Five Adorable Butlers


Different images, different style. The girls from Elite dorm always wear the same uniform and that's their trademark. Heaven Dorm girls full of blinking and glamorous. Their clothes, like an artist who want to perform their shows on the stage. Stars Dorm girls, always proud with their jerseys. They wear it based on the sports they represent. They have their own sports group. Squids Dorm never cares about their image. For them, high school ! They wear anything they want!

Its 11 pm. Ha Nah rubbed her eyes, yawned and do some stretching. She closed her notebook and stood up. She has a class tomorrow. She turned and shocked!
"Oh my God!" She back off.
"Ha Nah sshi. Are you alright?" Cheolyong smiled.
She took a deep breath. She totally forgot she's not alone anymore. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just forget that you're here." She walked and went to her bed. She stared at glass of milk on the table beside her bed.
"You have to drink this." Cheolyong took a glass and gave it to her.
Ha Nah sighed. She scratched her hair and looked at Cheolyong. Their eyes meet. She still can't believe she will share a same dorm with Bang Cheolyong. The cutest butler that this school ever had!
Like a magnet, Ha Nah took the milk and drank it. Cheolyong took back the glass.
"Good night, Ha Nah sshi. I'll see you tomorrow. If you need anything, I'm in my room." He walked.
"Cheolyong, wait."
He turned and looked at her.
"I don't understand why you choose me. I mean, why me? There's other girl that you can choose."
"I'm curious." He smiled.
"About what?" Ha Nah asked.
"The girl who had the last place for the whole school. It's sound fun to me." He chuckled.
Ha Nah sighed. She stared at Cheolyong but he smiled and bows his head. "Have a nice dream, Ha Nah sshi."

Ji Na flipped the page of her book. She nodded and tried to understand the questions . Chundoong sat behind her and massage her shoulders.
"Chundoong, why dog enter the house?"
"Because the door open."
She smiled. Satisfied. Not bad. "What month had 28 days?"
Chundoong laughed. "Agasshi. All months."
Ji Na giggled. She patted Chundoong hand. "I really like you. I want you to be my butler for next year."
"Of course. Next year is my final year. I will bring you with me. I promise."
Chundoong smiled. He stood up and closed the bedroom windows. Ji Na still busy reading the book.
"Time to sleep." Chundoong took the book and placed it on the table.
Ji Na sighed. "I need more reading. My head must full with information."
"You can do it tomorrow."
Ji Na pouted. She lying on her bed. Chundoong took a blanket and covered her body. They looked at each other and smiled.
"Good night, agasshi."
"Good night, Chundoong."

Changsun gets up from his bed. He looked at the clock. 01.00 a.m. He scratched his hair and jumped from his bed. He can hear women crying. Slowly he placed his ear on Shin Rae bedroom wall. That's it!
He opened bedroom door. He saw Shin Rae sat on her bed.
"Shin Rae sshi."
Shin Rae shocked. She wiped her tears. "I'm fine Changsun."
"I'm sorry to say this. But I don't think crying in the middle of the night is a good thing."
Shin Rae sighed. She forced smiled and looked at Changsun. "Don't worry about me. I'm always like this."
Changsun nodded. "Alright. You need to sleep."
"Please don't tell anyone about this. You can keep this as a secret right?" Shin Rae asked.
"Sure. You can trust me." Changsun placed his hand on chest.
Shin Rae looked at him and smiled.

First day of class. Boo Mi totally can't concentrate. She's so sleepy. Mathematics is a boring subject for her. She doesn't understand what the teacher babbling in front of the class. Algebra...bla...bla...bla... D*mn! She hates this! It sounds like a zebra to her!
"Can we get out from this class?" She whispered. Looking at Seungho who standing beside her.
"You have to study."
Boo Mi sighed. She scratched her hair. Seungho stared at her and smiled.
"Alright! Turn to page 2!" The teacher gave an order.
Seungho bow a little and flip another pages from the book for her. Boo Mi looked at him.
"I hate this class." She whispered again.
The teacher coughs and stared at Boo Mi. "Is everything alright there?" She asked.
Boo Mi shocked. Seungho sighed and shook his head. They caught!
"Park Boo Mi...," The teacher called her name.
She stood up. Every girls in the class stared at her. Suddenly she hears voice from Shi La, one of her classmates.
"She said she hate this class. Of course she feels like that. There's another matter gaining her interest now."
All the girls laughed but other butlers still maintain their best attitude. Boo Mi totally shocked with that statement. She almost hit Shi La's head but luckily Seungho grabbed her hand. She looked at Seungho and he shook his head.
"Can you see that? There's a hot butler beside her. That's her new interest." Shi La keeps insulting her.
Boo Mi stared at Shi La. "Yaaaa! I know you jealous with me. Yang Seungho choose me not you. Feel like a loser, huh?"
"What did you say?" Shi La's stood up.
"Boo Mi sshi. Calm down." Seungho grabbed her shoulder but she pushed his hand.
"Angry,huh? Just care with your own butler." Boo Mi not satisfied.
"Park Boo Mi, behave yourself!" The teacher voice aloud.
"But she insults me!" She shouted.
The teacher took a deep breath. She looked at Boo Mi and Seungho. "Both of you, follow me. Out of the class!"
Boo Mi sighed. Without saying anything, she went out followed by Seungho.
"You know the rules, kneel down."
"But teacher...,"
"I have to continue my class, Boo Mi. I want you to kneel down."
She nodded and just accepts the punishment.
"You too, Yang Seungho."
"What?!" Boo Mi shocked. "Teacher, it's not fair. You can't do this."
The teacher stared at Seungho. "Do you think I'm too harsh to you?"
Seungho shook his head.
"Accept your punishment too. Kneel down."
He just followed the order. Boo Mi really wants to cry right now. It's her fault not Seungho!
"You have to remember, Boo Mi. If you can't show your best attitude, that's means your butler failed to fulfill his job. His your guardian in this school and if you do anything wrong, that's mean he failed. You will get the punishment and he will accept it too. No matter what you did, good or bad, it will show how well your butler can guide you. You understand that, Boo Mi?"
She nodded. The teacher shook her head and walked into the class.
Boo Mi looked at Seungho who kneel down beside her. "I'm sorry." She started to cry.
"'s alright. I can accept this." He smiled and wiped her tears with his finger. "Don't worry Boo Mi sshi. I'm your butler right? I will protect you no matter what. I promise to you. You can trust me."
Boo Mi stared at him. She grabbed Seungho coat and cry again!

Ma Ri walked but her eyes keep looking on the ground. Byunghee stared at her and shook his head.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Can't you see? All the girls looked at me."
Byunghee laughed. "Of course they looked at you. They have their own eyes."
She stopped. She stared at Byunghee. She pointed her index finger to Byunghee's face and shook it. "You...,"
"Alright. They look at you because right now you walk with one of the most charming butler in this school. Satisfied?"
Ma Ri punched his shoulder. Hard!
"What?!" Byunghee shocked!
"Should you do this to me? I know you choose me because you really want to torture me."
Byunghee smiled. "Because of the letter?"
"Yes, Byunghee. I write that letter. Just tell Principal Maeran and she will dismiss me from this school. I already broke the rules."
Byunghee sighed. "I burned that letter."
Ma Ri stared at him with big eyes. "You did that?" She shocked!
"Of course. Do you think I have no brain? I don't want to keep your love letter to me. Telling me how much you love me and asking me to run with you from this school. Byunghee, will you marry me?" He stared at Ma Ri. "You're the craziest girl that I ever meet in my life. Should you ruin your future because of that?"
"Fine. I'm not thinking at that time. I'm sorry okay?"
"So, you just tell me that you're old women now?" Byunghee smirked.
"D*mn! Can we just forget about this? My feeling towards you totally gone."
"Yes, Jung Byung Hee." Ma Ri stared at him and sighed.
He smiled. "Alright. We forget about this. We should be professional to each other right?"
Ma Ri nodded.
"Fine. Do you need anything else right now?"
"I'm thirsty. Too much quarreling with you."
Byunghee sighed. He scratched his hair. "Just wait here. I go to cafe."
Ma Ri smiled. She looked at Byunghee and he leaves her.
Ma Ri sat on the bench. She shook her legs while waiting Byunghee came. Suddenly she can hear someone call her name.
"Here you are. Where's your butler?" Min Ja stared at her while two of Min Ja's friend smirked.
"Why should I tell you where he goes?"
Min Ja aloud laughed. She grabbed Ma Ri's wrist and forced her to stand up.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" Ma Ri shouted!
"Annoying girl. I'm not satisfied with you."
"You can't blame me."
"Really?" Min Ja pushed her shoulder so hard.
Ma Ri lost her balanced and fall. Min Ja grabbed her vest and their face so close to each other. Min Ja almost hit her head when they hear someone shouted!
"Stay away from her!" Byunghee walked near to them and Min Ja stood up. He stared at that girl. "What do you think you doing?"
"I have a business with her."
Byunghee smirked. "I don't care if you girl or not. I can punch you right now if I want."
Min Ja shocked. She looked at Ma Ri , turned and two of her friend followed.
"Are you alright?" Byunghee help Ma Ri to get up. Ma Ri nodded but suddenly she just realized she sprinkle her ankle.
"I already late for my class. Annoying Min Ja. Why she do this to me?" Ma Ri rubbed her ankle. She can't walked.
"I help you, Ma Ri sshi." Byung Hee kneel down, grabbed Ma Ri's shoulders and carrying her. Ma Ri shocked!
"Yaaa...Jung Byung Hee! Let me down!" She yelled.
She stopped when Byung Hee stared at her. Their eyes meet and Ma Ri lost her word!
"I'm your butler. Nobody can blame me or you."
Ma Ri sighed. She just let Byunghee carrying her.

Byunghee carrying Ma Ri to the class became a hot topic. All the girls shocked when they saw that incident. Mr. Han Ji Hwan, the head butler make a decision to meet with the five butlers to make sure everything can be explaining.
"She falls."
"Some girls bullying her?" Mr. Han asked. He suspect something wrong going on.
"Nope. She falls from the stairs." Byunghee lied. Ma Ri already warned him that she doesn't want to make that incident a big issue.
Mr. Han nodded. He knows Byunghee tried to hide something from him. But he doesn't want to forced him to tell the truth. Then, he looked at Seungho.
"Is anything wrong Mr. Han?" Seungho asked.
"I heard what happened to you. Make sure you know how to handle your young lady. I don't want other people question me with reputation you have. You're one of the best butlers in this school."
Seungho nodded. She can't blame Boo Mi for that. She just said the truth.
"Lee Changsun. You have any problem with your young lady?"
He shook his head.
"Bang Cheolyong?"
"Ha Nah sshi is a nice girl but sometimes she's quite scramble. But I think I can handle her."
"She's just like you." Mr. Han smiled.
"Which part? Nice?" Cheolyong excited!
Mr. Han shook his head. "Scramble."
Byunghee and Seungho looked at each other and aloud laughed. Chundoong and Changsun tried so hard to hide their laughed.
Cheolyong pouted. Mr. Han smiled and shook his head.
"Chundoong. I believe Ji Na comfortable with you."
Chundoong smiled. "She said she want me to work for her again next year."
"Great." Mr. Han stood up. "Alright, boys. Make sure you will give me good news. No problem, no punishment, okay?"
All of them looked at Mr. Han Ji Hwan and nodded.

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!