An Accident ...

You & I

Listen to this song when you're reading this , Thanks :D


- Saturday Morning 

~~~'S POV


I woke up , feeling much better than before . I look at the clock and it was around 9.30AM . 
I went to the kitchen to get a drink and saw Gongchan preparing breakfast
" Oh , ~~~-ah you are awake now , go and wash up , breakfast will be ready in a minute. By the way , after breakfast NaEun , Youngmin , Kwangmin and I are going out , do you want to come along ? " Gongchan said
" Okay . I would love too !! :D " you said and ran to the toilet and wash up .

-After breakfast-

You wore a simple bear t-shirt and went down to meet Gongchan. NaEun , Youngmin and Kwangmin were at the leaving room waiting for you to get ready .
"Hey ! So , where are we going ? " you asked them . " We're just going to a ice cream shop opposite our  school , I heard that they sell good ice cream ." Youngmin said . " Ohh okay . So what are we waiting for ? Lets go now !! :D " you said pulling everyone of them out of the house . 

Gongchan drove all of you to the ice cream store . 

When you reach the ice cream store , you were amazed by the decorations , it looks Fabulous <3 you thought with your mouth opened wide .
They all chuckled at your cuteness . "Earth to ~~~ are you there ? " NaEun said and waved her hand in front of your face a few times ." Huh ? What ? " you said . They all chuckled and walk in the ice cream store .

-Inside the store-

"What do you want ? " the waiter ask us all . Gongchan told the waiter our orders . Soon the orders came , you tasted your ice cream and gave a thumbs up .
"It's delicious !! " you exclaimed . Youngmin looked at you and thought , this ice cream may be sweet , but you're sweeter . He smiled to himself .

"Oh my beautiful target , you zoom zoom my heart like the rocket ..... ~  " Gongchan's phone rang . He picked up the phone .
"Yeoboseyo ? "
"Hyung , it's me , Minwoo . " 
" Ahhh nae , Minwoo ahh . " Your heart skipped a beat when you heard the word " Minwoo "
NaEun signaled Gongchan asking him to take the call outside because you're here .
Gongchan nodded and excused himself .
You were curious about the conversation and said " Erm , I am going to the toilet .." you stood up and went and followed Gongchan . 
You hid behind a pillar and listened to their conversation .

"Nae hyung ...."
" Minwoo are you ok ? Why do you sound so sad ? "
" No hyung , I am not fine . My parents have decided that I have to marry Hwe-Ji . Ottakhae? "
" WHAT ?! MARRY HWE-JI?! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! What about ~~~ ?!?!?! "
" I don't know hyung, I really don't... " 

You heard that Minwoo is marrying another girl ... you teared up and accidentally kicked something which cause Gongchan to notice you .
He saw you tearing up , he wanted to comfort you but you turn and ran off .... He quickly chased after you while holding his phone  .
You ran too fast that you didn't notice that there was a car driving towards you ...
" BANG ! " The car hit you , causing a commotion .
Youngmin , NaEun and Kwangmin heard the loud " Bang " and ran outside . 
To see Gongchan standing there crying , they walk up and saw you lying on the ground with blood ...

"~~~ ! ~~~ ! " Gongchan , NaEun , Youngmin and Kwangmin shouted and cried hard ............



Updated again!

She had a car accident, ><

Stay tune.

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Chapter 24: Will she remember? Ahh gonna going crazy! Please update huhu lov it!
Chapter 24: ...she will remember Minwoo right?!
Update Soon.... I'm so attached to this story!
Update soon!! I Love It~! <3
drey10 #5
I love your story <3 update soon! :D
K3u_minwoo - Haha trying ^^<br />
HearMeThroughMusic - We will ;D<br />
kpoplife - Yeahh, yahaha yeahh~
omg...minwoo arrived already....<br />
anyways, i hate his parents..they have to force him to marry someone he doen't even like....<br />
i pity you minwoo, and the girl...
its minwoo isn't it!<br />
please say that she will remember him!<br />
update! (kneeling)<br />
thank you! (bowing now)
hey ~ UPDATE MOREPLEASE ;) ahehehe :D<br />
like it so much ~
HearMeThoughMusic - Haha! Wait yah~