
Mending You


The chilly November breeze hits me and I close my eyes, savouring the peaceful moment. The sound of waves and the smell of the sea invades my senses. My mind is temporarily blank and I enjoy the feeling of clearness and freedom.

"M-ma'am.. Um.. It's t-time to go to school now.."
And just like that my tranquil and quiet moment is disturbed. I don't get annoyed though, that takes too much effort and I wanted to preserve my freedom for just a few more seconds because I know I wouldn't be able to come here in a long while. Too painful.

I finally open my eyes and a familiar sight captures my vision. The sky is a dull greyish-blue colour and the body of water before me crashes down on each large and cold wave. 

I shiver at the sight but also because it was freezing cold outside. This place has become dull since the last time I came here with my mother. My real mother. I reminisce on the wonderful memory I made here with her.

At the time, the sun was setting and the sky took on different shades and tints. The ocean was warm and I was itching to run around in it with the person who has loved me unconditionally ever since I was born.

That was the last memory I had of her, and it was also the first time I was allowed to come out in public with my mother. The next day, she committed suicide. 

I guess the pain she was in was too much for her to handle which was understandable. I didn't blame her for anything. She was my father's mistress but she had to live with him and his wife, my certified mother but I call her chairwoman.

I don't know the details but I'm pretty sure the chairwoman forced her to live there to shut her up and make sure she didn't spread any rumours about who my real mom was. Everyone thought I was the chairwoman's daughter, nobody really knew the truth and I didn't dare tell anyone. It must've been really heartbreaking for her to see the man she loved and his wife happy together and know that she didn't even have the right to be called a mother to her own child.

Back then, I was pretty angry at my mother for leaving me alone to fight for myself in a cold and lonely world but I soon got over it when I was consumed with never ending pain instead. I got over that too though, because I realized that life moves on. It took me 4 years to realize that.

After she died, I didn't talk for 2 months. I didn't even go to her funeral because nobody would be there, I regretted that stupid decision. The first time I spoke after that incident was when I begged my brother to let me stay in Korea with him because I had no one left who cared for me but to no avail. Imagine, your mom commits suicide and your half brother kicks you out only two months after. I guess he couldn't wait for the opportunity to vanquish me.

I was only 14 years old then and here I am, 18 years old and looking at the same place I was exactly 4 years ago. It's amazing how different the situations are though. I was so...happy then and now, I'm nothing. I don't have a reason to be happy except a girl named Jessica whom I know nothing about and I have all the reasons to be depressed yet I can't find it in me to be that type of person.

"Ma'am.. We really need to go..." my driver repeats.

"Do you need more time Miss Kim?" This time, my butler-slash-nanny-slash-bodyguard, Tony, interrupts.

I sigh in defeat, I was probably a traitor in my previous life to deserve this one. Seriously, my life was ed up.

"Tony how many times do I have to tell you to call me Taeyeon? I've known you since I was three." I ask as I tear my gaze off of the dull scenery and turn around to face him.

"Yes Miss Kim." 

I chuckle at his response. Tony was one of the only people I knew that didn't give a whether I was a hobo or a millionaire. All he wanted was to do his job properly and I admired him for that, I still do. 

He was the only one who came with me to LA too because he refused to work for anyone else. You gotta love a loyal man. Tony is like the father I never had and I'm pretty sure I was like the kid he never had. We balanced each other out.

"What time is it?" 

"It is currently 8:38 Miss Kim." he answers in a monotone voice as he checks his watch.

"Ah~ I'm going to be late on my first day back. Eh, whatever I already missed two months." 

I turn back around to catch one last glimpse of the landscape in front of me before I pick myself up off of the sandy ground. 

I close my eyes for a few seconds and I clasp my hands together, saying a small prayer to my deceased mother because today was her 4 year death anniversary. 

Thank you for everything mom, I love you.

"Let's go?" I say as I walk towards Tony and my driver.

My driver immediately opens the door for me and I step in the car. Today is the first day of prison (school) and I'm sure I'm not the only one dreading it. The only reason I was going back was because I was obligated as the chairman and chair woman's daughter. It was total bull.

"Are you excited to go back?" Tony asks me from the passenger seat of my sleek black town car.

"To school? Are you serious right now Tony? Who the hell would be excited for that?" I scoff.

He chuckles softly in response and I giggle along with him. My driver though, keeps a somber expression. 

This is what I hate about people who are hired by my father, they're always too serious. Thank god my mom hired Tony. She had a good eye, except when it came to who she fell in love with. She was unlucky in that area of expertise.

For some reason my mind drifts back to the time I met the goddess. I knew her name was Jessica but 'goddess' just seemed to fit her better. I got pretty attached to the nickname and the woman behind it. 

I wonder where she was now, and what she was doing. Was she thinking of me as much as I was thinking of her? My mood lifts dramatically as I remember our encounter on the airplane.

I tried looking for her but I came up with nothing. I even asked Tony to bribe the receptionist at the airport to tell me who she was but I almost got arrested for that. Thankfully, I didn't. Perks of being a rich woman.

I sigh heavily, the fact that I only knew her name and her mesmerizing beauty was pretty troubling. How was I supposed to find someone if I didn't even know their last name? I mentally slapped myself a thousand times over the past week for not asking her what it was. I had my reasons for not saying my last name, did she have her reasons too?

When we pull up I'm front of the large modern campus, all eyes turn towards my car. Probably because it had the MEGA logo on the car instead of the legitimate car brand logo. Let's just say my ed up family likes to travel in style. 

Tony gets out first and he opens the car door for me, like a true butler. The moment I step out of the car, jaws drop left and right. Everyone's probably shocked that I'm back after 4 long years of exile. 

I sigh as I scan the campus. Yep, every single person was looking at me like I was some sort of caged animal. I was already hating school and I haven't even stepped in the building yet. 

I see a small hint of a smile grace Tony's lips as he sees my annoyed expression. We both smile at each other knowingly. He sort of liked the fact that I hated who I was and the attention that came with it, he said it made me seem more human, unlike those rich people who are consumed by their ego and fortunes.

"Are you coming in with me?" 

"Yes Miss Kim, I have to guide you to your classes, as requested by the chairwoman." he answers as he closes the car door behind me.

I sigh, bringing Tony along will probably just attract more unwanted attention but I didn't dare disagree with the chairwoman. She had the ability to ruin my entire life and I wasn't really up for that.

I walk through the glass doors as I fix my blazer. The uniforms here were crazy ugly, I have to tell the chairwoman to get a new designer. I ignore the stares from those around me as I walk the halls and I let Tony guide me around the overly gigantic school to show me where my locker was. 

It turns out to be the one I used in middle school too. 

"Oh great, it's the same one." I say sarcastically and Tony laughs at me.

My locker was the only one that stood out from everyone else's, it was larger and the colour was red instead of the light blue ones, the school provided. It was also the only locker that had no other lockers around it. 

I think the chairwoman made the people who installed them take out the lockers next to mine. When I asked her why, it was apparently for my privacy. Yeah right, she just wanted to boast about me going to this school. How pathetic. 

Tony gives me my key and he informs me that he also has a spare key in case I lose mine. He was so organized sometimes, it was almost kind of creepy.

After he shows me my locker, he tells me about my classes. I had English as home room and my other classes were Physical Education, Math and Art in order.

"So who's in my classes?" I ask him curiously as I look at my timetable.

"I believe you have Miss Yuri, Miss Sooyoung and Miss Hyoyeon with you in home room but I wasn't informed about who was in your other classes."

"Hmm. Okay that's alright, at least I won't die of loneliness in first period." I sigh dejectedly.

"Let me show you where your home room is."

After a few lefts and rights, Tony points to a door which I suspect is my home room classroom. Room 234 huh? I take a deep breath before I enter to compose myself and my thoughts.

I swiftly open the door and the first thing I hear are gasps and then I hear Hyoyeon's, Yuri's and Sooyoung's familiar voices as they scream my name. I don't even have time to scan the room to see who's in my class before they engulf me in a tight hug.

The two giants, Yuri and Sooyoung, both pet my head as I try to push myself out of their embrace. Ugh, they were so embarrassing sometimes. Hyoyeon on the other hand is glued to me like a koala bear, screaming her head off like she has no care in the world and really, she doesn't. 

That's what i like about these three, they don't really care about unimportant things and that's the reason why we became friends, I needed people like them to balance me out. 

I also needed them for days like today when I am filled with nothing but depressing thoughts. When I think about it, my friends are the only people who can genuinely cheer me up when I'm feeling down and I was beyond grateful for that. If it wasn't for them, I'd probably be with my mother right now, enduring the same fate,

"Yah get off you psychos!" I exclaim playfully as I try to get rid of them and get rid of my sad thoughts as well.

"I missed you midget!" Sooyoung yells excitedly and I laugh at her as I am finally free of their grasps.

"Miss Sooyoung please keep it down! This is a classroom!" a voice says from the other side of the room.

I turn towards the teacher and I almost choke on my breath. I stiffen up and hold my breath. Standing there was the person I wanted to see again the most and standing next to her, was the person I hoped never to see again. 

Jessica and Tiffany are both here. In the same room. In my school. In my home room. Wearing my uniform. Jesus Christ all mighty. Today, The Lord was truly testing me.

I stare at the two figures standing in close proximity with each other and I ask myself repetitively whether I was hallucinating or not. I don't remember taking any hardcore drugs recently, ever since that time.

I stand there by the door, rendered immobile due to my never ending shock. Well, shock was a pretty big understatement. The understatement of the year- no century.

On one hand, seeing Jessica there, welcomed the familiar feeling butterflies circling around in the pit of my stomach but seeing Tiffany just brought down my already foul mood.

Today just definitely wasn't my day. It rarely was, every day this year, I always kept to myself and for some reason people acknowledged that, even if they didn't know why. Today was obviously different though.

I keep looking back and forth between the two of them, speechless. What the hell was going on here? Why is she here? I thought she was still in America doing god knows what.

The teacher coughs loudly and she gets my attention although most of my focus is still on the two girls. She looks at me quizzically as if mentally asking me if anything was the matter. Yes, everything was the matter right now.

Let me tell you about Tiffany Hwang, one of the few people who kept me sane during my torturously long banishment. I met her in LA, we both went to the same high school and since we were both Koreans that related to each other in terms of our life problems, becoming friends was inevitable.

She was in LA because her parents brought her there and forced her to go to school to learn proper english so that she would be prepared to take over her parent's law firm, which is somehow kind of relatable with my situation. Well, the forcing to leave part that is, I'm still not quite sure about the 'taking over the parent's business' part.

As the first few months went by and the worst of my situation has almost past, she would always be there to help me whenever I got into trouble, which I do admit, was frequent. 

Back then, I would always purposely get into to get my mind off of things. It was a form of rebellion against everything I was assumed to be. It was the only way I knew how to keep myself occupied so I didn't think of my mother and her suicide and just fall deeper in the hole I was burying myself into.

I did drugs, I stole, I got into fights. I hated it but it kept my mind off of things. Getting into trouble was my way of getting acknowledgement from others, so I knew I wasn't dead yet.

You could call it my way of expressing myself freely.

But no matter how much bad things I did, Tiffany would always be there as my support and as my closest friend. I couldn't help falling in love with her, she was just too...convenient. I mean, she was just my type too. Dark hair, nice personality, you get it. Yet, she's so unlike Jessica.

When we found out about our mutual feelings after 3 years of being friends, we started to go out and it was fun, the most fun I've had since my mother left. Of course, I didn't tell her about what happened to my mom, in fact, I hardly told her anything about me, I was usually just the listener and she was the speaker. I liked it that way.

After our second month together, my father came to visit for some unknown reason and he caught us together. He told me he didn't mind our relationship just as long as we keep it low key and I believed him, I always believe in people who hurt me, because I'm that type of person.

The type of person who's waiting to find the right moment to self destruct.

A few days after that confrontation, I fell in love with Tiffany. Before she was just someone I was interested in but it turned into something greater, something scary. I wasn't afraid of my feelings though, because I thought she wasn't so I had no reason to be.

The moment before I was finally going to tell her the words she was dying to hear, 'I love you', she revealed the fact that she had been cheating on me for a whole month. And to make it worse, it was with the cop that always arrested me when I got into trouble. I hated that dude.

I knew she didn't want to cheat on me, she was too kind for that. I suspected it had something to do with my father or the chairwoman influencing my father to do something. It was probably the latter. My theory was proved when I had a conversation with a wasted Tiffany. 

She told me my father was blackmailing her into breaking up with me or else he'd shut down her family's law firm. She also told me she was forced to kiss the cop so my dad had solid evidence of the cheat. After that small dialogue with her, I drove her back to her apartment and left her without saying goodbye. I moved schools and I changed my address. 

The reason why I didn't fight for her was because she didn't fight for me. I didn't need to love someone weak because I was supposed to be the weak one in the relationship. Although I act all tough on the outside, those close to me know how fragile I really am.

Why would I need to love someone who didn't have a spine? I wasn't mad at Tiffany though, I was just disappointed. I've had enough disappointment in my life that I was just fed up with everyone and everything.

This was why I refused to fall in love, yet I find myself falling hard and fast for a girl I met only once. Jessica really was different, she broke down all the walls I've built around my heart by just looking at me. 

"Miss Kim, would you like me to change your home room class?" Tony's curious voice which comes from behind me, forces me back to face the real world. He knows about Tiffany, he was there and I told him all about what went down.
"Uhm.." I gulp and contemplate on what I should do. Should I stay and make Jessica my eye candy for the whole class or should I go and not face Tiffany ever again?

For some reason, I listen to my heart and not my mind for once. It's telling me to stay and to make the goddess mine and just forget about Tiffany for a while. If she approaches me I'll just walk away, I have no obligation to talk to her.

I suspected the only reason the chairwoman let her get accepted to he school was to test me and to see if I had gotten over her already. They really do underestimate me too much. My perception skills are over the roof. 

I wanted to prove my parents wrong, to show them I wasn't as weak as they thought I would be. I grew these past 4 years, maybe not physically but definitely mentally. 

"No that's not needed, thank you Tony." I reply.

"Hmm. Are you sure?" He asks again and I sense a hint of concern and wariness in his deep monotone voice.
I turn towards him and nod, "I got it Tony, don't worry." I finish my sentence with a wink and a small smile, wanting to reassure the middle aged man that could probably lift a sumo wrestler. 

"Miss Kim, this is Tiffany Hwang," the teacher says and I direct my attention back towards her. She's pointing towards the wide eyed girl that was still staring at me. "And this is Jessica Jung."

She now points to the goddess that has been occupying my mind endlessly and I gawk at her. She was still so beautiful and she had the sweetest smile on her face. I don't think I've ever been so bipolar. One minute, I'm disappointed and the next I'm giddy with happiness.

I return her smile and I start to make my way over to her, passing Yuri, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung with confused expressions. The goddess has a name, Jessica Jung. I guess I know what I'm going to be doing later today, it involved me with a tech crew, trying to find anything and everything I can on the poor goddess.

She reaches her hand out for me to shake and she smiles again, "It's nice to see you again, Taeyeon-ssi." 
My smile widens as I shake her hand. "It's nice to see you too Jessica-ssi." 

"Oh you know each other?" The teacher pipes up and breaks our moment, "That's good, then you know these two are transfer students too."

Transfer students? I guess that makes sense. I involuntarily let go of Jessica's hand and I turn towards Tiffany. She's still looking at me with a shocked expression. Oh god, get over it already. I bow politely towards her instead of shaking her hand and she recuperates quickly. 

"Tiffany." I say in acknowledgement as I raise my head back up.


Thanks to all the up voters, subscribers and commenters, you make my day, everyday. I was thinking, I want Tiffany to have a lovey dovey couple too but I don't know who with so pls comment who you want to be her lover.

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.