Finally Going Back to School

I will always be here for you

JJ Project-Hooked

Your POV: October
Yeah I know what your thinking "W'O'W she is so off with this diray of hers, it I dont want to read it anymore". Well just to tell you I have been to busy to keep up with all my fans and I wanted to be in contact with all you guys. I will try every week. Well school has started again and I have this last year of high school then taking the exam for college. I'm really not ready for this final exam for college I don't want to grow up anymore I just want to be young forever if that will ever happen though. I wish it will haha anyways I have to get ready for school so bye bye for now though ok. I will come back after school is done or when I get pulled out of school to do my schedule. Our comeback is soon are you ready for it? I hope you are. I hope you like it. I will try my best to make you guys happy with our new comeback.

At School
Your POV:
Thinking to yourself "Yes I got all my classes like I wanted"
Someone had tapped my shoulders,"Hey you came today"
"HUH?!?! Oh yeah this week I think I can come for a while"
"Oh ok that's cool well I hope you have a fantastic time today"
"Yeah thanks Hyuk Sunbae", I said as I walked away.
"_______-ah wait let me see your classes maybe we have them together", Hyuk said before I got any further.
"Huh? Oh ok then", I ran back to him.
"ㅋㅋ yup I knew it was have all our classes together"
"How did you know that? Are you a stalker? OMO your scary ㅋㅋ", I joked around with him.
"I knew because you are going in the same direction as me", Hyuk giggled and patted my head.
"Oh ok well then let's walk together yeah?"
"Sure let's go ㅋㅋ"

We walked to all our classes together and we also went to lunch together. Sometimes I'm thankful to know Hyuk Sunbae. We are getting closer and closer but he never agreed for me to call him Oppa yet. When we went to lunch we sat with Sungjae, Peniel, and Illhoon from BtoB. We also sat with JB and Jr. I also got to meet Ravi and Hongbin they are very nice.

"Annyeonghasayo", I bowed before I sat down.
"Annyeong Hyung", Hyuk said before he sat.
"Oh Annyeong _________-ah", Sungjae Oppa said when I sat down.
"_________-ah annyeong",Peniel Oppa and Illhoon Oppa said at the same time.
"Hyuk is that your girlfriend ??",Ravi Sunbae teased Hyuk.
"OMO Hyuk has a girlfriend let me see",Hongbin Sunbae got up.
"Hyuk this is not you are you sure your ready for this", Peniel Oppa smiled and looked at us.
"HYUNG!!!!",Hyuk whinned.
"ㅋㅋ anyo I'm well umm yeah", I tried to tell them that I was going out with Chunji but I just couldn't.

They all giggled and we sat there and ate. We all ate our food without talking like always. These school food is really good I really like it^^. We all finished eating and headed back to class. When I got to class me and Hyuk sat down but the teacher made me get up and introduce myself to the class. I did so and we continued to learn. Around 2pm I got pulled out to go to my schedule and so did the rest. We all had different schedule so we all said bye and went our own way. I had walked to the car and when I open the door I saw Chunji right there.

In the car:
"OH!! Annyeong Chunji Oppa", I hugged him.
"ㅋㅋ hey babe"
"Oh who are these people? Oh wait never mind I know who they are know"
"Well who are they then?" Changjo asked.
"ㅋㅋ well they do look familiar are they our Hobae? Oh wait, why did I ask that dumb question they are Beak Percent right?"
"Ne they are", Niel smiled.
"We are Beak Percent Annyeonghaseyo"
"Annyeong Im Leader and Vocalist, Minwoo-amida", he bowed his head.
"Annyeong Im Main Vocalist, Rokhyun-amida or Rocky what ever you want to call me ㅋㅋ", he seems to be very happy ?? I like him already.
"Annyeong Im in charge of Vocalist, Jonghwan-amida"
"Annyeong Im the Main Rapper, Chanyong-amida"
"Annyeong Im the Rapper and Main Dancer, Changbum-amida"
"Annyeong Im In charge of the Vocalist, Hyukjin-amida"
"Annyeong Im Maknae and Vocalist, Sanghoon-amida"
"ㅋㅋ Annyeong Im in charge of being the Maknae, Main Vocalist, Main Dancer, and Rapper _________-amida"  
"WWAAAHH!! You can become a soloist", Minwoo Sunbae said in amazment.
"ㅋㅋ yeah I know Minwoo Sunbae, but I didn't want to be a soloist", I smiled.
"WOW anyo anyo don't call me Sunbae just call me Hobae",Minwoo looked suprise.
"ㅋㅋ Hyung so will never do that",Ricky smiled.
"Well that is still very cool __________-ah",Changbum Sunbae smiled.
"ㅋㅋ thanks and ne Ricky Oppa is right I will never call someone older than me Hobae even if they debut after I did", I smiled at Minwoo.
"ㅋㅋ she seems really cool like you said she was Chunji-ah", Rokhyun Sunbae tried to wishper.

I giggled and looked at Chunji. He started to blush and I giggled even more. Rokhyun just looked at Chunji like he didn't do anything wrong. Everyone then notice Chunji and started to giggled.
"ㅋㅋ Chunji Oppa Gwencheniyo?", I tried to say to him.
"ㅋㅋ Chunji-ah sorry about that I tried to wishper",Rokhyun smiled and looked at me.
"Umm yeah Im ok",Chunji tried to cool himself down.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa it shows a lot just letting you know", I hugged him.
"Aigoo how cute", Jonghwan Sunbae giggled.
"ㅋㅋ don't get use to it Jonghwan Sunbae"
"ㅋㅋ ok^^"

I looked at my phone and got my schedule. I told Teen Top's manager to take me to the salon so I can get ready and I told him I had a ride after that. When we got there he dropped me off and left. I went into the salon and got my make-up done and they fixed my hair a little. After that I went to 'Radio C' again and by myself again. They had always wanted to meet everyone else and they did that day but I was not there and they were sad. I said sorry and for about 2 hours there it was already 4:30pm. I had left right at that time to go to another radio staion it took 2 hours and 30 minutes, so it was 7pm already. At that time everyone was recording the song or just listening to it when I got there and the song was done. They had fixed it and edit it a lot and we listen to it. After listening to it we got a cd of it and went to the dance studio to go and finish learning the dance to our intro and main song. It was a lot of work but it was fun.


After we learned and reviewed it we got ready and left to go and practice for the mini concert we are going to have. First we went to Jellyfish Entertainment to tell VIXX. Then we went to JYP Entertainment to pick up JJ Project. After them we went to Cube Entertainment to tell BtoB then we went to Yedang Entertainment to tell C-Clown. We all met up at the Performing Arts School for the stage we are going to performe at. We all practice our song and dancing but then we needed to practice performing some songs together and our intro and also our ending. Each of us performed at least 4 songs. Then we would brach off into performing together.

(2min)1.Intro- do a little video of us messing around and having fun, then introduces each and very group.
(7min)2.JJ Project- Bounce and Hooked
(2min)3.JJ Project introduce themselves
(7min)4.VIXX- Rock Your Body and UUUU
(2min)5.VIXX introduce themselves
(7min)6.C-Clown- Farther for fear and Cold
(2min)7.C-CLown introduce themselves
(7min)8.Star- The Real Me and Somebody Else
(2min)9.Star introduce themselves
(7min)10.BtoB- Irresistible Lips and Lover Boy

(2min)11.BtoB introduce themselves
(8min)12.Dace Group-JB, Jr., Ravi, N, Rome, Maru, _________, Min, Illhoon, and Minhyuk (Maxstep~Younique Unit~ and Freeze~Chris Brown ft.T.Pain~)
(15min)13.Main Vocal Group-JB, Leo, Ken, Ray, Kangjun, _________, Jessica, Hyunsik, and Eunkwang (Father~BtoB~,Dear Mom~SNSD~, Sorry~F(x)~, Baby Baby~4men~)
(4min)14.Rap Group-Jr. Ravi, Hyuk, Hongbin, Rome, T.K, ________, Hyuna, Illhoon, Sungjae, Peniel, and Minhyuk (Run To You~Dj Doc~)
(4min)15.Leaders-JB, N, Rome, Hyuna, and Eunkwang (The Learders~GD and CL~)
(4min)16.Maknae-Jr., Hyuk, Maru, _________, Sungjae (Candy~H.O.T~)
(8min)17.Acting- JB, Jr., Ken, Hongbin, Hyuk, _________, Suzy, Minji, Minhyuk, Kangjun, T.K, Maru, and Leo (Love Virus~Eunkwang and Sungeun~, Somebody else~Se7en~)
(8min)18.Ending-Encore (I Like You The Best~Beast~, Thanks You~2pm~)
1 hour and 38 minutes (not so mini concert)

We wanted to fit everyone and to let them performe at least 2 of their songs so that means it will take at least 1 hour. Wah I cant wait for this what so ever mini concert. I felt bad because it casted a lot just to come see us performe but I know and hope that a lot of people are coming.


This concert has to be good for our fans to watch. We had wrote down our list for about 1 hour thinking about good songs to sing. We had met at 9pm so its 10pm right? Yeah that's correct well we needed to practice so we did and we practice form number 12 down. To work together and teach each other it took us a long time we weren't done with that until 2am. We practice our own song and our songs that we are doing together. We had fun but we were also very tired it was around 5am when we finally finished on what we wanted. Now every week on Monday and Tuseday we would come here to practice and we all agreed on it.

November 19

Your POV:
It took us about a month to finally have everything all down and to get everything correct. We always have fun working together but today we had to be serious. We all did really well during pracitce and now we only have 1 week left till we finally have our concert. We have worked so hard of this and to know that C-Clown is having thier comeback with their song is good because they needed to know the music first before we did it. We also had to wait to let them have their comeback too.


I was waiting for their comeback too because they have gotten new hair style and they said they will show a manlier side of themselves for live performance. When I watched it I was suprised at what they had said they would do. I didn't see all of them only Kangjun as the main actor and it was so sad. Then soon they put one with all of them but I barely got to see them. I thought it was still really cool though.

C-Clown is working hard for their comeback and I really like it. BtoB has been busy but our concert is still in their schedule. VIXX is also working on their comeback but soon to be their goodbye stage. JJ Project is working on their comeback soon. Finally us we are still working on another comeback too. Boyfriend has had their comeback just a couple of days about and thier title song is 'Janus'. I really really liked their song it was a nice song.

Everyone is working hard but this week is another week of practice for us. We woke up today at 6am and got ready to go to a radio staion. After spending 2 hours there we went to go visit our parents before thanksgiving. That took about 3 hours going from family to family for the 7(6 because I didnt get to see my parents) of us. We had a great time seeing them again.

November 20
Your POV:

Yesterday was Monday and now today is Tuseday. We went to go see my Unnies parents yesterday. My manager even asked me is I wanted to go see Minwoo's parents. I told him no because everything would just be weird because I dont live with them anymore and because I don't really talk to them. That night I had cried I really just had a moment where I was thinking on who my real parents are. I always want to figure out who they really are how they look and everything. I was so lost in thought that it brought me to tears.

Again that morning I woke up with puffy eyes and I wanted to cry but I held it in. My Unnies knew that I cried again they tried their very best to keep me in a happy mood that day. I even tried myself to make myself look happy around the fans, but when we got in to the car I lost that smile really fast and I hated that feeling. My day went by really bad but it's ok because I'm planing on that to change. 

We went to go visit some of the groups to train together. So we went to Cube to take some lessons there with BtoB. Then we went to Jellyfish to talk with VIXX and also had lessons there too. Then we went to JYP to talk to JYP himself to see if we can help him with any song writing. After that we had to get our comeback song ready for next month so we went to Brave Sound Entertainment to ask them if they can help us write a new song. So they had agree to help us so we sat there trying to write songs for about 2 hours.

This took up our whole day we stayed at Brave Sound until 2am working on our song. We thanked them for helping abd said we would try to come the next day (or today what ever you guys want to say).

On our way to the dorm we all fell asleep because soon we had to go get ready for a photo shoot with VIXX. When we got there we said hi to everyone and then went to go get change into the outfits. We took group pictures and pairs and much more. What made it hard was Leo Sunbae he would not do much stuff but I guess he was use to us that he did some stuff. The only thing he didn't do was smile, or maybe he did when he bent down? Gosh boys these days so hard to understand=_=. That photo shoot took about 4 hours so now its noon. We said good bye and good job to everyone before we left.

Then we went to 'Radio C' together for the first time. When we arived we said hi to everyone and they were all happy to see all of us together. This took 2 hours, when we finished we said good bye and left to go to a fan signing. We got there and all I saw was a bunch of fans standing there waiting for us to get there. We had said hi to all of them then we started signing. They played our song and also our Sunbae's song in our entertainment. We had a lot of fun when we finished we did a Q&A we stood up for the people in the back to be able to see us. We had a lot of fun there and I really enjoyed seeing the fans. That took about 3 hours it's now 5pm and I'm already tired.

We went straight to the Performing Arts School to go and practice again. We had practice everything even the introduction of everything. We practice a lot of stuff even some fan servies that we had to get use to. It was hard because it was still awkward between all of us but we get along very well. It was fun we even tried new things and I also participated in some songs. I'm ready to perform this concert already I can't wait. We had practice for about 4 hours it was 9pm when we finished. We said good bye to each other and left. We went to the dance studio and practice our dances for the concert and we also messed around. We did that for about 3 hours. It was 12am when we finished I decided to stay a little longer to have a quite place to study for another hour or so.

November 21
Chunji's POV:
It has been about a month scene I have seen ________ and we all miss her. I wonder if she has any schedule today because Teen Top and Baek Percent don't. I should call her and ask she is usally up at this hour.


I called her and she didn't pick up I got really worried so I called the others and they didn't know where she was. I even called their manager to ask he told me to go and check the studio and see if she is there. They all told me that they had no schedule today so maybe we can hang out.

I went to the dance studio and I looked every where for ________, but I didn't see her at all. I ran out of the studio and ran up and down the street near the studio. I looked in almost every store there was then I soon got a call from Minwoo Hyung telling me that he found her.

I ran to where he told me to go. When I got there I saw you with Ricky-goon,Minwoo Hyung, and Rokhyun Hyung. You guys were eating dukbokki and laughing. You seemed to enjoy your time with them and I'm glad to see your smile agian. I miss that sweet smile our yours.

Ricky's POV:
"YAH! YAH! YAH! That's not fair you guys are cheating",__________ looked at all of us.
"ㅋㅋ no we're not who are we cheating?" Rokhyun Hyung giggled while eating more dukbukki.
"Yeah you guys are you guys cheated I'm the girl and you guys sho
uld pay for me not the other way", ________ pouted and ate more dukbukki.
"That's a lie you lost Ki-Bi-Bo and now you should pay for it", Minwoo Hyung smiled and pinched _________ checks.
They turned bright pink after that,"Oww that hurts Minwoo Oppa"

We all giggled at your cuteness even thought I'm younger than her I still treat her like my younger sister or maybe even if we are the same age. I miss having ________ around and this is something that just makes my day.
Your POV:
I went out to go eat some dukbukki and ran into Ricky-ah, Rokhyun Sunbae, and Minwoo Sunbae. They are so funny we sat down and ate and when we were close to finish we played Ki-Bi-Bo to see who would pay. I had lost and I didn't have my money with me so I tried to make them pay for it.


I put the last dukbukki in my mouth and left really fast leaving the bill to them. They had paid for it while I went to go get my wallet. I came back and they were still sitting there waiting for me.

"HUH? I thought you guys would leave by now?"

"Anyo we stayed and waited for you", Ricky smiled.
"Oh well got money to pay you guys back for paying"
"Anyo don't do that it's ok", Minwoo Oppa smiled.
"Minwoo Oppa are you sure?"
"Ne I'm sure it's ok we ate it together and you are right we are the men here we should pay for you",Minwoo Oppa pinched my check.
"Ne that's trueㅋㅋ", Rokhyun Oppa giggled.
"ㅋㅋ Ok then that's cool with me"
"Come on let's go back to the studio", Rokhyun Oppa pulled my hand.
"Huh? Oh ne ok lets go I need to study"

We had walked all the way there and I saw the rest of Teen Top and Bae
k Percent standing outside in the cold.
"Are you guys crazy you didn't you guys go inside?"
"They wouldn't let us in",Niel looked down.
"That's a lie they would",I walked right in.
"They said that we needed to come in with you",Changbum looked right at me.
"I never heard that before stop lying you guys"
"Ok well we just got back from looking for you Chunji-goon made us look for you", Chanyoung couldn't lie anymore.
"Is that why I ran into Ricky-ah, Minwoo Oppa, and Rokhyun Oppa?"
"Ne that is why", Rokhyun looked at me.
"Oh ok", I sighed.

Niel's POV:
_______ walked in to thee dance studio grabbed he books and went to the choir studio. We all stood there waiting for her to come back out. She looked at us and smiled then motion us to come in. We all went in and stood there awkwardly.
"Yah why are you guys so boring?",_________ pouted.
"We are not", I dissagreed.
"Yes you are you guys are no fun=_= I wanted to sing but you guys just stand there", she pouted even more.
"ㅋㅋ ok then let's sing", Rokhyun hugged her.
"Ok let's sing", she smiled and started to sing.

We stayed there and we sung 4Men Sunbae 'Baby Baby', Girls Generation 'Dear Mom', Teen Top 'Angel', JYJ 'Get Out' and 'Heaven', our last song we sung together was VIXX Hobae 'Sta

_______ took us out to go and practice dance. She new a lot of dances and just dance to the songs. This always happen when she has no schedule she always dose what she normally dose but for fun.

Chunji's POV:
She is having the time of her life with them not even noticing that I'm not there. W'O'W I feel really left out I want to be in there, but I don't know why I'm so shy just to go in. Why can't I do this? Why do I want to go in but can't? What do I do? What do I do? Ugh I hate this.
"Chunji-ah",I heard a voice.
"HUH??", I turned around, "Oh it's just you"
"Umm ne well what are you doing out here shouldn't you be in there too?" Hyuna Noona had asked.
"Uhhh ne but I don't know I can't go in for some reason"

"Ahh I know your just to happy to see our baby happy ne?"
"Ummm ne I guess"
"Well just go in there"
"Umm well we have to leave soon"
"Oh that's your guys car out there"
"Ne it is"
"Ahh ok"
"Well Hyuna Noona I'm going to the car now can you tell everyone else"
"Oh umm ne I can"

I left to the car feeling even worse not going in there to say hi to _________. I don't know what to do anymore I hate myself for this. At least she got to spend more time with Teen Top and Baek Percent.

November 22

Your POV:
Well we have 2 more days until the concert and we stop practicing with each other because of our busy schedule. We have been here and there and we see each other very often when we go from schedule to schedule. The day is almost done and I'm at home today was very busy it's almost 2am. I can't sleep and I need to sleep in for tomorrow. But I just want to tell you about my day. So first we woke up at 6am like everyday and we got ready to go work out. We worked out for 2 hours it was tiring but we had to before our swimsuit photo shoot. After that work out we went to the spa to relax our body before we go to 'Happy Together'. Only 3 of us get to go while the others get to stay at the spa. When we got to 'Happy Together' we said hi to everyone and we started the show. It was our first time and we had lots to do in an hour. When we finished recording it was 2pm. We had left and said good bye to everyone.


We went to the salon to get our make-up and hair done to do the photo shoot. It was for the summer's program even though it's fall almost winter. Soon it will start snowing and I'm ready for the snow. When we went there the others were ready waiting for us to get change. When we came out the floor had water on it so it looks like we are near the pool. We took pictures like that then we had to go the the pool and took some photos there. They had a hot tube for us to dip in after the photo shoot was done. After doing the photo shoot in the cold pool we would go into the hot tube to warm up. I didn't do that because I would become cold after so I just stood out with a towle around me. It was cold but we had fun swimming in the fall. It's weird but yeah we had a great time.
When we ended it was 6pm we went to Brave Sound to write our song again and we got a couple so
ngs from them and I had helped them too. We worked there until 1am. It was hard just to come up with the beat of the song we had to find a beat that goes with the lyrics. We had fun writing the song because we put all our ideas together to get our next mini album.

November 23
Your POV:
The day has started and we got up and we went to our own schedule. I was sent off to work out again. After that I walked to the salon to get my hair and make-up done. Then I walked around Seoul and waited till 4pm to go to VIXX's fan signing. I had went to help them get their gifts and to also sign some stuff too. Their fans were loud and very energetic I really liked their fans. They would scream when ever VIXX would do something cute or when Leo looked up at them. They would call their names to make them look in that direction and smile and wave. I thought it was the most weird fan signing ever but I have been to many of those kind of fan signing so it's ok. All of VIXX acted really cute and the fans would always go crazy.


Their fan signing took about 3 hours because almost everyone had got their things signed. It was 7pm and VIXX went out to eat and they brought me along. We ate our dish and stayed there to play some games. When it was time to go back to our dorms it was already 10pm, so VIXX decided to drop me off at my dorm and then they left to their dorm. Today was not that busy my schedule was different because I need a lot of rest. When I walked into the dorm the lights were off and I thought everyone was alseep until someone started to sing. It wasn't my birthday and I didn't know why they started singing. I looked around and say almost everyone there, all of Starship was there. I almost cried I don't even know why thought. Was I going crazy why did I cry I remember that today is the day that Minwoo-ah's parents had got me its been 17 years and everyone had remember that.

I smiled and blew out the candle I was almost crying but I didn't cry at all. I was going to taste the frosting on the cake but everyone had frosting on their hands and wiped it on my face. They all smiled and took a picture with me like always this happens. They really had a great time the cake was really good I enjoyed it. I thanked everyone for remembering today and that I will never forget this day. I gald that they are here to celebrate this with me. It was 11pm and we all had to go to sleep so we said good bye and thank you to Boyfriend, Sistar, and K.Will. When they left my Unnies got ready to sleep as for me who had to wash my face and chage before I went to bed. I'm happy very very happy to know that they all remembered today.





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DayoungLover #1
Finally DONE reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
captainmai #2
C: DERP!!! I love your story so far~~ Keep going!