
I'll Be There

Youngjae moved through the crowds of students, bumping into locker doors here and there but that didn't slow him down, he had to get away for a moment. He thought of the perfect place, the bathrooms towards the back of the school. Youngjae knew that not many students used those restrooms because most of the stalls there were out of order so there was no point in making the trip all the way just to find them closed. Youngjae entered and turned the water on, he leaned on the counter and stared at his reflection in the mirror, he then started crying. The onslaught of emotions that came rushing in crushed him because it had taken him a long time to move on. Youngjae had loved that boy more than anything, but he had abandoned him, forgotten him like if he were trash, worse than trash because people at least remembered to take that out. Now here he was back in his life, why? Youngjae wanted to know, he wanted to know why he left, why he was back after so long. He continued to cry as he slumped to the floor. 

Jinyoung and Mark had been looking all over the school grounds, splitting up after five minutes just to cover more ground, but none was having luck in finding Youngjae. After a few more minutes of searching in possible places their friend could be in, they met up again to discuss other options.

"Any luck?" Jinyoung asked, but Mark nodded in defeat. 

"I even went all the way to the theatre department. I don't know why Youngjae likes that sort of thing," Mark said. "Hey, you think he is auditioning for a role? Perhaps drama queen or something?" Jinyoung didn't laugh because he knew his friend and while he would be the first to say that Youngjae did like acting and was all over the drama theatre, he didn't seem like he was acting earlier in class.

"No I don't think so. I've known him longer than you Mark and this is not like him. It's like that new kid did something to make him act this way."

"Okay, we'll keep looking then. Wanna go check the back field?"

"Fine, but we better run. We don't have much time left before our next class," Jinyoung stated checking the time.

Jinyoung and Mark made their way to the back of the school. Once there, they looked over the small cluster of people that made that their hanging spot, no Youngjae in sight. They moved on at a jogging pace because Jinyoung was sure the bell would ring any moment. They reached the bathrooms, but were a bit reluctant to enter because they knew all about those stalls. Mark looked very hesitant to enter.

"Hey, it was your idea to come here," Jinyoung stated amusingly. One could never know what was in there. Sometimes one saw things that were hard to forget; like how did one go about taking a dump on the walls? Mark put a brave front and entered first. To his delight the restroom was clean and there lay a sobbing Youngjae on the floor. 

"Youngjae!" Mark moved fast to help the male off the floor.

"Youngjae! Are you okay?" Jinyoung stated walking in right after Mark. Together they helped their friend off the floor and Jinyoung went to grab paper, he dipped some under the still running tap water and went back to wipe Youngjae's tear stained face. Youngjae gave a small laughed and smiled at the action. "Are you okay? You totally ditched us back there." Youngjae nodded. "What happened?"

"Is it because of the new kid?" Mark asked. Youngjae looked at him, how did he know? "I mean Jin and I were talking and well it kind of seemed like you two maybe, knew each other?"

"Mark!" Jinyoung called him to stop. Mark faced him and mouthed a what, Jinyoung signaled for him to stop talking. 

"No it's okay, I'm okay," Youngjae smiled and lied through his teeth but he was still going to tell his friends about the new guy. "I do know him, or did, I don't know." Jinyoung and Mark gasped as the bell for class rung. "I'll tell you guys the story later." Both Jinyoung and Mark followed behind their friend without a word of complaint.


The looks some of his classmates were giving him were making Youngjae slightly uncomfortable, but he didn't let that get to him. What was making him feel more awkward was the sensation of having someone staring at his head. It felt like the person staring was slowly drilling his head open with his gaze making Youngjae's thoughts fall apart and perhaps his brain cells were spilling out as well. Mark took this opportunity to make small conversation with his seat mate, because he couldn't be sitting with someone and feel awkward the whole time, it was rude and just...

"Hey," Mark whispered tapping Jackson on the arm. Jackson's concentration was broken as he turned to the guy bothering him. "So I don't want us to be awkward with each other when we are in the same classes so feel free to ask for help if you need it, okay." Jackson turned to pay attention to the front, not saying a word. "Okay—" Mark turned back to the front. He kicked his foot to the chair in front, once he got the occupants attention, he leaned forward to whisper-talk with him. "We still on for tonight?" 

"Youngjae?" Jinyoung asked for confirmation. Youngjae nodded still a bit nervous because that presence in the back still had him on edge. Jinyoung leaned his head back enough that Mark could hear him whisper. "Yeah, be there and don't forget the stuff."

"Don't worry I won't. I killed myself finding this and sneaking it to this country." Jinyoung let out a small chuckle causing the teacher to turn to the class and scrutinize it before turning back around and continuing her lecture. 

"You do still remember how to get to Youngjae's house, right?" Jinyoung asked.

"Of course I do, unless he moved during the break which I doubt. Youngjae will forever live in that house," said Mark turning his voice in Youngjae's direction causing Jinyoung to chuckle a little quieter this time. Youngjae felt his color change because he wasn't going to live in that house forever as they thought, which made him remember that he hadn't discussed his plans to them, maybe he would do it tonight. 

Jackson had been feeling off the entire day. He sure didn't except to be reunited with his childhood friend on the first day of school, but when that actually did happen, said friend had run out on him and had given him the cold shoulder. Everything was so unsettling that it was making him feel sick, but that could be due to the jet lag. His family and him had gotten in early in the morning from Hong Kong, giving Jackson only three hours of sleep before he had to get up and go to school. Youngjae, he hadn't changed much in the last six years, Jackson thought. Well he did get taller and his looks had matured, he was a total grown-up as far as Jackson could tell. There was still so much there between them, so much that Jackson had to say and explain to him, but he would have to leave that for later because at the moment he was positive that the younger was not too pleased seeing him again and though Jackson had hurt over the years due to their sudden separation, he couldn't imagine how lonely Youngjae might have felt over the years as well. 

All these thoughts and feelings were eating at Jackson's conscience and he was never one to run away from problems, he faced them head on no matter what. He grabbed his wallet and keys and headed down stairs, he had to see Youngjae tonight, and explain everything to him, he had to make things right. As Jackson reached the front door, his mother came into the living room to see where he was going late in the evening.

"Jackson, sweetie, where are you going this late?" Jackson's mother inquired. Jackson turned to his loving mother and smiled, he knew that asking for something with a smile always did the trick with her.

"I'm going to meet a friend," Jackson responded. 

"Oh you've made a new friend already? That's wonderful," she said excited. 

"Yeah, not new, well I'll be back soon so don't worry," Jackson exclaimed beaming out the front door before his mother had a chance to question him further. 

Jackson drove around mindlessly, he had questioned his memory of whether or not he remembered where Youngjae lived, but the house to his right answered that question for him. How could he forget that house, the house that offered him shelter, but maybe that was because of the person that resided in it. During Jackson's darkest times, Youngjae was there for him, he provided the shoulder he needed when his older brother passed away many years back; the reason his parents packed and moved away in the first place, they couldn't live in Korea and their house where memories of their late son triggered too many painful memories. Jackson had to be strong so that his mother wouldn't crumble completely, but being strong required his own emotions to be suppressed, and only with Youngjae was he able to let it out and cry, he was able to mourn his brother. 

"What am I doing?" Jackson said out loud while examining Youngjae's home, he sighed and drove off back home; Jackson didn’t think this was such a great idea, not right now, it was all too soon.

A/N: Update! Hi to all the readers and thanks for reading. I will put up another update in a few its just that im so distracted watching Immortal Songs right now (GOT7 is about to perform <3 ) OK bye~

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BtsKeepRuiningLives #1
Chapter 2: Love this book! (;
ilsandgg #2
Chapter 20: I love this! Good job ^-^
hiehie15 #3
Chapter 19: Omg I'm watching Sassy Gogo, I watch it on viki. I first watched it cause of JiSoo. Now I just fell in love with whole thing. The bromance kyaa. That show has so many goals man ^.^ and the lead guy looks like JinYoung & infinte Myungsoo (L)'s love child lol.
OK totally got sidetracked after I saw that gif. Can't wait for next chapter.
Chapter 18: omg youngjae and jackson brothers? please update soon TT
Chapter 18: Youngjae ah.. ㅠㅠ Happy belated birthday to you, author! ♥️ Please update soon and don't make us wait for too long again~ kkkkk
Rapbyun41 #6
Chapter 18: o-okay? is Jackson is Youngjae's Brother? 0_o WAAAAAAAH! i really don't know what to think! but this is getting more interesting ^^ great work author-nim

update soon ~
Chapter 18: Poor youngjae..but i hope he will tell jackson about it..
Thanks for the update glad u will update regularly ><
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Gosh ._. woman, chill down ahaha

I hope Jackson gets accepted too... PLOT TWIST! They won't bc it has something to do with the truth xD the world will never know!

Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 17: all this mama drama.
Chapter 17: Woah... what is wrong w Youngjae's mum? What thruth? ;_;