not again...

what happens when you mix ordinary and popular

What was going on? I tried forgetting what happened this morning with Taemin and the girls, and focused on my studies. It was hard, since Taemin was in nearly all of my classes. In my third class, a bunch of girls were flirting with Taemin. However, unlike other times when Taemin ignored them, this time he flirted back. 

This horrible feeling just went through my body. I couldn't believe him. I felt like I wanted to just cry and cry for hours. It was a really strange feeling. I've never felt it before. Instead of crying I shed only one very unnoticeable tear. Thankfully nobody saw it. 

It was the end of the day and I was walking home, all by myself, without Taemin. Why was he treating me this way? Was it because of the kiss? I just felt like breaking down in the middle of the street. I was nearly at the bus stop, but something stopped me. It was the same guy who nearly me a few days ago. Didn't the police arrest him? 

Without thinking I started running. I ran as fast as I could but it wasn't quite fast enough. He catches up to me and pulled my by my backpack. He then grabbed my hand and dragged me through an unfamiliar street. I started shouting again and again for help but no one was around. I doubted that Taemin was gonna appear out of nowhere. 

He shoved me in the back of a white van and tied my hands and legs with rope. I started crying, tear after tear falling from my eyes. Why me? Why was this happening to me? I tried demanding him to let me go but he just told me to shut up. He exited the back of the van and closed both doors shut. He went into the drivers seat and drove off. Where was he taking me? 

He finally stopped the van after a good ten minutes drive and then dragged me out of the van. I landed on the ground and hit my head very hard. I started seeing a white light.

As I opened my eyes I noticed that my head was aching horribly. Where am I? The last thing I remember was getting dragged out of a van and landing on the ground. I opened my eyes and saw a dark room. There were boxes and wooden crates all around me. I noticed I couldn't move my feet and arms, and then realised I was tied up. Each arm and leg were tied up to different corners of where I was laying on which made my body look like a star shape. I was laying on a wooden table and I could see a single dim lightbulb above me. 

Then fright came all over my body as the horrible man that kidnapped me came inside the room. He had a horrible sly smile on his face.

"I see that you have woken up? "

"where am I? Let me go! " I shouted.

"scream all you want, nobody's going to hear you anyway." I started begging him to let me go, even began to cry. He started nearing me,  looking up and down my body. 

"You know, your very beautiful. " those words scared me. What was he thinking of doing to me? 

"what are you going to do to me?" I managed to say those words inbetween my crying. 

"whatever I want. And by the way, your little friend won't be here to help you this time!" he still had a blue eye from when Taemin punched him. Then my thoughts just travelled to Taemin. Oh how I will miss him. Even if he ditched me, I still love him. As a friend but still. 

The horrible man started touching me, first my shin, then started travelling up my body to my stomach and then to my . I tried to move, break free but it was no use. He ed my shirt and took it off only revealing my bra, then took off my jeans which only left my underwear. I couldn't believe this. I was terrified. What was he going to do to me? My vision started to blur out of all the tears.

I could feel him starting to take off my underwear but then suddenly stopped. I heard a racked seconds before and opened my eyes. How did he find me? How was I this lucky? He suddenly screamed my name in his low voice and came rushing down the stairs to the rooms floor. Taemin was about to rush over to the table I was laying on when the man stopped him. The man put a knife to my neck.

"take one step closer and she's dead! " the same fear started taking over my body. He could kill me right here, right now. But he didn't. He didn't because Taemin managed to outsmart him and beat him to the ground like he did the other time. 

When the man was finally unconscious, Taemin came over to the table and his expression turned from cold to worried. 

"Are you okay? Did he manage to do anything to you?" 

"no, you came just in time. And how did you find me in the first place?" I asked him. 

"I was walking down to the bus stop and saw you down a different road, getting put in the back of a white van by that same who nearly you. I urgently called my manager to pick me up with a car and follow the van." while telling me the story he untied me.

When I finally was free I stood up and without even thinking hugged Taemin. I started crying and told him that I thought I would never see him again. A few seconds later the police came in the room and dragged the horrible man away,  and this time for good. However we were regardless of them, we were just glad to be together. He was hugging me tightly in return for a couple of seconds and then stopped. 

I noticed that he was looking down at my body and then I realised I was in my underwear. I started to blush and was looking for my clothes. Taemin was red as well, and was scratching the back of his neck. I finally got dressed and we left to Taemins car.

"Are you sure your okay? I already phoned your parents and told them what happened so they know everything. You really don't want to go to the hospital? " Taemin kept asking if I was alright through the whole journey home. 

"I really am fine. There's nothing wrong with me." I kept telling him although he still seemed nervous. We were finally at my house and I exited the car with Taemin following me. 

"maybe you should stay home for a couple of days. It might be for the best." he told me. 

"I'm not sure, I don't want to miss school." 

"don't worry, I'll come by after school to tell you all the homework."

"alright. And Taemin? I need to ask you something."


"there were a couple of girls threatening me to leave you alone today, do you know anything about that?"

"no I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me? "

"I just had a feeling that you didn't want to hang out with me anymore. I felt like you were pushing me away so you could hang out with other girls. Why were you doing that in the first place?" suddenly the car started signaling it was time to go.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow." that's all Taemin said and left back to the car. He waved from the car as he drove away. I waved back for a moment and turned to go in the house. I'll get those answers eventually. 

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Jellybeancan #1
Chapter 22: Noooo whyyyy. I wanted to see how they ended up together. Omg whyyyyyy
Chapter 20: Meh I just re-read this chapter lol. I think it's my favourite chapter... >:)
Oh and I forgot to mention, my little song thing reminds me a little bit of Love's Way heheh.
Lalalalala~ Fight, fight, and fight again, but always make up. Lalalalala~ I can't live withooooout yaaaaaaaaa! If I don't have ya I might as well not liiiiiive~! I stabbed myselfffff~ at least I didn't drug myself, that's so overuuuuuuseeeeeed~! Lalalala~! I'll come runnin to ya, guuuuuurl, if you show up agaaaaiiiiin~ I love yoooooooooou~!

XD sorry, that's random... XD
Oops I mean:

hehehe. I'm cheating on SHINee again dongsaeng, I is listening to Super Junior >:) but to be honest it's not really cheating on SHINee because I have no crushes on SuJu lololol! XD but yeah... Listenin ta SuJu..............

Anyway, my mini song thiggeh should express what I think of this chapter but if you can't understand it, I meant:

This is great dongsaeng! And thanks for not making Taemin take drugs and overdose because its kinda overused, sometimes it's better to go with stabbing and become Mr. Simple... Heh. Anyway, it was really cute (I give up on my "KYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA~~~~!"-ing, gods it makes my throat hurt just thinking it omfg...) and yeah... 1 thing I must say though... Propose has an 'o' not an 'e' lol. But WEEEELL DOOOOONE!!!! And I shall see you when you come to my house, and I shall give you my awesome disk of K-Pop, and show you my Minecraft K-Pop bunnies. (I was bored, and had to come up with a name for a bunny so I called it Onew, but it's a kinda weird story lolol...) Anyways, catch you... Later. And that was a Sherlock reference. So. Yeah. BYE!

…wait, wut?
Chapter 19: Gaaaaaaaaaah!!! *Dead* it's cute! Kyaaaa~~~! Erm... I mean, it would be cute if he proposed but...I hate to say this but... Don't make Taeleena get married... Please, no. I just... I would feel super awkward marrying someone who, although I love him, is 8 years older than me... Especially since in your other fanfic you mentioned ion so I am assuming if they get married this will involve it too? Since Taemin is a catholic it won't happen until marriage and... NO! But if its a sweet marriage I will be fine. No lemons though... X_X
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 19: eeeeeeep!!!!!!!! you set me off again! XD
Chapter 19: Awwwwwww!!!!! I really hope Taemin proposes to Selena…… kekeke:3
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 19: I can slowly feel my brain just mush. XD Only words i seem to say is "EEEP" XD good job, Unnie likes!
Chapter 18: OMG… Taemin… :O I have no words. O.o