(A) Kelly Clarkson "Cry"

YunJae Songfics


If anyone asks, I'll tell them we've both moved on.

Everyday people stare, or I'll hear them talk about us, or I'll see a fan's YunJae poster, and I try to pretend I don't notice.

Whenever I see a picture or a video of you, or hear news about you, I have to swallow my pride and bite my tongue to keep from letting people see how much I miss you.

I pretend I'm okay, act like I'm okay with it all, with not being allowed to see you. But in the middle of the night when I'm alone I wonder if it will ever end. Will I ever be able to open my eyes and see you smiling in front of me? And I wonder how it is that no matter how much I miss you...with each day that passes, I miss you even more.

If anyone asks, I'll tell them I'm okay. That I'm happy and I've moved on. I'll act like nothing's wrong. Like I'm not secretly nursing a gaping hole in my chest where you used to be. Like all of the songs I've written about missing someone so much it breaks my heart aren't about you and, to a lesser extent, Changmin. I don't even care that many of them don't believe me when I say I'm okay.

Even though I'm talking in circles and they know I'm lying.

Is this as hard as it gets? Why won't this all go away? Why can't I have you back in my life? Or even just see you one more time?

Is this what it feels like to really cry? In both my heart and my eyes?


AN: Got my first comment today and just had to post because it made me so happy! I have one more songfic after this written up that's more than 200 words, and then it's just the short ones. I have others started, but I need to mess with them a bit more before they'll be ready to post. I've been updating a lot more often than I thought I'd be able to, but once I run out of previously completed songfics, I probably won't be able to update quite as often, but I will keep updating whenever I have one that's ready to post. As for the shorter songfics, my first comment said to post them all in one chapter. What do the rest of ya'll think I should do? If no one has said in the comments that they'd rather I keep the short songfics separate, when the time comes for me to post them, I'll probably post them all together. So if you want them separate, make sure to tell me in the comments! I never thought I'd be one of those fanfic authors that asks for comments at the end of each chapter, but it really does make me happy to hear what ya'll have to say. Even if it's critisism, as long as it's constructive critisism, it will still make me happy. Plus, if you've heard any songs that you think would make a good YunJae songfic, but aren't comfortable writing one for it yourself, make sure to pass along the recommendation to me and I'll see what I can do about writing one! Thank you to everyone who continues to take the time to read my songfics! When I decided to post them here, I thought they were silly and no one would want to read them. It makes me insanely happy every time ya'll prove me wrong on that!

Now, ya'll have (hopefully) listened to me rample for long enough. Until next time!

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Chapter 27: Your writing is amazing, I really like your stories ?.
mysterycodes #2
Chapter 27: Don't worry I still interested in your story and I think your writing has improve a lot. But if you don't mind can I request another fic song which is beautiful by crush.
mysterycodes #3
Chapter 26: Hey can you write a fix with jae song for you it goodbye for me it waiting.
Chapter 25: i want to someday they can be tgt again. Looking them in camp event some month ago and watch their closed relathion as like before (intimacy) i really hope they have more quality time to hang out tgt. I miss them a lot TTTTTTT
mysterycodes #5
Chapter 25: Really wish that yunjae will stay together forever. And I'm excited for your upcoming baby brother. Stay healthy and keep writing well.
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 24: Glad that you are back author-nim. And as always thanks for the update.
Chapter 24: so sad, actually live in the separated place is very difficult thing for them TT maybe it is their desitny who must though out. Fighting!
Chapter 3: they have terrible day even separated but they always stand up to be strong.. Such a beautiful relathion.
Chapter 2: ofc jaejoong cannot forgeting yunho bcs their feeling so deeply, no matter what happen with them his heart always shouting the name of their each other.
Surely jaejoong is hurt for what did yunho said :(((
Chapter 1: I love it >< even it was already going for a long chap posted but its okay ;D

well this is so sad for what their decided finally. But no matter what they did and choose this is their life. But im surely their love will always stay in their heart forver. ;))