Kwangmin's back.

You & I


You end the call and throw the phone on your bed, you ran out of the house while crying like mad, Youngmin chased after you and keep on shouting you name, you didnt care and went faster and faster, soon Youngmin managed to catch up, he grabbed your arm and hug you immediately... " ~~~-ah... dont cry over such jerks! I actually still love you... " He told you... " Youngmin, im sorry but I still love Minwoo... "


Kwangmin's Pov

I was walking home with my iPod on, listening to Apink's lastest song, " My My " then, I saw my brother, Youngmin hugging a girl who was crying badly. I decide to walk closer, and found out she was ~~~. I was so shock why was she in Youngmin's arm, then I remembered, Minwoo went China. They broke up, its my chance too right? But am I too late? After that, I saw Youngmin letting go off her, wiping her tears, I stomped my feet. I couldnt stand it, I felt so hurt, why must we twins fell for the same girls? KWANGMIN, just go flirt with other girls! Gosh. I quickly turn away and walk home, just then, my iPod shuffles to the next song, our group song, Don't touch my lady. I thought of Minwoo, why? why did he appear here? But then, this thought of ~~~ crying hardly in my mind came after that..

As soon as I reach home, I slam my bedroom door and lie on my bed, I shut my eyes and try to sleep, and I have this weird dream, a evil plan. I was smiling in my dreams, till I hear " Kwangmin! Wake up already, your even smiling when you sleep! " I open my eyes and it was my hyung, Youngmin who just came back, I told him about my dream,

" Youngmin! I dreamt about something, to make ~~~ back happy. I dont know why, but something called me to do this badly, " I told Youngmin. " What is it? " He replied. " Well, I'll flirt with Minwoo's current girlfriend, and tell her the " bad things " about Minwoo, and make her leave him, get it? " I told Youngmin seriously, but all he do was shaking his head. " No, no! ~~~ is already hurt, she cant go back to Minwoo! " "But... " I got cutted off by our omma who called us to have our dinner...



Okay, I know its short, cause I just rmemebered Kwangmin! ><

We forgot about him, mianhae! Kekeke xD

So Kwangmin became a thoughtful guy, Awww <3

Anway, stay tune!

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Chapter 24: Will she remember? Ahh gonna going crazy! Please update huhu lov it!
Chapter 24: ...she will remember Minwoo right?!
Update Soon.... I'm so attached to this story!
Update soon!! I Love It~! <3
drey10 #5
I love your story <3 update soon! :D
K3u_minwoo - Haha trying ^^<br />
HearMeThroughMusic - We will ;D<br />
kpoplife - Yeahh, yahaha yeahh~
omg...minwoo arrived already....<br />
anyways, i hate his parents..they have to force him to marry someone he doen't even like....<br />
i pity you minwoo, and the girl...
its minwoo isn't it!<br />
please say that she will remember him!<br />
update! (kneeling)<br />
thank you! (bowing now)
hey ~ UPDATE MOREPLEASE ;) ahehehe :D<br />
like it so much ~
HearMeThoughMusic - Haha! Wait yah~