
Shots of Haven

Title: Soulmate 2/2

Pairing: broken!HaeRi, HyukRi

Rating: G

WC: 1,459

Summary: Donghae wouldn’t admit it but he loves her. And when he does, it’s already too late.

A/N: Happy Birthady Lee HyukJae! ^_^



Do you hate me?


I could never hate you


Would you love me again?


I never stopped loving you


They stayed back in silence allowing the light breeze of spring air passed by them as they sat on the same position six years after their first indirect confession slash confrontation. What happened after Donghae have bravely said ‘I love you’ was pretty painful. Being rejected for practically the second time but literally the first, doubled the pain. However, it was nothing to what Gyuri have felt.

Ever since she started hitting adolescence, gaining knowledge about life and love, she had slowly grown feelings for him. It has been years of late night daydreams of them being together from a onesided love, years of praying that he could finally see her more than a friend, years of silently admiring the boy sitting next to her, years of wishing that somehow... somehow she appears in his dreams.

Yet, the courage came only during their senior year after realizing that it could be the end. Only left with months before they part, she almost had him.


“Let’s go somewhere” She suddenly suggested breaking the pregnant silence.

Enthusiastically, she jumped on her feet dragging the boy up to his feet as well and to his parked car.

“Amusement Park! Let’s go there” She clapped her hand deciding on where to spend the given moment. He glanced at her from his side not clearly satisfied to see an excited and joyful Gyuri. Donghae knew better that, that was merely pretending. Being stucked with her for who-knows-how-long gave him the privilege of mastering Gyuri’s true nature.


The cart started slow, taking careful steps towards the first ‘cliff’. The whole place itself wasn’t as crowded as before when they use to skip their afternoon classes for this. Even the roller coaster ride (where they’re currently sitting at and in front) didn’t have any line of eager people wanting a taste of adrenaline rush.

As they reach the first mound, she grabbed his hand and raised it above in air, screams soon followed together with the gush of wind messing everyone’s hair. The ride continued, mound after mound, high and low, fast-slow, left-right, smooth and rough, and Gyuri continued to scream, something that got Donghae alarmed, specifically speaking when he saw crystal clear tears glistening her flushed cheeks.

“Why are you crying? It’s not like you’re afraid of heights” His brows furrowed as she refused to let him wipe them away.

“I am now”


The roller coaster was followed by other dangerous-thrilling rides that gave Gyuri the excuse to hold his hands as she never stop screaming her lungs out or rather, screaming her pained heart with tears. Donghae soon realized this after their fourth ride.

No one screams and cry at the same time while riding on a Feeris Wheel.

“Had fun?” He asked reviving his car engine to life.

“Yeah” Gyuri simply stated as she lean her head on the window observing nothing in particular.

Silence took over once again, both refusing to open their mouth and ask the question they both want to be answered. The ticking of the clock was dreadful, the impending goodbye never leaving the heavy atmosphere, rather, coming way too fast as they stopped in front of her driveway.

The faint glow of light from the living room window informed them that he was home, and the sound of cooking wares coming from the kitchen indicated that he’s preparing their dinner.

Donghae cleared his throat tearing Gyuri’s attention from the house and back to him “So I guess this is goodbye” he scratched his head shyly looking down at his feet for a little while before crushing her into his embrace “Take care” he whispered breaking the last skin to skin contact and leaving a good amount of distance in between.

“Tell him I said hi” One last smile and he was already retreating back to his car, but he never got that far, he was stopped as her frail body hugged him from behind.

What took you so long?” His heart flinched at the regretful tone. He wanted to answer her, to tell her that he’s a coward that he was afraid of love, but he didn’t had any chance as he felt her tears seeped through the thin layer of his shirt.

It could’ve been you. It would’ve been us” She continued as her arms tightened around his middle.

“Babo. I’ve waited for years. How could you leave me now? Why do you love hurting me?”

“If I said I suffered too, would you be okay? If I said that I cried until I lost all the water in my body, would that make up for you pains?”

“But I still love you” He pried off her hands, turning around in the process as he cupped her face.

“And I still do, butwe can’t” He said softly, explaining the best he could and trying to not show the hurt in which he failed.

He’s still hurting.

He’s still in damn pain.

she shook her head furiously “We can, take me with you”

He wiped off her tears and smiled bitterly “I’d love too, but that’s not possible”

“I love you so it is!”

“You’re confused Gyuri”

“I know what I feel!” She pushed his hands off and stepped back.

He approached her and brought the distance to a close “If you know what you feel then, would you kindly remember the one who made you smile when I, unknowingly made you cry? Who stood behind waiting for you when I, refused your presence? Who made you feel love when you’re stubbornly waiting for mine?”

“But I know I love you” Her attempt to fight back with such words were muffled in Donghae’s chest.

“I know you do, but let’s not be selfish. It was obvious how much you love him when you said I do. And I saw how he made you glow with just a look from him; I never did that to you Gyuri. I know our difference, you made it obvious. Your love for me wasn’t as romantically as it was before.”

She was quiet, deciphering everything he had said and just hugging him as tightly as she could, because it’s the last thing she could do.

Eunhyuk’s unannounced attendance back then made a quite drastic change to both parties. Gyuri didn’t know when was the last time she had a good laugh before he came. With constant waiting, following, and reminding Donghae that she loves him, Gyuri had forgotten to love her own and Eunhyuk was brave enough to fill that hole.

What she had with Donghae was mutual feelings with uncertainty, and what she have with Eunhyuk were love and security.

“I’m sorry”

“There’s no need for that” He pushed her lightly “I know you love him”

“When will I see you again?” He shrugged, tucked his one hand inside his jeans’ pocket while the other reached for the driver’s door.

“Maybe when I’m not afraid anymore to admit that I’min love” And that was the last thing she had heard from him before she was left alone.


“Did I scare you?”

“A little” He smiled and kissed her forehead “Welcome home”

“I love you” The sudden confession made Eunhyuk’s brow knit on its own.

“You cried?” Upon noticing that her eyes were red, he caressed the outlining.

“Hae’s leaving, but he said hi” Deep thoughts mirrored through Eunhyuk’s facial expression.

“Did you... I mean... was there something in the past?” It had always been bothering him, he knew they were close, he’s been jealous at the guy for Pete’s sake. But all Gyuri said was that Donghae’s her bestfriend, nothing more, nothing less.

And he settled for that.

“It wasn’t official but, we loved each other. He asked me to wait and I did, but then...” She trailed off looking anywhere but him

“...but then?”

“Then...you came” Gyuri continued with a soft loving voice matching the dust of pink in her cheeks.

“Aww~” Eunhyuk cooed as he brought her in his arms attacking her with butterfly kisses “I love you too honey” And Gyuri thanked Donghae for reminding her of who she was in love with.


Donghae wasn’t her first and last because it obviously belonged to the most important person in her life now, Eunhyuk. But, he’ll be her forever. This lifetime might not belong to them, however, Gyuri strongly believes that in the after life, it would be the two of them. He might not be the love of her life but she’s sure that he’s the love of her soul.

They were meant to love each other but never meant to be together.

Soulmates, that’s what they are.

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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 15 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..