"I'm Interested in You"

Mending You


I turn away from her and face the class instead, not wanting to strike up a useless conversation with the dark haired girl.

"Hello, I'm Kim Taeyeon, it's nice to see you guys again." I announce for everyone to hear and I bow politely. 

An introduction wasn't really necessary because everyone already knows who I am. I'm not being cocky or anything, it was just true. Also, I wanted to seem like a nice person in front of Jessica. Even if it really only is pretend. 

"Well class, we will be having three transfer students this year because Miss Taeyeon, also known as the chairwoman's daughter, is going to start attending classes again." The teacher who I've yet to know her name, exclaims.

"Miss Kim, I'll have to take my leave now. Have fun." Tony smiles at me but he whispers the last part so only I can hear him. I snicker and I wave him goodbye. 

"Taeyeon come sit here!" 

I turn towards the owner of the voice, it was Yuri. She's pointing to a desk surrounded by my friends and I chuckle at their excitement. I haven't seen these weirdos in 4 years, of course they were excited. 

The whole communicating through technology didn't really work for me. If you wanted to talk to me, you had to do it personally. I hardly ever use my phone. 

"I'm sorry but the seating arrangement for this class will be alphabetical." The teacher speaks up.



"This .."

"I want to sit near Taeyeon-sunbae!"

All of my fellow classmates say in protest.

I find myself sitting beside my goddess, which is just my luck, and on my other side, Lee Chaerin ocuppies the other seat. We all call her CL though, as a nickname. Her father owns an entertainment company as well but my father bought their company and now they're business partners.

I wonder what Jessica's parents do-

"So, you basically own this school?" her soft voice interrupts my thoughts and I turn towards her direction to face her.

Oh god, please don't tell me she's a gold digger. ANYTHING but that. 

"Er.. Yeah, my parents do." 

"That's ." She snorts.

"Huh? It does? Why?" Yuri, who's sitting in front of me interrupts. 

"Why would it ? She's the friggin queen bee. She can do whatever the hell she wants!" Hyoyeon adds, sitting right behind me.

I find myself staring at Jessica in awe, ignoring the comments of the two idiots. Where's the third? Oh she's sitting all alone at the other side or the class, how sad.

 I shake my head and focus all of my attention back at the goddess beside me. She's the first person who's ever said that to me in my entire life. She gets it. She gets me. I find myself falling deeper and deeper into the abyss with the name of Jessica Jung as the seconds turn into minutes.

"Oh does it now?" I smirk at her, "Usually people would kneel at my feet when they hear the news."

"They do kneel at your feet, you sadist." Hyoyeon. I'm going to kill her.

"That's exactly why it ." She replies wittily, shrugging and returning my smirk.

"You're unusual."

"Yeah you are." Yuri props her head on her elbows as she casually checks Jessica out.

I want to rip out her eyeballs from their sockets but I try my best to restrain myself because she's my friend. Only because she's my friend though, if it'd been anyone else...I don't even want to think about it. I'll have to warn her to back off later though.

"Thanks, I don't try."

I chuckle at her sarcastic answer, totally oblivious of the whole class starting at us. It's not like the teacher would try to do shut us up or anything though, she's probably too scared she might get fired if she raises her voice up at me. It's pathetic really.

I notice a certain dark haired girl staring at me from behind Jessica but I don't make anything of it. She knew what she was getting into when she decided to attend this school, by force or not by force. I have no obligation to speak to her, I never really did.

"Taeng some girls checking you out." Hyoyeon says.

"It's not the first time Hyo... Holy she's beautiful, Tae back off, she's mine." Yuri replies as she hits me in the arm, repetitively but she doesn't even take her eyes off of Tiffany. Is a certain someone love struck? Other than me that is. I wave her off in an I-Don't-Give-A- kind of way and raise my eyebrows at her and nod towards Jessica's direction casually so my goddess doesn't notice.

"Ahh~ I get it okay." Yuri winks at me before she heads over to Tiffany. Yes, sweep her off her feet so she can finally stop staring at me.

I clear my throat as I think of possible ways to start up another conversation with the goddess, my goddess. I smile mentally at the thought.

"You're pretty straightforward too." I state truthfully as I look at her right in the eyes.

"I know, people usually hate it because apparently it makes me seem unapproachable but I really don't care." Her eyes gleam mischievously and I catch it. She's asking me if I hate it.

"I don't mind, I like straightforward people. 'If you ask straightforward questions, you get straightforward answers.' Is probably what you're thinking right? I like the motto." I wink at her playfully.

She just beams at me, and without even uttering a word, I know what she's saying to me. 

Yes, I get you too princess.


"Okay class is over! No homework tonight." The teacher who's name I know recognize as Ms. Narsha, announces.

I quickly pack my things up and leave right after Jessica does. I exit the door in a haste so I don't end up having a conversation with Tiffany. Everyone unquestionably lets me through. My mood right now is off the charts and I don't need her to ruin it.

"Taeyeon-ah wanna get some lun-" a deep voice calls out but I ignore it. It was probably some jerk anyway.

The choding and the two giants chase after me but I tell them to leave me alone for a while so I can talk to Jessica. They shout protests saying they haven't seen me in so long and they wanna catch up but they soon let me go after I tell them we'll hang out at the usual spot after school. They can't resist me, it's adorable.

"Hey!" I run after Jessica who stops midway in the large hallway. She turns to me and smiles.

"What are your classes?" I ask her after I've caught up with her, panting slightly. Man, I'm out of shape.

"Why? Are you interested?" She smirks and me.

Yes, I am completely and utterly interested in you.

"I ask you what your classes are and I'm automatically interested in you? I'm just curious is all." I lie as I raise one of eyebrows and smirk at her.

"Good point. I have P.E, History and Drama after." she replies.

"What are the chances...We have next period together come on." I smile widely as I grab one of her tiny wrists and drag her into the overly large gymnasium. Seriously, it was like an Olympic Stadium.

Today was more interesting than I thought it would be, all because of a goddess named Jessica Jung. Hopefully she'd make my life more interesting as well, I think to myself.

Stop kidding yourself Taeyeon, she'd ruin your life even more, my subconscious says. 

Probably, but right now, I'm too happy to care about the future, my heart replies.

Jessica wasn't very athletic to be brutally honest. She looked so adorable in her gym clothes, trying her best not to lose to the other team. We were playing soccer, the sport I hated the most yet I was the best at.

It wasn't exactly a hatred to the sport, the doctor called it PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder. I won't expand on that because I didn't really want to think about it.

 I was in the girls change room, looking for my pills so I didn't end up fainting. Thankfully, the change room was vacant so no one would question me, or so I thought it was.

When I came back to the gym after successfully taking my pills, watching Jessica play the sport somehow made me feel even better. Better than the pills. She just looked so innocent with her hair tossing back and forth every time she ran towards the ball and her face contorted in a competitive expression, but I know she was probably the opposite. Nobody stays innocent for too long, it's impossible. 

"Good job guys, have a nice day." Our teacher, Mr. Daesung, says to everyone when the class finishes. Thank god I made up some brilliant excuse not to play or else I would've been in the nurses office by now.

When everyone in my class enters the change room, a herd of people quickly line up for the stalls to change. Some people were just such prudes, were all girls here aren't we? Shouldn't girls nowadays be proud of their bodies? Aish...

Beside me, Jessica snickers at the line of people and I smile knowingly towards her. It was crazy how much we were alike yet we were so different. We contradicted each other, and I really didn't mind.

I head over to my designated gym locker (which was also isolated from the rest) and take my shirt off to change into my uniform.

"Wow, y." the goddess' voice says as she takes her shirt off too.

I blush at the sight, she was the y one, not me.

With her curvaceous body that is tempting me so hard, it's almost impossible to resist touching her. Her curved back and how perfect it looked. I was going crazy.

"Speak for yourself Jung." I mumble.

"You're totally interested in me." she replies.

"Heh, Maybe you're interested in me." I reply nonchalantly and shrug my shoulders, not able to deny what she just said.
"Perhaps so." She says as she winks at me and walks out the door. How did she manage to change so fast??

I hurry and put on the rest of my clothes and I try to run after her, demanding an explanation for what she just said but I have no luck. She's out of sight. Deja vu..

I sigh defeatedly and walk the halls over to my math class. How is she always out of my sight all the time? 

Tony thankfully sent me the information on where my class was so I didn't get lost and embarrass myself.


After the boring class where no one could take their eyes off of me, it was lunchtime. I decided not to go to the cafeteria, I'd just attract more attention. I sigh heavily, pondering where I could go where it's nice and quiet.

Suddenly, I remember a place I used to go to when I needed time alone. It was a cafe not too far from the school so I just walked there. That cafe was special to me because I was supposed to meet my mother here before she died.
I didn't come though, I was too angry at her after reading her letter, I was too foolish, too childish. My mom wrote me a letter talking about how much she'll miss me when she 'leaves'. 

Little did I know that when she meant 'Leave' she meant it permanently.  I brought it everywhere with me as a keepsake. It was one of my only reminders of her. 

On the walls of the cafe, there are scribbles everywhere, it was the special part of it. Anyone could write anything they wanted here, whenever and wherever. After my moms death, I used to come here, searching for a possible message she might've written.

I found one. The first time I came here, two days after she left me, I found a small note in the corner of the restaurant wall. It was surrounded by vulgar words like ' you' but I didn't care. It comforted me like nothing else could. 'I love you Taengoo' was written in familiar hand writing.

I sat down in the chair where my mother probably sat when she wrote it. 

"It's been exactly four years mom," My voice cracks but I continue, "I miss you.." I whisper quietly, making sure no one heard me. I close my eyes so the tears don't spill out.

No one was here anyway because the cafe was run down and it was pretty dirty. None of the students came here and I rejoiced at that fact. When the place was going to be shut down, a few weeks after my mom came here, I made sure it didn't.

I cared for it because the guilt that overcame me when I didn't come here when I could've all those years ago was still fresh in my heart. Why did I come here again?

"Wow, I really do see you everywhere don't I?" a familiar voice drags me out of my daydream -no- nightmare.

I open my eyes and widen them when the goddess takes a seat in front of me. I turn away and casually rub my eyes, hoping she wouldn't notice I was on the verge of tears. I'm not one to show any weaknesses to any individuals.

"It's okay to cry." Was all she said.

"Not to me." I reply and I lay my head down on the table from embarrassment, looking out the window.

Jessica abruptly recuperates and we are now facing each other on the table. I blush at her close proximity and I turn the other way, facing the wall instead. My mothers small handwritten note is now visible.

"Do you think it makes you weak?" She asks but all I focus on is her scent. Her vanilla scent.

"It doesn't, it just means you've been trying your best to be strong for too long, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's good to express yourself once in a while"  she continues when I don't answer.

 I don't say a thing, I just stay mute, hoping she'd just let it go. She sighs and asks me something unexpected again.
"What's up with you and that Tiffany girl?" 

Was she trying to kill me here? I started getting annoyed at the small interrogation she was giving me but I tried to calm myself down as much as I could. I exhaled and inhaled deeply as I try to rid my mind of bad thoughts.

This is Jessica, Taeyeon, the girl you're attracted to. Calm down.

"What are you doing here?" I mumble, trying my best to change the subject.

"I followed you." she says bluntly.

If it was anyone else, I'd be totally creeped out but Jessica's statement just confuses me. Why would she follow me? How did she follow me?

It also kind of makes my heart flutter crazily. She.. followed me... Does this mean anything or am I just overreacting? Probably the latter.

"Why?" I ask and I turn back around to face her because seeing the note on the wall was just going to make me tear up again and I really wasn't up for this goddess to see me in my most vulnerable state.

I turn to see her smiling at me widely.

"Because I think I might be interested in you." she beams.


Okaay, so you guys want Yulti, I got ya. 

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.