Fishies & Lone Tears

Mending You

"Where are we going?" Jessica asks me as I open the passenger door of my brand new Mercedes that I asked Tony to send over.

"A little drive." I reply cryptically before shutting the door closed and running to the drivers side hurriedly.

After we both put our seat belts on, I open the car compartment in front of Jessica and pull out two expensive looking aviators. I hand one to a Jessica and put on the other pair.

"Thank you." She says as she puts them on and I couldn't help but stare for a while because she looked so damn hot in sunglasses.

"Hello? Are you going to drive or what?" She chuckles and I blush, returning my attention back to the car.

I turn on the engine and put the car into drive. I could feel Jessica's eyes on me for a while so I glanced at her before looking back on the road.

"It's not nice to stare princess." I tease and I could see her shake her head out of the corner of my eye.

"Sorry you just look right now." She explains in a daze and I laugh at her flustered looking face.

"When I'm driving?" I take another glance at her cheekily and she nods, never taking her eyes off of me.

"Well then I guess you're going to have to stare for a while then because it's going to be a long drive." I smirk and intertwine our hands together.

She places our clasped hands on her lap and plays with my fingers like a kid. She stays like that for a while but she soon breaks the comfortable silence.

"Can you teach me to drive one day?" 

I glance at her through my aviators and she's giving me one of those cute pleading faces that no one could ever say no to.

"Of course, whenever wherever." I reply, squeezing her hand and smiling sweetly.

After another long period of silence, she speaks up again.

"How long is it going to take to get there?" Jessica asks and I giggle at her.

She's just like a kid.

"Soon enough love. Just keep still okay?" I answer and she nods again.

 "Do you have curfew?"  I ask.

She shakes her head no and I nod. "So your parents don't care when you get back?"

"My dad doesn't care, no. He's not very strict but I don't think he'll like me skipping class for a date." She answers and I nod again.

 "What about your mom?" I almost ask before catching myself. She probably didn't like to talk about family and all that so I stop myself before blurting out something stupid.

I don't question her any further and we're once again back into a comfortable silence. After about  half an hour, we finally arrive at our destination.

"A lake?" She questions and I nod cheekily before bringing out the fishing rods from the trunk of my car.

"We're going to fish?" 

"Yup. You like fishing?" I ask, worrying that maybe she wasn't the outdoorsy type.

"Never tried it. I'd like to try something new though." She answers as she scans the docks and the lake.

"Woah! Look at that big fish! I just saw a huge fish!" She says excitedly, pointing at the water and I giggle at her.

I set up all of the equipment for her and when I'm done, we both sit on the portable chairs I brought with fishing rods in our hands, waiting for the fish to come.

"Seriously, how can you touch worms. Ewww" She wrinkles her nose in disgust and I laugh at her.

"I've never really been scared of things like that. Plus, how else are we going to bait the hooks?" I explain and she looks at me like I'm some sort of freak.

"Blurgh." She sticks her tongue out and I grin at her.

Why is she so cute holy .

"Taengooo I'm not getting anything!" She whines after a few minutes and I chuckle.

"It takes a while princess, you have  to be patient." I say and she pouts at me like a kid before returning back to fishing.

After a few seconds she squeals out of nowhere and I whip my head around, worried that something bad might've happened.

"What's wrong!?" I yell, getting out of my seat.

"I caught something!!" She screams in delight, jumping up and down as she waves her fishing rod around.

I sign in relief before placing my rod down and putting my hands on my hips. I shake my head at her but she's too busy trying to feel in the huge catch she's got.

"Here let me." I offer help and she swings her rod towards me. 

I expertly remove the small blue fish from the hook and dump it into Jessica's bucket. I frown as I look from my empty bucket to hers.

"Ha! I'm better than you!" She teases before shoving the worm box in my face and gesturing for me to bait her hook again.

I roll my eyes at her and comply to her wishes obediently. When I finish, we both return back into our seats and concentrate on fishing.

I take a peek at her and giggle when I see her focused gaze. She was biting her lip and her eyebrows were glued together so I take a quick picture of her and sigh in relief when she doesn't notice.

"Taengoo stop staring at me, you'll scare the fishies." She frowns, never taking her eyes off of the water.

My eyebrow quirks. Fishies? Is she a kid or something?

"AAHHHHHH!!" Jessica's scream pulls me out of my reverie and my undivided attention is now on her.

"What's wrong!!??" I yell worriedly and she laughs hysterically for some reason, "Jessica?"

"I CAUGHT ANOTHER ONE!!!" She yells and jumps up and down like a child.

"No way.." I say in disbelief and my eyes widen when she smirks and shows me the end of her rod.

Is she the fishing queen?

"How??" I mutter under my breath as I remove it from her hook and dump it into her bucket...again.


And that's how our date went. She caught all the fish and I caught...none. I sulked as I packed all of our things away and I could see Jessica skipping towards me from the docks.

"Taengoo!" She yells and I roll my eyes. I place my hands in my hips and pout at her.

"What?" I answer blankly, making her giggle.

"What are we going to do with all the fish I caught?" She asks, emphasizing the fact that she caught all the fish today.

Stupid Fish.

I sigh before walking over to her full bucket of small fish. "We have to release them so they grow big one day." I explain and she nods at me, her eyes fixated on me as I release the fish one by one.

"When they grow big, can we come back here and catch them again?" She pouts at me pleadingly and I giggle.

"Whatever you like princess." I answer as I release the last fish and walk over to the near water pump and wash my hands.

Jessica follows right behind me and as I dry off my hands with a towel, she wraps her arms around my waist.

"Taengoo?" She whispers and I shiver at how her voice sounds when she calls my name.

"Y-Yes?" I clear my throat.

"Are you mad at me because I caught all the fishies today?"  Jessica asks and I turn in her arms, now facing her before I wrap my arms around her as well.

"Of course not. I'm just being a sulky baby because I hate to lose." I explain and she nods, smiling sweetly.

"Let's go now? It's getting kind of late." I kiss her nose and she grins at me.



I glance towards Jessica to see that she's staring right at me and I smile at her softly before returning my eyes to the road.

"Yes Princess?" I answer and I could hear her faint giggle.

"Can you tell me about Yoona-ssi?" She asks softly after a few silent seconds and I gulp uncomfortably.

"It's okay if you don't want to! I don't mean to pry..." She exclaims when I don't answer right away.

I wave her off, "No no, I think I should at least tell you this about me since you hardly know anything right?"

I peek at her and she nods. I smile sweetly before taking a deep breath to gather my thoughts and form a coherent sentence,

"Well..Yoona Sunny and I used to be inseparable. We used to be the best of friends but I...I wasn't exactly honest with the both of them." My voice cracked a little so Jessica held my hand, encouraging me to continue.

"They...they trusted me but I didn't trust them enough so I kept things hidden and it didn't really go well with Yoona. Sunny was older than Yoona and she understood why I was the way I was but Yoona...for her it was different." I swallowed my saliva and Jessica squeezed my hands tighter.

I smiled at her and continued with my story.

"She always used to put me on a pedestal, like I was better than everyone else and she praised me for it. Yoona always wanted my attention and I always gave it to her but when I told her the truth about myself...she..."

A lone tear drifted down my left eye so it was out of Jessica's line of vision, thankfully. I carefully wiped it away before I spoke again.

"I guess she felt betrayed that the person she always thought was better than her wasn't actually. You see, Yoona didn't have anybody back then, her mom was forced out of the house and her dad...well... he used to beat her."

My lips quivered as I remembered the times when we used to play together and her scars and bruises were visible but whenever I would ask her whether or not she was okay she would always just smile at me and nod happily. 

"Go on.." Jessica whispered softly and I nodded, biting my lips to keep myself from sobbing.

"I..I couldn't help her because I was so caught up in myself but she never minded. She was always praising me and looking at me with those doe eyes and I was selfish...Selfish because I lied to her the whole time."

I told her about my mother and she finally cracked. I lost her trust and her praise. I lost her.

"She never forgave me until now and because I am the way I am, I pushed her away further. I know it's stupid of me but...that's just how I was made."

I finish my story and out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jessica leaning in close. I hold my breath because her strawberry scent was invading my senses.

Before I knew it, she was hugging me tight and burying her face in my neck.

"It must've been hard." She said softly as she sobbed in my arms for me.

She cried for me. Jessica Jung cried for me. No ones ever done that before.

In case you still don't understand, I'll explain Yoona's character to you:

Yoona is a very complex character. She depended on her friends more than anybody because everyone around her, ended up betraying her. Her mother who left her because she didn't fight for Yoona, her father who didn't even blink an eye when her mother left and lastly, Taeyeon who she thought she could always trust.

Yoona always praised Taeyeon because she believed that Taeyeon was perfect and she was her role model, the person she always looked up to. When she figured out that Taeyeon lied to her, she finally snapped.

She was always positive and kindhearted even throughout what happened in her life and Taeyeon's lie was the last straw for her. Her character is largely based on Young Do from 'The Heirs'.

So what do you think? Do you still hate Yoona?

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.