chapter six.

45 Days of Fame

The week went by without a hitch. I practiced my audition, did well in my classes and fit in with the populars like I had been doing it my whole life. It was quite refreshing really, creating a whole new person who can be whoever you want them to be. 

It might be hard to leave her behind when I finish the assignment.

I heard someone jogging to catch up with me as I ventured to my locker before heading to the auditorium for the auditions. "Hey Isabelle, you ready for tryouts?"

I spun my combination in and thought of something witty to say. I came up blank. "Yeah. I just hope I don't mess up."

Mark chuckled, "I'm sure you'll do perfect." He muttered something else I couldn't hear under his breath.

I leaned into the small space and put away most of my stuff, frowning, "What was that?"

"Um. I just said that it's me we should be worrying about." Mark told me unconvincingly while running a hand through his hair, "Want to walk together?"

I looked at him as I slammed the locker door shut, "Sure, that'd be cool." We walked in silence a bit of the way until I spoke, "So uh, do you even know where the theater is? 'Cause I don't." I mean I'd been to it a few times for assemblies and stuff but I'd never thought to remember how to get there. The Kali in me would never have been trying out in the first place never mind walking there with Mark Tuan, rich sporty kid who seems to always get what he wants. At least he was surprisingly nice, not much different from the rest of my normal group.

He did a slow 360 turn, judging where we are then pointed in a random direction, "This way!"

"I don't know why but I don't trust your instinct. Are you positive?" He looked pretty determined though.

Mark didn't slow down, if anything he walked faster and I had to jog to catch up, "Yes. I saw a sign back there. Honestly, you have no faith in me." Luckily he was right, we turned the next corner and the large entrance to the auditorium was in front of us. He opened the door and bowed, "Ladies first."

I fought of an eye roll at his silly acts but thanked him and walked through. The room seemed bigger than the last time I'd been here which was the beginning of Junior year. About seventy or eighty kids were already spread out among the seat, going over lines or bopping their heads to whatever music they were playing through their headphones. I spotted Liah in the fourth row of seat and boldly dragged Mark using his hand towards her.

"Oh hey guys. The teachers said they will call the first people up in a few minutes. They said, 'Everyone needs a partner of the opposite gender to try out the lines with.' Most people dashed to find theirs. Mine is that guy with the earring over there." She pointed and both Mark and I turned to see him.

"Cool, thanks. We had trouble getting here." I shrugged and directed my attention to Mark, "Want to be my partner?"

He cracked a grin and teased, "What other choice do I have, you're basically the only girl here who doesn't have a person to do it with." He motioned to a few rows back where no one was sitting, "Want to run through the script?"

I agreed and dug through my backpack for the paper containing what we needed to say as we moved to those seats. "Aha!" I exclaimed when I finally found it half crumpled at the bottom. 

We sat down and went through it a couple times without messing up, "I think we have this down." I gave him a high five and the teachers stepped up onto the stage.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the tryouts for Grease, the musical Kingsman is putting on this year. We will begin with the songs." The drama teacher flicked through his clipboard, looking for a name to call. He called out a name, a guy near the back who looked like a sophomore or junior stood up and made his way down the steps, his expression gave away that he knew he was going first and was nervous. I felt bad for the kid.

He wasn't too bad a singer, his nerves were coming through loud and clear though.  

Everyone clapped when he finished and the teachers thanked him. They carried on through about ten more kids before they came to Mark.

"Good luck." I whispered to his as he got up and prepared to go down.

"Hi I'm Mark Tuan and I'm trying out for Danny." He looked really confident up there so I guess he really did do those plays when he was younger. That or being a popular guy makes you comfortable anywhere.

Mark began to sing, his voice was strong and very talented. Lets just say that if he tried out for something like American Idol, he'd make it all the way through to the live shows.

The second he finished everyone in the crowd burst into claps and a few people gave him a standing ovation, I quickly joined them, amazed by how well he did. When he returned to his seat it was hard not to stare with my mouth open, "That was amazing! You are so going to get Danny."

Mark waved it off like he hadn't done that well. He was practically glowing as he smirked at me but not in a cocky way, "I told you I used to get the leads." I laughed and returned to watching the whoever was up. 

After a while, I was finally called up. 

"Wish me luck." I acknowledged the thumbs up Liah was giving me and took the stage stairs slowly, careful not trip. 

That would just about be the most embarrassing thing ever. 

"Um. Hello. My name is Isabelle Yu and I am auditioning for the part of Sandy." Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I sung.

I didn't open by eyes until I had finished all the lyrics. Quite a large portion of the kids in the audience were on the feet and everyone was applauding me, making the room echo loudly. I blushed and rushed off of the stage, eager to escape.

Mark shook his head as I approached, "And you thought you would mess up and ." I sat down and hid behind my unfamiliar hair for the rest of the songs, attempting to conceal my red face. Mark and I were at the beginning of the script portion of the try outs. It went pretty well and I could feel myself falling harder into the role of Sandy. I definitely enjoyed Mark playing my leading man also.

That was something I could get used to.

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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10