chapter fourteen.

45 Days of Fame

Being popular changes everyone's perspective on you. They treat you better, almost as if you were royalty in the school. Being one of them for these few weeks, I have discovered that my thesis is right. If you look pretty and hang out with the right people then school life and your social life is a whole lot better.

I bit my lip and scribbled out what I wrote. The essay is due Friday and I still haven't finished it, let alone edited it. I looked up from my seat outside the dressing rooms when Brianne's sharp voice spoke, "What are you writing? We're supposed to be trying on dresses."

"Right, sorry. It was just my project for Miss Bailey. I already have a dress, I came for the fun of it!" I almost gagged at my fake excitement. I swear, Liah is the only thing getting me through this day. "OMG, that dress is perfect on you!" It was true, the blue dress fit her like a glove. Both cute and classy.

She looked at herself in the mirror to my left, "Yeah. It is pretty nice. Better than the last few I've tried on. But I don't know, it seems a little long." I kind of just stared at her for a few seconds, trying to figure out if she was joking and if I should laugh. 

"I think it's gorgeous. Definitely leave it to the side for if you don't find any others you like." I took off my jacket, regretting the outfit I was wearing in this crowded store. It's amazing how many girls are here for their prom dresses. Especially since I actually checked a few of the price tags. Lets just say I can't afford even a bracelet in this place. 

"So did Mark finally ask you to prom?" Liah looked over her shoulder at me. "What do you mean?" My eyebrows scrunching together as I looked up at her.

"Don't act like you don't know. Mark has been bugging me all month asking me how he should ask you to prom!" She turned her body towards me, "So tell me, how was it?" 

I let out a soft laugh, "Honestly, it was really amazing. It was competely unexpected and he seemed so nervous- but it was unforgetable." She smiled as I relived the moment in my head.

Liah cut me out of my daze with a shreak, "Oh my god, I forgot to tell you!"

I gave her a nod, indicating her to explain her excitement.

"So I was standing at my locker. I was trying to figure out which lipstick looked better on me. I was debating between a plum lip stain or a rose gloss,"

"Yeah.." I cut her off, wishing that she would just get to the point. "Then this boy came up to me, he was really cute. I've had him in some of my classes but I dont really know him. Anywho, we talked for a while then--HE ASKED ME TO PROM!" She squealed.

"Really? That's awesome! What's his name?" 

"His name is JB!" Her smile grew wide while mine faded. "JB?" I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"Yeah..." I could see the worry in her face, "Why? Do you know him? Is he a jerk?"

I smiled up at her as once again another lie came from my lips, "Nope, I've never met him." 

 I put my notebook and pen back into my bag and got up from the cushioned seat I was sitting on.

I began walking around the store. I looked through the desses, I was planning on wearing my mom's dress.  I know it's old fashion but ever since I was little I've dreamed of wearing it. 

I had picked a random dress off a rack and hold it up so I could see it when my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I picked up my phone, I didnt regconize the caller ID but I answered anyway, "Hello?"
"Kali?" I heard someone sniffle. 

"Yeah, who is this?" 

"This is Ariel." Now I remember, Ariel was my cousin on my dad's side. She also lives in Seattle.

"Oh hey Ariel, what's wrong?"
"Well. Um it's about your dad." I turned up the volume on my phone so I could hear her more clearly. "He...." She trailed off and started wailing.
 I turned the sound down again and spoke to her in a soft voice, "Tell me. Did they find my dad?"
"He died!" She choked out.
 I felt the world stop and I focused on my breathing, "Ariel, I'm going to have to go." I hung up. My dad was dead. The dad who taught me to ride a bike and swim. The one who always kept in touch even from a different state. My dad was dead.

I looked through my phone and found the first number on my speed dial, Jr.
He picked up after a couple rings and I could hear him chewing on chips, "Kali?" I stayed silent, attempting to decide what to say. "Hey Kal, what's the matter."
"My dad. He died." Jr. stopped eating and just before he could say anything I cut him off, "I have to go. Shopping for dresses and stuff. I just thought you should know."
I switched off my phone and took a couple deep breaths. I had to stay in character. Isabelle's dad wasn't the one missing. I was Isabelle at the moment and I was thankful that I had an excuse to block out Kali. 
"Hey Belle." I turned to face Brianne, who's voice was still ever so annoying, "I found you something."
In her arms was another dress. "Woah, this dress is really pretty." I took it out of her hands, "I already have a dress though."
"Just try it on. It's on sale, only fifty dollars." I gasped and spun to get to an empty dressing room. I guess mom's dress was very Kali and this one was very Isballe.  I felt a pang of excitement pass through my spine as I came up with an amazing idea. I could wear both.
At the start I could wear this one and just before I confess who I really am I could change into the other one and do something different with my hair. It would show that I really am who I say I am. I smoothed down the soft skirt and imagined the ways it could go. Everyone could hate me and I could get shunned for the following week and all the reunions or everyone would understand and forgive me. Fingers crossed for the second option.
"Come on Belle. Show us." I swept the curtain to the side and timidly stepped out. They oohed and awed, ordering me to spin. I obeyed and they clapped, exclaiming how amazing I looked and how it was perfect for me, which I had already discovered. 
"You totally have to get it Belle. My dad said I could buy your dresses anyway guys." My jaw dropped. I knew Brianne's dad was extremely rich but to buy other girl's dresses, well that shocked me.
"Wow. Thanks." The other girls chatted about nails and hairdos while I put on my casual clothes again. This dress scenario was going to make prom a whole lot more interesting than I thought.




Sorry guys this chapter is kind of short. But how was it? :)


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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10