, Somebody else~Se7en~)
(8min)18.Ending-Encore (I Like You The Best~Beast~, Thanks You~2pm~)
1 hour and 38 minutes (not so mini concert)

Your POV:
YAY!!!! Today is our concert day I'm ready for this. Today we woke up early and went to several interviews before our concert. We had and interview with 'MNET JJANG!!', 'EatYourKimchi', 'AllKpop', 'Kiss The Radio', and 2 others but I forgot the names. All the interviews took 6 hours each. Almost all of them would ask the same questions and some where from the fans. I really enjoyed how the fans took the time to actually reply back a question for us. We felt special it was 2pm when everything ended. We had about 4 hours until the concert so we went out to eat ramen and meat. After eating we meet up with BtoB, VIXX, C-Clown, and JJ Project and we hung out until the concert. We gave each other tips on what and what not to do. We had a blast working together and now it's time to show the fans how much fun it was.

It was 6pm and the intro for everyone has started. As soon as it ended JJ Project went out to perform. Now I would tell you everything but I don't really want to do that. But what I would tell you is when all the main volcalist sung I cried even the fans cried. It really got to them and me I really just needed to let out the tears. After that everything was fine the concert was soon about to end. When we did the Encore everyone was cheering and clapping for us we did a really really good job for everyone to watch us perform. I really enjoyed this concert all the fans were very supportive and they sung along with us.
The concert went really well and ending a little bit over 7:30, but the fans didn't care they really liked it. We thanked everyone and told them to have a safe trip back home and to take good care. After we were done we all went out to eat ramen and meat agian but this time with everyone. On our way there I had fell asleep, when we got there everyone was inside except for me. Manager Oppa had let me sleep in the car while they ordered I sat in the car for a little then went inside to eat too. We all were very hungry so we all ate a lot of food.

It was the best when we finished eating it was 9:30pm. We all said good bye to each other and left to finish our schedule. We had to go and practice while I wrote another song for our comeback. While my Unnies practice I tried to write a couple songs I had 3 in mind but I didn't really like it but soon it had improved a lot. So I continued to write it until 1am. I was still writing but soon I fell asleep.

September 25
Your POV:
Busy Busy Busy....I hate having a busy day. I woke up at 6 today and got ready to meet with VIXX. We had the same schedule for the first time so our managers decided that we stayed together. We went to get our make-up and hair done before we went to pick up VIXX. We all squezzed in the car but we fit because us girls had lots of room in our car. I didn't really talk when we went to go pick them up because I was to tired. Everyone looked really tired but N Sunbae and Ken Sunbae were happy and ready to make everyone happy with them. They would talk non-stop on our way to the radio staion. I wanted to sleep more but I couldn't so I just listened to my music while they all talked. I sat in the second row with Leo, Ken, Hongbin, Hyuk, and Ravi. My Unnies all squezed in the back I felt bad because they all wanted to sit with VIXX too, but I was the smallest so I just sat there. They all squezed back there but there was still enough room for each of them to move.

We all went to the radio staion together and we all had a way to walk in and sit down. We did that in a boy-girl formation. So it was N, me, Leo, Minji, Ken, Jessica, Hongbin, Suzy, Ravi, Hara, Hyuk, Min, and Hyuna. We walked in and sat down like that everyone thought it was cool we just giggled and countinued. It took 3 hours there because there were 2 bands there. It was only 11am when we finished so we had an extra hour to fill in so we went to the park. I ran to the swings and swang for the whole hour. I was still listening to music the whole time we spent an hour together. I still didn't talk and when this happens my Unnies call it the Leo time because I don't talk at all to anyone.

I was swinging still until someone stopped me. I turned to look who it was and I saw Kwon it was been a long time scene I have been him I dont remember much about him.

"Oh? Annyeong Kwon Oppa"
"ㅋㅋ Annyeong ______-ah", Kwon Oppa giggled.
"_______-ah annyeong how are you?", Mika Oppa hugged me.
"Wah Mika Oppa ㅋㅋ I'm good"
"ㅋㅋ Annyeong ________ Noona", Jay-ah ran to me.
"Annyeong Jay-ah"   
"Annyeong _______-ah" Karam Oppa said with no expression.
"Karam Oppa Annyeong"
"Aigoo everyone knows about you know",Kwon Oppa smiled.
"ㅋㅋ ne they do and w'o'w you guys have changed over the year"
"ㅋㅋ ne we did new hair style and everything",Mika Oppa smiled.
"That's so cool. Karam Oppa are going to not talk to me again?"
"Why should I talk to you?"
"Karam Oppa? I'm sorry what did I do wrong this time?"
"ㅋㅋ just kiding"
I playfully hit his arm,"Oppa aigoo"
"ㅋㅋ it's nice to see you again Noona"
"Wah Jay-goon your voice ㅋㅋ"
"Yeah I know"
"That's cool I miss you guys so much. So how is school do they still treat you the same?"
"Ne they do but now we have new Kingkas and Queenkas they are so weird trying to take over even though we are still there", Mika Oppa answered.
"ㅋㅋ it's because they are the new generation of kids trying to take over"
"Well yeah and that too", Kwon Oppa giggled.
"________-ah it's time to go hurry we need to go to our next schedule", Ravi Sunbae had yelled.
"Umm ne coming. Sorry you guys it's nice seeing you guys agian I miss you guys come to my dorm anytime so we can hang out ok?"
"Ne we will bye bye ________-ah", Mika Oppa smiled and waved.

Narator POV:
You couldn't believe it you say them again it's been so long scene you have seen them. You got into the car smiling and thinking about the past on how you changed everyone and how you guys had met. You always had that thought in you that made you smile for the rest of the day.

It was noon when you guys had left to go to 'Happy Together'. It was you, Leo, Ravi, and Hara who went in. The show took about 3 hours when it ended it was 3pm. Your guys schedule was done so your manager dropped off VIXX and you guys went back to the dorm.

When you guys got to the dorm you saw Karam outside waiting for you. You didn't know what to do so you waited till everyone got out then you got out. Karam was so nice he said hi to everyone and then he saw you.

"Wah I was right this is your dorm"
"ㅋㅋ Karam Oppa how do you know I live here now"
"Easy your fans"
"ㅋㅋ oh yeah I have them to tell you anything"
"ㅋㅋ ne they are all over our school"
"Ahh that's cool"
"Yeah I guess....Well ________-ah do you have free time?"
"Umm ne I do I'm done with my schedule wae?"
"Well can we go for a walk"
"Oh ne we can just let me ask my manager"

You had walked inside to change into warm clothes and asked your manager. He said that you could go but that you needed to be safe because he is in a gang. You smiled and walked out the door you locked it and took Karam's hand.

"Let's go ㅋㅋ"
"Huh? You can go?"
"Ne I can now what did you want to tell me?"
"Oh well me and the other have been doing good in school and we got a scholorship"
"W'O'W that's awesome so what school will you guys be going too? What will you guys major in?"


(http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=azwzzSxw3QQ)-M.I.B Only hard for me

"Well we all will major in acting so we will be going to.."
You had cut him off,"Oh", you sighed,"Ok well have fun finish off the year here good enjoy your last christmas and new years here"
Karam took your hand,"How did you know that we are going over seas?"
"I just do",you tried to smile at him.
"________-ah look everything will be ok"
"Yeah I know I just want you guys to have fun and to be safe when you guys go ok?"

Karam had let go of your hand and you walked ahead of him. When you were walking you started to cry you had just seen them after a long time and now they are leaving. You wanted them to stay here you wanted them to stay and not leave you like your birth parents. You started to cry and you didn't want Karam to see you cry. You sat down when you got to the beach at the park near your dorm, you sat there crying. Kwon and the rest knew you guys would go there they all saw you crying and they didn't want to bother you. They watched you cry, but Kwon couldn't let you cry anymore he ran up to you and hugged you.

You cried even harder to have him hug you and you didn't know what to do; you wanted to walk away from this pain you wanted everything that Karma had said to be a lie. You just wanted everything to be a lie you wanted your life back. Everything has changed ever scene you became an idol.
People has changed, school has changed, even the manager has changed you just sat there in Kwon's arms crying. Karma came up to you and hugged you, you didn't know what to do or say; you just wanted someone by your side. Soon Mika and Jay came out and so did Minwoo your "brother".

You had got up and hugged your "brother" still crying you didn't know what to do you wanted something but you couldn't ask for it because they were given a great deal. You stood there in Minwoo's arms crying you wanted to talk to someone but who? You didn't know who to talk to not even your Unnies whould help. You wanted everything to go back to normal for everyone to start hating each other like it use to be. You wanted that old time to go back again.

"Shhh ________ Noona it's ok"
"Noona please don't cry you will still have me for another year",Jay tired to make you happy.
Mika hit Jay in the head,"Aigoo Jay why did you say that"  
"*sniff* It's ok I get it you guys something you wanted and you guys worked for it"
"_______-ah do you still want to talk to me?" Karma wanted to tell you more.
"Umm sure"

You guys had walked a little further in to the distance.
"You didn't hear everything though"
"What is it then"
"We will come back for Valintme's Day, White Day, Chusok, Pepero Day, Christmas, and New Years"
"And how can I trust you guys?"
"We will all make a promise and you can even write it down"
"Ok then but what if they don't know about it"
"They do we all talked about it on our way here"
"Ok then let's go make a promise"

You and Karma walked back you guys all talked and looked at each other. You tried to smile but in your eyes there was water. You tried very hard not to cry you didn't want to cry anymore. You really missed them and you didn't want to miss them even more. You wanted to have them with you for a long time. You wanted them to stay with you and not to disappear like your parents. Everything that was said you saw in 60 seconds you saw them leaving and then you forgetting you they were.  You started to cry because you looked at all of them and saw a star in them just wanting to shine. You saw something no one would ever see.

Kwon couldn't take it anymore he took your hand and lead you to the Han River for you to sit and watch the sunset. He knew that the sunset would always calm you down because you had a picture of that sunset in your phone and hanging up on your wall. Kwon just wanted you to have at least a smile on your face. You looked at Kwon and smiled you had kiss him on the cheeck.

"Thanks Kwon Oppa you always know what to do"
"Yup no problem anything for my little girl", he patted your head.
You had hugged him,"Oppa I'm very happy for you guys I'm glad to know that you guys had worked hard to get there"
"Then Maknae why are you crying?"
"Because Oppa I don't want to lose you guys like how I lost my parents"
"Hone that will never happen we will always keep in contact with you"
"Then what happen this year?"
"We knew you were busy and we were busy oursleves studying"
"Everyone has changed so much", you inhaled, "Oppa I'm not ready for this BIG change"
"We are not either but we are getting older each day and we need to deal with it"
"I know I'm just ready to lose you guys yet"
"We are not either"

Kwon hugged you again he didn't want you to cry anymore. He wanted you to stay happy he didn't want to see tears in your eyes. You guys had stayed at Han River until 8pm. You were feeling sleep so Kwon had carried you all the way back to your dorm, you had fell asleep on his back.

On the way back Kwon ran into Mika and the rest and they all walked together to the dorms. They couldn't make back to your dorm so they called one of your Unnies to tell them to tell their manager. Kwon had took you to their dorm, when he got there he had laid you down on his bed to let you sleep. It was soon 10pm and Kwon got tired he wanted to sleep in his bed so he had slept right next to you. He had rapped his arms around your waist and fell fast asleep.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!