Part 8

it was YOU all along...

“Okay Round Two!” yelled Sensei Shim as he pulled his arm down.

“Fight!” Seung Ho and Si Yoon got into their positions. Si Yoon let out a punch but Seung Ho caught his arm and flipped him over. 

During that time Seung Ho whispered in Si Yoon’s ear, “You stay away from my Ji Yeon.”

Si Yoon fell down surprised at what he had just heard.

“Winner Yoo Seung Ho!” yelled Sensei Shim as he held up Seung Ho’s arm.

Ji Yeon opened in shock.

*That bastard Seung Ho won!* She began to tear away at her gi with her teeth. Seung Ho saw her looking at him. He crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out at her.

*That jerk is so immature!*

“Wait Sensei!” she yelled.

“Three rounds remember? One more to go!”

Sensei Shim called for attention.

“Okay you losers watching on the sidelines. We have one more round.” Seung Ho walked up to Ji Yeon.

“Don’t worry about it. Get ready to kiss my feet when I win Ji Yeon honey.”

"Get bent and die Yoo Seung Ho.” Seung Ho flashed her one of his trademark smiles and went back to take his place.

Then he heard Ji Yeon yell out, “You can do it Si Yoon oppa!”

*Si Yoon oppa?* thought Seung Ho.


*She never called me oppa!* Seung Ho knew that he couldn’t lose his concentration or he’ll lose for sure.

"I'll win the match first and deal with it later.”

*Wow* thought Si Yoon.

"Seung Ho is good. Hmm… I wonder if he’ll be my friend if he does end up beating me. He don’t hate Ji Yeon. I think he might even be in love with her! Heh heh… Well well.. Mr. Tough Guy must be thinking about *Kisado.* Besides, I haven’t met a good match like this in a long time.”

“Round Three. Fight!” This time Seung Ho let out a punch and Si Yoon caught his arm. He flipped Seung Ho over but he didn’t fall down. Seung Ho twisted his body back so he fell upright. He sent out a round house kick and knocked Si Yoon down.

*Victory is mine.* Seung Ho smiled.

“Winner is Seung Ho!” yelled Sensei Shim.

“You were excellent too, Si Yoon” he said as he helped Si Yoon up. Si Yoon looked at Seung Ho and smiled.

“You were great. You should show me your moves sometimes.” Seung Ho looked at Si Yoon surprised. He didn’t expect Si Yoon to say that. Si Yoon extended out his hand.

“Truce? Except don’t pick on my dongsaeng Ji Yeon anymore okay?”

*Dongsaeng?* thought Seung Ho.

*That means there’s nothing going on between them. I guess this Si Yoon guy ain’t so bad after all.* He shook Si Yoon’s hand.


---> to be continued...


1st update for today!

I want to say thank you to my beloved chingu MAY_YUNA for always commenting everytime i update this :))

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Chapter 26: This story is so sweet! Thanks for posting it here.
ueng066 #2
Chapter 26: Daebak!! I really love JiSeung couple...I love both story line and the the words you heart feel happy, sad, excite along the story. Thank you.
Chapter 4: Wow, it's so cute. I can imagine how little Jiyeon cried because of Seungho and how handsome little Seungho when he glared at her. But it is not Jiyeon who locked Seungho at refrigerator :(
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 26: So cute..... ♥ - ♥
I love jiseung couple :D
love it and a daebak story
zzerazian #6
finally, sweet ending..^^love it...
Awww!!!!! The cutest story ever! Awesome! =D
minstal_1 #8
so sweet :))
Eirenne #9
its really cute!!!
OnTaeng #10
Ending is so good!!!!Love it<3