
what happens when you mix ordinary and popular

It's been a month already, since I was taken to the hospital. People have been coming to see me a lot and that made me feel happy. They have been telling me more about Julie and how a lot of people hate her now. That pleased me. Hearing that she got what she deserved is like music to my ears, however, she might of just made a mistake. Everyone does, and I don't want to see her life getting ruined because of me.

Taemin came to visit me this afternoon like he always does, but as he walked into the little hospital room I was in, he wasn't the usual happy himself. Something was wrong, terribly wrong.

"Hey Selena." He said in a dim voice.

"Hey Taemin, what's wrong? What happened?" He came to sat down on the chair that was next to my bed and he held my hand gently.

"I didn't want this, and you have got to understand. I hate leaving you like this but I have no choice."

"Taemin, what are you talking about?"

"Remember when I first met you, I told you I would only be allowed a normal life for two months." I suddenly remembered and the conserned look on my face changed to a sad one. "Well, the two months are up. I'm leaving to Korea tomorrow."

"No. No, you can't leave. Please." A tear escaped his eye as he looked down to the ground to avoid eye-contact.

"You think I want to leave? I had a phone call from my manager this morning, to remind me of our deal. I forgot too." My stomach felt like it turned upside down. My head was spinning wildly and I started seeing light. The last words I heard were, "Selena? Selena!"


I woke up, I didn't even realise where I was until I started thinking. I'm in a hospital room but a different one. I saw a nurse at the end of the bed talking to a doctor. The doctor looked over to me and smiled.

"Oh hi Selena. Your finally awake."

"What happened?"

"You passed out from shock. Don't worry, nothing's wrong with you." I was glad to hear that. The last thing I need is another injury or illness. "There is a man named Taemin outside waiting to see you. Should I invite him in?" 

"Yeah sure." 

A few seconds later, I saw Taemin walking in by himself inside the room. 

"Are you alright?" He asked me conserned.


"I'm sorry for making you pass out."

"That's okay." Then I realized what we were talking about before. My expression turned to worried now. "Are you really going to leave?"

"If I could I would stay, but I have no choice." Tears started falling down my cheeks but Taemin let me cry. He even cried with me. I managed to say with my unsteady, shaky voice,

"I don't want you to leave!" Without thinking about my broken ribs, I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Selena! What are you doing? Don't injure your ribs any further!"

"I don't care! This might be the last ever time I can hug you! And I want to stay like this until you leave!" The pain was excruciating, but I didn't mind it as long as I got to feel his warmth for the last time. He didn't fight it. He let me hug him and even sat down on the bed where we both cuddled for a long time. It got up to the point where it got really late and he had to go pack.

"Will you come in the morning? For a final goodbye?" I asked, hopefully, in the middle of my crying.

"I can't, my flight leaves really early in the morning." he answered.

"So THIS is the final goodbye?"

"I guess..." He breathed out heavily, with his conserned eyes looking into mine. My crying became a little more extreme and Taemin comforted me by wrapping me into his arms for the final time. "And remember, I will always love you. I will do whatever it takes for us to be together. I'll beg if I have to." All I did was burry my face into his chest, but gave a weak smile after. We had to part ways now and Taemin was already walking through the door. Before he exited fully, he turned back to say his final words:


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Jellybeancan #1
Chapter 22: Noooo whyyyy. I wanted to see how they ended up together. Omg whyyyyyy
Chapter 20: Meh I just re-read this chapter lol. I think it's my favourite chapter... >:)
Oh and I forgot to mention, my little song thing reminds me a little bit of Love's Way heheh.
Lalalalala~ Fight, fight, and fight again, but always make up. Lalalalala~ I can't live withooooout yaaaaaaaaa! If I don't have ya I might as well not liiiiiive~! I stabbed myselfffff~ at least I didn't drug myself, that's so overuuuuuuseeeeeed~! Lalalala~! I'll come runnin to ya, guuuuuurl, if you show up agaaaaiiiiin~ I love yoooooooooou~!

XD sorry, that's random... XD
Oops I mean:

hehehe. I'm cheating on SHINee again dongsaeng, I is listening to Super Junior >:) but to be honest it's not really cheating on SHINee because I have no crushes on SuJu lololol! XD but yeah... Listenin ta SuJu..............

Anyway, my mini song thiggeh should express what I think of this chapter but if you can't understand it, I meant:

This is great dongsaeng! And thanks for not making Taemin take drugs and overdose because its kinda overused, sometimes it's better to go with stabbing and become Mr. Simple... Heh. Anyway, it was really cute (I give up on my "KYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA~~~~!"-ing, gods it makes my throat hurt just thinking it omfg...) and yeah... 1 thing I must say though... Propose has an 'o' not an 'e' lol. But WEEEELL DOOOOONE!!!! And I shall see you when you come to my house, and I shall give you my awesome disk of K-Pop, and show you my Minecraft K-Pop bunnies. (I was bored, and had to come up with a name for a bunny so I called it Onew, but it's a kinda weird story lolol...) Anyways, catch you... Later. And that was a Sherlock reference. So. Yeah. BYE!

…wait, wut?
Chapter 19: Gaaaaaaaaaah!!! *Dead* it's cute! Kyaaaa~~~! Erm... I mean, it would be cute if he proposed but...I hate to say this but... Don't make Taeleena get married... Please, no. I just... I would feel super awkward marrying someone who, although I love him, is 8 years older than me... Especially since in your other fanfic you mentioned ion so I am assuming if they get married this will involve it too? Since Taemin is a catholic it won't happen until marriage and... NO! But if its a sweet marriage I will be fine. No lemons though... X_X
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 19: eeeeeeep!!!!!!!! you set me off again! XD
Chapter 19: Awwwwwww!!!!! I really hope Taemin proposes to Selena…… kekeke:3
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 19: I can slowly feel my brain just mush. XD Only words i seem to say is "EEEP" XD good job, Unnie likes!
Chapter 18: OMG… Taemin… :O I have no words. O.o