A Day Out

You & I

It was a Sunday morning . You and Gongchan just wok up . " Oppa , Good morning . Omma has work today so she won't be home ." you said . " Okay then , what shall we do today ? " Gongchan questioned . " Erm..... Lets go out with Min Woo , NaEun , Kwangmin and Youngmin ! " you said " Okay , I will go text them . " Gongchan said .

To Min Woo , NaEun , Kwangmin and Youngmin .

Let's go out later . Meet at my house at 1 PM .

From Gongchan and ~~~

- A few minutes later -

To Gongchan and ~~~

Okay sure ! (:
From  Min Woo , NaEun , Kwangmin and Youngmin . (They replied the same thing)

"Let's go get changed ! Be in your best ! " Gongchan told you . You ran into your room , fumbled your whole cupboard 

After 1 hour , you came out .

Outfit [http://www.yesstyle.com/en/59-seconds-chiffon-hem-print-hooded-top-black-one-size/info.html/pid.1023596638 ]

Youngmin's outfit :

[ http://icontoamy.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/d0102841_4e3fdd4279074.jpg?w=700]

Kwangmin's outfit : [http://media.photobucket.com/image/Jo%20Kwangmin/micky_bemind/Boyfriend/DSC02567.jpg ]

Min Woo's outfit :[http://3.bp.blogspot.com/iYzLdolmnME/Tl8Jiahrw1I/AAAAAAAAAJ0/e5w_AE0w4Lw/s1600/minwoo.boyfriend.jpg ]

NaEun's outift : [http://pds.joinsmsn.com/news/component/edailyspn/201105/05/PP11050500031.JPG ]

Gongchan's outfit : [ http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/255699_229794657046518_213331198692864_999568_492520_n.jpg ]

Min Woo's POV

Omg ! She look so cute in the outfit, I hope I can talk to her later! Since we are all going out as a group! Minwoo thought.

Youngmin's POV

~~~ ! "I think I might have a crush on you ... " Youngmin thought to himself . And walk to the kitchen to get himself some water to cool himself down.

Kwangmin's POV

Frankly speaking , but , she looks good and I want her badly, shes so perfect, better then those girls that is so annoying in school though... If only I cant get her, I'll love her more then anything else. Kwangmin though to himself.


" So , where shall we go today ? " Gongchan started the subject . "The mall ! " NaEun and you shouted together . " The Mall ? No objections ? The mall it is then . " Gongchan said smiling .

- At The Mall -

"Oppa ! I can shop whatever I like ? " you asked Gongchan " Yes , but not exceeding $100 arasseo? " Gongchan smiled ."Arasso ! Gomawo oppa . " You said and hugged him . 

Min Woo , NaEun , Kwangmin and Youngmin were jealous after seeing that incident .  [ Aww, its just a sibling hugggg! ]

Min Woo , Kwangmin , Youngmin's POV

How I wish I could hug ~~~ too,

NaEun's POV

Aigo , I wanna hug Gongchan too, I wonder how will it feel in his arms . NaEun snapped herself out of the thoughs and pulled you hand as you both walk together in the front.


After awhile, you saw a Ice cream shop and start jumping like a 4 year old kid, " Yah! Can I have some Icecream Please? Their Icecream spoon is so SPECIAL " You said while giving them your puppy eyes. " Aish, You and your teddy bear doesnt separate. [ Remember, you're a crazy teddy bear lover ] Haha, Alright then, lets eat some Icecream since I havent been eating them for quite a long time already. Gongchan chuckled.

You all went in to the Shop and find a sit just right to fit you all in, Gongchan volunteered to buy the Icecream as NaEun followed him to help him and also tries to know him better, you agreed and soon, you were only with Kwangmin, Youngmin and Minwoo. You start talking to Minwoo which make the Twins feel jealous. " How come Minwoo become so close to her before us? " Kwangmin whispered to Youngmin. " Mollayo, I cant resist that anymore! " Youngmin replied. As soon as the Icecream came, you start eating like you havent been eating for years. " Look at you, Icecream all over you face! " Minwoo giggled as he help you to wipe your mouth, you smiled and blushed and that made the Twins mad. After eating the Icecream, you told them you wanted to collect the spoon, and it can be also a memory for the first outing you all had. They agreed and passed you the spoon and continue the shopping.

- After 2 hours of shopping -

" God , I am beat. " you said . " Should we have some Dinner now? Im kinda hungry and it's 6.30 PM already. . " Youngmin said . " Mwo ? So fast ? Okay then , " You said .

- After Dinner - 

You all went back home and promise each other to have another outing since it was really fun. When you both got home, your omma was already back home. She questioned you and Gongchan where you all went while giving you both a kiss on the forehead [ Aww, sweet Omma ] . You both replied that you were at the mall with some classmate, after your Omma heard about it, she was really happy to know that you were having friends already. You both went upstairs to get changed and get ready for bed after a quite long conversation with your Omma.

- In the Room -

" Oppa, are you still awake? " You questioned Gongchan to check if his asleep or awake. " Yeah, Im still awake, wae? " He answered you while yawning. " Nothing, just wanna talk cause Im not really that tired " You told him. " Ohh, hahah, alright then, what do you wanna talk about? " Gongchan asked you while putting his both of his hand on his head. " NaEun. " You said as you yawned. Gongchan remained slient. " Oppa? Oppa? " You keep on repeating. " Aishh, I guess he fell asleep. Ohwell, Goodnight then " You whispered to your Teddybear and hug it to sleep since Gongchan fell asleep.


Yeah , So how's chapter 6 ? 

Min Woo have generated feelings towards you , so has the Jo Twins and they want to know you more to be close to you. What will you do next ? It will still be a night talking to Gongchan about him and Naeun, and you and Minwoo.

Stay Tuned ~ . 

Comments and Subscribtions are highly appreciated . No Silent readers please .


-Flyhighx3 :3

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Chapter 24: Will she remember? Ahh gonna going crazy! Please update huhu lov it!
Chapter 24: ...she will remember Minwoo right?!
Update Soon.... I'm so attached to this story!
Update soon!! I Love It~! <3
drey10 #5
I love your story <3 update soon! :D
K3u_minwoo - Haha trying ^^<br />
HearMeThroughMusic - We will ;D<br />
kpoplife - Yeahh, yahaha yeahh~
omg...minwoo arrived already....<br />
anyways, i hate his parents..they have to force him to marry someone he doen't even like....<br />
i pity you minwoo, and the girl...
its minwoo isn't it!<br />
please say that she will remember him!<br />
update! (kneeling)<br />
thank you! (bowing now)
hey ~ UPDATE MOREPLEASE ;) ahehehe :D<br />
like it so much ~
HearMeThoughMusic - Haha! Wait yah~