chapter four.

45 Days of Fame

It's quite strange really, having everyone look at you. Usually I'm just in the background, not really noticed by anyone. The periods passed by in a blur of boring facts and introductions. It's amazing how many people throw themselves at the pretty new people with hopes of becoming friends with me. 

"Hi!" Someone grinned at me as I walked by. I nodded in return.
A guy on the opposite wall waved at me, "Hey Isabelle."
I smiled and forced my feet to keep moving. The cafeteria, unfortunately, was on the opposite side of the school to my English class. Seeing as it was for her assignment, Miss Bailey was the only teacher I clued in about my transformation. She seemed delighted at the idea and swore to keep my secret. 
The whole lunch ordeal was causing knots to form in my stomach. If there was any time these kids could see though my act, lunch would be it. I'll have to be on the top of my game so I can join their group and really get a feel for the role of a popular. I was pretty sure Mark sits with Brianne and her crew. I never did exactly pay any attention to who ate with who but the main people did sit with each other so I'm hoping I'll have scored big.  If I ever get an award for this essay, Mark is the first person I'm thanking for sure.
When I finally reached it, the cafeteria was swarming with energy. As normal when I walked in the noise level dropped but no one said anything until I reached the line for food. Even though I hated it, I took the salad on my tray with a water bottle and an apple. I had to resist getting the chocolate chip cookie.
After paying for the food my eyes scanned the room. Sure enough, Mark was laughing with a load of his friends right bang center of the round tables. Trying not to hurry, I breezed confidently to an empty seat next to one of the cheerleaders.
"Oh hey Isabelle, I see you made it." Mark smirked at me and then addressed the rest of the crowd, "Guys this is Isabelle."
Several of the guys tilted their head in acknowledgement and the girls smiled before turning towards whoever was chatting. Mark was still looking at me, the smirk clear on his face. I raised an eyebrow, "Even if I lost the bet would you really have made me sit on my own?"
He shrugged, "No but it was funny watching you get so worked up over winning. I take it you're pretty competitive?"
I scoffed, "Well yeah, in everything but sports. I at those. Do you play anything?" Like I didn't know he had played on the football team every year we'd been in this school.
"A bit of basketball now and again. I'm on the football team. That's the main reason I sit with these idiots." He punched one of the guys next to him in the shoulder and they all laughed. I chimed in, giggling nervously. "What do you like doing then if you're not sport obsessed?"
I thought it over, I couldn't exactly say reading and writing, that seemed dorky, "Well my time consists of basically sitting on my and surfing the internet and doing practically nothing." They laughed at my joke, "Seriously though, I have a thing for singing and acting. Writing I'm not so bad at either. I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to that sort of stuff." A couple of the boys looked me over again, obviously thinking I looked nothing like a nerd.
"Hey they're doing a musical soon, you should try out for it if you're any good!" Brianne practically squealed for the first time since I arrived at the table. She must have been pretty engrossed in the conversation she was having.
I waved my hand, almost as if I were swiping away the suggestion, "Nah, I'm not very good at being on stage and not fainting." Was acting considered cool to them though? Should I try and get involved in that sort of thing? I've always been too afraid of freezing up until now. This type of acting I'm doing was more of improvisation, just doing and saying what came to mind.
"You'll be fine! Hey, here's a thought, I'll even try out!" She looked excited so I tried to feign it also. Then her shoulders slumped, "Oh darn. I might not have time. Cheerleading practice and all."
I tried to look disappointed even though I was mentally sighing in relief. "I'll do it. Football is only on Tuesday so I'm sure I'll have time."
I faced Mark, "Really? Do you think you'd get a part?"
I must have seemed pretty skeptical because he started laughing pretty hard, "I was the lead in all of my junior high plays and even the freshman one here until I got more into sports." I thought back and faintly did remember him playing Oliver Twist in one of the drama performances I always wished to be a part of back in middle school.
"Okay so it's sorted. You and I will try out for the leads. When are the auditions?" My head was clouding over, could I really do this? I had kind of put myself in this position and if I backed down I would look like a coward.
Brianne came back into the conversation and answered helpfully, "I think they are this Friday. You should talk to the Drama teacher after school."
I nodded and kind of kept out of the next subject that came up, the game tonight. "Belle you should come! We're all going even those who aren't cheerleaders or players."
And there goes the second invite, flashing like a huge sign. I plastered a smile on, "That seems like such a fun idea! I will." They continued talking, almost forgetting about me entirely. I had promised to Skype my friends later today and show them my new room. If I keep it should I could get to the game on time, I would just have to make an excuse up that even Jackson would believe. 
We were all dismissed from lunch and I hurried to my locker. I had music with Brianne. Which was another thing I hated about the school, it made you choose over gym, art or music. So of course I decided on music, I couldn't draw for life and running around the track for a whole hour was just not an option. It was as if the world was torturing me when I got stuck in the class with Brianne but now it seems like a gift from heaven or something.
I made it to the class only seconds before the bell rang and the majority of the class was already in their seats waiting to begin. The teacher in charge of music, glanced up and sent me a warm smile, "Hello dear. Are you the new student I was informed I was getting today? Oh that's great. Sit anywhere." She ushered me to where rows of the plastic chairs were set up. "Now what's your name sweetheart and do you play any instruments?"
I took the only seat left on the first isle. "Um I'm Isabelle. I sing and play the piano a bit. Not much, I can really only play about two songs."
The teacher nodded, contemplating where to place me in the song we were working on. I was bound to get my old job singing in the choir as that was the only thing I qualified for. "Yes. Alright then. Do you know the song Hallelujah?" I nodded and she hurried on, "Good, good. We'll start you off in the place of a girl who recently left the school and see how that goes. She had a solo, is that fine?" I gave another curt nod, for an old lady she sure did speak fast. "Everyone places! Isabelle join in when you feel comfortable."
All the students rushed to where they needed to be and the musicians started playing.
All the other singers sang the chorus and I knew my solo was going up soon. 

Ms. Jay pointed to me and I started singing, putting more effort into it than usual.
We finished off the song and a couple of people came up to congratulate me stating, "You're perfect for the part. The last girl didn't even put any feeling into it." All I could think was gee. Thanks a lot, glad you're finally letting out what you think of me.
"That was like so awesome Belle! With that voice you'll for sure get the part in the musical if you can act." Why oh why do I have to be nice to Brianne? Isn't part of being a popular girl having to say mean stuff to people? Apparently it doesn't count if the other person is popular too.
"Thanks! I just love this song. Isn't it like, so beautiful?" She nodded in response and skipped off to one of her friends. I tried to look on the bright side, only two more periods to go.
Then I just have to make it through the football game.

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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10