
Shots of Haven

Title: Portrait of Love

Pairing: JongRi

Rating: G

WC: 2,077

Summary: Jonghyun thought it was only a summer fling.

A/N: After my first attempt with KeyCole and JingTeuk, JongRi became the next victim LOL. Next chapter would be probably a SuperKara pairing, any suggestions?



He entered the large room and proceeded on the other side of it to place his things. The instructor approached him and gave him a little briefing before she called for everyone’s attention. It was summer and he had taken the opportunity to earn a little for the upcoming semester.

He was no new to the job, in fact he had done it before but he still felt intimidated whenever he had to show some flesh, especially when majority of the people around him are girls.

Sighing, he quietly took off his polo and hanged it on the chair next to his belongings before waltzing his way to the couch placed in the middle of the room. Same faces greeted him with warm smiles; it’s no surprise though, living in a small town where everyone knew everybody. But there was one that caught his attention; a new face was standing right before him.

She was beautiful, almost like a wonderful piece of art. He didn’t know if she’s from here or if there’s a new family who recently moved in - because he really never cares of what is happening around him – but he’s thankful that she’s right in front of him.

Once he’s sitting in the middle of the couch with his left thigh placed above the right one and his left hand on his lap with an opened book while his right arm was lying on his side, a thought went pass to him. A beautiful girl is right in front of him and here he was sitting comfortably to his liking and is completely half .

Now it’s nowhere near the word comfortable. Good thing he had those work outs with his friends so showing off his body wasn’t a problem, but still meeting a girl like her in this kind of way wasn’t on his list. With his head tilted - in an angle of twenty five to the west lightly downward to make it look like he’s reading – he took a quick glance at the girl. Her gaze was intent, she eyed him carefully taking note of his physical structures, truthfully it made him shiver but it didn’t falter the smirk he had on his face.

This would be fun.


It felt like forever sitting like that, thankfully he was distracted by the girl in front if not he would’ve been bored to death. It was fun watching her, how her brows would move in disappointment or contentment, how she would pout lightly and stop then after a while of thinking would start again.

She entertained him.

The sound of his neck cracking relieved him, after putting on his clothes back he waste no time in breaking his stiff limbs as he made his way to the door. A quick glance at the window told him how he had completely forgotten of the time, the sun was already setting.

I think I’ll be looking forward for tomorrow.

He stopped on his tracks as a pencil rolled to his feet, he bent down and was ready to pick it when slender fingers touched his own. It was all too sudden and all he could hear was his heartbeat racing to another mile per hour, she’s more than beautiful up close, her beauty was breathtaking.

She’s no joke.

Like in the movies, they both stood up at the same time not tearing their locked eyes. After what seemed like an hour, being the gentleman he is he broke the pregnant silent.

“U-uhm… I think it’s yours” With a stuttering words.

“Thanks” She smiled and carefully took the blue pencil before going back to her place. Something about her made him follow her and watch as she packed.

“Are you new here?” His voice surprised her as she thought he had already gone off.

“Depends” It took her a while before answering that question.

“Depends?” She eyed him again, seriously this guy is creeping her out, first he followed her all the way outside but then again maybe because he’s also going home, but now he starts asking her question.

Her uncertain moves made him feel ashamed.

“I’m sorry that’s really rude of me, Kim Jonghyun” Now that’s the gentleman in him.

He held his hand out for her; though it’s unconvincing her she still shook hands with him considering that she’ll see him tomorrow.

“Park Gyuri” His ears perked at the unfamiliar name that somehow sounded familiar.

“So… how does it depend?” Okay, this guy is really creeping her out. He’s like a puppy obediently following his owner.

“Elaborate new” She looked at her sides trying to find the right sign. Hesitatingly, she the corner then for about a few minutes of walking she returned back and tried to find her way again.


He noticed the disturb look she had, truthfully speaking he didn’t want to help her because watching her like that and following her around enjoys him. But that thought wouldn’t make him gentleman in her eyes and that’s the last thing he wants.

“Are you lost?” She stopped and looked at him with a sheepish smile.

“I think” His smile made her comfortable, it almost melted her.

Suddenly he held her hand and pulled her, he didn’t know why he did that but ever since the first touch he knew he wanted to hold her in his arms.

They quietly walk back home together because luckily enough they had the same neighborhood.

“So I guess you’re new” He asked once he felt calm, how did she manage to make him feel nervous in the first place, he doesn’t know.

“Not really” Her own answer surprised her, it’s not in her nature to entertain questions, what more from a stranger who she met in just eighteen minutes, but maybe it’s because of his comforting smile and his warm touch that made her succumb to his will.

“I came from here but four years ago I went to Seoul for university and ever since then I’ve never find time to visit or have a vacation until now” Jonghyun was in heaven – floating – he had never heard such voice before. It was like an angel’s voice.

Shoot! I like her!


Sadly enough for the poor boy, they came to stop at a small yet cozy house.

“Y-you live here?” His eyes were wide enough to make her giggle.

“Yes, why?” He turn around and pointed at the house across hers.

“That’s me” Her brows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side.

“But I never heard Mr. and Mrs. Kim had another son”

“That’s because we just moved in four years ago when Uncle Kim and his family had to be relocated to another town”

“Oh… I think I was just over thinking when Key didn’t come over when I came home two days ago.”

“You’re friends with my cousin?” She nodded and a smile brightened her face.

“We grew up together” His smile went down a little when she said that

“I wish I grew up with you too”

“Did you say something?” He shook his head furiously and quickly changed the topic

“Nothing, so if you live there then… YOU’RE MRS. PARK’S DAUGHTER!” He exclaimed as realization hit him.

“Why does it sounded like you’re shocked or what?”

“Because your mom never stops talking how excited she is for your home coming, she even promised to introduce me to you” She chuckled at the picture of her mom probably pestering the poor guy.

“Sounds like my mom… well, I guess it’s a small world after all” She smiled before looking down at their hands that were still interlocked, by the way. Jonghyun apologized shyly and quickly let go of her hand, he had forgotten about that thing maybe because he loved her company and because of the obvious reality that he liked her already.


Summer had never been this fun for Gyuri, now she wondered why she didn’t go home whenever she had the chance, she had miss a lot of things. Jonghyun was funny, comfortable, sweet, and is like a puppy. He’s always there wherever she goes; she’s already starting to get attached to him.

The feeling is mutual; Jonghyun had never met such a girl before. She’s just simple yet is always confident in everything she does, so straight forward but a caring person, and is so fun to stare at but had a glare that can kill you to death. She’s so full of variety that is surprisingly fitting his crazy attitude.

“Please? I wanna see it” He pleads for the nth time and again was rejected by the girl.

“Pretty pleasee~?”

“It’s not yet finished”

“Liar! I saw it and it’s finished” He stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms over.

“Yah! And you say I’m a liar?!” He quickly stormed off as Gyuri approached him.

They run around the play ground before deciding to settle at the swing to catch their breath.

“I-uh…I never… thought … you c-could… r-run like… that” He panted as he formed the sentence

She just smiled and pushed herself into the swing. He watched as the air brushed her hair back and forth, she’s like an angle dressed in a summer dress playing at the swing with her hair flowing along the wind.

It was a sight he wished he had filmed.


“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked the girl who was looking at their interlocked hands as they stopped in front of her yard; he brushed a few strands of her hair with his free hand and tucked it behind her ear.

“You’re beautiful” He whispered enough for the girl to look up with such brightness in her eyes.

Jonghyun was shocked when she suddenly hugged him but he couldn’t hide the happiness he felt when his arms molded perfectly with her slim figure. The butterflies in his stomach set off when she pecked him on the cheeks before running off to hide inside the house and leave him there with a hand on his cheeks completely frozen with a heart beating like a bomb.


The smile on Jonghyun’s face when he knocked on her door the next morning vanished when Mrs. Park broke the news.

“You missed him honey, she already went back to Seoul”

He frowned and felt cheated, it was just yesterday she’s so sweet; she even kissed his cheeks and hugged him tightly.

Was that goodbye?

He was already turning back around when her mother remembered something and asked him to follow her inside.

The room was simple but had a lot of different pictures and sketches pinned on a large cork board at one side of the wall. Her study table was neat and clean with books arranged alphabetically on one side. There’s a body length mirror beside her closet and a Christmas light on the wall beside her bed. He scanned the room and smiled.

Just like her

After a while of standing there alone, Mrs. Park came back holding a square object that is wrapped in paper.

“She asked me to give this to you” She smiled and leaved him behind, closing the door.

He stared at the object and sat on her bed. He took off the small envelop that was attached and read the letter.

I know you’re confused and probably mad why I didn’t say anything but that’s because I’m not saying goodbye. I’ll be back so you better behave and wait for me!

P.S. I’ll be taking your portrait with me and hang it on my wall so I’ll know how handsome you are. In return I’ll give you something, just so you know it’s important to me and I love it so better treat it well and held it tight! Never let it go if you did you’ll be dead meat when I came back.


“Even a letter like this shouts Park Gyuri” He chuckled placing the letter on his side at the bed. He stared at the object which he now assumes is a canvass and breathed in at a count of three.

He slowly tore the wrapper and as soon as it was revealed, his lips broke into a million dollar smile. He was beyond happy.

On the canvass was the exact replica of their intertwined hands. His gaze returned from his left hand to his hands on the canvass and to the small hand securely locked in his own.

That brat

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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 11 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..