(A) The Script "Nothing"

YunJae Songfics

The Script “Nothing”:


Am I better off dead?

Am I better off a quitter?

Yoochun and Junsu tell me we're better off now than when we were with SM, as they take me to our favorite bar.

I'm smiling on the outside, but dying on the inside, trying not to drag my feet.

“A few drinks will help you forget him,” Yoochun tells me.

But after one too many drinks, I know that I'll never forget Yunho.

Only they can see where this is going to end. They both think I'm crazy, but to me it makes perfect sense.

And Yoochun, Junsu, and Hyunjoong are all there trying to calm me down, because I'm shouting his name all over town.

I'm swearing that if I go to him now, I can change his mind and convince him to leave SM and reunite DBSK away from SM.

I know that I'm drunk, but I'll say the words to him anyway, and he'll listen this time even though my words are slurred slightly...because he has to.

I call his phone, ready to confess to him, tell him that I miss him, and that I need him back in my life...but all I hear is nothing.

So I stumble toward his and Changmin's shared apartment, because I know that if we're face to face, he'll come to his senses. If he see how much I'm hurting, he'll take me back for sure.

Yoochun, Junsu and Hyunjoong are still with me, trying to talk me into going home.

When he finally opens the front door, I can see the shock on his face at the sight of me.

“Yunho, I love you. I miss you, please come back to me.” I slur, stumbling slightly.

But he doesn't say anything. He just stands there, staring at me, before glancing at the guys who are standing a few feet away. “Why are you here?” Yunho asks, his voice cold and tired.

“Jaejoong drank a little too much. We tried to stop him but he insisted on seeing you. Mianhae, hyung.” Yoochun tells Yunho.

Yunho sighs tiredly. “Just get him and yourselves out of here before someone sees you. If SM finds out you were here, Changmin and I are dead.”

“B-but Yunho-” I slur in protest.

“No, Jaejoong. It's late and I'm tired. Go home. And don't come back. I can't see you anymore, Jae. And...stop calling me, and don't text me anymore. The managers get annoyed when they see your number come up on my call history, even if I don't pick up. Or if they see a text from you show up on my phone, even if I don't reply.”

“But Yun-”

“No, Jae. Just...just go. And don't come back.” Yunho tells me, sounding exhausted.


AN: Just to clarify Yunho's reaction, this is how I see his reasoning behind the way he acted:

He's exhausted from all of the pressure SM is putting on him and has decided that the best thing for both Jaejoong and himself is to let Jaejoong go. He still loves Jaejoong, but he's tired of fighting SM and doesn't want them to hurt Jaejoong. So he's pushing Jaejoong away because he wants Jaejoong to be happy away from SM, even while he himself feels like his heart is being ripped apart.

A bit dramatic, I know, but whatever. That's just the added insight into Yunho's head during this songfic that I thought was necessary to add.

AN2: I have several other songfics written, but some of them are really short, so I wanted to ask if ya'll - yes, I said 'ya'll' I'm from Texas, so you'll have to forgive me - if you'd rather I put the short ones all into one chapter so that the chapter will be longer, or do you want me to post them separately so that it's easier to skip over one of the songs if you don't like it? Either way is fine with me, but I just thought I should ask.

AN3(Last one, I promise!): Anyone who reads any of my songfics, feel free to subscribe and/or comment. I got my first two subscribers today, and I can't tell how how happy it made me to know that not only did people read what I posted, but liked it enough to want to read more. To my knowledge, no comments yet, but I'd love to hear what ya'll think. If you like it, that's awesome and makes me really happy. If you don't, tell me why and I'll see what I can do to improve my future posts. This is the first time I've posted anything I've written online, so any and all feedback is much appreciated!

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Chapter 27: Your writing is amazing, I really like your stories ?.
mysterycodes #2
Chapter 27: Don't worry I still interested in your story and I think your writing has improve a lot. But if you don't mind can I request another fic song which is beautiful by crush.
mysterycodes #3
Chapter 26: Hey can you write a fix with jae song for you it goodbye for me it waiting.
Chapter 25: i want to someday they can be tgt again. Looking them in camp event some month ago and watch their closed relathion as like before (intimacy) i really hope they have more quality time to hang out tgt. I miss them a lot TTTTTTT
mysterycodes #5
Chapter 25: Really wish that yunjae will stay together forever. And I'm excited for your upcoming baby brother. Stay healthy and keep writing well.
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 24: Glad that you are back author-nim. And as always thanks for the update.
Chapter 24: so sad, actually live in the separated place is very difficult thing for them TT maybe it is their desitny who must though out. Fighting!
Chapter 3: they have terrible day even separated but they always stand up to be strong.. Such a beautiful relathion.
Chapter 2: ofc jaejoong cannot forgeting yunho bcs their feeling so deeply, no matter what happen with them his heart always shouting the name of their each other.
Surely jaejoong is hurt for what did yunho said :(((
Chapter 1: I love it >< even it was already going for a long chap posted but its okay ;D

well this is so sad for what their decided finally. But no matter what they did and choose this is their life. But im surely their love will always stay in their heart forver. ;))