
Shots of Haven

Title: When Choi Minho Lost the Fight

Pairing: broken!MinRa, past!JunHara

Rating: G

WC: 2,885

Summary: It’s the first time Minho wants something for himself.

A/N: As Requested by bimriean I hope it would fit your liking :)



Choi Minho never gives up in his life. He was known to be a competitor, a guy who never backs down at any kind of challenge there is. He gives his best to get what he wants and to be on top. There’s no such thing as mercy for him when the top position is calling out, and the possibility of succeeding is always at high. People always praise him for his ability and strong passion, and Minho never gets bothered by it at any cost.

Never once did he lost a fight, it’s either they back out or he’ll dominate the whole thing. He’s always up front and blantant with what he’s aiming for. Unstoppable, someone who is always reigning, even his older friends couldn’t do anything about it. He’s just Choi Minho, the guy that knows nothing about loosing.

Being victorious runs in his blood,

And Minho is yet to feel how it is to loose a fight.


He’s a senior and a teenager in love like any others out there. It was their prom when he met this shy looking girl standing awkwardly by the side of a table. Minho, being the gentleman that he was, walked to the girl and comfortingly smiled at her. She was small and lean, her hair is that of honey colored and her eyes are shy. Minho started off his greeting with a friendly ‘hi’ and followed it with his name. Her doe eyes looked at him precautiously as she fiddled with her fingers, but said nothing in response.

Minho took him a lot of minutes before he had made the girl dance with him. It was his first time asking a timid girl, but as her small hands landed on top of him, Minho has once again proved that he never backs down.


It was lunch time when he second met her. She was struggling between handling her tray of food and avoiding the bodies that seem to play around her surroundings. Minho then excused himself from his friends and jogged towards her. He surprised the girl by taking her tray with him and naively smiled at her.

“Let me help you,” he said to her as she just looked at him blankly. A shy chuckle escaped his lips as heat crossed around his neck up to his ears, she seems to know nothing about it but Minho is sure he’ll be doing it a lot of other times after that day.

He motioned for her to resume her walking and he followed her quietly to a vacant table, a little over further to where his lunch table is supposed to be. A small ‘thank you’ reached his ears and Minho is convinced that missing lunch with his friends for a day won’t do any harm. He smiled brightly at her and held his index finger out before dashing towards his table and returning back with his tray of food.

He ate silently with her and walked her to her class after lunch.


A little late in the afternoon, Minho again surprised the girl when he waited up on her at her room door. An obvious blush made Minho smile as she tried her best to be indifferent. They both walked together to the bus stop and remained silent as they waited up. There were students from the same school and others from the nearby, the first bus came and was immediately filled with half of the passengers waiting. Another one came in after a good amount of minutes but the girl remained still in her position. Minho didn’t ask though, he just waited with her until they were the only ones at the station.

“My name is Hara,” a soft voice reached his ears and it didn’t take him long to know that it was the girl beside him.

And even though he had introduced himself during their first meeting, he still faced the girl and repeated his words, “I’m Minho.”

She nodded in acknowledgement and this time, she hopped in the bus that came just in time.


Minho didn’t think twice to wait for her at lunch the next day and Hara seems to be getting used to his little surprises by then. They ate in silence and he walked her to her next class just like yesterday. It was not hard to not be noticed, Minho is popular and anything that gets near him gets a little insight of his popularity.

By the time Minho had dropped her off, Nicole urgently asked her questions. Hara is quiet, she’s a transfer student and really don’t have someone that she can call a friend, the only one she has and can describe as close to a friend is her seatmate, Nicole. Hara wondered what it is about the guy that made her seatmate and her other classmate suddenly be this interested in her. But as they go on with their questions and self opinions, Hara managed to guess what they were trying to say about Minho.


She’s quiet, likes to be alone, and she lets everyone first before she gets her own. That’s how Minho described Hara towards his friends when they managed to corner him one day. They were looking at him solicitiously but Minho remained in reverie.

It was their first time to witness Minho so jaunty, and it had them more troubled to know that their friend had only met Hara a number of days and yet he’s already showing signs of fanciness towards the girl.

“Do you like her?” Onew questioned for the group as Minho remained smiling. It didn’t need an answer, just the way how Minho’s smile broadened was enough for them to pat his shoulder and said their encouragements.


Minho had stepped on his game one morning as he waits by the school gate for a certain girl. He had his hands tucked inside his pockets as he blew some air on a cold morning. His smile never left his face and he had been humming to a song he had heard last night about love at first sight. For once, people had viewed Minho differently. His aura of austerity had been forgotten and was replaced with a childlike atmosphere.

“Good morning,” he greeted rather cheerfully as Hara came in view. She was clad in a heavy coat and her nose and cheeks were of a little red from the cold. She returned the morning greeting bashfully and walked a good distance from Minho.

“Thank you for waiting and walking me,” she bowed politely and didn’t spare Minho a glance as she went inside her class.


They still had lunch together even though Hara seems to be a little different. Minho told her stories about him and his passion for winning. He told her how he almost cried when he thought he didn’t make it to the time limit at one of his games. He was smiling and Hara was just there, listening, nodding her head for recognition and would often verbally voice out her opinions.

And just like any other times, her classmates would ask her about Minho. It was getting out of Hara’s hand; she didn’t like the way how attentions were on her, but Hara wouldn’t lie about how great of a company Minho is. The day when she transferred in this school, it was Minho who noticed her first; he was the only guy who had decided to help her at lunch when the same thing had been happening even before Minho came. Hara is grateful towards the guy and appreciates everything that he does for her, but Minho is still far enough to be called her friend or even close to a friend.


It had been on Hara’s mind since she figured out what Minho is trying to do; it was the reason she made a distance from him aside from the growing attention she feels on the back of her head. She didn’t want to loose a good candidate for a friend but neither can lead the guy to wrong understandings. Hara had already accepted that Minho might turn his back on her the day she realized him. And Hara wouldn’t mind thanking the guy even if he decides to leave her.

I’m waiting for someone,” she opens up as they were left alone on the bus stop. Warily, she glanced up at him.

Minho was silent, he had a pensive look, and Hara let him be. When the bus came and Hara was about to get in, she looked back at guy and muttered a small ‘thank you’ remembering how Minho’s facial features change as her confession sank in him.


It didn’t surprise Hara to find that spot on the school gate empty the next day. She had seen that one coming and she didn’t regret any of what she did last day. Minho is a great guy, Hara believes that. He would find someone worth of his time, someone who isn’t as messed up as Hara is.

She walked inside the gates and restarted her entity, the way it first started when she transferred in search for a better life.


“How about a friend?” Hara was startled to see Minho by the bus stop that afternoon, wearing casual clothes. He looked stressed and worn out. Hara had learned, by Nicole, that Minho didn’t attend his classes. And by the looks of it, Minho had waited for her.

Hara contemplated, she didn’t think that Minho would be this eager. And apparently, Hara could see herself in the guy. She’s been waiting over a promise that is likely to be forgotten by someone. She’s in love with a person who is nowhere to be found. Hara is stranded with her feelings for Junhyung, a guy who made a promise to her that he’ll be back.

That day, Hara made her first friend.


It was awkward the next day as they sat on lunch. Hara is having a hard time coping with the new adjustments in her life, starting off with Minho. She had never met a person, other than herself, that would still go after with what they want. And she’s equally amazed how Minho stayed true to what he asked for her.

“Junhyung...his name,” she said softly but didn’t look over at the guy in front of her. Minho remained eating his lunch and swallowed rather hardly as he reminded himself to stay calm, “He told me he’ll be back,” Hara furrowed her brows. “...three years ago.”


Their friendship slowly progressed with Hara opening up on Minho and him staying at her side for support. It was hard for Minho to hear everything about Junhyung but he reminded himself that ‘if this was the only way to get close to her, then so be it.’

He’s still isn’t giving up though, his mind was set on a new aim. To help Hara get through this and somehow squeezed his little hope for her to accept him gradually. It’s a silent move but he’s willing to try it on.

“Would you like to have some ice cream? I passed by this new shop on the way here,” he asked as they both went out of school.


They were on the time were their friendship is now more stable when Junhyung decided to show up. Hara was in tears when they come out after school, a guy wearing clothes that would say much to society was standing by the gates. Minho didn’t need to be told to know that the guy is indeed Junhyung, Hara’s one-sided love.

A stinging pain crossed his chest and it was the first time Minho had to hold on to something to balance his weight. His breathing became uneven and he had to turn away for some relief. He run further away from the two and ended up on the gym. He slumped down on the ground and held onto his chest.

All his life, Minho never felt this defeated.


Minho had imagined sitting by a cheerful Hara at lunch when they first met after that day. After what had happened in the gym, Minho had been missing, collecting what he thought might’ve been shattered. But Minho didn’t expect to see Hara with eyes that are as red as they can be.

“He found someone else,” was the only words she needed to say for Minho to comfort her and have Minho’s confidence back at once.

Minho didn’t loose, he was faced with a new challenged, to help Hara forget.


It took months to safely say that Hara is now only a few feet away to forgetting about him, that is all thanks to Minho and his undoubtedly charismatic charms.

“Thank you,” Hara shyly said as they enjoy the afternoon sun walking towards the ice cream parlor that became their hang-out place.

“For what, the free ice cream?” without any warning, she slapped his arm playfully. “For helping me, babo.”

Minho smirked and placed a hand over her shoulder, something that had been a habit of him since he first hugged her, “Huh, that’s a once in a lifetime experience from someone as handsome as me, so be sure to remember it.”

Hara laughed at the remark and didn’t mind the way Minho slightly froze up when she slipped her hand on his waist.


“Minho...” the said guy stopped his dribbling session and looked over to the only person other than him at the gym, “you...you w-won’t hurt me right?” it was odd but Hara has been feeling uneasy since yesterday, when the girl over the counter at the ice cream shop looked at Minho differently.

All at once, Minho left the court and sat beside Hara on the bleachers, “What are you talking about?”

“You won’t do the same thing he did, r-right?” Minho’s insides clenched when Hara looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“No,” Minho’s affirmation was enough for the lump on Hara’s throat to disappear.


 The feeling of finally getting what he had been waiting for is almost there. Minho can already smell the victory and see that finish line. Ever since Hara had asked that question, the girl had been sticking on him every chance they could get.

When Junhyung showed up, Minho thought he had lost it. But now, he’s still standing tall and is almost at the top. He had been right to stay by Hara’s side.

There was a broad smile on his face when he went home that day, he couldn’t contain the happiness he feels inside just at the thought of finally having Hara. It was just surreal, she had been a fragile object since the beginning and he had been extra careful handling her a lot of times, yet, he had managed to master her art and make her flow along with him.

However, Minho’s smile faltered and was replaced by a scowl when his father called him that evening.


Hara woke up to a bright and beautiful day, she had dreamt of Minho. Something she had been familiar with as she slowly let go of her past. Junhyung was a good guy, he had made Hara feel so special but, Minho is the great guy. He asked for friendship when she rejected him first hand, and Minho didn’t ask for more. Slowly, Hara felt her attachment towards the latter had been moved to somewhere more than a friend.

“You can do it Hara, fighting!” She said to herself when she arrived at school earlier than naturally. She had two bottles of hot coffee on her hand as she stood by the gates and waited for her friend.

But then, a frown crossed her happy face when two girls passed by her, they were talking about some arranged marriage and Minho’s name was dragged on it.


Never once did Minho lose a fight, even with Junhyung coming in; he still had the game on his hands. He never knew how it feels like to be defeated, and the thought of it never even reached his mind. He’s confident with everything he does; Minho had a strong mind set. He never backs down without a fight, however, when Hara confronted him that afternoon, Minho lost it.

“Is it true?” Hara had her tears on the brink of falling down. Minho never felt this devastated before. He had made a promise towards the girl who relied on him. Towards the girl whom slowly became a part of him. Towards the girl, the first person he ever aimed for.

Minho had been fighting, fighting for even a small spot on Hara’s heart and now that he had earned more than what he wished for, the time went out. They had blown the whistle and he didn’t make it to the finish line.

“You told me you won’t be like him,” her voice became soft as her tears fell out of their place.

Minho didn’t know how it feels like to lose to something that you’ve been striving for; he had always been winning, but now, now all he can do is look at the girl cry in front of him as his mind went blank and salty tears unconciously flow down his cheeks.


Choi Minho was a senior and a teenager in love, when he first lost a fight.


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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 15 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..