We can be friends

A night that changed it all


Kyungsoo made a tantrum making Jongin sigh. “I am the younger one or you?” Kyungsoo stood quiet for a while. The ride soon became silent much to Jongin’s relief. When he glance at Kyungsoo he notice that Kyungsoo had fallen completely asleep making him smile a little. They arrived half an hour later. Jongin didn’t want to wake him up but he had to, “Hyung wake up.” Jongin slightly shook him.

“Don’t call me hyung I feel old!” Kyungsoo managed to growl? Jongin chuckled at the older one while helping him out of the car.

“Then how should I call you?” Jongin ask with a raise brow.

“Kyungie!” Kyungsoo cutely said.

“You are drunk” Jongin said while holding him by his arm. Kyungsoo shook his head with a pout but stop when he felt dizzy. “Are you still dizzy?” Kyungsoo nodded.

“Very much!” Kyungsoo said. “Where is everyone?” Kyungsoo looked around and frowned.

“In my house” Kyungsoo raised a brow.

“You kidnap me!” Kyungsoo half shouted. “You g-get away from me”

“Hyung” Jongin tried to hold him still but Kyungsoo began to move.

“I’m not hyung! I am Kyungie!” Jongin laughed.

“Let’s take you to bed ok?”


“Yes bed you need to rest” Kyungsoo pouted.

“But I was partying very good you ruined my life!!” he sobbed. Jongin chuckled again at how cute Kyungsoo sounded when he said that.

“Hyung pali let’s get you to bed.” Kyungsoo shook his head. “Kyungsoo!” but said man refused to move. “Kyungie” Kyungsoo look up at him and smile cutely.

“Take me to bed.” Kyungsoo said but couldn’t even properly walk. Jongin face palmed when he saw the older one on the floor pouting. “I can’t walk” Kyungsoo continue to pout. Jongin kneeled down on his back.

“Come” Kyungsoo raise a brow.

“Piggy ride?” Jongin nodded. “Aigoo Jonginnie is so nice!” Kyungsoo climb on top of him with a huge smile. Jongin was surprise by how light Kyungsoo felt and he really like the nickname that Kyungsoo had giving him. Once they were inside the house, Jongin took Kyungsoo to his room and put him on bed. “Why do you have a girlfriend?” He heard Kyungsoo asking him. Jongin just kept quiet while tugging him in.  He was about to stand up when Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around his neck. Jongin’s eyes widen at how close the two of them were. His heart began to beat like the speed of light. Kyungsoo just stared at him for a couple of seconds. “I’m your Kyungie right?” Jongin slowly nodded while removing Kyungsoo’s arms away from him. “Say it!” Kyungsoo once again wrap his arms around Jongin.

“Kyungie” Jongin said his cheeks red as a tomato. Kyungsoo yawned while shaking his head.

“My Kyungie!” he pouted as he lean closer and closer to the younger one. “Say it” Jongin could feel the breath of Kyungsoo on his face making him feel something that he had never felt in his entire life. The way the older one look and the smell of his sweet breath combined with beer make Kyungsoo irresistible and very kissable in Jongin’s eyes.

“Will you let me go if I say it?” Kyungsoo nodded even though he didn’t wish to let go. “Sweet dreams... My Kyungie” Kyungsoo blush despite how drunk he was and let sleep take over him.

By now Kyungsoo was completely asleep. Jongin remove the shoes away and cover him with a light blanket. He needed to go back to his house but he wanted to stay and check on the older one in the morning. Jongin was concerned. He wanted to make sure that Kyungsoo took his pills that and he missed him a lot.  

He can’t forget though that Kyungsoo confessed to him and the fact that he wants to kiss him so bad. Yet he doesn’t hate him Instead he feels that being honest is going to keep their friendship alive.  He is nervous because well when someone likes you, you usually don’t befriend that person unless there is a sign that the other one likes you as well. Jongin misses him though and for that he wants to spend time with him like before even though each time he is with him he gets confuse and scare.


The following morning.....

“Yeah he is here” Baekhyun told Joonmyun through the phone. “No... Both of them are sleeping... no of course not! Jongin is sleeping on the couch and Kyungsoo is sleeping on his bed.” Baekhyun said while closing the door, extra careful not wake them up.

“Is he really here?” Luhan ask Baekhyun who nodded as he hung up. Sehun sigh in relief while checking on them. He saw Jongin sleeping on the couch and smile.

“I guess they are friends?” Sehun said/asked.

“I don’t know... damn they are weird!” Luhan said. “Let’s go home Hunnie I am sleepy and tired.” Luhan said. Sehun nodded while holding him by his waist. Baekhyun was already on his room sleeping. Chanyeol wasn’t there with them. Sehun and Luhan gave Baekhyun a ride back home.


Two hours later....

Kyungsoo woke up by the sound of his growling stomach. His head pounded and he felt extremely dizzy. He hold on to his head and his eyes widen when he saw Jongin on his couch in not a very comfortable position. “What is he doing here?” He asked him-self. He decided not to wake the younger one up and walk into his bathroom. The sound of the shower woke Jongin up. He saw that Kyungsoo wasn’t on bed. He left the room to grab a cup of water and prepare some breakfast for the older one. Baekhyun came out of his room and saw Joonmyun preparing some waffles and hot chocolate.

“Morning” Baekhyun greeted him.

“Good morning or should I say afternoon” Jongin joked. Baekhyun smile while taking a seat.

“So...” Baekhyun said. Jongin knew that Baekhyun wanted to ask something related to Kyungsoo.

“I am not gay.” Baekhyun mentally face palmed, “I like hanging out with Kyungsoo and I want to be his friend. Is it really that weird?” Baekhyun shook his head.

“No, not at all... the only weird thing here is the fact that you touch him and not just any kind of touch but an intimate one.” Jongin madly blushed. “Is that for Kyungsoo?” Jongin nodded.

“Yes” he said.

“He likes the grape jelly better” Jongin put the strawberry jelly down and grab the grape one.

“Thanks” he said. Baekhyun nodded. “Do you know if he is taking his pills?” Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders.

“I don’t know... he says he is but then again you know how he is.” Jongin nodded. “Well I’ll be going Chanyeol is waiting for me.”

“Chanyeol, where are you guys going?”

“Movies” Baekhyun beamed, “Bye” Jongin was left on the kitchen preparing the hot chocolate. Kyungsoo walk in minutes later completely surprised. He thought that the younger one had left home without saying a word but no... Here he was preparing some breakfast. He remembered everything when he was on the shower and blushed bright as a tomato.

“Hungry?” Jongin asked to which Kyungsoo slightly nodded, still feeling a bit shy for what he did and said the previous night. Jongin put the waffles and hot chocolate on the table. Kyungsoo’s stomach began to loudly growl making Jongin laugh a little.


“Kyungsoo” the two of them talk at the same time. They laugh a little. “You go first.” Jongin said.

“I was very drunk last night... I don’t know what I said and I...” Jongin cut him off.

“Don’t worry about it...” Kyungsoo nodded, “Hey, I still want to be your friend if that’s ok with you?” Kyungsoo nodded right away with a huge smile on his face. “Eat up and once you are finish take this.”

“Yes sir!” Kyungsoo said as he happily ate his waffles. “Where are you going?” he asked Jongin the moment he stood up.

“Home... I am taking Lyn to the movies.” Kyungsoo pouted.

“Oh... have fun.” Kyungsoo said while continuing to eat his food. Jongin left without saying much making Kyungsoo a bit sad.


All of the boys were with their partners while Kyungsoo stood behind alone in his house. He rested on the roof of his house. He usually goes out from his window to relax when he is stressed out. He kept on playing on his mind what Jongin say to him last night, “Sweet dreams... my Kyungie” and smiled to him-self. Yet the smile soon disappeared when Lyn came into his mind. Jongin was with Lyn and Kyungsoo couldn’t do anything about it. He was happy that at least Jongin was his friend, but he didn’t want that he wanted more.

Going to work was the last thing he wanted to do because he was very tired. “Don’t take more than three per day because they are really strong and they can knock you out. Imagine if you are walking on the streets?? If you are very tired stay home and only take two.” He remembered what Doctor Siwon told him.

“Oh, well I guess I’ll have to call and ask for the day off.” He said while taking one pill and gulping it down with his own saliva. He had taken one already so he didn’t need to take another one. His day ended like that, alone in his house with a massive headache.

Baekhyun woke Kyungsoo up the following day. It was past five in the afternoon already. Baekhyun was concerned because it was already very late, yet Kyungsoo was still asleep. Kyungsoo’s eyes widen when he notice how late it was. He stood up and grabbed a few things such as: a towel, boxers and a shirt. Baekhyun shook his head while heading to his own room to change. He would have woken Kyungsoo up earlier if it wasn’t because he just got home since he had spent the night with Chanyeol. “I’ll make him some food.” He said while heading to the kitchen.

Kyungsoo came out of the showers almost half an hour later. He yawned all the way to the kitchen with his bottle of pills on his hand. Baekhyun hugged him while putting the food on the table, motioning him to seat down and eat. Kyungsoo did so. Baekhyun notice how tired the other looked and frowned. “Are you ok?” Kyungsoo nodded.

“Just very tire.” He yawned. “How was your night?” Baekhyun smiled.

“Amazing!” he beamed making Kyungsoo chuckle.

“That’s nice... Luhan and Sehun left to Jeju Island.” Baekhyun nodded.

“I heard” he said. “They send Channie a message... how about you?”

“What about me?”

“Did you and Jongin fix things up?” Kyungsoo sigh.

“Could say so... I just now I am starting to regret being his friend. I really like him and a lot.” Baekhyun pouted.

“You will find someone Kyungsoo I have faith.” Kyungsoo nodded. “We need to work today is Yixing’s day off.” Kyungsoo nodded, “It’s so weird how we spend our days off in the place we work.” Baekhyun said.

“I know... is everyone going?” by that Baekhyun could tell that Kyungsoo talked about Jongin.

“If you are asking for Jongin, I don’t know and I don’t care.” Kyungsoo pouted, “You need to find someone that is available and gay.”

“I know.... aiisshhhh I hope he doesn’t go that way I can see whoever I want and do whatever I want!” Baekhyun nodded.

“That’s the spirit!” Baekhyun cheered with his cup of juice.


Jongin had to go to school that day and check on his students’ grades and final essays. It was kind of hard for him just because there were a lot of students and he decided to procrastinate on not a very good time. Lyn was there ‘helping him out’ in a way she was but in another she wasn’t.

It took Jongin by surprise how she sat on his lap and began to kiss him. “Lyn we are in school.” Jongin said as he tried to move her but she hold still on his lap.

“So? I am just kissing you” She said while pressing her lips once again on Jongin’s. He would have been very turned up and hard by now but he wasn’t which freaked him out. And so, he decided to kiss her back more aggressively making her moan a little. Not even the sounds she made or the way she move her hips on top of his crotch made him feel something.

“We can’t this is school and it’s not allowed.” He said as he stood up. She nodded rather embarrassed as she fixed her clothes.

“S-sorry I didn’t meant to...” Jongin shook his head.

“It’s ok... we can continue any other time when we are not in school.” She nodded with a smile.

Lyn left Jongin’s classroom to go to hers. Jongin couldn’t even grade properly giving some of the students passing grades even though that is not allowed. His head was a mess and he couldn’t stop thinking about Kyungsoo and the way he look last night. He dropped his head on the table, constantly hitting it against the hard wood. “What the is going on?!” he half shouted.

When he got home he saw Jongin and Yixing together along with his uncle. The three of them seemed to be having a good time just chatting, hence Jongin decided to go to his room. He didn’t wish to ruin the mood with his cranky self and he also didn’t want to give any explanations as to why he is in that mood. Joonmyun noticed the way his younger brother look, not that the others didn’t, and decided to go and talk to him. He knows that Jongin might end up shouting at him and what not but it is a risk he willing to take. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah” he heard Jongin. When he entered he saw him changing into some grey sweats and a black V-neck shirt.

“How was your day?” Joonmyun asked.

“Stressing... there was a lot of grading to do in so little time.” Jongin said.

“How are things with Kyungsoo?” Jongin remained silence for a while. Joonmyun tense a little because he expected an outburst coming from Jongin, but instead Jongin seemed really down and confuse.

“Joonmyun I seriously don’t know what is going on with me...” He looked at him in hopes of finding an answer from his older brother. “I-I mean with Kyungsoo... he is different and he just I can’t...he just....”

“Do you like him?” Jongin’s eyes grew large. He shook his head violently while saying no for a couple of times. Joonmyun sigh because as much as Jongin wants to deny it everyone knows that there is something going on there. “I was like that too Jongin... Yixing was the first guy I’d ever fallen for.” Jongin looked at him and sat down. “In my case you can say that it was a little different because I somehow suspected that I was gay”

“How?” Jongin asked.

“I would find myself starring at guys and thinking how good they look or how good I would look with one of them. It never went from there and I couldn’t tell if I was because I still look at girls. It wasn’t until I met Yixing the day I decided to test myself by going to that club. I heard from people in the company that there was a gay club an hour away from here. To them, that’s the only gay club here in Korea but there are a lot.” Jongin nodded. “Anyway, that day I enter the club not knowing what to do or say. I was very nervous... I guess Yixing noticed it and invited me a drink. After that we began to talk... I was the one that ask him out after three months of talking to each other, and I was also the one that ask to keep it a secret. So he moved out to the house that we bought.”

“What about uncle Taekyeong? When did he find out?” Jongin asked.

“Four months later. I didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore. I was supposed to talk to the two of you, but I heard you with the guys and kept quiet since then.” Jongin look at his lap.

“It must have been very hard for you” Jongin said. Joonmyun nodded right away and smiled.

“But now I am ok and I have friends and family that support me. I am very happy that you accepted me.” Jongin nodded, “I will accept you Jongin so will our uncle.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jongin asked.

“I don’t really know what is going on inside your thick head but I do know that you feel something when you are with Kyungsoo. I don’t want him to get hurt.” Jongin raise a brow, “As you already know he likes you. He just got out of a bad relationship promising him-self not to fall again and here you come and change things up for him.”

“But I didn’t do anything!” Jongin exclaimed.

“I know you didn’t but you can’t deny that you like Kyungsoo.” Upon hearing that, Jongin’s eyes widen in pure shock and in a way realization.

“Get out you are talking nonsense!” he push Joonmyun out of the room.

Joonmyun was out shaking his head, heading downstairs to his boyfriend and uncle.


I got comments!! I was very excited thank you for commenting even when it’s late at night :B

So things are taking it’s time but like I promised kaisoo is coming up very soon!!

I' don't know if I would be able to update this week because I have midterms :s wish me luck!!

Don’t forget to comment. As always my lovely readers, love Annie

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Chapter 22: Hey! I just found this fic so I read first chapter to last chapter in one day!
This is so good! The plot is perfect. I love it when you make Jongin confused as hell and in denial for a long time. It makes this story feels so realistic. I love it!
Chapter 20: Yes Kaisoo till the end!!!!
Chapter 15: Oh hold on is Lyn going to do something crazy because she's jealous oh hell no!
Chapter 14: My heart is beating way too fast!! Ah my Kaisoo feels :)
Chapter 13: Poor kyungsoo!!!! I'm glad jongin punched those s but the after math of kyungsoo is what is making me sad!! :(
Chapter 11: I laughed out loud when kyungsoo is just like excuse me
Chapter 9: Ahh jongin looking up in the sky and saying omma makes me sad :(
Chapter 8: The 50 shades of grey reference tho XD
Chapter 4: This made me happy! Jongin and yixing dancing together is awesome and I can imagine them dancing!!!
aly_mrs_parkChanyeol #10
Chapter 20: This story is simply amazing!! I love it so much!! I'm not lying when I say I have read and re-read this story 5 times!! Thanks so much for such a wonderful story!