Jealous yet?

what happens when you mix ordinary and popular

As he finished kissing the girl, he wasn't looking at her, he was looking at me. His expression was so cold and heartless, it was like that sweet and loving boy Taemin was gone. All that was left was ice and hatred, I didn't even know who he was anymore. 

Without looking up from the ground, I passed them both. Taemin was facing his back to me, so he slightly looked over his sholder.

"Oh my God! Taemin!" the girl said. I guess she wasn't expecting that, which just proves that he was only doing it to hurt me. I then heard her ask him "Have you kissed any other girls before me?" and he responded with,

"No, I was saving my first kiss for you." I slightly looked over my shoulder to see them and what I saw next was Taemin pulling the girls waist closer to him. At that moment I felt like I could kill him for killing me.

Now it was the weekend and Ellie called me over to her house. I haven't hung out with her for ages, and I thought it would be good to see her again. When I got over to her house I explained everything that happened with me and Taemin. She is the only friend I tell about my problems because we both can connect and she loves drama, so I guess thats a good comprimize. 

"You know what you have to do?" Ellie started to say.


"You need to show him that you don't need him. Since he is clearly trying to make you jealous, you need to do the same!"

"He is not trying to make me jealous. I mean, why would he? I basically cheated on him!"

"Doesn't mean that he will stop loving you, besides, you didn't cheat on him! Onew was forcing himself onto you! You couldn't do anything could you?" That made me think. Even though I have thought about this, I just thought I was trying to make excuses. 

"I guess,"

"He clearly wants you back! If he didn't, he wouldn't try to make you jealous."

"I know, but I'm not jealous. I don't even think I care anymore!" That was a lie. Ofcourse I cared. "And I think I need to focus on my studies from now on because I already failed an assessment. I can't fail anymore."

"Whatever you say, smartass." we both laughed a little bit at that comment. "Just remember, if you ever DO start caring again, fight fire against fire. You'll figure it out." Ellie advised me confidently.

Her advice isn't that bad actually. I will try doing that. I do need to focus on my studies and thats what I will do, but in a way I need Taemin in order for me to focus. So in a sence, I am studying. It's a weird technique but once you understand it, it actually makes sence.

I said my goodbyes to Ellie and left her room. Just as I exited I heard her say to the door, "There id no way you stopped caring Selena, no way." and then she chuckled. She knows me so well.


It's monday again, and I decided to get a boyfriend. Not a 'for real' one, just a fake one that will help me with my plan. It's one of my good friends. His name is Mike. He wanted to help me in some way so this is a really good way he could help. He was quite good looking so that was a plus. We were going to start our plan around lunch but its the morning now, so we have some time to think of ways that we could both flirt with eachother. 

As we were going through the school hallways we heard some girls talking near the lockers. "Have you heard about Taemin and Julie? Apparently they have done 'it', and by it I mean !" The other girls just gasped and asked more questions. 

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They what?! I was about to faint when I heard those words. How could he? Now that I think about it, wasn't that Julie girl the girl who was threatening me about Taemin? I had a good feeling it was. 

As we both walked past the girls, we pretended to not hear anything. Mike looked at me with worried eyes to signal that hes sorry. I just smiled in return to say that I'm fine. I was still going to carry out the plan, whether he is a or not.

It was now lunch and we saw Taemin and Julie sitting at the lunch tables, talking with some other girls and guys. I was worried the plan was not going to work but even if it didn't, I would know for sure if he still had any interest in me or not.

I went to sit down at one of the emptier tables, and Mike followed. As I walked past the table that Taemin was at, we quickly shared eye-contact. That's a regular thing we do now. We finally sat down and Mike thought we should take things slow and suddle. I was fine with that. We were talking and laughing at first. Taemin was looking for a second and then returned to his companie's attention. We both took things a little further by holding hands across the table and sincierly smiling at eachother. This time Taemin was looking for longer and he didnt look too happy. Just where I wanted him. When we finished lunch, we decided to walk out of the cafeteria holding hands and started walking outside on the field.

A few minutes later we saw Taemin and Julie coming to the field as well. I didn't know that they would be coming here so we had nothing else planned. Taemin and Julie weren't that far away from us, so we were in big trouble. Taemin was looking directly at me and I was just lost on ideas. Suddenly, Mike pulled me close so I was pressing up against his chest and he then went in for a kiss. I played along even though I was very shocked. Once we finnished the kiss,  I looked over at Taemin. He had his mouth open. I guess our dirty little plan worked.


It was now the end of the day, and I was going home alone. I was just walking around a school  building when I got pushed to the wall. It wasn't a very hard push but quite a gentle one. It still shocked me. It was Taemin. We were all alone, and no one else was around. Everyone was already out of the gates but they were still open so we had time. His face was very close to mine, which made my heart beat increase. His hand was above my head, leaning on the wall. His facial expression was cold, as it lately has been to me.

"So, you got a new boyfriend?" he asked me in a quiet, yet clear  voice.

"Why do you care? And I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore."

"Well I am talking to you now so listen carefully. I know what game your playing."

"What game? What are you talking about?" he knew our plan?

"You just got a boyfriend to make me jealous."

"No I didn't." I lied. "Why would I? Your moving on and I'm moving on. Why do you care so much anyway? I thought you were happy with your girlfriend, happy enough to have with her..."

"What are you talking about? We haven't had ! Where have you heard this from?"

"Some girls were talking in the hallway about both of you."

"That is complete bull!" I felt relieved at that. I was so happy those rumors were false.

"And even if that's not true, you still kissed so I guess your fine!" I tried walking off but he pushed me straight back to the wall and got even closer so I was pressing up against his chest. I had this warm rush going right through me.

"Did I say you could walk off?"

"Did I need your premission?" I tried to sound clever and hard to get.

"Yes you do."

"What has gotten into you? Where's Julie?"

"That's not importaint right now."

"Your really close," I was going to say if he could back up, even though I loved him being so close to me.

"Do you like it?" without letting me respond to his question he kissed me. The kiss was slow and passionate, but it felt like it got more intense every second. He was pulling my waist closer to him and was moving his arms down to my hips. He pulled away slightly to say something. "We shouldn't do this here. Were on school grounds..." He smirked. I did the same but then a thought came into mind: Should we be doing this at all? He has a girlfriend.

"What about Julie?"

"I am only friends with her. The kiss was to make you jealous..."

"So you were trying to make me jealous?"

"Just like you were."

"No I di..."

"I know the whole thing was fake. I just couldn't hold being away from you for so long." that made me really happy.

"You know the Onew thing..."

"It's fine. He told me he forcingly kissed you. I know everything."

"But are you still fighting?"

"Well we still have some healing to do, but soon we'll be fine."

"That's great to hear."

"And you know Selena, the rumor thing? I hope you know that I would never do it with anyone but you." That made me turn bright red.

"Thanks. Same here."

We kissed passionatly for a couple more minutes and then headed home.

I guess everything is okay for now. I'm as happy as I could ever be. Taemin has forgiven me and Onew and Taemin are fine now. Things are heading to the good side. But not everything is over yet. There are still alot of things I want to do with Taemin. I want to be with him through as many things as possible. I feel like he's someone I would like to keep in my life forever...

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Jellybeancan #1
Chapter 22: Noooo whyyyy. I wanted to see how they ended up together. Omg whyyyyyy
Chapter 20: Meh I just re-read this chapter lol. I think it's my favourite chapter... >:)
Oh and I forgot to mention, my little song thing reminds me a little bit of Love's Way heheh.
Lalalalala~ Fight, fight, and fight again, but always make up. Lalalalala~ I can't live withooooout yaaaaaaaaa! If I don't have ya I might as well not liiiiiive~! I stabbed myselfffff~ at least I didn't drug myself, that's so overuuuuuuseeeeeed~! Lalalala~! I'll come runnin to ya, guuuuuurl, if you show up agaaaaiiiiin~ I love yoooooooooou~!

XD sorry, that's random... XD
Oops I mean:

hehehe. I'm cheating on SHINee again dongsaeng, I is listening to Super Junior >:) but to be honest it's not really cheating on SHINee because I have no crushes on SuJu lololol! XD but yeah... Listenin ta SuJu..............

Anyway, my mini song thiggeh should express what I think of this chapter but if you can't understand it, I meant:

This is great dongsaeng! And thanks for not making Taemin take drugs and overdose because its kinda overused, sometimes it's better to go with stabbing and become Mr. Simple... Heh. Anyway, it was really cute (I give up on my "KYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA~~~~!"-ing, gods it makes my throat hurt just thinking it omfg...) and yeah... 1 thing I must say though... Propose has an 'o' not an 'e' lol. But WEEEELL DOOOOONE!!!! And I shall see you when you come to my house, and I shall give you my awesome disk of K-Pop, and show you my Minecraft K-Pop bunnies. (I was bored, and had to come up with a name for a bunny so I called it Onew, but it's a kinda weird story lolol...) Anyways, catch you... Later. And that was a Sherlock reference. So. Yeah. BYE!

…wait, wut?
Chapter 19: Gaaaaaaaaaah!!! *Dead* it's cute! Kyaaaa~~~! Erm... I mean, it would be cute if he proposed but...I hate to say this but... Don't make Taeleena get married... Please, no. I just... I would feel super awkward marrying someone who, although I love him, is 8 years older than me... Especially since in your other fanfic you mentioned ion so I am assuming if they get married this will involve it too? Since Taemin is a catholic it won't happen until marriage and... NO! But if its a sweet marriage I will be fine. No lemons though... X_X
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 19: eeeeeeep!!!!!!!! you set me off again! XD
Chapter 19: Awwwwwww!!!!! I really hope Taemin proposes to Selena…… kekeke:3
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 19: I can slowly feel my brain just mush. XD Only words i seem to say is "EEEP" XD good job, Unnie likes!
Chapter 18: OMG… Taemin… :O I have no words. O.o