chapter twenty.

45 Days of Fame

As I walked through the auditorium doors, the room was a mad house. People were running around, rehearsing their lines and fixing last minute props. 'Welcome to full day rehearsals'  a piece of paper read from the door.

Once everyone realized I entered the room, they all froze. I figured that the show must go on and even though I had lied they must still want me to play Sandy, I didn't have an understudy after all.

"Isabelle! Kali! Whatever your name is! Good you're here." If the drama teacher Mrs. Jacobs was angry it didn't show as she took my hand and led me to the stage. "We need to run over 'Hopelessly Devoted to You' again."
I felt my eyebrows crunch up, "You're not mad? And you can call me Kali."
"Kali, yes, yes. I remember you now. I see this little change has made you more outgoing with your singing. I don't exactly care as long as you get up there tonight and act your little heart out. The other cast and crew members might be a little more bothered though." She nodded in the direction that Mark was sitting in, talking to one of the other T Birds. His gazed at me every few seconds, as if he wasn't listening to what the guys were saying to him.
I shrugged and climbed up the step. "There's only a week left of school anyway." I murmured to myself. I moved my hand up to block out the bright stage lights. They adjusted the lights and I dropped my arm back to my side. "Okay, ready when you are."
The track started and I let myself be taken over by the song. This was my favorite part of acting, it feels like everything slips away and you become your character. I wasn't going to let anyone get to me, what I did was with a good conscience and I may have lied to some people but it wasn't intentional. 

"But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you
Hopelessly devoted to you."

The music ended and I hesitated awkwardly, tucking my left foot behind my right leg. "Should I go get changed into my first costume?"
"Oh yes of course dear. Run through everyone!" Mrs Jacobs had obviously forgotten about me because she jumped when I had spoken.
I went to the dressing room that had been set up for the girls performing and rummaged through the costumes, searched for the one I would wear for the first scene. The door opened, revealing my fellow cast mates. From my costume box I was hidden from the rest of the room, it was behind a load of prop boxes and there was only a small gap to get round. I instantly zoned in on Brianne's voice and attempted to place the others. From what I could tell there was about four of them including the queen bee herself.
"Okay so, we have to like destroy a load of their stuff so it's impossible for them to do the play. That lying, pathetic excuse of a girl is not getting the upper hand." Brianne scuffed. "How dare she think she can humiliate me in front of everyone and steal my crown. She has another thing coming."
I heard a crash and someone say, "Oops."
"No, that's a good thing. We're here to destroy stuff remember?" I strained my ears, they must not hang out at our table a lot if I can't tell who they are.
"I can't believe you let that girl into our group, Brianne. I mean, she used to be cool in junior high but then she just like, crashed and burned." 

I tried my best to take a quick peek at who the other girls were. They were all on the junior varsity cheer team. Brianne must not have thought they were good enough to sit at her table but she was all for making them helping a wreck at the drama department. I have no doubt she'll make them take the blame if they get caught as well.
"Shut up. We have a job to do."
Being as careful as I could, I took out my phone and turned the brightness down so they wouldn't see it shining through the boxes. I scrolled down my contacts until I landed on Liah's name.
To: Liah :)
From: Me

Brianne in girls dressing room. Bring teachers ASAP.
I leaned up against one of the cardboard boxes and slide up to get a better view of the girls. They were throwing props onto the ground and one of them was trying to rip a costume with her bare hands, "It's too tough. I just got my nails done the other day."
"Quit whining. Do you guys want to get into varsity next year or not?" The three girls muttered under their breath and carried on with their duties. Brianne, on the other hand, sat on one of the cabinets, examining her phone. "Do you guys think I should break up with Jay? He's hot and stuff but he's so dumb. It's starting to get old. We're going to go separate colleges as well and I do not do the whole long distance thing."
Before any of the girls could answer, I got a notification on my phone. I ducked down and pulled it out. I mentally scolded myself for not silencing it. 

As I looked down at my phone, I felt a presence above me. I noticed a face leaning over the boxes, "Omg Brianne it's her, what should we do?"

"Leave this to me. Just go watch the door." The sophomore nodded and did as she was told. "So I see we have a problem on our hands."
I stood up as she squeezed through the gap, "I'm not afraid of you Brianne. You're just pathetic and fake, you live off other people's insecurities. I bet you have a few of your own. I bet I could name some."
"Don't. You. Dare." Her word were practically dripping with poison as she took a step closer.
I tapped my index finger on my cheek and pretended to think, "Let's see. Remember that time in seventh grade when you got your period in front of our gym class. I seem to recall our shorts were white as well. Oh! Or when Evan Yeun ditched you at the eighth grade graduation dance for Sarah Dela Cruz. And how can I forget Principal Laine walking in on you and Devin Sams-"
"Just stop talking!" She slapped her perfectly manicured hand over my mouth, "You're just jealous that I have it so much better than you do. You and everyone else! I have the hottest boyfriend, I have the best body, I have the richest parents. MY LIFE IS BETTER THAN YOURS!"
I pulled her hand off of my face while she cooled down. I chose to respond in a calmer matter despite the fact that my inner conscience wanted me to smack back, "Is that so Brianne? Is having all these people hate you a good thing? You don't love Jay, you even admitted that yourself. The thing is you may have had things easier so far - money, boys, pretty much everything. But they didn't make you happy did they? My dad died not to long ago I know my life certainly isn't perfect but at least I'm happy, even though I lost someone I love. I don't think you've ever been happy, Brianne."
"No, I-I mean...You're right." She slid down the wall, "You're completely right. I miss having people like me. Really like me, not just like me to get stuff. I'm sorry about your dad. I remember him, he used to come in to help out with the boys' sports teams in Elementary, didn't he?"
I sighed at the memory and lowered myself next to her now that I was sure she wasn't going to explode again, "Yeah. You know, I liked you a whole lot better when you said hello to everyone and didn't care about what people think of you. Don't you just miss those days? When everyone was friends and no one was sabotaging each other?"
"Brianne? Why are you not beating her up?" A voice called out from the center of the room, "We have to be quick, someone will be coming soon."
Brianne let out a soft groan and turned to me, "I'm sorry about everything. I at life. I doubt anyone will forgive me but from now on I'm going to try to make things right."
The door banged open and I heard the other girls scream.
"You ladies, we're going to have to take you down to the principal's office for destruction of school property." A teacher from the literature department spoke. I stood up and made my way around the boxes.
"Thanks Liah." I gave her a  hug and glanced around to survey the damage, "I think we'll still be able preform the play with what we have." We cleared up the mess.

Maybe Brianne never really was as big and bad as she seemed. Maybe she was just like the rest of us, lonely and scared.


 I closed my eyes, converted my breathing to a slow rhythm then focused on the sound of the crowd. I was fully dressed in my first costume and my makeup was done. For the last hour and a half I had become Sandy, thoughts and all. Now, all the pressure of what I had done came rushing back in. That was always my favorite part of acting, I could block out everything else and just become emerged in my character. That was how I had remained so calm when I had been told my father had died, I was still acting.
I heard the audience clap and whistle as the announcer read out the main cast's names. When he reached the name before mine I peaked my left eye open just enough to see my mother, they looked proud. I smiled as he said my name, the real one. I bowed then returned to my calming breathing.
I was nervous, my adrenaline was pumping but I admit the main reason why I kept my eyes closed was to avoid making eye contact with Mark. We had been professional all day while practicing but besides our lines, we hadn't spoken to each other. 
"Ladies and gentlemen, the cast of Kingsman High School's 2015 portrayal of Grease!" We all did a line bow and exited the stage. I rushed over to the dressing room and changed. Most people were still mad or awkward around me so it was best for everyone that I was in and out before they were done taking pictures or talking to family.
I think the musical had gone relatively well, everyone remembered their lines and sang on key. 
What more could you ask for?

I'm still not sure where I stand with Mark but I know that I have to end it. Mark is a really nice guy and an amazing friend, but I love Jr. 

God, my life has become a soap opera.

I heard footsteps coming from the hall outside as I slipped my sneakers. When I opened the door I found Liah facing directly at me. I smiled at her, "Hey. Great show."
"Yeah. You too." We hugged. We stood there awkwardly for a half a second since she stood in front of the door. She noticed and backed out of the doorway, "Oh sorry."
Laughing, I switched places with Liah. She was still in full costume, rocking a Rizzo wig. 

"Well. I'm going to..." I indicated towards the exit, "See you tomorrow for finals?"
"Yeah. Good luck." She smiled and backed into the hall. We waved and just as I was going to turn, I bumped into something.
I winced and pulled myself up from the concrete floor. "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I glanced up to see who it was and saw I was facing a wall. My eyelids closed as I realized my stupidity. 

"Good one, Kali. So you talk to inanimate objects and yourself?" I jumped at the voice and I felt my cheeks get hot. Mark smirked in a cocky way.
A groan escaped my mouth and I rested my head on the freezing brick wall, "I am never going to live this down, am I?"
"Don't think so." He stood parallel to me and copied my movements, "Yesterday was weird, wasn't it?"
I put my face into my hands, "I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I moved my hands away and stood up straight, "Hi, my name is Kali Deleon."
Mark accepted my handshake, "Hey. I'm Mark Tuan."
"I'm in love with my best friend." I released a huge breath of air and smiled apologetically.
This got a reaction from him, "Liah? I mean I have no problem if you're into that type of thing but I just kind of thought you.. you know, liked guys."

I was laughing hysterically not even seconds later. He thought I was gay? His shocked/confused expression only made me want to laugh more. "No not Liah." I got out my last laugh. "Jr. I'm in love with Jr."
"Oh. Right, Jr! He's in my Gym class. I know him." 

I looked up at Mark and let out a deep sigh. "I guess I've always loved him and I never knew it. I'm just sorry that I had to date you to realize that I was in love with someone else."

Mark looked down at me with a smile. "That's okay. You are an amazing person but I don't think we were exactly working out anyway, whole incident aside. I actually...uh think I've fallen for someone too." Mark bit his lip, obviously worried about my reaction. He didn't need to be, why would I be jealous or mad when I just straight out admitted that I was in love with someone else.
I started bouncing up and down, Isabelle must have rubbed off on me. "Oh my god! That's great. Who is it?"
He coughed and scuffed the floor with his shoes, "Actually it's Liah."
"Awh, Mark. That's amazing! Have you asked her out?" I couldn't keep the grin off of my face. 
"Not yet. I wanted to see what happened with you first. So....friends?" He held out his hand again.
I slapped it away and pulled him into a hug, "Of course we're friends. You're welcome to hang out with me and the guys anytime as well."
"Thanks Kali. I think this has been a really eye opening experience for me. I hope you get a good grade on your paper, you deserve it after all this."
"Thanks. See you later." We smiled and headed in separate directions down the hall. I didn't exhale until I left the building. That went a lot better than I had planned. I didn't think he would completely blow up but I thought he would at least be mad. I was honestly really happy for him.
"Kali!!" I stopped walking at the sound of my name being called. All the boys were following behind me. 

"So how did it go?" Youngjae asked. 

"It went surprisingly well. We're cool now." I give all the boys a smile. 

"That's great. Now can we go, I'm starving!" Jackson yelled and all the boys rushed to the car.

I grabbed Jr's arm and tugged him back. He gave me a look and I started to speak. "Mark and I broke up." He didn't give me a chance to finish talking, instead he pressed his lips against mine.
You can hear the roars and cheers coming from the car. 


Diplomas finally in hand, the seniors of Kingsman High School threw their graduation hats into the air. After four long years we were finally done. 


I looked down at all of the caps flooding the floor, "Now what?"

"Now our lives begin." Jr wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

Mark was approaching our group, Liah at his hip, "No more pretending?"

I shook my head, grinning, "No. I think I'm fine being myself for a while. "

"We all know you'll be up to something again within the next few weeks." Jackson smirked. I just gave him a soft laugh. "Just make sure to inform us prior." He shook his head, chuckling.

"I love you guys." We gathered together for a group hug. 

This is where the story ends, for now. Life is, after all, just one long tale. How it goes? Well that's up to the author. 



                                                                  The End



It's over guys! How was it? Let me know!~ Don't forget to comment and subscribe. Love you guys!

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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10