Precious To Me

No More Tomorrow

everyone has their own precious things in their possession. it could be anything, really. from the smallest bracelets, to the biggest planets. they even buy stars under their loves one name. 

and in any of the things they possessed, there's must be a reason somehow.

the reason why you cheerish it, the reason why you cry with it.


Day 13

It's already pass 1 in the morning. Hakyeon slumped down on the stairs, the pale-blue again emerged on his lips. He knew this but he didn't do anything and he was very sure Taekwoon realized this but didn't ask. It's something that even he can't control.

In his fingers were the same Poloroid, Taekwoon gave him the day Hyuk were rescued. His fingers clasped it tightly and a drop of tears fell on it.

"Umma.." He heard Hyuk's from upstairs. Speaking of him, Hakyeon got up to see the younger one in the bedroom. He peeped from the crack of the door and her heart gave a lurch. 

Hyuk were actually sitting with his eyes closed, for his mother. "Umma.. Hyukkie missed you..." he moaned again, crying in his sleep.

Hakyeon sighed and went inside to lie him down. Hyuk unconciously resisted but eventually he does lying back on the bed back. Hakyeon pulled the comforter to cover his body, suddenly his hands gripped in his arms, while murmured. "Don't go yet, I'm still wanna show you my marks." Hyuk even smiled in his sleep.

Hakyeon carefully released Hyuk's grip and sat on the bed, caressing his hair. The moment just kept his eyes watered. "Hyuk must be very happy before he saw her mother was killed."

"Umma..." Hyuk continued and cried again in his sleep. Immediately, he tuffled his hair and calmed him down again. "It's alright, Sanghyuk-ah. It's alright..."

Hyuk shifted his body away from Hakyeon. Something caught his eyes. Underneath Hyuk, there's a One Piece T-shirt with blood spot, given by the police after the funeral. Hyuk cried like crazy once he got it since it was the shirt that her mother died with it. And he's taking it into sleep.

Hakyeon stared at the Poloroid in his hands. The last picture he had with the person in front of the beautiful Han River. He thought that he would never seen the person again.

Crying now, he crouched to the floor, feeling very tired of living. He stared at Hyuk, feeling utterly broken. "We're the same now, Hyuk. Just the same."

He kissed the Poloroid and murmured something that he didn't even noticed.


That night, Taekwoon spent his time in the studio, filtering the pictures, editing and so on. The clients wanted it in 3 days. Still, Taekwoon froze at his place, not touching nor editing the photos in his laptop.

It's been 4 day since Hakyeon being Sanghyuk's guardian and it's been that long since he saw Hakyeon. Taekwoon did ran into Hyuk, he smiled and greeted him too. Taekwoon had the urge to ask him about Hakyeon, but he simply act natural towards Hyuk.

Hyuk's scar are fading. But, he knew the fact that sadness and horror would never left the minor since his mother died in front of him.

Taekwoon moved to the same place Hakyeon stood. In front of his family picture. A young Jung Taekwoon at the age 14 with his lovely 3 older sister, a great father and a loving mother. 

"Where are they ?"

The truth was, his first sister were still contacting him, giving the newest information about their family. But she didn't contacted him for the past 5 months.

Hakyeon's question that he led pass. Taekwoon even couldn't dare himself to answer. Even him nor his sister, knew where the remaining members of Jung family.

The old-fashioned necklace of a rose and fire, the one of his mother precious thing were given to the young Taekwoon back then. It's the only thing that kept Taekwoon's memory about their once-happy family fresh.

Probably, the one thing that prevent him from forgetting the old incident that broke his sister's strong walls these years. He kept it because his sister wouldn't. Taekwoon's right hand were on the picture, touching his mother, as if he was really indeed holding his mother hands.

His left hand grasped for the necklace. 

Who would ever knew... Hakyeon and Hyuk brings out the painful memory.. and brought Jung Taekwoon's tears that he kept for so long since the bad incident.

Day 14

"Hyung, Taekwoon hyung !"

At last, Hakyeon called him after all. Actually, Taekwoon hoped that he would call, numerous time he tried to call Hakyeon, but ended up tapping the red spot.

But it isn't Hakyeon though. It's Hyuk.

"Sanghyuk-ah ? Why are you using Hakyeon's phone ?" questioned Taekwoon, fearing that something would happen.

"Hakyeon hyung, he's not waking. His lips, pale ? Blue ? I don't know, help me please, I don't know what to do !" 

It just took Hakyeon's painful cries behind before Taekwoon would run away to Hakyeon's home.

that's it... i don't know what to do.

i wanted to mention Hongbin though, or Chen who hugged Leo, probbably D.O who looked small behind VIXX.

goshh... how to elobrate this....

anyway. dont' worry... i promise you that nothing will happen to Hakyeon, for now.

it's just too early, agree ???

thank you for viewing though, and do comment !!!

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heol I left this too long!!!
gimme ten days and I'll whipped up something.


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hanistar99 #1
Chapter 23: It's okay~ focus on your studies. I also study in medicine (soon hehe) Fighting!! ^^9
hanistar99 #2
Chapter 21: yeayy!!!! update update update!!!!
hanistar99 #3
Chapter 19: Woah!! What have hakyeon and taekwoon done before?? Btw, thanks for the update, author-nim~~~
hanistar99 #4
Chapter 19: Yeayy!!! An update!!! Sorry if I'm pushing you to update this... Hwaiting for the upcoming year!!
hanistar99 #5
Update please!!! Ngee~~ :D
misshyukkie #6
Chapter 18: finally, an update..yeeaayyy~~ jaehwan is not dead yet..hehehehee..hope the others will find them soon..hope you'll update again soon..hehehehehe..i can't wait to read what next..hehehehe..fighting author-nim..^_^
Frozenxiumin #7
Nice story^^