Sunny Bunny

Mending You


"Because I think I might be interested in you." 

I gulp down my saliva but there's nothing left of it. My mouth is dryer than it's ever been before and I can practically feel the beads of sweat dripping down my temples. 

Is it just me or is it getting pretty damn hot in here?

"Don't." Is all I can muster up.

"Don't what?" she blinks and she furrows her eyebrows at me in confusion. She tilts her head sideways and I can't help but revel in the adorable sight before me. 

Snap out of it Taeyeon, my subconscious scolds me.

"Don't start crushing on me." 

"Don't call it a crush." She narrows her eyes at me, giving me a deadly look.

"Why not?" This time, it's me who scrunches up my brows.

"Because usually crushes don't like you back, it's a proven fact. It's why it's called a 'crush' in the first place, and I don't want to be crushed by you. I have a feeling you don't wanna be crushed by me either." she smiles at me wickedly.

"Are you assuming I have an interest in you?" I ask as I raise my one of my eyebrows at her. 

"Oh, I'm not assuming anything Kim Taeyeon-ssi." she shrugs, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Then what are you trying to say Ms. Jung?" I slightly narrow my eyes at her in a playful manner.

"Well, why else would you not want me to be interested in you? You're just afraid you'll fall even harder for me. I saw you checking me out in gym class." Her smile widens even more, if that's even possible. 

I blush at my discovery, "Y-You! You're just putting words in my mouth, you can't prove that!"

"Yeah, yeah. Just keep lying to yourself."

She stands up abruptly and she takes my wrist, pulling me up with her. My wrist is burning with the intensity of her slight touch. 

"Lunch's over and we didn't even eat yet so you owe me food after school." she decides for herself, not even asking if I have plans afterwards, which I do.

I'm supposed to meet my friends after school whom I haven't seen in 4 years but they can wait. What's another day?  

Jessica drags me back to school as she speed walks. Apparently, 'she never runs, even if she's late'. I liked her motto, it really suited her princess like personality.

"Right so see you later Taeyeon!"

It doesn't go unnoticed by me how she just dropped the formalities. Usually, free spirited people like her annoy the hell out of me but for some reason, I was anxious to see exactly what type of adventure she'll drag me into next.

She smiles at me as she puts her hand inside my coat and runs off to some unknown destination. The bell rings and my question is answered, she just left me to go to her next class. I frown, missing her company already. Jesus Christ, what is this girl doing to me?

As I start to walk towards art, my last and favourite class, I totally forget about why Jessica just stuffed her hand in my pocket.

I insert my hand into the small compartment and take out a small, nicely folded piece of paper. I open it up to see what she wrote inside.

"xxx xxx xxxx, call me. Don't make me hungry again."

My jaw drops upon reading it. She gave me her number. Jessica Jung gave me her freaking number. It definitely wasn't the first time this has happened to me but I've never been so excited to receive a girls digits.

 I immediately take my phone out and add her into my contacts. Instead of typing her name I type 'Goddess'. I'm about to send her a message when a voice interrupts me.

"M-Miss Kim.. Um.. Shouldn't you be in class?" 

I look up to see who the hell decided to ruin my moment and a fidgeting figure was looking at me anxiously. Ah~ this teacher is trying to get me to go to class.

If I was faced with this situation exactly 4 years ago I would've yelled at the teacher to go away but that was 4 years ago. I'm different now, I think..

"Kay." Is all I say before I wave her off and find my art classroom.

It isn't very difficult to find because the art hallway where all the art classes are held are quite distinct from all the other hallways. On the walls are designs made by fellow students, past and present, who took the subject.

I reminisce on the times when I was an innocent kid and I used to take the time to look at all of the designs when I used to attend this school, now I just didn't care.

I open the door to my assigned room and quickly scan the classroom for a blonde in sight. I grin when my eyes fall on my short haired blonde best friend who is too busy drawing something in her sketchbook and listening to music to look up at me, unlike the other students in the class. 

"Well if isn't my worst pupil! So it's true huh? You're back Kim Taeyeon?"

I look around for the owner of the familiar voice and chuckle as I meet the disapproving eyes of my favourite teacher, Ms. Lee Hyori. She's crossing her arms and tapping her foot on the ground, obviously displeased at my return.

"Aw~ I know you missed me Ms. Hyori!" I tease.

"Ugh, just say hi to Sunny already and take a vacant seat." she grumbles as she gives me a sketchbook and writing utensils that popped out of nowhere and I smile at her gratefully. 

She's my favourite because she hates me. She has the guts to and I admire that. In fact, there's no one I know with more guts than her. She's a beast. Not to mention the fact that she's an amazing artist.

I make my way over to Sunny who's sitting at the back of the classroom, in her own little world. I smile at her, god I missed this tiny bunny. 

I ignore the stares from my fellow classmates and I rip her headphones out of her ears to get her attention. 

"Yah! What do you th-" she pauses and she stares at me blankly.

"Hey Sunny Bunny."

She rolls her eyes at me and focuses her attention back at her drawing, not even paying any attention to me. I chuckle at her reaction, I knew it would be like this. 

I snatch her sketchbook to get her attention and I do. I make sure not to ruin her drawing though, she'd probably kill me a thousand times over.

"What do you want midget!" she yells and she tries to reach for her sketchbook but I retreat it every time she does. 

"Keep it down! I don't care if you're Kim Taeyeon! It's a classroom for chrissake.."

Sunny and I ignore Ms. Hyori and we just continue to stare at each other. I look at her, amusement evident in my expression. This is our way of communicating after all. 

Whenever we get into fights, we'd stare each other down and whoever lost had to forgive the other person. It was tradition in a way.

She pouts and I can see that she's going to crumble soon. I smirk as she looks away from me angrily. 

Kim Taeyeon never loses.

"Pabo." she replies grumpily, crossing her arms over her chest.

I chuckle at her childish actions. I ruffle her short blonde hair playfully.

"I missed you too Sunny Bunny." I smile and she smiles back unwillingly. 

We both hug tightly after everything is said and done. 

"Are you done yet? Will you just take a seat already?" Ms. Hyori grunts and I don't hesitate take the seat next to Sunny, totally unaware of the other person I'm sitting next to. 

"Okay, Finally. So for this week's assignment, I want you to paint an abstract picture. I don't care what the theme is, just make sure it isn't dirty minded, you rascals." Ms. Hyori announces and everyone nods in reply.

I scoff loudly and she narrows her eyes up at me. I put my hands up in surrender.

"Boya? I just came back and I already have an assignment? I didn't have homework for all my other classes!" I retort just to push her buttons a little. I'm a brat, I know.

"Shutup Kim! You're lucky your rich mom made me take out all the assignments you've missed since September. You spoiled brat!" She points at me deadly.

I chuckle at her comment and so does Sunny. It's been a while since I've been like this. I hear a silent girly giggle coming from beside me and for the first time since occupying the seat next to Sunny, I turn to the person sitting to my left. 

My eyes widen at the figure of a certain familiar girl.

Oh. My. God. 



MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Did you guys have a nice one? 

This chapter is introducing SUNNY BUNNY :) 

Sorry it was a little short, I had no time to write it T_T

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mzlyod #1
Chapter 10: Where r u???
Hi author-nim ^^^^ i just want you to know that i'm still patiently waiting for your update no matter how long it will take i'm still here hehehe...
i miss this story.... :(
wherr are you author-nim?
Chapter 22: It's been more than one year author! Please hurry and update...I really want to know what was Jessica doing and really want Yoona and Taeyeon to be friends again. So please, update...
Chapter 22: New reader here~author nim!!please update soon cuz this story is really amazing n i cant wait to see what happen next~(╯︵╰,) please author nim!!its been nearly a year since ur last update~(T▽T) how could u author nim!?!╥﹏╥
Just re-reading this story over again, and realized how much i've missed it. Please update soon. T_T
Chapter 22: I really hope that you will update this story!! I just read it again and it's so amazing!! ^.^ so hopefully you haven't forgotten about it and I'm hoping that it will continue because it's wayyy to good to go unfinished, I would bribe you if I could hahahaha XD
Chapter 22: update moree :D we will be waiting for you
escada #9
Chapter 22: Super excited to see what you have in store! :)
taengsic22love #10
Chapter 22: we will wait. anytime u will update we're always here. remember that! bcoz that is sone's motto. lol. .v.