
Shots of Haven

Title: Boyfriend

Pairing: KeyCole

Rating: G

WC: 800

Summary: Kibum is Nicole’s boyfriend, not financier.

A/N: Short with a slice of Life well on a particular note, on a relationship.



Relationships are composed of two people in love with each other, whether it is between of opposite or of same . It doesn’t matter when the word love strikes you to the heart. The only catch if you’re invovle in the same gender relationship was the scrutinizing eyes of people with no lives, but apart from that, relationships are supposed to have its up and down phase. The happy moments as well as the saddest one, even the fights over small things up to serious ones where you’ll be thinking of break ups, but that’s what makes it unique and different from other kinds of relationships – friendships for example – you have someone in your life that you knew is important to you the same way you are to him.

But, people – older ones – says that being in a relationship is such a pain in the wallet. Why? Because you’d need to spend money every single day for the other, to fulfill the happiness as well as the expense of having someone with you, and Nicole couldn’t agree more to it.

She had witnessed how her girlfriends leave all the paying to their boyfriends, how they asked for more when they already have enough. She had seen how the guys complain at times yet still obeys their girlfriends. Nicole strongly believes that in able for a relationship to work, the two people involve need to have the give and take policy. It wasn’t only the guy who needs to suffer all the times, being in a relationship, as she viewed and understand it, means sharing each other’s burden, sharing everything, that way the relationship would be a lot stronger than before because each two understands where the other was coming from.


That’s how she understood the definition of that word; it is compose of two people having the same heart beat as well as one mind. But from her experience or rather the way she saw her friends define the word, it was more like of a slave and a boss thing, where as the boss was and is always the girls and the slave would be the guys who tells themselves that they were only being a good boyfriend. Well, damn them.Nicole hates it when she sees her boy friends spend so much money on her girlfriends and all they got was nothing in return. It was always like that, every single time all of them were together. The food they eat, up to their transportation fees, all of it was being paid by their boyfriends not to mention they also have to carry the girl’s bag and stuff. She would’ve understood a bit if all of them were the type of people who already earns money but they weren’t, they’re only senior high schoolers which meant that the money they use comes from their parent’s hardwork and not them.

That was why she refuses her boyfriend to cater her like a princess, though she knew he’ll be capable of doing it since Key came off from a wealthy family, she knew how hard it is to earn money plus she didn’t want all of it to be thrown at her if ever they would have a serious fight. Of all things, she hated it when what the other has given to her is thrown at her face like an accusation that she should have atleast be thankful that the other had done so much for her. She hated those kinds of fights; it’s as if when a guy says all of the stuff he’s done to you you’re left with nothing but shame and the pride you have within you had just been stepped on.

Nicole would like to think that her girlfriends’ boyfriends were a bunch of understanding guys that’s why all of them lasted this long, but she knew enough that when one of the guys had had enough, he’ll explode, and she’ll be right for thinking that taking everything without giving back was such a bad idea.


They were at a fast food restaurant, debating on what to order. Nicole decides on a simple salad and a glass of pineapple juice while Key ordered a combo meal composed of burger, fries, and coke. All of their other friends had decided in much more than what the couple had, and it’s no surprise because they were used to it, same goes when the paying came up, while the two – Nicole and Key – decided to split up the bill, their guy friends paid for their girlfriends.


“Hey, why don’t you let Key pay for you?” One of the girls asked when she saw Nicole giving Key her share amount of their bill. In return, the two only smiled at her.


“Because he’s my boyfriend not my financier.”

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gyuleia #1
Chapter 7: can i request for another gyuri and kyuhyun chapter please...

KyuRi makes me happy whenever i'm not in the mood...

pleaseee.. pleaseee.. pleasee.. *puppy eyes*..

hehe love you authornim~
honeykeyla #2
Chapter 26: thanks so much for the update!!! yeayyyy! i really love it~~~
but somehow, i kinda like Gyuri-Heechul relationship. they fit each other so well. love their bickering too ^^
anyway, good job on this one. i really love it.
please continue writing more hyukri or any gyuri crackship fanfics in the future~~
Daniiiiii #3
Chapter 26: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!
adgjmptw #4
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #5
Chapter 12: i like ur fanfictions alot . Can u write about nicole and lay please
adgjmptw #6
Chapter 2: Oh i like it alot .so sad oh dear nicole
KaiserKawaii 13 streak #7
Seungyeon and Taemin. :))
Daniiiiii #8
Chapter 24: hahaha =D i love Gyul sweet revenge!!!
Letterofspring #9
Ryeowook and Jing! Or Jing and Jinki. Keke..