(F) Luis Fonsi, Ashes Remain, & Kim Jaejoong

YunJae Songfics

AN: I'm SO sorry this update took me so long! I meant to update within a week of my last update, really! But then I got writer's block & was really busy IRL...and then the unthinkable happened: I went without internet access for almost two weeks! Our router broke or something, and it only just got reconnected yesterday, and I haven't really had time to enjoy it until today...so...yeah...Mianhaeyo! Also...I'm sorry that I don't have any longer songfics...all of my ideas have either been short or are super angsty...so you get a triple shot today! Two of them are fluffy, and the last one is a little angsty, but not too bad.

AN2: I didn't have space to write out all of the song titles with the artist names, so here are the songs:

"Imagine Me Without You" by Luis Fonsi (as requested by mysterycodes), "Everything Good" by Ashes Remain, and last, but certainly not least, "For You It's Goodbye, For Me It's Waiting" by Kim Jaejoong.

*Luis Fonsi “Imagine Me Without You”:


As long as stars shine down from heaven, and the rivers run into the sea...'til the end of time, forever...you're the only one I'll ever need. In my life that is so full of lies and deceit from being in the center of the media's attention...you're all that matters in my eyes...you're the only truth I see. When my hopes and dreams have been shattered by failure...or by harsh words and abuse from SME and the media in general...you're the one that's been right there for me to remind me that everything will be okay as long as you're by my side. When I found you, I was blessed, and I will never leave you...because I need you.
Imagine me without you...I'd be lost and so confused. I wouldn't last a day without you there to see me through. Imagine me without you, and you'll know it's just impossible. No matter the distance between us, the fact that you're only a phone call away is what keeps me going. Because of you, it's all brand new. Because of you, my life is now worthwhile. I can't imagine me without you. When I met you, I was falling...but your love lifted me back on my feet. It was like you heard my calling, and you rushed to rescue me. When I found you, I was blessed...and I'll never leave you.


*Ashes Remain “Everything Good”:


You are oxygen on a late night drive to clear my head when hope has passed me by. You are gravity when I’m upside down, helping me find my way back to the ground
This is why You’re everything good in my life, everything true in a world of lies. When all the color in the world seems to be fading around me, you're everything new and bright. You are my eyes when I can't see the light to follow anymore. When all the world is broken, you will always be everything good. You are all I have, and all I need...and all I am is what you’ve made of me...and this is why you’re everything good and true in the world of wretched lies that we live in. When all the world is fading to gray, you’re everything new and colorful. You are my eyes when I can’t see, to help me find the color in the world that makes life worth living. When all the world is broken, you will always be everything good.
You’re everything good to me. You’re everything that I need.


Kim Jaejoong “To You It's Goodbye, To Me It's Waiting”:


The day seems to last forever, as if it read my heart that is tired from endless waiting. With passing time, will it the ache in my heart fade?

Except for your empty place, everything is the same. Preparing for concerts, recording for albums in the studio, fan meets, practicing choreography...it's all the same as before, yet it's completely different, because you aren't here with me

My heart must be broken, because it can't seem to accept that I sent you away. My heart can't seem to understand that I left you, or that our love was for naught when the strain of SME caused it to collapse out from underneath us. I sent you away...but my waiting has just begun.

Don't leave me again, my love. I may never see you again, but you are still in my heart...even now, my heart begs for you to return to me and never leave again.

What ever happens, whenever you need me...when you're tired and discouraged... come back to me please.

Be happy, my love. Until that day...forever that day, that seems like it will never come, but yet my heart insists it will wait forever to see...the day when we can finally be together...until that day comes, I want you to forget me, don't hesitate. Just for now...until the day comes when our love will be allowed to last.

AN3: As usual, requests are much appreciated! I'll try to update sooner next time, but no promises. One quick thing, though, which would you rather: 1. I post whatever songfics I have finished, regardless of how angsty they are, so that I can update faster and more often...or 2. Stick with only the mostly fluffy songfics, even if it means more time goes by between updates. Leave a comment telling me which you'd prefer, because I have several angsty songfics that I haven't posted because y'all said you wanted fluffy...plus, a lot of times my writer's block is caused by the fact that I'm trying to write fluff when I want to write angst...because, little did I know until I started posting these, but apparently angst comes easier to me with YunJae than fluff does...despite the fact that, as a reader, I hate angst most of the time and usually only read fluff...it's weird. But anyway, tell me what y'all think! Faster updates with more angst, or slower updates with more fluff?

AN4: Thanks for reading and being patient with me whenever I randomly go MIA for a month!

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Chapter 27: Your writing is amazing, I really like your stories ?.
mysterycodes #2
Chapter 27: Don't worry I still interested in your story and I think your writing has improve a lot. But if you don't mind can I request another fic song which is beautiful by crush.
mysterycodes #3
Chapter 26: Hey can you write a fix with jae song for you it goodbye for me it waiting.
Chapter 25: i want to someday they can be tgt again. Looking them in camp event some month ago and watch their closed relathion as like before (intimacy) i really hope they have more quality time to hang out tgt. I miss them a lot TTTTTTT
mysterycodes #5
Chapter 25: Really wish that yunjae will stay together forever. And I'm excited for your upcoming baby brother. Stay healthy and keep writing well.
mysterycodes #6
Chapter 24: Glad that you are back author-nim. And as always thanks for the update.
Chapter 24: so sad, actually live in the separated place is very difficult thing for them TT maybe it is their desitny who must though out. Fighting!
Chapter 3: they have terrible day even separated but they always stand up to be strong.. Such a beautiful relathion.
Chapter 2: ofc jaejoong cannot forgeting yunho bcs their feeling so deeply, no matter what happen with them his heart always shouting the name of their each other.
Surely jaejoong is hurt for what did yunho said :(((
Chapter 1: I love it >< even it was already going for a long chap posted but its okay ;D

well this is so sad for what their decided finally. But no matter what they did and choose this is their life. But im surely their love will always stay in their heart forver. ;))