
Shots of Haven

Title: Since Park Gyuri

Paring: HyukRi

Rating: PG-13

WC: 5,742

Summary: au! Wherein, Hyukjae goes through ten life changing experiences since Park Gyuri.

A/N: For not updating, to all the subscribers and the ones who requested, I’m really, really sorry. I can’t say if this is a comeback but I will try.

This oneshot is dedicated to @honeykeyla for encouraging me and preventing me from deleting all my unfinished and unpublished fics (including this one). Thank you for everything unnie, but sadly, I cannot picture you as my inspiration lol.

I’d also like to dedicate this to @irkuyh before she starts her petition to make me continue writing again, and for teasing her as she said so herself. Hehe.

SuperKara shippers, we’ve been deprived of interactions, right? So let’s all hold hands and pray really hard that we can get rewarded now that they’re doing promotions.




01. Nice To Meet You


                He basked in the serenity of a late August morning with its chilly air passing through his window’s screen as he cuddled more into his pillow, like a koala on a tree, under his favorite blanket. One minute, two, three, he found his way back to entry dreamland and indulges himself with the opportunity to stay unproductive for the day. Only to have him open his eyes in annoyance as a shrilling sound of scream that he was sure came from downstairs went past his door of confinement and whisper bloody words into his ear. It was then followed by panicked voices and another shriek of terror that finally made Leeteuk threw the covers and trudge down with a pounding head.




“Jungsoo! These people came barging into the house claiming you know them! It hasn’t been that long since I set foot in here and I’m wearing a pajama!” Hearing the disturbance in his sister’s voice, he quickly adjusted his vision from the light and took a good measured look between his sister and the accused suspects, or more formally known as his friends.


He frowned, completely forgetting his sister’s presence when he caught glance of the wall clock, “I thought we agreed to meet at ten?”


“Yah! Don’t ignore me!”


“Sungmin’s mom wants us to have breakfast together so we came to pick you up, but it seems like...” He followed the trailing voice and pairs of eyes towards the girl clad in her pajamas, Sponge Bob at that, still fuming and glaring daggers at him.


“Who are these people Jungsoo? And why are they entering this house like it’s a market place? I swear that monkey over there,” She pointed an accusing finger towards the guy behind Kangin, the one who bravely opened his mouth so far. “He slammed the front door and walked in like he lives in here.”


“Hyung if I have known that your parents have such hatred towards us, we’ll be more than glad to leave you behind. I didn’t know that the new generation of maids acts like that.”


He laughs at the scared face of his friend and took the remaining steps down.


“Excuse you, I am no maid. In fact, such person like me wouldn’t be considered as one. Have you had your eyes checked by the doctor? You seem to have poor eyesight”


“Okay enough,” Leeteuk stands on her side and puts an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.


“Oh my god hyung! Is this... I mean... Wow, congratulations!”


She scowls at the petite one near the door and smiles in triumph when he ducks his head, away from her sight.


“No Ryeowook, we’re in no position. But we’re more than that, bonded deeper with blood and flesh,” It took a whole set of sixty seconds before jaws practically hit the tiled floor.


“God Jungsoo, I don’t know how you managed to have dumb friends,” She rolled her eyes and shrugged the older’s hand off her shoulder.


“It’s because he never mentioned that he has a one hell of a sister.”


She glares at the same guy she had pointed her finger before and crosses her arms. “If by ‘hell’ you mean of my looks then I know that already. Nice try though.”


“I was talking about your attitude, missy.”


“And I really mean it when I said you look like a monkey. Oh and ‘hell’ would be an understatement to describe my character, why not try getting on my bad side? You’re lucky enough I can still hold my tongue.”


Leeteuk just have to pinch her cheeks after that, no matter how much he spends time with Heechul, it still is different when it comes from her. “I can listen to you talk like that everyday and I will never get tired of it.”


Her smile widens when a chorus of gagging sound at the background echoed in the room, and patted Leeteuk’s cheeks. “Aww, I missed you too oppa.”


“You guys are creeping me out, is it genetic?”


“Shut up Kyuhyun,” He sent a forewarning glance and counted their number, “I know why Sungmin’s not here, but where is Heechul?”


“He said he needs his time, but we all know he only wants to be fashionably late like he always does. He has a weird thing for it, something about being an attention seeker.”


He pondered for a while, nodding a little before glancing at his side. “Before you accuse me of anything related to, not saying anything about this girl beside me let me just make it clear, no one dared to ask, okay?” The silent approval was what he expected, “Gyuri’s her name and she just came back from Japan, be nice to her, although, I know you would all love her.”


“Wow, can you be more flamboyant than that Jungsoo? What have you been doing while I was away?” Said man tried to glare at her but was defeated by that childish act of mehrong as she escapes his side and walks to the kitchen, momentarily stopping to ask the older. “What’s the monkey’s name Jungsoo?”


“Hyung, I am seriously getting offended by –”


“Hyukjae, Lee Hyukjae”






02. The Devil Meets His Sister


                “You sure have a one hell of a sister,” He smiles at Heechul’s somewhat sarcastic compliment and laughs at the accompanying hums of approval from the rest of his friends as they watch Gyuri walk inside the cafeteria with three boys trailing behind her, Leeteuk remembers them being in one of her classes.


Two weeks after she had transferred, Gyuri had already managed to catch the attention of the boys’ population around the university. But, with the way she carries herself – so proud and full of confidence – the envy glares are highly subjected to be thrown in her way, Leeteuk had already expected. Adding to that, Park Gyuri entered the university with a dozen of seniors by her side, him being in the front line. Salt in the fresh wound. The envy of all girls and the fear of all guys.


“I think you should warn her hyung, those guys are bad news,” Ryeowook looks at the older cautiously.


“I heard they make bets on who can get the girl first, and Gyuri is the fresh meat in here,” Sungmin adds right away.


But Leeteuk only smirks and actually returns to his food as his sister gets a hold of her tray, “She’ll handle it just fine.”


“How can you be so sure?”


The slight tingle of worry goes straight to his ears and he looks up at Hyukjae. “I thought you already knew?”


“Already knew what?” All heads snapped up to the incoming voice of the devil they were talking just about, all smiles and just plain creepy. “Is the monkey bothering you, Jungsoo?” She takes the seat in between Leeteuk and Kangin.


Hyukjae’s ears heats at that, “I do have a name, Park.”


“Whatever, Lee.” It is still unfriendly but in any case, it is still a part of his name and Hyukjae clearly asked to be addressed by his name.


“Are those guys still bothering you Gyuri-ah?” She looks to her side and then on the table behind, the one next to them.


“They’ll give up sooner or later, don’t worry Kangin-ssi,” She gives him a reassuring smile, one that didn’t reach her eyes but didn’t look fake as well.





True to her words, four days later, they could never be seen in Gyuri’s shadow.


“That fast?” Shindong asks her with wide eyes as she sits in their table at lunch. Scrunching her face at the mere sight of carrots in her salad, she picks her fork and one by one transfers them to her brother’s plate.


“I could get rid of them sooner than that but I need them for some work so I endured for a bit.”


“I told you before to eat them,” Leeteuk stares at her sternly. All guys turned silent.


She pouts, clings to his arm and says, “I hate them raw.” Someone snickers at the back, “Shut up monkey!”


“Why is it always me?”


Leeteuk glares at the said guy and sighs, looking back at Gyuri defeatedly, “What will I do to you?” And shakes his head.


“I think I know the reason why up until now you don’t have a girlfriend,” Heechul remarks, earning the glare of the older one. “You’re busy growing a baby.”


“Oh, like how you’re too busy putting your nose in someone else’s business to have one for yourself as well?” No, not a single living soul has ever talked back with Heechul in that way. Until a certain Park Gyuri came in their lives.


Leeteuk leaned back in his chair, arms crossing in broad chest as he watched the two people in their table who happen to have a very similar character clash in that very moment. He smiles amusingly while the rest held their breaths; one should know not to mess with Kim Heechul and one should take note that Park Gyuri isn’t one to back down. Oh what an exciting lunch.


Eyes narrowing hard, Heechul puts his utensils down, “Excuse me?”


Each syllable gets delivered painfully slow, sinking within the very depths of the ground with a threatening dagger in the way. Still, Gyuri remains unfazed, “Deaf?”


“Not until you came.”


“I’m sorry for that.”




“I’m pretty sure you heard me clear.”


“And I’m pretty sure you know what I’m talking about.”


“Wait, what was it again? ‘Coz I think I can’t quite recognize your voice in this room.”






Slowly, she looked at the older guy with a perfect plucked eye brow up in the air. With Heechul’s menacing voice, the tension building up in their table had successfully crawled upon the neighboring groups, “You don’t want me to repeat what I said with all these people eavesdropping, do you?”


Never once did Heechul felt the urge to strangle someone so much, yet alone a girl. But here he is, trying so hard not to snap at Gyuri, his friend’s one hell of a sister, as they say. “ you.”


She smirks, “Jungsoo, I think you made one good decision in befriending Heechul-ssi. I love his choice of words, it is quite... dramatic.”


While the rest remains taken aback at what had just happened and how a certain newcomer most definitely and certainly shut the mouth in Heechul, Leeteuk bursts out in laughter. “I knew you two would get along.”


Gyuri nods while Heechul mutters an ‘’ underneath his breath and barks at the rest to get back on their lives.





“Hold up!” They stopped, bumping with the ones ahead of them, “Wasn’t that your sister?” Then their heads immediately the side, following Kangin’s line of sight.


“Don’t tell me she’s on a date with that guy,” Leeteuk frowns when Hyukjae imitates a gagging sound.


“What’s wrong with him?”


“He just broke up last week with his sixth girlfriend this year, not a good candidate for your sister if you ask me,” Sungmin answers.


“Leave the alone, I bet he’d be turned off the moment she opens ,” Gyuri’s brother didn’t even tried hiding his smile when Heechul looked at the other way, obviously still annoyed at his sister.


Just to spite him more, the slightly older guy by a few days grabbed Heechul’s hand and dragged him towards the tree beside the store, “I wanna spy on them.”


“NO. Don’t you even dare include me in this useless lame idea of yours!”


“Don’t you want to see how things gonna work out?”


“No. Never dreamed of it, now let go of my hand while I’m still being kind, or should I call the police and tell them how you violated my human rights by demanding me things I never approved of?”


“You sounded just like her.”


“ you. I’m far greater than her.”


“I really think you two would be the perfect best friends. Are you sure you don’t wanna come?”


He quickly rubs his palm across his skin, “Yes, my time is too precious to be put on waste by watching her date that jerk and I think you should start realizing that my friendship with her will only spark by the time the world ends.” Then he walks out, on the other way back to where they came from.


“Hyung, we wouldn’t mind spying with you,” When Leeteuk turns his head to the behind his back, he sees those gummy smiles.






03. Monthly Mood Swings


                Flushes of red bloomed like wild fire from the tips of his ears down to his neck and up to his face as the girl behind the counter looked at them warily. Leeteuk didn’t remember that going to a pharmacy could be the cause of his life’s walk of shame. The idea of it never even crossed his mind, his past girlfriends didn’t even ask of such thing from him. But the good samaritan in Hyukjae and his love for his sister did all the talking.


“Hyung, is it only me or this is really embarrassing?” Hyukjae whispers, eyes on the ground.


“Let’s say this day never happened,” Leeteuk glanced on his side and cringed, describing Hyukjae’s situation became a problem. “I wanna feel sorry for you but we’re on the same boat.”


When they meet gazes, laughters erupted. Gone all the shame, they thanked the pharmacist as they leave the store. “Man that was a first time experience.”


“Tell me about it. Park should be thankful after this.”


“She’s a lot more interesting whenever her time of the month comes.”


“In a good way?”


Leeteuk could only smile at Hyukjae as he recalls the reason they were sent to their humiliation.





“How can you buy that much?” She walks in the kitchen and sits infront of the counter island.


“A simple thank you would be appreciated.”


Gyuri’s dagger like eyes went straight to the person next to her. “My question is for my brother, stop butting in Lee.”


Hyukjae sneers at her and gets the middle finger in return.


“For future use?” The older shrugs his shoulder, serving Gyuri a plate of an afternoon snack.


“Well, it’s not the brand that I use so if I ever get allergies it should be on your conscience and the monkey’s. But since you went the trouble of buying them, leave the conscience to the monkey.” She smiled creepily and rendered Hyukjae’s mouth, gaping.


“I paid for them!”


Gyuri drops the smile and slowly turns to her side again, eyebrow perked up high in her forehead. “So?”


“The girl was giving us, especially me, this weird look all the time!”


“You’re still alive though.”


“And I should get blamed if you get harmed?”


“Apparently, yes.”




“You’re leeching off in this house. My family cooks for you, you sleep in Jungsoo’s room whenever you like it, and you take thirty minutes in the bathroom. Don’t you think you’re too much?”


“That’s because your family – except you – is a bunch of good hearted people and I’m not the only one, ask the rest. Plus, Siwon takes forty minutes!”


“Siwon-ssi has the rights.”


“What do you mean by that?” Hyukjae’s eyes narrows, thin line forming in his lips.


“Wait, let me get my mirror and see for yourself,” She saunters off the chair and like a kid, jogs her way up the stairs pretending not to hear the loud ‘Park!’ coming from the kitchen, where a certain older boy was quietly watching the whole thing unfold right in front of his eyes.


“You know,” Leeteuk starts in his amusement, “She takes almost an hour in the bathroom,” And laughs when Hyukjae groans in his seat and bangs his forehead in the counter top.





The usual attitude that excludes her from other people was left somewhere in the corner of her fingers as they watched her from afar meddling with people (normal people, she had said before) during her gym class.


“What? Is the on some kind of spell now?”


“As her loving brother, I think I should get offended with the way you call her, my dear friend,” Leeteuk’s little moment of acting was left unattended by the devil with bleach blond hair.


“Is she drugged?” He asks him rather, eyes flicking to her destination.


An arm hoisted themselves around his shoulders and Heechul has the mind to shrug it off, if not for that creepy smile grazing Gyuri’s lips while she – miraculously – converse with her classmates, quite cheery, he realizes belatedly.


“She’s...” Gyuri’s laughter rings inside the place, melodious and light.


When Hyukjae didn’t continue within the seconds, Heechul spares him a glance.


“You’re changing color.”






04. Sleepover


                Friday nights are usually spent out in whoever’s housing a party, drinking their stomachs until it can no longer hold any more liquid, or until their minds cannot keep up with the alcohol infused within. No one really cared much for the morning to come but when some common friend invited their group to his party, they have all agreed not to come, opting for some leisure rather than a pounding headache to wake.


“Why I never see your parents, nowadays?” Yesung asks, toeing off his shoes and walking inside the house.


Leeteuk shrugs his bag off to the settee’s feet, “Beats me.”


“They went off with their own vacation in the middle of nowhere,” Gyuri says, coming right out of the kitchen wearing an apron on top of house clothes. “Why the hell are you all here?”


“To ing mess your night,” Heechul rolls his eyes.


Gyuri smirks, “I’d like to see you try.”


“Park, what are you making?”


“Something that will surely cause your death,” She turns around and shoves Hyukjae out of the kitchen.


“Call for delivery,” Leeteuk shouts from the stairs. “She won’t cook for anyone but herself.”





They order pizza and chicken but their original plan of wolfing everything out while watching the game of football was rudely interrupted when Gyuri refused to hand the remote control and Leeteuk might be a little too fond of her sister to try and defy Gyuri from wanting to watch the romantic comedy movie they are currently staring, in disgust.


“Way to go, sleepover,” Donghae mutters.


“Shh…” Gyuri looks at him and smiles, “This one’s actually fun but it’ll be a lot funnier if you leave.”


Donghae stares at her, astounded, but remains in his seat. Leeteuk sends him an apologetic smile and offers another slice of pizza to compensate. Half way into the movie, Shindong excuses himself and one by one, they follow suit.


Gyuri’s more than happy at the result. “Well,” She turns on the remaining people inside, “Aren’t you going to leave too?”


Heechul smirks at her, “I told you I’ll ruin this night of yours.”


“Suit yourself,” She shrugs then turns to Hyukjae and raises an eyebrow.


Hyukjae startles at the sudden attention and goes for the box of chicken. “It’ll be a waste,” He reasons and pretends to be actually enjoying the movie. “Plus, its fun as you said.”


Leeteuk eyes him from the side but he ignores them and takes a bite.






05. Lunch


                “Hyukjae, Hyukjae, Hyukjae,” Kangin drawls out the last one and claps the said man in his back as he takes a sit around the table.


Hyukjae groans and buries his face down.


“Wait,” Kyuhyun frowns, then changes in excitement in a matter of seconds. “It actually reached your department?”


Kangin smiles mischievously and Kyuhyun bursts out laughing, “Damn, now this is exciting.”


“Stop it,” Hyukjae reprimands, voice muffled by the table.


“No,” Heechul counters right away.


“Tell us what you said,” Shindong adds.


Gyuri stares at them, from Hyukjae then to everyone and back to Hyukjae, she turns to Ryeowook and asks, “I ing missed something, haven’t I?”


Ryeowook had just nodded his head when Leeteuk and Sungmin sits with them followed by someone Gyuri hasn’t seen before.


“Hyukjae,” Sungmin calls for attention, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Someone’s looking for you.”


Said man looks up and internally groans when he stands, motioning for the girl to follow him. Gyuri arches a brow when the guys make cat-calls at the retreating figures. She looks at them and, “What the hell is going on?”


“Oh wow,” Heechul says, proudly as a matter of fact. “Look who’s putting her nose in other people’s business now.”


“ you.”


“Honey, please, your colorful language turns me on.”


“You just ruined my appetite.”


“Don’t worry, I’ll get it up for you.”


“That’s a lot disgusting than the cafeteria food.”


“I could be dirtier if you want me to.”


Gyuri smirks, “I bet you can handle me.”


“Doubt you can keep up.”


“Believe me when I say you’ll be blown away.”


“Lie is written in between the word believe.”


“That’s pretty clever of you.”


“Glad you finally realized.”


“I was being sarcastic.”


Heechul grins, “I like your sister Jungsoo-yah.”






06. Wheel of Change


                To everyone’s horror, Heechul and Gyuri were glued to the hip. The ones bickering at almost every petty argument were now partners in crime to everything they deemed entertaining enough. Leeteuk, of course, is delighted by this. Probably a little too delighted that he may have easily agrees to whatever the duo says sometimes.


“No,” Heechul says with disgust. “That’s an ugly shirt, throw it away. Why do you even have them in the first place?”


“Excuse me?” Gyuri asks, bewildered. “I was the one who gave them to him. It came from Japan.”


“Well, I’m sorry but it really is an eyesore.”


Gyuri rolls her eyes and sighs, “You need to experience Japan.”


Leeteuk watches in fascination as they threw clothes after clothes on his bedroom floor. It doesn’t compare to who they were just last week.


“Is there a storm going on?” Hyukjae peeks from the door, cautiously stepping inside the room.


Leeteuk shakes his head, still amazed by the sight in front, completely ignoring the fact that his dresser will undoubtedly be empty by the end of the day and that there’ll be quite a number of sacks of clothes ready for donations.


“What are you doing here, Lee?” Gyuri asks, finally noticing the other presence aside from the two older guys.


Heechul stops and looks at the door, he raises a brow. “Aren’t you supposed to be on a date?”


“He has a date?”


“Yeah, remember the girl from the cafeteria?”


“Her?” Gyuri pauses, eyes widening a little, then she frowns. “But she looks, excuse me though it’s the truth, bland.”


The blond smirks, “That’s quite classy. I saw her once with a make-up, nothing has changed.”


“How can that happen?”


“I’ve been asking that myself.”


At the corner of the room, Hyukjae approaches Leeteuk and looks at him. “Hyung, I think this is a lot scarier than World War III. Is doomsday finally approaching?”






“What the hell was that for?” Hyukjae scowls at Siwon and massages the spot the latter managed to smack.


“For rejecting her, what else?” Siwon’s another attack gets blocked this time.


“But I don’t even like her.”


“Dude, I have psychology with her and she’s been giving me the shivers.”


“It’s not my fault,” He sighs and goes back to his lunch. Just before he could thoroughly enjoy the food (he did spend some money on it) Donghae nudges his side and everyone’s eyes turned towards him. He frowned at them, annoyed at his friend because now the spot in his side feels the after effect of the blow, and was about to decline them more explanations about the rejection he did when he caught sight of the girl they were talking about. He internally groans and readies himself.


“E-excuse me, ca–”




To his great amusement, Gyuri’s staring at the girl, drearily. She has her arms crossed and leaning against the chair with intimidation surrounding her very presence.


“Sorry, but you can’t be excused.” She continues.


The girl looks at Gyuri, slightly afraid. Hyukjae couldn’t blame her. “W-what?”


“Don’t you have any shame in yourself?” Gyuri rolls her eyes when the girl gasps. “Your types of specimen is what I hate, you all act innocent and cute in front of others. Lee already rejected you, right? So what are you still doing here? Go find someone who can be a slave to all your demands. Don’t stoop too low and fit yourself to someone who doesn’t even like you one bit.”


When the girl leaves, covered in shame, and the whole table remains silent, Gyuri stares at them in irritation. “What? I’ve seen so many like her. You can only take so much.”


“That is so cool!” Hyukjae has his mouth opened in a wide smile, eyes slightly floating in fascination.


“Ew. You look disgusting. I wish she stayed for a bit to see you like this. She’d be turned off immediately.”


“But you chased her away.”


“Yes I did and it’s because her cologne’s turning my stomach upside down,” She goes back on her pasta, ignoring the eyes. “Oh wait, maybe I shouldn’t have. Then you’ll all see me puke and she’ll be disgusted and she’ll puke also because that always happens and everyone will puke.”


Gyuri smiles.


Hyukjae looks quite disgusted but the patterns of amusement are still visible.


Heechul pats Gyuri’s head with a proud smile.


Leeteuk’s eyeing them curiously and the rest continued their lunch as if the idea of Gyuri puking her lunch all over the table didn’t bother them.






07. A Little Popularity Never Hurt


                It’s only a matter of time before the secret admirers’ starts revealing themselves. Gyuri expected that much. It’s only natural, she says, collecting a good amount of envelopes, in different colors with different handwritings from different men, one afternoon. But ever since February came, men started getting a little more confident, coming up to her during lunch and free periods. And Heechul being the lovable and kind friend that he is (he said them so sweetly Sungmin has to bite the lemon on Kyuhyun’s side dish) took it upon himself to do the rejecting.


He eyes the man currently in question up and down (Hyukjae secretly does the same) and begins his interrogation, “Do know my friend Siwon? He’s the one sitting right next where you stand, in case you aren’t familiar. His family’s name is Choi, you think you’re richer than him?”


The man takes a hesitant look and dejectedly shakes his head.


“Then what are you confessing for?”


He looks like he was about to say something but held it in and turned away. Hyukjae feels sorry for the man, but he still scowls at the retreating figure. That one got good looks, Heechul knows how to reject.


“You know,” Gyuri slings an arm around Heechul and smiles, “I could just date you.”


“Yeah and be questioned by the society because honey, is apparently taboo.”


Gyuri laughs. “Where have you been all my life?”


Heechul smirks, “Searching for your whereabouts.”


“Fair enough.”


Hyukjae stares as Gyuri’s laughter morph into something akin to a grin before they disappear and be replaced by an amused one, with Heechul leaning closer to their lunch table and placing his chin on top of his hands. Hyukjae follows their line of sight and scowls at yet another man standing nervously in front.


“So,” Heechul says, “What brings you in my humble presence?”


He snorts but doesn’t hold down his glare at the unknown man despite it not being noticed. This one is tall and Hyukjae refuses to admit that he never stands next to Siwon because of height difference.


“You know,” He gets startled at the closeness of Yesung’s voice. “You’ve been killing every guy that so much as reach your view with that look on your eyes. Don’t be too obvious Hyukjae, Heechul does the rejection, remember.”


Hyukjae swore he didn’t shiver at the last sentence. Nor does he pale at the all-knowing smile on Leeteuk’s lips.






08. Back at One


                Everything goes back to normal (as normal as Hyukjae can be). Gyuri still refuses to call him anything other than Lee and monkey (he’s quite thankful that the latter has been used less and less). Heechul still dotes on Gyuri while Yesung send him messages just to annoy him. Leeteuk doesn’t say anything though. And they still watch those rom-com movies every Friday night despite their strong refusal.


“Gyuri, didn’t I tell you to pick up the laundry?” Leeteuk asks as soon as she enters the kitchen.


She takes a sit and stares at Hyukjae, long and brooding, before her eyes widens in realization and looks at her brother. “Oh shoot! I totally forgot. Sorry, Jungsoo. You can ask the monkey instead, in exchange for free breakfast and all.”


Leeteuk rolls his eyes, takes out the carton of milk from the fridge and sits in front of her. “No. You go and pick it up. It’s the only thing I asked you to do. Besides, the laundry shop’s just a few blocks down.”


“Exactly! I can’t give other people all the privilege to stare and be amazed by my beauty. I have high standards.”


“Stop being dramatic.”


She gasps, partly covers her lips with her hand. “You did not say that. You told me you love it!”


“That’s before you met Heechul.”


“I don’t understand you. First you want me to be friends with him, now you’re saying it like it’s the biggest mistake I’ve made. What do you want from me, Jungsoo?!”


Leeteuk is so close, so close, to forgetting that Gyuri’s his sister and that he loves her unconditionally despite all of her dramas. He sighs painfully, “Hyukjae, can you please, pick it up? I don’t need a headache early in the morning. Please.”


Said man nods in daze.


Gyuri smiles in triumph, she turns to her side and frowns a minute later. “You look weird. But you always look weird, but, it’s a different kind of weird today. There’s something wrong with your face, did you put make-up? Anyway, can you get me some cream puffs on your way with your own money? Thanks.” She beams and turns around.


Again, Hyukjae nods.


On his way out, he touches his cheek and wonders how they ended hot.






09. Waking Up


                Realization hits him one morning. Leeteuk was still sleeping when he woke up in dire need of the toilet. He stealthily made his way out and bumps with Gyuri in the hallway. Hyukjae was surprised to see her somewhat functioning so early on a weekend. But he was beyond surprised to see the hints of pink tinting her skin and the way she immediately hid the plush toy her one hand holds, behind her SpongeBob pajamas.


“It gets out, you die.” She scowls at him, bumping his shoulder as she stomps to her room, shutting the door to his wake.


Hyukjae remains frozen in his place, too shocked to remember that he needs to pee. Instead, he ran back inside Leeteuk’s room to shake the older man when he came to his senses.


“Hyung! Hyung!”


Leeteuk sits up and sees a blur Hyukjae gnawing on his lower lip, looking like he’s been caught doing indecent things by his own mother. It was an interesting view for someone who can barely see. “What?”


Hyukjae eyes him warily and decides to close his eyes for the better. “Don’t kill me but I think I like your sister.”


Leeteuk has that all-knowing smile and is wide awake once he opens the folds of his sight.






10. We Already Know


                Hyukjae decides that he’ll confess because the more Gyuri shuts him up, the more he feels that tingling in his stomach. And he can only take so much before they decide to burst into flames. But he didn’t expect to have them slip out of his lips in annoyance while they’re watching football (Donghae literally hugged Gyuri when she gave them the permission to change channels) in front of his friends. To Hyukjae’s defense, Yesung’s been sending him death threats to confess already because apparently, Leeteuk’s been singing love songs with his failed attempt of a female’s voice and it really, seriously, sounds horrible. He received everyone’s eyebrow and can only wish that no one remembers this day.


“What?” Hyukjae tried to remain cool but Shindong’s muffled laughter begs to differ.


“You think I’d believe that?” One day, Hyukjae would kiss that smirk away from Gyuri’s lips. One day.


He crosses his arm, “Who cares of what you believe?”


“Oh wow,” Gyuri looks amused. She sounded amused. One day. “You’ve been gaining more confidence lately, Lee.” Kyuhyun snorts next to her but she silences him and continues, “But I guess I can handle that.”


Hyukjae frowns.


“I don’t know how you can be so dumb,” She rolls her eyes. “Should I really date him, Heechul?”


He’s more than confused when the latter shrugged his shoulders.


“I don’t know. But I can give him points for keeping it in secret for this long and for even liking you. How dare he attempt that in front of me, no less? Although, I have to say, it’s quite fascinating how he tries so hard not to blush around us.”


“That’s true,” She pauses and stares at him (he desperately wishes that the ground would magically open up and swallow him down like how they do in animes), “What do you say, Jungsoo?”


Leeteuk has that all-knowing smile that gets Hyukjae on edge. “Oh please, by all means, do. I can’t look at him with those goo-goo eyes anymore. He looks ugly as you say it.”


“Hey! I do not make goo-goo eyes!”


“Yes, you do!”


“No I don–”


“Yes. You do. But enough with that,” It amazes Hyukjae to extreme level how Gyuri can hold someone’s eyes for long. “Since no one really objects and you failed at keeping your own secret, I guess we could date. We’re total opposites. I mean, you’re ugly, I am not. You’re dumb, I’m not, but we’re both lacking in the height department so kissing you wouldn’t be so much of a trouble. We’ve got ourselves one common thing, we’ll survive. You’ll survive.”


He shivers. “You seriously gets me pumped up, Park.”


“What can I say? You’ve caught my eye,” She winks at him and Hyukjae really wishes no one remembers this day.

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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 11 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..