chapter sixteen.

45 Days of Fame

I sped walked down the hall to my English class, trying carefully not to start running. My chemistry teacher had kept me behind to talk about the final assignment when were doing. I stepped inside the class just as the bell began to ring. I walked over to my seat and sat my backpack down in the seat next to me. 

"Okay class, settle down." Miss Bailey was earlier than usual today, you can see she had way too much excitement in her eyes. I wouldn't be surprised if this is her favorite part of the year. "As you know, today is the due date for your essays. I will not be receiving anymore after the final bell rings this afternoon so if you happen to have forgotten it I recommend calling someone to bring it for you. All incomplete or missing assignments will be given a zero which would affect your grade dramatically." She let that sink in for a few seconds and you could sense the panicked faces throughout the room of those who didn't do or finish it. "May I remind everyone, this was meant to be something you feel strongly about. Now, do I have any volunteers who would like to share their essay?"

I heard someone clear their throat near me as they began to speak. All of the essays were pretty dull (global warming, world hunger, family) but I guess that's something they really care about. I, of course, didn't go up there to present mine because I was going to release the news tomorrow at prom. Spilling it out early would just completely blow my cover and wreck everything. I still wasn't sure how it was going to go down but I'd figure it out.

Eventually the bell rang and those who had done the project were putting their papers down on Miss Bailey's desk. I was last in the line as it took me a little longer than usual to pack away my supplies. I took my essay from my binder and handed it to Miss Bailey, "Three pages, facts and opinions, thesis and concluding paragraph. It's all there."

"Honey, you keep it and give it to me tomorrow at the dance. I figure I should be there to watch your enouncement." She waved my paper away and stood up, "Remember that you did this on a good conscience. You didn't want to hurt anyone, you just wanted to prove a point. Try to explain it as gently as possible and let those who you made friends with along the way know that you weren't only acting with them."

I simply nodded my head and gave her a smile then walked towards the door where you could see Mark waiting for me, "Now go on to lunch dear, wouldn't want to keep that handsome boy waiting." I shuffled towards the door but stopped once she added, "If he really likes you, he'll understand." With that, I left the room. 

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" He leaned down to kiss me then took my hand in his as we walked to the cafeteria.

I pushed down the guilt that was swelling in my throat and gave him the signature Isabelle smile, "Great!"

We walked through the cafeteria, there were glares and awes spread across the room as we made our way to buy our lunch. I'll be getting way more glares after tomorrow is over.

Mark nudged me softly, causing me to come back to reality.  We paid for our lunches and joined the others at our normal table in the center of the lunch room. Brianne was munching on a baby carrot stick with not much else on her tray, "Oh hey Isabelle. I was meaning to tell you, you're one of the nominees for prom queen. Congratulations."

It was the look she gave me as she said it though, the piercing, cold look that signaled we were no longer 'friends'. It was war between us now. Prom queen, the idea sounded foreign to me but in a good way. It was crazy how everything was falling into place.

Prom queens get to make speeches...... What a perfect time to come clean.

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ItsNotTama #1
Chapter 20: This is gold... Like srsly.... I love it so freakin much that... I was so into it when i read and keep sayin stuff like "damn gurl ur lfe is so ed up"
Chapter 20: You are an amazing writer with real talent. I usually judge stories within the first paragraph, and if it's not up to my standards I go looking for another. After reading the first paragraph of your story my eyebrows went up, I was that impressed. Good story, good plot, and I would encourage you not to stay within the realms of fanfics only, branch out and try writing some real novels. People would be willing to read something this honest with some actual meaning to it. Thumbs up and hat off to you, will be looking forward to more of your writing. :)
Chapter 20: Very good!
Chapter 20: awesome fanfic :)
i hope you write more in the future
Tiatioot #5
Chapter 20: I love you because your story is somewhat similar in real human society thou, people nowadays likes to judge other person from the 1st sight, its a good ending that everyone seems to gather along btw, nice writing!! Good job!! ^^
Chapter 19: and now they know....
galaxybrooklyns #7

Chapter 18: oooh, i can't wait for the next update
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 17: yeayyyy!! an update~ thank you~
galaxybrooklyns #10