A date

Mending You


"Tiffany? What are you doing here?" I ask as my eyes widen in confusion and shock.

"Oh.. I-um, I'm taking art too.." She replies timidly, avoiding eye contact.

"Since when were you interested in art?" I try to sound as polite as possible but my words still come out a little cold. I flinch at my choice of vocabulary.

"Wow, harsh much?" Sunny adds, her eyes darting curiously between Tiffany and I as if she's asking me what's going on.

I quickly grab her sketchbook, flip to a blank page so I don't ruin her precious artwork and I jot down something on it. "I'll tell you after." 

Then, I look up at the short haired blonde girl whom I like to call my best friend, pleadingly. Hoping, she'd just go along with it. She nods and I sigh in relief.

"TaeTae... W-We met each other in art class..." a husky, broken voice points out and I turn back towards the girl who had my heart, who lost my heart, but wasn't capable of breaking my heart. 

It was already broken to begin with but now that it's mostly stitched back together. Although, I'm worried a certain princess will tear it apart once again. She's the only one who has the power to.

"Jinja? ( Really?)" 

"Y-You don't remember?" She looks down at her lap and my gaze travels with her. She's currently her hands in a ball on her lap and a wave of guilt comes over me.

"Um.. No sorry..."

She suddenly takes a deep breath.

"C-Can I talk to you after school?" She blurts out quickly.

"Uh.. I have plans.." I say truthfully, remembering my food date or whatever you call it with a certain goddess. Oh , I didn't text her yet..

"Then tomorrow? I really need to talk to you please.."

"Yeah, sure.." I clear my throat as a way to end the conversation.

"Kim Taeyeon, do your work and stop ing around!" Ms. Hyori announces vigorously. Man, she needs a boyfriend..


I grab my headphones and my phone from the pockets of my blazer. Before I plug my headphones in, I swipe through my contacts to find a familiar name and I type a quick message to her.

Taeyeon: Where r we going aftr school? ;)

I smile when I see a reply from her after just a couple of seconds. Was she waiting for me to contact her?

Jessica: im guessing this is the almighty Kim Taeyeon-ssi that everyone kneels down to because she's a sadist.

Taeyeon: DING DING DING!! Your guess is correct! Except for the sadist 
prt, ignore anything that choding says bout me, she's a liar. Now answr my question, princess.

Jessica: Ur such a dork. Hmmm. Take me somewhere ive nevr been before. And Princess? Who said u could call me that?

I smirk at her message, she's suuuuch a princess.

Taeyeon: meet me @ the front of the school after school but take ur time bc I need to talk to someone first. & ur a princess, so i call u princess. Makes sense doesnt it?

Jessica: k, see you soon. ps: I kinda like my nickname.

I grin at my phone screen. God, she was too cute sometimes. 

I plug my headphones in and play some music to take my mind off of the dark haired girl who has been eyeing me the entire time I was texting Jessica. 

Thankfully, I'm able to temporarily dismiss my current surroundings to think of things more important. Things like Jessica Jung.

I look down at my open sketchbook and I notice that I've been unconsciously sketching a pair of dreamy eyes that I can't seem to get off of my mind. 

Those eyes that drown me with indescribable emotions every time I look in them. Those sweet, mesmerizing brown orbs.

My thoughts are interrupted by the loud ringing of a bell that pierces my eye drums and I quickly take my headphones out. 

Class is over. 

After a few announcements made by Ms. Hyori, I pack up my things in a haste and leave the class without a word. Sunny is hot on my tails and when I finally reach my locker without having to make conversation with anyone, she finally speaks up.


I sigh, knowing I'm not going to be able to escape this conversation.

"She's the girl I was talking about in LA."

Out of all of my friends, Sunny was the only one I kept in contact with since I was forced out of the country. I think all of my other friends understood why because they didn't question it. 

Sunny was my first ever friend and all of the others were her friends before so when Sunny started talking to me, they did too. It was nice.

"Woah really? That Tiffany girl?"

I open up my locker and hang my bag on a hook as I take my leather jacket on and wear it. As I'm taking out all of my textbooks except for my sketchbook, I reply to my little friend. (Not that I should be talking though.)

"Yeah the same one, she's going here now."

"Woah hold up. Did she follow you here?" She says as she leans on the empty wall beside my locker.

"Doubt it, I suspect my parents had a say in it. Probably to test me if I still have feelings for her or not, which I don't by the way."

"You don't? I thought you said you started loving her?" She questions.

"Yeah for like a day, then she left. All my love for her disappeared the moment she confessed about being blackmailed. Besides, there's someone else now." I mumble the last part but I'm pretty sure Sunny still caught it.

"I heard that dork and I'll get back to you on that but first you have to tell me, why didn't you fight for her? That's what anyone normal would've done. Like in those cheesy dramas!" she asks as she crosses her arms.

"I don't need weak people in my life Sunny, you know that."

"Oh.. Right."

Sunny is also the only one that knows the truth about who my real mother is and how ed up my family really is. I was ordered not to tell anyone but Sunny is Sunny and she somehow understood what I was saying. I could trust her. I'd trust her with my life.

"Now, tell me about the new girl."

I smile unconsciously and she snickers at me.

"You're totally whipped."

"Am not." I pout.

"Yeah you are, whose the mystery girl?"

"Jessica Jung." I beam at the mere mention of her name.

"No way, the transfer girl?! Ugh, I totally had my eyes on her." She grunts.

I narrow my eyes at her and give her a deadly look.

"Back off Bunny."

"Yeah, yeah I know. You know I'm kidding, I still have that shikshin to keep me company." She replies as she puts her hands up in surrender.

I smirk at her. The bunny and the shikshin, what an unlikely couple. 

"Where are you going after this?"

"I have to meet my princess now and after I'm coming over to our studio to hang out but don't keep your hopes up, I might not come." I answer her and I finally finish putting all of my things away. I lock everything up and face my long time friend.

"Gotta go."

"Alright see you later. And princess? Really?" She snickers but I ignore her and I hug her goodbye.

She breaks the hug and starts walking away but she stops after a couple of steps.

"Taeyeon?" She calls without turning to face me.


"I missed you."

I smile at her and push her on her back. "I missed you too buddy, now go and get your giant."

She chuckles softly and walks away. 

I wander the halls to get to the exit and I sit myself down on one of the benches at the entrance of my school to wait for my goddess.

"You're late." A soft yet firm voice calls out and I turn towards my left where the voice comes from.

I grin up at her and stand so were face to face.

"I told you I'd be a little late right?" I put my hands in my pockets and look for my phone to show her evidence of my text.

"Yeah yeah I know, but you're still late. Now, where are you taking me?" She pushes my hand away as I show her my text message. 

I chuckle at her adorableness, "Were going somewhere you've never been before, just like you've requested princess. Come on."

I take her soft hands in mine and I walk - more like drag- her towards my parked town car because well, 'She never runs even when she's late'.

Thankfully, she doesn't protest and she just lets me hold her hand.

I know exactly where to take her.

I'll take her to my heart.

Not that she isn't already there, I'm just taking her to a more materialistic representation of it.

Before my driver can get out of the car to open the door for the both of us, I let go of Jessica's hand and run to open the door for my princess.

(Well she's not mine yet but you get it.)

When my driver gives me a confused look I just wave him off. Jessica looks from the door to me and smiles.

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome princess." I bow to her playfully and she smacks me in the head.

"I hate that nickname."

I look up at her through my lashes and giggle. She's pouting like a duck and I've never seen someone look so damn beautiful before. Her pout makes my knees wobbly.

"Not what you said in your text."

She climbs in the car but before she can take a seat she whips her head towards me and gives me a dirty look.

"Ignore my text."

"Hmmm... How bout no." 

"Ugh whatever just get in." She says as she scoots over to make room for me.

"Hold on, I have to tell my driver where to go."

I round the town car to the drivers door and my driver comes out immediately. 

"First, I want you to order some pizza and get a blanket for a picnic, then, were going to the beach. You know which one." I order and he nods.

I climb into the back seat and smile at the gorgeous person sitting beside me. Or should I say Gorjess? I chuckle at my own weirdness.

"What's funny?"

"What? Oh nothing, just thinking to myself." I reply.

"You're weird." She says as she looks out the window and props herself up on her elbows.
"And you're not?" 


I notice that Jessica isn't a very good conversation starter. What she says is usually very blunt and cut short. I can easily see how come people wouldn't really like her if they're into talkative people. 

My eyebrows scrunch together and I think to myself deeply for a second. Aren't I into talkative people? Why don't I hate her?

"What's up?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts when she asks me the question.


"You look like you're deep in thought." She looks at me straight in the eyes and it seems as thought she can see right through me. Like she knows every flaw I have and every mistake I've made.

"Oh yeah.." I shrink down at her strong gaze.

"What are you thinking about?" Her head tilts to the side as she questions me and I am once again shown how beautiful she can be. I will never get tired of looking at her.

"You." I reply, looking straight at her as well.

"What about me?"

"How you're not really my type." I state truthfully simply because I don't want to lie. Not to her.

"That's good then." She turns back at the window but I can see a faint smile on her lips, as though she's trying to stifle it.

"Whys is good? Isn't it bad? You don't like me then?" I question, my face contorted in a confused way.

"It's good because your 'type' isn't really your type at all. I don't want to be categorized with the other people you've been with, I want to be unique to you. Or else, what's the point?" She looks back at me and I gawk at her.

Holy , she's amazing.

"You're amazing." I accidentally say what I'm thinking out loud and I cover my mouth in surprise. 

I'm usually never like this, I have a cold personality to everyone I don't know. And she's someone I don't know. So why is she so different?

"I know, you're not so bad yourself." She smirks at me mischievously.

"Anyway, where are we going?" 

This time, it's me who smirks at her.

"You up for a picnic?"

"Only if there's pizza involved." She replies as she her lips.

Those lips...

"You just read my mind, you and I are pretty alike then." I beam at her, trying my best to divert my attention away from her luscious lips.

"I don't want to be like you."

My eyebrows furrow at her revelation and my smile disappears. I'm somewhat insulted at her comment, what the hell is that supposed to mean? 

She looks at me and smiles.

"Don't be too insulted. What I mean is, I don't want to be someone who's just like you, I want to be someone who completes you, who fills in all your flaws and whatnot.

And just like that, this goddess has managed to pull all the strings to my heart.

 In a nanosecond, my heart is fluttering like crazy.

I soon begin to realize that I want every second with her but the question is, does she feel the same? 

When we've completed all of our necessary stops, we finally arrive to the beach. 

"You brought me to the beach for a picnic?" She questions as I get out of the car and round it to open the door for her.
"Yeah, you don't like?"

"I never said that." She quickly retorts as she climbs out of the car.


I ask my driver to spread out the picnic blanket on the dry grassy part where I was sitting in the morning. Where me and my mom sat 4 years ago. I won't tell her that though.

When he finishes, he fetches out the pizza and places it on the blanket. 

I grab Jessica's hand and pull her towards the blanket.

"The view is so dull and sad." she states as were about to sit and I stiffen.

How does she manage to understand exactly how I feel when she doesn't even know anything about me?

"Yeah.." I reply as I avert my gaze from her and look at the scenery before me. I sigh heavily and take a seat next to her.

We are engulfed in silence as soon as my driver leaves us alone and we start eating. It's awkward but it's somewhat comforting. I usually loathe silence but I don't mind it with her.

"Taeyeon?" She calls out as she puts down her pizza and my heart melts.

"Hmmm?" I stuff my face with Pizza, meat lovers flavour and turn towards her.

"Why did you bring me here in the middle of November?" she asks seriously.

"The place is important to me." I state truthfully. What's the point in lying?

"I thought so." She smiles.

"Tell me about yourself." I casually change the subject because I'm not comfortable talking about it with her yet.

Hopefully she understands.

"Okay, what do you wanna know?" I smile at her, she understands.


"Well, my family owns a fashion franchise-" 

"No no, not that. I didn't ask about your family, I asked about you." I interrupt, frowning.

She chuckles at me and my frown disappears and transforms into a smile.

"Okay how bout we play 21 questions then? So I can get to know you too."

"Sure." I quickly agree.

"What's your favourite sport?" She asks innocently.

I stiffen, the first question and she already has me taken aback.. This woman will be the death of me but I'm sure it will be the sweetest death ever imaginable.

"S-Soccer.." I stutter and curse myself mentally for it.

"If it's soccer how come you didn't play during gym?" her eyebrows furrow but she continues eating, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Isn't it my turn now?" I chuckle nervously as I try to dodge the question because I have a feeling if she just simply asks, I would bare everything about me to her. That scared me, A LOT.

"You can ask me two questions later, just answer my question." 

I don't reply right away, contemplating whether or not I should let her in.

"Er...Well, I-I kinda have a trauma." I say as I keep my head low in embarrassment and shame. 

I feel soft fingers cupping my chin and lifting my head up. Jessica is looking at me with that intense gaze again and I gulp at the intensity of it.

"Tell me about it or else it'll be in here," she knocks my head,"forever."

I gulp again but I finally just decide to tell her. She'd probably pester me about it until I tell her anyway. There's so much of my story to tell but for now, I'll just provide her with this small information.

"You really like to ask me questions huh?" I giggle nervously.

She shrugs in return, still eating her half eaten pizza.

"Okay er.. Where do I start.. Um I-I played soccer in LA, I was the team c-captain but my friend she-" I pause to take a deep breath.

"Go on." She encourages me, softly patting my back.

"The night before a g-game, we were all out partying a-and.." I bite my lip to stop myself from sobbing.

"My friend she- she was taking really bad drugs but I didn't stop her and the n-next day she d-died duringthegameand.." I murmur but before I can continue, I find myself in her arms.

I don't realize it, but I'm sobbing now and I press myself in her hair to quiet myself down. I cling onto her for more comfort and she lets me.

"It must've been hard huh?" She asks me, rubbing my back.

All I can do is nod in return.

"Is that why you were taking pills in the change room?"

I retreat back but not so much that I have to let go of her, just enough so I can look at her in the eyes.

"Y-You saw me?" I ask.

"Darling, all I see is you." She smiles at me and all I can do is stare at her.

"I don't know why, but I'm so attracted to you. I-It confuses me." She continues when I don't answer her. She lowers her head.

"I get it.." I finally reply and she whips her head back up to face me.

"Let's continue the game?" She smiles widely and I know it's because she doesn't want to pressure me to say anything.
How sweet can she be?


long chap :p

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.