chapter ten.

45 Days of Fame



My mind processed the situation that just happened. I hurried to come up with an excuse before he could ask another question.

"I've been in another part of town visiting an old friend. She doesn't have cable so I wasn't able to watch the news." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"Okay. Just call me and let me know if everything's oka-" I cut him off. 

"I have to go, bye." I clicked then end button before he could get another word out. 

I closed my laptop, trying to grasp the concept of my dad possibly being injured or worse. Hopefully he was out of the quake zone. 

I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed my father's number. It went straight to voicemail. I called several times  and got the same result, no answer.

I laid flat on my bed. Maybe he's at work and that's why he's not picking up the phone. If he was in serious trouble, someone would've let me know by now. I keep repeating that to myself.

I decided to call Jr again, on the phone this time. He was always good at distracting me when I was going through a rough situation. 

Jr answered just after two rings, it was as if he was waiting by his phone. 

"Kali, is everything okay?" Jr voice spoke through the phone. 

"I don't know. Im so worried about my dad. I feel terrible that Im not with him right now." I began to ramble on. 

"Kal, your dad will be fine, trust me. " He paused for a second. "So how are you doing though? Besides this whole situation?" I could feel the sadness coming from his voice. I guess he really did miss me.

I rolled onto my side, "I'm pretty alright. I started school this week. It's a decent place, a bit boring but i guess its not too bad."

Jr stayed quiet for a while. The only thing you could hear was the sound of his breathing. "Hey Kali? Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I uh- I like you. I have feelings for you. Strong feelings actually. I know you may find this hard to believe, I can barely understand what I feel for you." 

I swear my heart stopped beating for a few seconds before I choked words out, "Really? You're  joking right?"

I could hear the sincerity in his quiet voice, "Nope. Not a joke. Its just something I've been wanting to tell you for so long."

"Jr, I like you too. I mean I always have." I let out a shaky laugh, "I can't believe I admitted what I've wanted to for years."

"Believe me, I know how it feels."

We talked for about another hour or two. The conversation wasn't important, it just felt so good to hear his voice again. 

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Bye Kalibear." I scrunched my nose up at the nickname I hated.

"Ew dont call me that." I gave him a soft laugh, "Bye." I hung up, wanting nothing more than to tell him about my experiment.

The problem was now I like two guys. One thinks I'm in a different state and the other thinks I'm a completely different person. 

My cluttered thoughts keep me awake for a while until I drifted into dreamland.



(Short chapter! Sorry guys! Let me know what you guys feel about this story. How's it going? Is it good? I'd love your feedback!)



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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10