
Shots of Haven

Title: Death of Me

Pairing: HyukRi

Rating: G

WC: 2,768

Summary: Eunhyuk is a little bit scared because Gyuri isn’t mad.

A/N: A super late story inspired by the scandal that happened to Eunhyuk. And because I still can’t find a way to complete the latest chapter for Nine Months and friends have been reminding me about it. I feel ashamed so I end up with this. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing this one shot.



More than anything that could happen, Eunhyuk is more worried about Gyuri, or specifically on Gyuri’s reaction. The consequences of the sudden outburst of his picture weren’t at all that important compared to how Gyuri will handle the problem at hand. He wasn’t even mad at the person who uploaded it, pissed okay, but not mad. He had already matured, that to blame others so quickly without knowing the real reason behind is a waste of time. Gyuri had taught him well and he’s proud of himself. But now that the most important girl in his life is miles away, smiling, and performing in front of thousands of fans, Eunhyuk knows too well that he is doomed.

Never let any problem stay too long on Gyuri’s side.

Oh how he hated their job sometimes. It never is fine when they come across problems and one is not around. It gets pretty scary (Gyuri actually) especially when smiles would be the first to greet them when they meet up when it should be accusations. Eunhyuk doesn’t want the repeat of cold shoulder he received from her because of what he had done on some variety show that sparked the interest of many.

Sadly, he can’t help but to prepare himself because even after the fourth call (he’s now on his way to fifth) Gyuri is still can not be reached. And he made sure to call after the concert.

“Relax, she might be on some after party or something,” Shindong had said when he desperately asked for his help. Barring that it’s the last thing he’d do, after party’s means alcohol and socializing, what if Gyuri answers him with a picture of herself together with another idol? Revenge is never sweet with Gyuri.

It is after his sixth try that he hears something from her, and it came from Kyuhyun. That itself is a sign already that he should be prepared when she comes home. Well, at least she said she’s fine and not mad, that it could’ve been just a mistake and that she knew there’s nothing going on between them two.

Only that sometimes his angel of a girlfriend can turn into a devil behind angelic smiles.




When he woke up the next day, it hit him completely. The consequences that is. There’s a bunch of messages in his fan page showing disappointment and betrayal. There are even threats, which are by now he had pretty much get used to, life as an idol is full of threats so adding another few isn’t at all surprising. But what had made him feel guilty was the backlash, he felt like he had made those people who trusted him hope for years only to break it in one day. Not that he will not, but he had hoped that, that time would come when he decides to introduce his girlfriend to them properly and not with some write-ups which are not even true. Well, he could always use some experience in the near future.

His phone call with his mother helped him somehow, to relieve some of the stress the issue brought. At least one important girl understands him and that is enough for him to overcome the unexpected (but somehow expected) turn of events in his scheduled filming for this variety show he’s included. He had apologized to the ELFs that were in the audience and left the building with a small smile, he was not alone. Ever lasting friends, he treasured those three words dearly.

Now, if only that one special girl would answer his call, he wouldn’t be pacing around the dorm. “They might be on the plane home,” Donghae had said to him when he checked up on the latter. He still hadn’t thanked s for being there for him. What they did last night nearly brought him to tears – because he still can’t reach Gyuri and he just wants to hear her voice. He expected something but not it, and he was in SM having an earful when he had heard from his manager that s are trying their best to distract the fans from the issue by uploading and talking about other things in the social networking sites. He will pay them back, he is sure about it.




Good news comes in the form of Kyuhyun barging in his room; Gyuri is back, in Korea, where he only needed his car to get to where she is. But he was in house arrest, the management thinks it’s for the best, and now he’s starting to think if he should be mad at the uploader of that picture or not. It didn’t help that Ryeowook showed him pictures of Gyuri back in airport. If only, it gave him shivers.

Gyuri is back, and she said she’s not mad; she’s even smiling at the cameras.

That translates to Eunhyuk’s sufferings. What would it be, he can only hope it wouldn’t be that bad that he’d want to buy that unit next to hers just so he could see her if only for a second. Ryeowook gave him a pat in his back and a smile that says he’s with him.

He needed their sympathy right now.

Any sort of comforting, he needed to hear them before he face the punishment which is slowly eating him up from the long wait. Or maybe he could just die now because the text message of Gyuri asking about him as if she’s talking about the weather is uncalled.




“Hyung please,” he didn’t even bother hiding his desperation when he saw their manager outside his room.

“Eunyhuk we’ve talked about this, no. I’ll let Gyuri know that you’re not allowed to leave the dorm aside from going to your schedules. We can’t risk getting you another scandal. Just imagine what people would say if they saw you with her.” The older reprimanded him.

“But people never once found out whenever we’re together. Hyung please, I just have to talk to her.”

“Because that was before the scandal, today is different. All eyes are on you, we have to be very careful. And be thankful that the management stayed quiet with this issue. They were thinking about Gyuri too, you know.”

“And so am I. I’m her boyfriend hyung. What if she gets the wrong idea? She even said she’s not mad, but hyung how can I believe that?” He follows the guy to the door once Kyuhyun closed his room door, ready for his schedule for the day.

“Call her, have Skype with her, but don’t leave this dorm. You’re manager is already at the lobby. Eunhyuk if you messed up one more time, the management won’t be very considerate.” And he was left staring at the closed door. He remembers Kyuhyun’s eyes holds so much sympathy in them before they were gone. Yet, he’s still scared of what will Gyuri say and he can’t really decide if he should thank the management for staying quiet. For all he wants and cares, he’d rather shout that the only girl he’s dating is Gyuri.




In the end, he opened his laptop and logged in his Skype account, wishing that Gyuri is online. Surprisingly enough, she is online and is the first to ask for a video call. Eunhyuk isn’t ready for that yet, however he had tried to go over the explanations he had right after the scandal broke out.

“Hey,” she was smiling and Eunhyuk swore there’s a glint in her lips, and it’s not the lip balm or the excitement of finally seeing each other. No.

He tried to put on a smile but it only looked like a crooked one and shifted in his bed to get comfortable, “Hi.”

“How are you, baby?” If it were in other occasion, Eunhyuk would’ve sported a grin that can turn him into a creepy bastard for the rest of the week. Only that her endearment for him sounded so wrong, and dangerous.

“Getting by?” He asks uncertainly.

“Missed me?” He nodded madly with that, oh how he needed to be in her good side right now. “Aww, I’ve missed you too.” He cringed at how high her voice’s pitch is. She sounded so menacingly like a hunter. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“H-huh?” Smooth, way to stutter at a time like this. He just proved himself to be guilty.

“You seemed tense, is something wrong?” Here comes Gyuri.

Eunhyuk can only hope for the less miserable punishment he’ll receive from his loving girlfriend. “Nothing. I just love you.” Please give him the award for the best hopeless boyfriend to ever grace the land of earth, or at least a wall so he could just bang his head. Because Gyuri’s smirk told him he should start picking out the suit he’d wear to his own funeral.

“Good. Anyways, I have to go now baby, I’m still tired. See you later, or whenever you are allowed outside.” Their manager is right after all, to forbid him from going out. He’s only twenty seven and still had a lot of dreams. Dying right now isn’t one of them, but he could use a comforter to bury himself for he did not just admitted that he did wrong and confessed to cover it up, only to flat out state the obvious.




“Kyuhyun, you have to help me,” he adheres to the maknae as soon as he returned back from his schedule.

“Hyung, I wish to not interfere with what’s going on between you two.” He tried pushing the older off but Eunhyuk is seriously in desperation mode.

“But I’d die if you don’t,” that’s an over exaggeration, Kyuhyun has been in this situation for far too many times already that all he’d need is an eye roll to see relief in Eunhyuk’s face.

“What do I need to do this time?” He slumps himself down in the couch and opens the first two buttons of his dress shirt.

“Just, when you two have your chit-chat, tell her how much I missed her and how I always think of her. That she’s the only girl for me and that I love her so much.”

Kyuhyun stares at him, and blinks twice, and then he says, “Wow hyung, you really sounded that you’d die this time.”

“She’d be the death of me.”




Four days after, when he finally had the balls to contact her first, Eunhyuk is ready for the worst. For he had realized, that each day he wakes up, there are no messages from her, and sweet heavens he loved seeing her messages first thing in the morning. It was his source of life (and he doesn’t care if he sounded so dramatic about it, he’s a man in love and desparation, what can he say?), so rather than dying slowly from misery, he decided he’d have the blow all at once. He hadn’t seen her for a while and even though this is most likely and definitely not how he wanted them to meet, Gyuri is scary when she’s not mad.

So he asked for the help of his loving members and had successfully escaped his prison. He would’ve smiled for his freedom but there are bigger things to be worried for the time being. Things like what if Gyuri is already asleep and he doesn’t have a spare key of her apartment. Or that he only had so little time before his manager finds out that he is missing.

But it looks like the heaven is on his side tonight when Gyuri opened her door like she’s actually expecting his appearance. Eunhyuk, on the other hand, is astounded. All rational explanation were swallowed by his own spit, standing right in front of him is his beautiful girlfriend, smiling sweetly, and she said she’s not mad.

He thinks if he’s really, literally, ready for this.

The answer would be a firm no, but he’s already too late to runaway, and when his mind starts to function again, he misses her. And he hopes that she does too, and will forsake him from whatever it is that she has in store for what had happened, after all, Eunhyuk is a victim no matter how people look at him.

“I’m sorry,” is what he said first after a moment of silence between them. For what he’s sorry for, he isn’t quite sure, it’s not like he was the one who uploaded the photo. Perhaps because he was in the photo with another girl, that could be it. “About the photo,” he continues, trying to match her stare but Gyuri’s smile is creeping the soul out of him. “It was taken a long time ago, and it’s not like I was cheating on you. I could and would never do that. Baby, forgive me?”

He adds a little bit of his kicked puppy expression (he’s really desperate), but Gyuri isn’t the least bit bothered and only smiles wider. “Why are you apologizing?”

Eunhyuk could feel the cold shiver of venom in her voice dancing in his spine, how he wished his manager would find out now that he’s missing. Somebody just save him. Please. “Because you’re mad?” He tried, looking warily at her.

“I am not,” she uncrosses her arms and her countenance turns soft. It takes out one burden in Eunhyuk’s shoulder, but he can’t be so sure. Gyuri could be sly if she wants to.

“You’re not?” She nods and he tries again, “Then why are you not answering my calls before?”

“That’s because I’m with Nicole, she insisted that I’d come with her to tour the place,” her voice gradually returns to how always soft they were against his ears.

He nods, not wanting to spark anything from her when she’s being this nice. But Eunhyuk is still unconvinced, so he asks again, just to be sure. “Are you fine? I mean, you’re not really mad at me?”

She shakes her head, “Yes, I’m fine and I’m not mad. Kyuhyun had already told me everything about it. I know that you’re always thinking of me, and I am the same. I’m the only girl that you love, so why would I be mad over a little mistake that you didn’t even make?”

When she looks at him with such care in her eyes, he broke out into a grin; he really loved that Cho Kyuhyun despite the many times he sold him in variety shows. He mentally noted to gift the younger the latest video games available out there and maybe to finally watch his musical. Maybe he’d also treat him to a full body massage whenever they’re free, most probably tomorrow.

“Thank goodness!” He breathes out all the pent up emotions and spreads his arms wide along with his lips, “I thought you’re mad and th– ” but he doesn’t get the chance to wrap those arms around her. Gyuri stops him as soon as he takes the first step to move.

“Uh-uh-uh,” she puts an arm length distance between them and smirks. “Just because I said I wasn’t mad I’d let it pass by like that.” Eunhyuk should’ve known this, should’ve never let his guard down. “Did I forget to mention that Kyuhyun also told me to not tell you that I know you asked him to say that? To give me that sweet talk because you think you’d die facing me? Well baby, first of, I will never let you die. I love you too much to let that happen.” He gulps down when she eyes him head to toe before her eyes return back to meet his. “I’ll just you know, give you the honour of yearning for not having me for a whole month.”

His jaw drops, and Gyuri smiles victorious at that.

“And because you dragged my dear friend Kyuhyun to try and deceive me, it’ll be a month and a half. Now, I wish you a safe trip back to your dorm and perhaps dream of me. Okay?” She touches his cheeks very lightly, there’s barely a pressure in there and Eunhyuk already feel like dying. “Good night baby,” and she closes the door in front of him.

He was left staring at nothing but the door. Words were jumbled to exactly tell what just happened or how he feels, not even his imaginary hands can grasp the reality thrown upon him. But he’s certain that he can’t wait to get back to their dorm and strangle that Cho Kyuhyun to death before he withers in the next month and a half due to Gyuri deprivation.

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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 15 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..