First day back

I will always be here for you


Teen Top-The back of my hand brushes against

Narator's POV:

It was you first day back at Shin Bong High. You were really excited till you reached the gates. All you say were the queenkas and kingkas and by then you didn't want to go in any more. All you can think about was how to find your birth parents this was a big mission for you but will this mission work.

Your POV:

"Yes first class is science aww but with almost all the queenkas and kingkas. Ugg i need to change it right away." As I walked in all I heard are the queenkas begging the kingkas to give them a kiss. Eww gross I don't want to see. But the only thing was that they are have a diffrenet personality. But no matter what I will always hate the queenkas and kingkas. The one thing I hate the most is violence. All I see here at SBH is fights and violence I can never just watch the poor people getting hurt.

Narator's POV:

On you way out you ran into one of the kingkas. You were very scared so all you did was nothing just to earn your punishment.

"Ouch" as you fell everything fell out of your hands. "Mianhaeyou about that I didn't mean to run in to you please forgive me."

"Oww" he wimpered "Ugg it's ok that was me who should be saying mianhae" he quickly notcie your face

"No it's ok..umm  you can go I can pick this up by myself" as you picked but your penciles

"No I can't then I would feel sorry for just leaving you here" as you just looked at you

"I'm Ok just go i got it" you kept on picking up your penciles

"I will help you pick up all your stuff I can't just leave without helong you" he quickly bent down to help you

You tried to pick them up fatser but you couldn't. Right when you were about to grab the book your hand landed on the kingkas hand. You were very shy because the only hand you touched was you "brother's" hands. All you did was take your hand off of his and blush.

Your POV:

WWAAHH!! What just happen I myself touched one of the kingkas hand. How embarrassing is that running into him and now touching his hand.Wow I can't belive that he is touching my hand though this is a big suprise to me. UGG PARK _______ SNAP OUT OF IT THIS ONLY HAPPENS ONE TIME IN A LIFE TIME. Ugg now all I can do is tell my Unnies What happen today in the morning.

L.Joe's POV:

Omo I touched her hands what do i do. I can't go around school known as this wired kingkas running into people just to touch their hands. Ugg get up L.Joe say Sorry for your actions. GET UP STUPID ME. Oh well just help her and take the her stuff to her locker.

Narator's POV:

"Ummm hi I am one of the kingkas here at SBH my name is L.Joe. It is very nice to meet you." Holding almost all you stuff.

"Ummm hi I am just an ordanry student at SBH my names is Park _______. And yes it is very nice to meet you" holding almost all you stuff.

"Let me help you bring this to your locker is that fine with you?"

"Umm sure that would help me a lot thanks"

Your POV:

Wow he is so nice I wonder how tought him his maners? Ugg just keep walking.

"L.Joe Sunbae I got it from here on I have to get to class fast"

"Are you sure I can still help you"

"Yeah I'm sure I got it"

"No I can help you. Oh _______ would you like to be my bestfriend?" He was doing an ageyo to me really.

L.Joe'S POV:

I hope this works AGEYO TIME. Oh no is she ignoring my ageyo all my fans love she really is stubbern. Oh well I can change that. She really like to play hard to get all I have to do is hug her. We had just reached her locker time to ask her again, ㅋㅋ I hope it works this time.

"________ earlier did you just call me sunbae?"

"Ne I did waeyo?"

"Well now scene we are bestfriends you can call me oppa" I can't wait to hear her say it

"But we just meet I barely know how you are"

"Wh...WHAT?!? you have to be kidding me you don't know who I am. All of Korean Knows who I am and you don't"

"Nope sorry but I'm fine with it I have to go now and so do you now can we go??"

Your POV:

Really who is L.Joe is that his real name? Why do so many girls follow him around school like little dogs. Ugg they can't stop sreaming they hurt my ears like hell even though i wear earphones they don't work I still can hear them. Why should I know who he is I don't really care about it. I only listed to two K-POP band and that is Teen Top and Boyfriend. They are all so cute if you out them together. I can't wait for their comeback. Ugg why is this L.Joe Kid much like a kid he really needs to grow up. I can't wait till I can leave this wired kingka. 

Narator's POV:

L.Joe is still trying to get you to be his friend. You were about to leave when.....when L.Joe grabed your hand and hugged you.

"Park _______ would you please be my bestfriend"

All you can hear was people snikkering about what just happen.

"Yes Yes we can be friends now let go of me" pushing him away from you.

Now all you thought about was the family that raised you because they were the only family that hugged you like that. When you turned around to walk to class you almosted cried. But when you looked at your phone you got a text form your "Brother" No Minwoo.

You didn't feel like replying back so you waited till lunch time.

L.Joe's POV:

YES!!! I got her to become my bestfriend. I could tell that in her eyes that something was worng her whole life. If you looked into her eyes they tell a story of her childhood. She seems have got a text but from whom did she get it from she didn't evenn reply back. Something is up. Oh well any way if any of the queenkas messes with her the will have to deal with me first.

Narator's POV:

It was lunch time and your were starving. As soon as you got in to the cafiteria all you heard was snikkering and all the queenkas yelling at the kids that are sitting in their sets.

"Hey you there where do you think your going you can't eat lunch here" she snikkered.

You turned around and rolled you eyes at her and just got your food.As soon as the queenka walked up to you L.Joe walked in.

"What the hell do you think you are going to do to her touch her and i will hurt you and your dumb group too" L.Joe yelled.

You were so suprised at the words that came out of L.Joe's mouth

"But Oppa she was being rude to Unnie and she is the top queenka out of all of us" the maknae told L.Joe with puppy dog eyes.

"Shut up maknae you are just going to get us in more troulbe then we were before." the leader commanded

Your POV:

Did L.Joe really just say that I tought he hated violence did't he tell me that he hated it. Now I'm so cofused. Any ways back to what just happen I thought I would have to hurt her myself GOSH how much I hated her and their little supupid group. I'm starting to like this kingka because of his kindness. PARK ________ STOP THINKING OF HIM HE IS NOT WORTH IT.

Yoona's POV:

WAAHH _______ is so lucky to have L.Joe Oppa to watch over her. I wish he cam do that to me. I just hope that ________ dosen't find out that I'm one of thoes girls who follow him around like a dog.

Sooyoung's POV:

WAHH _______ now has someone to watch over her now. This means that we don't have to do it any more. But wait that was L.Joe Oppa from Teen Top dose ________ even know who he is. Oh well maybe not that is good because she hates those wired girls who follow him around school yelling and screaming "L.Joe Oppa will you merry me" of "Oppa can i get a kiss", Ugg they are so ignoring i hate them as well. But even though she wears nice earphones she can still hear them yelling and screaming.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!