Going back to school with changed people

I will always be here for you

4minute Hot Issue

Narator's POV:
Today was Tuesday and you had the best night you got to sleep with your boyfriend and you also got candy in the morning.
You got up befor everybody and yelled
Donghyun got up and hugged you so you can be quite. And you were quite you also hugged him backed and he got up.
"YAY 1 down ?? how many more though ㅋㅋ it's ok I only have to wake up Teen Top, Boyfriend, and Kwon and his friends"
You walked up to Teen Top and begged them.
"TEEN~TOP~ GET UP IF YOU DON'T I WILL YELL FOREVER AND NEVER STOP"you giggled and went to get a pan.
You banged it together and they all woke up they knew that you were really good at waking them up so they were scared if they didn't get up what would you do next.
"ㅋㅋ YAY all of you guys woke up at the same time"
"Ha~ha~ Noona I'm still do tired"
"That is what you get Ricky-ah staying up to late see what you did to yourself"
Every went to the bathroom and waited till you and chunji were done in the bathroom then 2 more go in to wake up properly.

Everybody got ready and went outside it took about 30 minuted for everybody to get ready and that was a new record. You guys all waited for the last person, L.Joe, and went into the car. But you thought about it and went out of the car and walked with Kwon.

"Kwon Oppa are you ok"
"Ne _______ I'm ok"
"Are you sure about that you look sad or mad"
"ㅋㅋ no I don't why do you ask"
"Because you just do..hey where did all your friends go I thought they would walk with you"
"ㅋㅋ no they think it is to cold to walk to school"
"Oh really cause it's not cold at all"soon your lips turned purple.
"______ look at me"
"Omo what happen"you then took your sleeves and covered you lips.
"ㅋㅋ your lips let me see them"
"Waeyo Kwon Oppa you are just going to make fun of me"
"No I wont just let me see them"
"Ne ne I will"

Kwon looked at your likes and he gave you his jacket. You dodn't want it so he put them on your shoulders and kept walking. You stoped and looked on the groud this was one thing you thought that Chunji would do first but it was Kwon.
"Kwon Oppa are you cold you can have your jacket back I'm fine I promise"
He looked at your lips,"No your not _______ don't lie to me I can see that your still cold"
You then took off the jacket and gave it to him you didn't care you just wanted him to be warm.
"_______ stop it just keep it"he looked you in the eyes and almosted kissed you when the leader of the group yelled your name.
"_______, ________ wait for me"
"Huh oh hi Mika Oppa who are you"
"Good and you, oh and Kwon-ah too"
"ㅋㅋ good"
"Umm I'm fine"

When Mika arived Kwon didn't talk to you anymore. He kept quite the whole way there and when you guys where there he went to his locker and he didn't care about you anymore.
"Bye Kwon Oppa bye Mika Oppa see you later"you waved and ran to your boyfriend.
Your POV:
Omo I can't Kwon Oppa wont talk to me when the rest of the Kingkas are here gosh he stubberen.
"Oh hi Sooyoung Unnie how are you"

"Hi ______-ah I'm good. So what are you thinking about"
"Unnie when ever the rest of the Kingkas are with me Kwon Oppa wont talk to me why dose he do that"
"ㅋㅋ yeah he dose and me and Yoona-ah Know why but he wont let us tell you"
"Awww why not I really want to know"
"Oh and all the Kingkas know too"
"Really so Kwon Oppa is really going to be like that to me when they are around so that means no talking to him when we are at school the meany"
"ㅋㅋ he is not it is just what he feel when he is with you"
Omo really is that why he almost kissed me today. Dose he...dose he lik...like me really. Kwon Oppa is really nice to me and he is like the rest of Teen Top and Boyfriend. ㅋㅋ plan time again and the rest of the Kingkas are going to be jealous, oh and Teen Top also Boyfriend too ㅋㅋ good I'm so good.

Narator's POV:
You had already went to the first 2 classes and know it's luck time. When you saw Kwon you ran up to him and gave him a hug. All of the Kingkas saw you and you didn't care.

"Kwon Oppa can you buy me lunch"
"Yeah sure ______ what do you want to eat"
"Yay thanks umm scene it is cold warm soup please and thanks oppa"you kissed him on the checks and went inside the cafiteria.
All of them saw even Teen Top and Boyfriend. Your plan is complete now it is time to eat. When Kwon Oppa walked inside the cafiteria his checks were really red like a cherry. You giggled and walked to him again.

"ㅋㅋ Oppa can we go get my food now I'm hungry"
"Ne we can come on let's go"
"Yay^^ let's go eat yummy food"
Kwon laughed at your silly actions and went to the line he waited but all the kids let you guys in front of them.
"Huh that was wierd they never let us do that before why do they do it now"
"ㅋㅋ I guess they heard the news"
"What, what news I don't know what your talking about"
"ㅋㅋ it's ok at least I know and your oppas know to silly"
"Oh really oh well I want to eat I'm really hungry"

Kwon laughed at your growling tummy and bought you the best soup they had. The 2 of you guys went to the table and ate the soup Kwon bought for you.
"Wah Oppa this is so good I really like it"
"ㅋㅋ I know you would like cause I always liked it when it was cold"
"ㅋㅋ really thanks Oppa"you kissed him on the checks again and one of the groups kinda saw it.
Today was also the day you went to the mall with the queenkas and your Unnies. This day got better every minute. When you looked up you saw that someone had ran into one of the Queenka it wae Hara. She was getting mad till you stood up she saw you and told the girl that it was ok and she was tring to change her actions towards others. You had got up and went to her.
"ㅋㅋ good job Hara Noona you did very very good at self-control"
"ㅋㅋ I got it thanks so much for the help"
"Yes that talk that you gave to us really works we are slowly changing just like the Kingkas Oppa"VIctoria had said when she had sat down.
"ㅋㅋ yeah I know it would work because I had to do that to the Kingkas too"
"Yah ________ which Kingkas do you like the best"
"Umm I like Kwon Oppa the best wae"
"Really I like him too"Hara looked at him when he came behind you.
"Oh yeah he is my best friend we work together at the shop"
"Oh that is cool but I really like Mika he is so cute"Victoria had said that when he had walked pass.
You turned around,"Kwon Oppa how come Mika Oppa looks mad. Is he mad at me did I do something to hurt him"

You were scared because he might be mad at what you did at your stupid plan you had.
"ㅋㅋ no he always looks like that when he dosen't get to see you"
"ㅋㅋ really he is so wired let me go say hi to him ok Oppa"
"Ne go ahead I don't care I'll follow you"
"yay ok thanks Kwon Oppa"
You ran up behind Mika and hugged him really tight but let go and ran away.
"Wah who did that"
"ㅋㅋ Mika Hyung that was _______ Noona"Jay giggled as you ran away.

Chunji's POV:
Wah I finally get to see my baby girl where has she been all day I miss her so much.
"Shhh ________ not to loud ok"
"Mianhaeyo Oppa, ㅋㅋ How are you"
"I'm good but why did you hug Mika you never gave me a hug yet"
"Mianhaeyo Oppa here let me give you a hug"walked up to him and gave him a hug then someone backed hugged you.  

Your POV:
Who was it? Wah it was Jay-ah they baby of the Kingkas how cute he never really talked to me too only Mika Oppa talked to me. But wait here comes Mika and who is that following him. Wah that is the new group I think why are they coming to this school?Aww where is Karma Oppa I didn't see him at all today.
"ㅋㅋ _______-ah this i"

I interupted Mika Oppa,"Yeah Oppa I know who it is this is MyName the new Kpop group I know I have to listen and my Unnies should them to me"
"ㅋㅋ that is good"
"ㅋㅋ yeah, well any way Hi~ MY NAME is Park_______, I really like your new song Message and I hope Mika Oppa helps you really well"
"ㅋㅋ yeah he is Hi I'm Gunwoo"
"I'm Insoo"
"Hi I'm Seyoung"
"Hi~everybody say I look like Sunggi Sunbaenim, I'm JunQ or Joonkyu"
"ㅋㅋ same thing right"I looked really losted.
"ㅋㅋ yeah it is and I'm the maknae Chaejin"
"ㅋㅋ it is nice meeting you guys"
I really like the song that they produce I really didn't even talk to them after that.
"________ come here"
"Ne Oppa and can we go outside I can't hear you"
"Ne let's go outside yah CAP Hyung we will be back ok"
"Ne ne but be careful don't get hurt"CAP Oppa had to point that out really.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa don't worry we wont get hurt I promise if we do I will do anything to be safe"I giggled and we walked out.
"ㅋㅋ that's my girl"CAP Oppa was suprised that I would talk to him when we're at school.

On our way out Chunji ran in to Jay the baby of the Kingkas.
"Ouch"jay yelp.
"Omo I'm so sorry about that are you ok Jay-ah"Chunji gave him a hand.
Jay didn't look up,"Who said you ca"
"HI Jay-ah are you ok"
"Wah Noona, Omo Chunji Hyung I'm so sorry I didn't know that I ran into you please forgive me"
I hit Chunji's arm so he can answer what Jay-ah just said,"Ou, ummm that is ok I'm fine I really ran into you so I'm the one to blam"
"Umm ok then well see you guys later, Bye ________ Noona"

Chunji's POV:
Wah that was so wired I wonder why his additude chaged so fast. Is it because of....._________ is she the one changing the Kingkas and Queenkas here. WWAAHH I love it they have changed so much when they see or hear _______-ah.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa are you ok did you get hurt"
"Omo Oppa where did Jay do it"
"On my arm and no you did it"
You playfully hit my arm,
   "Yah that didn't even hurt what are you talking about"                                                                                         "ㅋㅋ I'm just messing around with you"
"Ok sure Oppa thanks I guess"
Your POV:
Wah this is so pretty but why are we here we didn't even get to talk. Well we haven't talk yet so big difference. ㅋㅋ
"Wah Oppa why are we here"

"Because Teen Top wanted to take you out to the amusment park this weekened do you think we can go"
"Umm maybe because I have additions to go to this weekened"
"Omo really well maybe next weekened huh"
"Umm Oppa I just got a message from the company and they said I maid it but I didn't try out yet"
"ㅋㅋ because the company that you tried out for saw the vedio"
"Omo what vedio"
"ㅋㅋ the vedio was taken by Neil-ah and that was when you performed in front of Teen Top"
"Omo really Oppa thanks a lot I really wanted to be in that company"I were really happy and hugged him really tight.

On our way back I had held Chunji's hand the whole time when we got there Teen Top was waiting for us. I ran to neil and thanked him for recording me and sending it to the company.
"Neil thanks so much I always wanted to be in that group thanks so much"I had hugged him and the rest was just staring at as.

"ㅋㅋ no problem Noona anything for my favorite ________"


I giggled and we walked inside to go to class. Ever scene I had talked to the Queenkas, Kingkas, Teen Top, and Boyfriend I can be late and they wont care. That is so cool but I will always go early so it dosen't matter I go if I early or late.
"_______ do you have any of the other Kingkas phone number any of them"
"Oh Mianhaeyo CAP Oppa I don't have any of their numbers but I can get it who do you need to call"
"Oh ok umm well I need to call Karma because I don't go to school any more but I'm still are Kingkas here"
"Wahh so cool Oppa ok let me ask Jay-ah then I will give it to you when we get home"
"Ok that is good"

We only had an hour of school left and the kingkas walked out and they walked right towards me and the first thing I heard was...Mika ofcourse.
"Hi _______"
"Hi Mika Oppa, Karma Oppa, and Jay-ah"
"Aww you always say hi to me last wae Noona"
"ㅋㅋ I don't really know I will change it don't worry Jay-ah it will always change ok"
"Yay thanks Noona I love you"
"ㅋㅋ I know you love me"
"But _______ what about me your boyfriend"
"ㅋㅋ yes Chunji Oppa I love you more ㅋㅋ"
"ㅋㅋ that is good you love me more than anybody else"

"ㅋㅋ yup I have too, oh yeah umm Karma Oppa can I get you phone number for CAP Oppa please"                                               "Umm yeah here let me put it in your phone"
"Wah that is not fair Noona asked you for your number T-T"

Karam hit Jay in the arm and left right after that and didn't say bye to me. Why dose he always not talk to me did I do something to him too.
"Mika Oppa how come Karma Oppa wont talk to me"

"ㅋㅋ that is because when he was little he fell in love with one of his Noona and he would tell her that he lovers her but she would just laugh at him"
"Aww really, umm ok Chunji Oppa go home first I will come in a little bit"
"Umm ok be safe don't hurt yourself"
"Ne Oppa now go they are waiting at the gate"
"Ne ne bye baby see you in a little bit"
"Bye Oppa"I waved good bye and ran to Karma before he was out of site.

I finally caught up to Karma Oppa.
"karma, Karma Oppa please stop I wanna talk to you"

"Wah _______-ah you ran all the way over here just to talk to me"
"Umm...Ne....Oppa..but..I'm..tired rea..lly tired"I was tring to catch my breath.
"ㅋㅋ your so cute"Karma walked up to me and pinched my checks.
I quickly rapped my arms around his neck and I didn't want to let go this felt...felt like one of my childhood memory.
"Oppa I just want to say I..I love you ok so don't give up on love that fast"

"Omo who told you I would forget about love and just give up"
"Umm Mika Oppa told me that when you were little you....you liked one of your Noona but she just laugh at you"
"Ugh Mika Hyung is going to ugh"
"Omo Karma Oppa calm down it is ok"
"Ppufff ok I will relax"
"Oppa I'm sorry I will leave scene I said that I guess you need some time away from me right...um ok bye Oppa"
As I turned around Karma took my hands and hugged me relly tight,
"Who said I was mad at you and I barely talk to you becase I thought that you were that Noona I use to like"

"Wahh wae do I look like her"
"Mianhaeyo no no you just act like her"
"Omo really am I that old already BOOO~"T-T is he making fun of me.
"ㅋㅋ your not old I'm just saying that you act like her not how she looks or dress"
"Oh ok, umm I have to go bye Oppa"
"Wait let me walk you home'
"Umm ok then let's go Oppa I'm tired from learning ㅋㅋ"

Narator's POV:
"ㅋㅋ how can a nerdy girl like you be tired from learning"
You playfully hit his arm"Yah Karma Oppa don't be mean to me"
'Walking home with Karma is fun' you thought but soon he didn't talk or laugh with you and you got worried.
"Umm Karma Oppa what are you thinking about are you ok did I do anything to hurt your feelings"you were really worried about him.
"Huh what oh ______-ah I'm ok wae"
"Oh ok well we are here do you want to come inside"
"Umm sure who else is home though"
"Umm my brother and his band, Teen Top, and I think Kwon Oppa"
"Wah Kwon-ah knows where you live"
"Yeah we work together that is how he got the job"
"ㅋㅋ that is cute he has to come to a girl to beg for a job"
"ㅋㅋ ne he dose"

As I open the door no one was home I was really lost and asking myself where is everybody. You looked around to fnd on body inside the house and outside. You then got worried about your brother so you called him.
"Karma Oppa I don't know where every is at I thought they would be home"
"ㅋㅋ I know where they are at"
"Really where at"
"I can't tell you, you find them yourself"
"Aww please Oppa"you gave him puppy eyes but they didn't work this time.
Scene he didn't tell you went to your room to change. When walked in everyone popped out.

"WWWWAAAHHH"you jumped and hugged Karma becase he followed you.
"ㅋㅋ _______-ah it's ok they just wanted to scare you"Karma hugged you even tighter because you were shaking.
"Oppa~ Oppa wae wae now I'm really scared I was already scared on halloween and now on a school night"you cried as Karma picked you up.

Everybody who scared you felt bad so they stayed in your room. Karma took you down stairs and set you on the coach he gave you a blanket and some warm milk, he cheerished you like he was your boyfriend. Karma was a sweet guy he really like you the way you acted around him made him feel warm inside. This was the first time he and almost everybody else see you cry.
"Ummm _________-ah are you ok do you want me to do anything else for you"
"?? Oppa I didn't want all this but you did it anyways so no I'm fine I will do my homework and probally go to sleep"
"Umm ok be safe if you need me just call you have my number, umm I think I will be upstairs ok"
"Ok Oppa that is fine with me"
"Ok be safe down here"
"Ne Oppa I got it"
"Are you sure you want me ti leave yoou down here by yourself"
"Ne Oppa don't worry  I'm fine"
"Ok then I heading upstairs to talk to the guys"Karma headed upstairs as you watched him go you began to cry again.


Karma got up there and everybody was waiting for him to come. When he came inside everybody asked him questions but he didn't asnwer them at all. They kept on asking more and more but he still didn't answer. He didn't answer because he cared for you and didn't want you to be bothered by the others. So he sat down and kept quite the whole time he was out there, Karma was the only one in and out of you room. He went down stairs to see if you were ok and he was checking over and over he was really scared. The last time he checked up on you was before he left back home and he saw your sleeping face and smiled. Scene he saw you sleeping he stayed there and fell asleep with you. The next day you got up and saw Karma's arm around your waist.
"Omo Karma Oppa didn't go home Oh now I feel bad he didn't get to sleep on his bed"
"ㅋㅋ I heard that _______-ah and it's ok I'm fine sleeping with you"
"Umm Karma Oppa you know I have a boyfriend"
"Yeah I know you do but it's ok he wont mind"
"Umm ok then Oppa shh I still want to sleep"
"ㅋㅋ Ok let's go to sleep"
About a few minutes later you and Karma fell asleep and you didn't care what Chunji saw because he had scared you and didn't say sorry he just didn't do anything to say sorry. About an hour you woke up and notice Karma was not there so you went to the kitchen to find Karma cooking some food, food for you i guess.
"Umm Oppa where is everybody else are they still sleeping"
"No they just wont come out so let me cook for them then we can have our breakfast"
"Ok Oppa that is fine with me I don't care just make sure they eat"
"Yeah umm I think his name is Ricky-ah and he said he wanted to see you because he misses you"
"ㅋㅋ that is ok you can tell Ricky-ah to come down and stay with me"
"Ne I will tell him"

Ricky's POV:
I heard foot steps from the stairs so I waited till that person walked in and it was Karma Hyung and he brought all of us food. These food smelled really good, He had served all of us and amlost left but turned back and walked towards me.
"Ah Ricky-ah Umm _______-ah said that when your done eating go down stairs and stay with her"
"Yay ㅋㅋ thanks Hyung"
"Yeah no problem"
After I ate about 3 sausage and 2 eggs I went out to go to ________ Noona. I wanted to go keep her company and now I get to oh and also say I'm so sorry for scaring her really bad.
"WWAAHH __________ Noona how are you, are you ok? I'm sorry for scaring you last night"

"ㅋㅋ hi Ricky-ah I'm good, umm ne I'm ok, and it's ok I just didn't know that you guys where in my room and I got really shocked"
"Oh really mianhaeyo"
"ㅋㅋ she was so she didn't even let go of my hand last night"Karma giggled and got her food.
"ㅋㅋ yeah thanks Oppa, Yay my food is ready thanks I really really like it"
"ㅋㅋ you didn't even try it yet you should try it _______ it is really good"Karma feed Noona while a sat there finishing her homework.
"Karma Oppa thanks for feeding me but I think I got it"
"No it's ok I will feed you so you can finish your homework"
"Ok thanks Oppa"
"ㅋㅋ Your welcome"

Your POV:
Wah Karma Oppa is feeding me, but Ricky had left me and didn't even sat goodbye or see you later. But I don't really care if he dosen't want to say bye or see ya then forget him and I can just spend today with Karma. Omo I just heard Chunji yell omo omo omo what is going on up there they are scaring me. Ugh I have to go up there wae waeyo do they really have to do this to me gosh I hate it I hate them why do they do this to me.
"Omo Karma Oppa do you know what is wrong"

"Yeah he is mad he just had to yell"
"Omo he is such a child, oh well Oppa I'm done with my homework do you want to go out and walk around today"
"Umm sure who else is going"
"Just the 2 of us no one else will go"
"ㅋㅋ ok then let's go if no one is going with us"
"ㅋㅋ ok Oppa but I have to clean this up first"
"Ok then we go walking to anywhere you want to go"
"ㅋㅋ yeah but Oppa I need to get change, oh wait I got it"

I ran upstairs and went into my room. I didn't care about anybody in my room I just got my clothes went to get change and up my dirty clothes away. I ran back downstairs dressed up really nice I guess but I didn't do my hair so OH WELL.
"Wah ________-ah you look...look nice"
"ㅋㅋ thanks Karma Oppa"
"ㅋㅋ now let's go ________-ah"
"Ok Oppa let's go but do you want to go home and get change first"
"Umm no it is ok we can just go"
"Umm ok then we go to?? Umm I guess to any store then right Oppa"

We had just left the house and we walked passed a Hello Kitty store but I stoped and begged Karma to go back but it worked like usuall. We went in and I saw a Hello Kitty couples jacket I really wanted it but I knew that Chunji would not wear so I didn't buy it. But I had to wait outside because Karma bought something from inside.
"Oppa what did you buy"

"Umm I bought the couples jacket you wanted"
"Oh who are you going to give it to"
"You of coures"
"Really Oppa thanks"I took the jaket but I grabbed the one for him not for me.
"Your so silly that on is mine and this one is your"he handed me the jacket a bit smaller.
"ㅋㅋ I knew that"
"ㅋㅋ sure _________"
"Yeah sorry Oppa I'm kinda slow but you know me right"
"ㅋㅋ ne ________ i know you really well"
"ㅋㅋ you do know let's go see more stores"
"Ok then"

Karma Oppa gave me the jacket so me and him could wear it so we did.We walked almost the whole little town. It was fun we got to eat the street food and it was really good. I'm having a lot of fun with Karma.
"Oppa thanks for the fun day I'm glad to leave the house and my other Oppas"I hugged him.

"ㅋㅋ no problem"he hugged me back.
We decited to walk back home so he took my hand and held it on the way back home. I really didn't care anymore I know that all the Kingkas like me already and I can't do anything about it. In a about 30 minutes we were at my house. I was really tired so Karma carried me and went up stairs to lay me on my bed I quicky fell asleep and didn't really get to say goodbye to him.

Narator's POV:
You had fell asleep and Karma didn't want to lave you so he tried to call his Umma but she didn't pick up that ment something was wrong so he only called once. He always had a hard time with his parents so he quickly went homw and packed a lot of clothes to take care of you and stay over for a few days. He really didn't know what was wrong with his parents. He csme back and you were still sleeping and you looked really cute. He couldn't resist and so he pinched your checks but not to hard were yo could get hurt from it. He really did had big feelings for you but he knew everything, he knew that you were going out with Chunji Hyung and you had a younger brother named No Minwoo. But the only thing was he didn't know your big secrte you childhood.

"________-ah if you can hear me please say ne"
"Ne Oppa"
"Omo you are up I'm so sorry if I woke you up"
"ㅋㅋ it's ok I kinda can't sleep"
"Really do you want me to sing to you"
"Umm yeah thanks Oppa"

Karma had sung Love Bingo, Love Parade, Admiring Boy, and Stumble Stumble. You fell fast asleep when he sung Admiring Boy you really liked all of those song. This is what kept you and Karma happy. He was happy to see you happy and you were happy because you had an Oppa who really cared about you that much. You had woke up in the middle of the night with tears in your eyes and Karma heard you and woke up. He didn't say anthing to you but he did wipe away your tears and went back to sleep.
"________ you don't need to cry I'm hear for you"
Smiling about to fall als
eep"Ne Oppa"

The next morning you woke up and Karma wasn't there you were scared. Your thoughts was really big and you said it out loud.
"Umm maybe he is downstairs cooking again"
You had walked down there and on one was there so you were worried no one was in the bath room and the living room. You couldn't worry because today was Monday and you had scool and you had to go no matter what happens. You walked to school and ran into Jay and fell on your this was the first time you had ran into him.
"Omo I'm so sorry"you said and ran off so he didn't notice you.
After this week of school you didn't see Karma at all at school. You got worried and called him. His phone went strait to vocie mail and you got worried. So you had asked Jay and Mika where he live and they told you to ask Kwon. This was no help you only knew that Kwon would know a lot about Karma. I ran to his house and saw him srying at the door steps. You walked up to him and gave him a hug. You knew something happened to his parents they were on the news that morning he cooked for you. You felt bad so you had to tell him.
"Umm Karma Oppa pleae don't cry you have me and your friends. And I'm so sorry for not telling you that you parents were in a car actiddent and we didn't know if they servie"tears stream down you check.
"It's ok _______-ah at least you have a family"
You closed your eyes and more tears came out,"Oppa not a real family they only adopted me my parents didn't want me any more"
"Omo I'm sorry ________-ah"
"Hey it's ok I don't really care. And I'm sorry about your family if you want you can live with me for a while"
"Umm ok thanks ________-ah"


AN: Hey everyone I know that there is a lot of color I really like it. How is my story so far? And I'm sorry you the reader has been talking to the Kindkas a lot the next chapter I promise more Teen Top and maybe Boyfriend. Sorry I don't know yet. Thanks for reading though.

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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!