my hero!

what happens when you mix ordinary and popular

"Taemin!" I shouted out of relief. I really thought for a moment that I was long gone. I am so lucky that Taemin showed up at the right place at the right time. 

He came running over, a very focused and scary look on his face appeared as he got closer to the strange man. He took one of the man's arms and twisted it forward, making the man fall on the ground. He pulled his head back and punched him in the face twice. Then kicked him in the stomach making the man coff up blood. 

After beating the man multiple times, Taemin came over to me. 

"Are you alright? Did he do anything to you? We should take you to a hospital... "

"Taemin, it's fine. I'm fine, don't worry,  he didn't manage to do anything to me. You got here just in time. " I assured him. 

"Well,  are you sure? Should we go to the hospital, just in case? "

"No, there's no need. "

"Well, if you think so." I button my shirt up, and stand up. 

"Let's go to school! We're going to be late. And Taemin? "

"Yeah? "

"Please don't mention this to anyone else!  Not even my mum and dad if you ever manage to meet them. In fact, let's just pretend that this never happened!"

"I can't just pretend like nothing happened! You got assaulted, which clearly means that I can't ever leave you all by yourself! "

"thanks for caring,  but it happened only one time! What are the odds of it happening again? "

"you never know... " we both started walking to school, rift after calling the police. Even though I didn't want to,  Taemin insisted. 

We finally arrived at school, and we were five minutes late for history class. We both walked in class like total idiots with everybody watching us,  when finally the teacher asked, 

"why are both of you late?  Selena, your never late!  What happened?" Taemin and I shared glances and then returned our eyes to focus on the teacher. Taemin was about to say something when I interrupted. 

"I fell in a lake and Taemin helped me out. We had to go back home to get changed and missed the bus. So we had to run. " Taemin looked at me in shock of what I just said. I don't usually lie but this was an emergency. I could never tell him I nearly got , especially when the whole class was carefully listening. 

"how on earth did you fall in a lake?"

"well, I was looking at the pretty swans and leaned forward to see them better. Then I accidently slipped on the mud and fell in."

"well, be more carefully then. Thank God Taemin was there. If he didn't shown up you could hqve drowned! "

"I know sir. "

"now go and sit down. " we went to our seats and class could finally continue. Everyone was giving us both weird looks the whole lesson and that distracted me from work a lot. Luckaly this time I didn't get asked any questions. 

It was finally the end of class and Taemin and me started walking to our next one. We were quiet for a few minutes when Taemin finally spoke up, 

"why did you cover for me?" he asked. 

"I guess I returned a favor. "

"I haven't done anything for you though. "

"you saved me, didn't you?  And me covering for you in class today was nothing compared to what you did for me. "

Taemin kept quiet. I guess he didn't know how to respond. I tried to change the subject so he would start speaking again. 

"so what do you want to do today after school? "

"I don't know, you think of something. You are supposed to show me what a normal life is like, remember? " suddenly, a great thought jumped into my mind. I know the perfect place to go. 

"I just thought of another great place we could go! "

"what is it? "

"I think I'll keep it a secret for now. "



It is after school. All the lessons have ended and we were finally free. It was time to go to the place I wanted to show Taemin. We were walking this time, down to the big fields. It wasn't really a park, it was more like a place where you could be free. Where nothing or no one could stop you from doing what you wanted. 

"well,  this is it! "

"fields? Fields of grass, trees and wild animals? "

"don't look at it like that, look at it more like a place where you can be free. I brought you here because I know you didn't get to experience that much."

"I don't know why,  but for some reason this reminds me of home. So, do you come here often? "

"only when I get the chance to." Both of us were sitting down on the grass now, looking at the sunset. It was quite a beautiful scenery here,  you could see everything so clearly. 

"This is a really good place for sunsets. "

"I know, we should come and look at them here more often."

"that's a great idea." I told him. 

We sat there, observing the fields for a while longer, kept talking to each other about pointless things and were mercesly laughing at them. 

"You know Selena, when I chose you as a friend I was choosing wisely. You really did turn out to be a great friend. "

"thanks. " that warmed my heart a little bit.  I felt glad to hear that from him because I felt the same way. He turned out way better than expected. 

After a while we went home. The system worked the same as it did yesterday, saying our goodbyes and smiling at each other until we disappeared from the other person's eyes. 

Even though we have been friends for only 2 days, I feel like I've known him since my childhood. He actually did remind me of a friend I had when I was really small. He was scrawny but brave,  very talanted at singing and dancing and was very loyal. Imagining that I've known Taemin all my life would be so crazy yet understandable. Well, enough nonsense for one day. 

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Jellybeancan #1
Chapter 22: Noooo whyyyy. I wanted to see how they ended up together. Omg whyyyyyy
Chapter 20: Meh I just re-read this chapter lol. I think it's my favourite chapter... >:)
Oh and I forgot to mention, my little song thing reminds me a little bit of Love's Way heheh.
Lalalalala~ Fight, fight, and fight again, but always make up. Lalalalala~ I can't live withooooout yaaaaaaaaa! If I don't have ya I might as well not liiiiiive~! I stabbed myselfffff~ at least I didn't drug myself, that's so overuuuuuuseeeeeed~! Lalalala~! I'll come runnin to ya, guuuuuurl, if you show up agaaaaiiiiin~ I love yoooooooooou~!

XD sorry, that's random... XD
Oops I mean:

hehehe. I'm cheating on SHINee again dongsaeng, I is listening to Super Junior >:) but to be honest it's not really cheating on SHINee because I have no crushes on SuJu lololol! XD but yeah... Listenin ta SuJu..............

Anyway, my mini song thiggeh should express what I think of this chapter but if you can't understand it, I meant:

This is great dongsaeng! And thanks for not making Taemin take drugs and overdose because its kinda overused, sometimes it's better to go with stabbing and become Mr. Simple... Heh. Anyway, it was really cute (I give up on my "KYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAA~~~~!"-ing, gods it makes my throat hurt just thinking it omfg...) and yeah... 1 thing I must say though... Propose has an 'o' not an 'e' lol. But WEEEELL DOOOOONE!!!! And I shall see you when you come to my house, and I shall give you my awesome disk of K-Pop, and show you my Minecraft K-Pop bunnies. (I was bored, and had to come up with a name for a bunny so I called it Onew, but it's a kinda weird story lolol...) Anyways, catch you... Later. And that was a Sherlock reference. So. Yeah. BYE!

…wait, wut?
Chapter 19: Gaaaaaaaaaah!!! *Dead* it's cute! Kyaaaa~~~! Erm... I mean, it would be cute if he proposed but...I hate to say this but... Don't make Taeleena get married... Please, no. I just... I would feel super awkward marrying someone who, although I love him, is 8 years older than me... Especially since in your other fanfic you mentioned ion so I am assuming if they get married this will involve it too? Since Taemin is a catholic it won't happen until marriage and... NO! But if its a sweet marriage I will be fine. No lemons though... X_X
Kairi291 #7
Chapter 19: eeeeeeep!!!!!!!! you set me off again! XD
Chapter 19: Awwwwwww!!!!! I really hope Taemin proposes to Selena…… kekeke:3
Kairi291 #9
Chapter 19: I can slowly feel my brain just mush. XD Only words i seem to say is "EEEP" XD good job, Unnie likes!
Chapter 18: OMG… Taemin… :O I have no words. O.o