Sister Sister

Mending You


"Unnie? Who's this?" A shrill and girly voice calls out from the inside of Jessica's house.

A tall, slim, long legged beauty steps out of her house gate and I blink twice, wondering who this pretty girl is. She has platinum blond hair that suits her perfectly and eyes that remind me of Jessica.

"Ah Soojung-ah, come." 

Jessica gestures the tall girl to come over and she follows like a puppy. However, Jessica lets go of my hand when she approaches and I reluctantly let her.

"Who's this?" I point to her as she stares at me intensely, kind of like how Jessica does.

"This is Krystal, my little sister. She just arrived from San Francisco yesterday. Krystal this is Taeyeon my er.. friend."

I frown at my introduction but I soon plaster a fake smile on to face Krystal. She bows politely and I do so as well.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Krystal/Taeyeon imida." We say simultaneously and I chuckle at our in sync, she does as well and I beam at her.

"Soojung-ah, what are you doing outside? I thought you were still sick?" Jessica scolds as I lift my head.

"Unnie! You and Dad can't keep me locked in there! I need fresh air!" Krystal whines, stomping her foot on the ground like a child.

"Aish.. Go walk in the gardens or something, I need to talk to Taeyeon." 

Jessica crosses her arms and I can't help but compare her to a sergeant at the moment, making me smile a little.

"Ugh whatever, I'll just call up Amber to come and play since you're such a bore." She mumbles loudly to herself as she turns and walks away.

I chuckle at her back, feeling extremely happy that I got to meet a member of Jessica's family.

"Umm Taeyeon? Do you have a crush on my sister or something? Hello?" Jessica waves her hands in front of my face and I turn my attention back to her.

"Nope, I already have someone I like." I grin and she smiles at me too.

"Okay, go to sleep now. We have school tomorrow." She shoves my shoulder playfully and I stumble backwards but I don't fall.

"Whatever you want princess. Goodnight!" I wave to her and she shyly waves back before turning and opening her gate.

"Don't cry anymore okay?" She says in a whisper and my face softens.

"Okay, I'll try." I reply but she's already gone.

I turn on my heel and head back inside to my own personal hell, not that anything could bring down my mood right now. 


There's a permanent smile on my face as the maids prepare me for school and it's all because of Jessica Jung. Not even the chairwoman could wipe the smile off of my face, no matter how hard she tried.

"Why are you so happy?" A cold familiar voice calls out as I make my way down the large staircase with maids hovering over me left and right, trying to fix up my uniform.

"It's not illegal." 

The large smile is still plastered on my face throughout breakfast and it grew even wider when the chairwoman decided to have breakfast in bed out of annoyance. 

Today is going to be a good day.

"Miss Kim, the car is ready for you." Tony points out from behind me, where he always stands when I'm eating, much to my annoyance.

"Hmmm, make it wait a little longer because I'm not going alone today." I chuckle.

"Yes Miss Kim." 

"Taeyeon!" I correct happily as he exits the dinning room.

When I finish my breakfast, I sprint outside and wait on my gate wall for Jessica to come out of her house and after a couple minutes of waiting, she finally does.

I jog towards and block her way to her car, startling her in the process.

"Good morning princess." I beam up at her but she just looks at me confused.

"Er.. Good morning? What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" She whispers the last part to me so only I can hear.

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I live right across from you." I gesture with my thumb and point back towards my own house without breaking eye contact with her.


"Yup! Nice to meet you neighbour!" I reply excitedly as I bring my hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you." She giggles at me and shakes my hand quickly.

"So...what are you doing here right now?" She asks.

"We're going to school together!" I exclaim as I drag her towards my black town car and shove her in to the backseat before I also jump inside.

"Hey what about your sister? Isn't she coming to school?" 

"She goes to another school, she said she doesn't want to be pestered by me so.." She trails off.

"Oh, that's ok!" 

After a few seconds of silence, a girly giggle comes from beside me and I look at her cutely.

"What's funny?" I pout.

"You. I didn't think someone with your cold persona could be so cuuuuute." She pinches my cheeks and I gaze up at her through my lashes.

"Thank you." I giggle, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"I don't think my drivers happy though." She points out, beaming down at me.

"Then why are you so happy that your drivers not happy?" 

"Because I'm a rebel?" She points out and I flash her my full megawatt smile that undeniably makes everyone melt.

"I guess we're a match made in heaven then."

She blushes but I don't get to for it because Tony announces that we're here. Man, I totally forgot about him. I'm probably going to get questioned later on today because I've never acted so...unlike myself before.

I rush out of the car before Tony can open my door and run towards the opposite end of the car to open the door for my princess.

I bow like a butler when she steps and and she chuckles and holds my face in her hands to make me look up to face her.

"You're a cutie." She says and I flush at her comment.

When we arrive in class, everyone looks at us with strange expressions and I have a good clue why. It's probably because everyone was looking at us when I was being playful this morning at the car.

We both take our seats and before I can even sit down, Hyoyeon starts to tease me.

"Ugh how cute are these lovebirds Yuri?" She asks but Yuri isn't even on sight, she's sitting beside Tiffany, probably bothering her to go on a date together. I chuckle at the sight.

"Lovebirds?" Jessica asks.

"Yeah, you guys came to school together which has never happened before. Taeyeon always comes alone so it must mean you're her gir-" I cut her off my closing off with my hands and glaring at her.

"Shutup Kim choding." I spit and she nods her head nervously.

Unbeknownst to the both of us, Jessica is looking at the scene and giggling at the sight.

When class is over, I drag Sica to the gym where our next class is at and we both enter the change room, holding hands.

I had to let go though because we both had to change so I did it reluctantly.

"Why are you pouting?" she points out and pokes my cheek.

"Because I had to let go of your hand." I grumble.

She laughs heartily and I smile at the sight. She looks so beautiful when she's laughing and it's impossible not to smile at her when she's like that.

"You can hold it later. See? I'm already done changing." She points out and quickly makes her leave.


I change into my ugly gym uniform in a haste and follow after her.

When I finally spot her in the large gym, blood rushes to my face and it's not because I'm flustered.

Jessica is now surrounded by boys and she seems to be enjoying her little chat with them.

I can feel my face twitching out of anger so I quickly turn away from them and look at a group of flirty looking girls on the other bleachers and an idea pops into my head.

If Jessica can hang out with boys right after saying I can hold her hand after we change then so can I. 

I smirk evilly as I slowly approach the group of girls and I quickly get their attention.

"Yah! Taeyeon-sunbae is coming!"

"I don't believe you, stop joking around."

"Holy she's actually coming!"

I hear their faint yet loud whispers and my smirk becomes even wider. 

This is my revenge Jessica Jung because no one dares make me jealous. (Or no one could no matter how hard they tried because I never paid attention and I didn't care.)



Ahh~ Taengoo met baby jung:) (as requested)

Hmm, what do you think Taeng will do with those girls?

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hehe, miss rana, over and out 

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.