Five Adorable Butlers


"He called me."
Ha Nah stared at her grandfather. "Who?"
"Bang Cheolyong. His the one who called me and told me where I can find both of you."
Ha Nah took a deep breath and smiled. "So, what do you want me to do? Hate him?"
Mr. Kim stared at Ha Nah and shook his head.
"Cheolyong is a nice guy. You can't do this to him."
"I never trusted any butler that worked for you before including him. By the way, he ran with you from this school."
"I forced him, Harabuji. He never says no everytime I asked something from him."
Mr. Kim stood up and walked near to Ha Nah. "You really like him?"
"I never change my mind."
Mr. Kim smirked. "Stubborn. If I expel you from this school, and make him stay, will you accept that?"
Ha Nah almost can't believe what she heard! "Harabuji...,"
"Choose one. You or him?"
"You can't do this to me!" She shook her head.
"Ha Nah, make a choice!" Mr. Kim voice aloud.
Ha Nah shocked!
"It's hurt you, right?" Mr. Kim asked.
Ha Nah stared at him.
"So who? You or him?"
"Me." One word will explain everything.
Mr. Kim took a deep breath. "I'm worried about you, Ha Nah. I know my own granddaughter. You like him more than just a butler. I have to be fair. You already make a choice. You have to leave this school. Cheolyong will stay here."
"You ask for all this, Ha Nah. Since the first day he chooses you, you give everything to him. I can't let that happen. You can't fall in love with your own butler. You're not meant for each other."
Ha Nah sighed. She looked at her grandfather. "I know it's all my faults. But you can't blame us for all this. I never told him about my feeling but you ask people to spread rumours about us. I share everything with you Harabuji because I think I can trust you. In this world, I only have you and Cheolyong. I care about him but you're still my family. If you ask nicely from me, I will choose you not him."
Mr. Kim stared at her.
"But I think I change my mind now. You make me realize that I really want to be with him."
"Kim Ha Nah...,"

Principal Maeran shuffled around the room. She has to think to make the situation better. They looked at her until Boo Mi walked to her and asked her to sit. She looked so worried and confused.
"I still can't understand. Mr. Kim is a nice guy. Why he should do this?" She asked. "He loves Ha Nah. But he sends me those photos, spread the rumours. He must have a reason for this right?"
Boo Mi looked at Principal Maeran and shook her head.
"I can think of something." Suddenly Changsun interrupted.
Principal Maeran stared at him.
Cheolyong looked at Changsun and he sat beside him.
"What if Ha Nah sshi didn't keep any secret from him? She must tell him something and Mr. Kim can't accept it."
"What is it?" Principal Maeran asked.
"Principal, you need evidence to expel anyone from this school. Mr. Kim creates that evidence. That's the only way he can separate Ha Nah sshii from Cheolyong." He took a deep breath. "Principal, I believe, Ha Nah sshi already break the rules."
Principal Maeran shocked! She looked at all of them then Cheolyong.
"She loves you?" She asked.
"I don't know, Principal." Cheolyong shook his head. "But...," He stopped.
All of them looked at him.
"I love Kim Ha Nah."
Principal Maeran eyes widen. She can't believe what she just heard! "Bang Cheol Yong, you can't do that!" Her voice aloud.
"I'm sorry." Cheolyong looked at the floor.
Seungho patted Byunghee's shoulders. Byunghee looked at him and they started to whisper at each other. "What should we do? We break the rules too, right?"
Byunghee eyes wide open. "We have to do something to help Cheolyong."
Byunghee shocked. "Are you mad? We will send Ma Ri and Boo Mi to the hell."
Seungho sighed meanwhile Byunghee scratched his head.
Cheolyong took a deep breath. He looked at Changsun and Changsun patted his shoulders. He totally confused right now.
"Cheolyong...," Ma Ri called his name.
He looked at Ma Ri.
"We will help you, okay? We will find a solution for you." Ma Ri stared at him an smiled.
"Thank you, Ma Ri sshi."
She nodded. Ma Ri feels so guilty right now. She can understand Cheolyong's feelings. She loves Byunghee but nobody knows about that. She looked at Byunghee and he smiled at her.
Changsun stood up and when to Shin Rae. He already got a headache. Cheolyong love confession shocked him too.
"Everything will be fine." Shin Rae half whispered. Changsun nodded and took a deep breath.
They looked at the door when Ji Na and Chundoong entered the room. She went to Principal Maeran and sat beside her.
"Ha Nah unnie will be fine right? I know you will help her."
"I'll try my best, Ji Na." Principal Maeran looked at her and nodded.

Ha Nah looked at all of them. She forced smiled and stared at Cheolyong. She took a deep breath and walked near to her grandfather.
"I make a decision. I will leave this school."
All of them shocked! Cheolyong stared at Ha Nah and shook his head. He can't accept all this!
"Cheolyong will stay at this school." She added.
"You can't do this to me. I will take care of you until you finish your study here." He tried went to Ha Nah but he stopped when Mr. Kim looked at him.
"You want me to tell him?" Mr. Kim glanced at her.
"Harabuji...," Ha Nah can't hold her tears anymore!
"I hate myself for doing this to both of you. But Ha Nah broke my heart when she confesses to me that she loves you, Bang Cheolyong. I know you a nice guy and I know you will take care of her. But I can't accept it because that person is you."
"That's why you tried to expel me from this school right? It doesn't make sense. And now you asked her to accept that punishment for me?" Cheolyong stared at him. "Mr. Kim, this is not the right way for you to show how much you love her. She trusts you but you betray her."
Mr. Kim took a deep breath and looked at his granddaughter.
"I love Ha Nah. You can expel me too if you want." His voice sound low and husky.
"Cheolyong...," Ha Nah stared at him with teary eyes.
Principal Maeran rubbed his forehead. She sighed. Loves always make people go crazy. She still can't believe this!

Ji Na looked at Chundoong. She holds his hands and looked at him. "I want to help my unnie. Will you allow me?" She whispered. Chundoong smiled and nodded.
"I have something to confess." Ji Na step up to the front and looked at Mr. Kim and Principal Maeran. "Ha Nah unnie is my family. We're siblings even we doesn't like each other." She smiled at Ha Nah. "Mr. Kim, you can expel me and Chundoong from this school too. We think we like each other."
Mr. Kim looked at them with big eyes. "What did you say?"
"I promise to Agasshi that I will date her after she finish her study here. But it's considered that we already have an attention to do that right?" Chundoong smiled meanwhile Ji Na can't hide her laughed.
Principal Maeran shook her head. What's going on here?!

"I also date Boo Mi sshi." Suddenly Seungho interrupted and all of them looked at him. "I broke the rules but we think we can handle that." Seungho stared at Boo Mi and she nooded. Both of them looked at each other and smiled.
"But...," Seungho continued. "I think Byunghee is worst than me."

"Yaaaa....Yang Seungho." Byunghee shocked and his voice aloud. "What are you doing?"
"Just confess." Seungho stared at him with widen eyes.
Byunghee took a deep breath and let it go.
"Alright. I believe this is confession session right? So I have to tell the truth." He grabbed Ma Ri's hand who standing beside him and hold it tight.
"Ma Ri give a love letter to me last year, and I start to love her. We just date each other this year actually and my father knows about this." He sighed. "Mr. Kim...," He looked at him. "I break the rules because I think I'm just a normal guy. What do you expect from us? We spend most of our time with this all young lady. Even you don't care about anyone, but if everyday you look at the same person, your perception will change. Honestly, you can expel me from this school if you want."

Mr. Kim stared at all of them. His eyes stopped when he looked at Changsun and Shin Rae.
"How about both of you? No confession for me?" He asked.
Changsun shook his head. "We never date each other."
Shin Rae sighed. "You date me before this."
"What?!" Changsun shocked and his eyes wide. "When?" He confused!
"At the festival. You nodded when In Taek asked you whether we're on date or not."
Changsun scratched his hair. "I lied about that."
"But, I like it." Shin Rae smiled.
"Really?" Both of them looked at each other and laughed.

Principal Maeran clinched her fist and stared at all of them. This situation totally horrible for her. She took a deep breath and let it go.
"All of you...," She pointed her fingers one by one at all of them.
She shouted and makes all of them shocked!

Principal Maeran sighed and stood up from a couch. She looked at Mr. Kim who sat in front of her.
"Nobody will expel from this school." She makes decision.
"Principal...," Mr. Kim stared at her.
"It's ridiculous. I have to expel five butlers and five students at the same time? It will bring a bad reputation for this school. I can't do that." She shook her head.
"This school is my ship. I'm the captain and all of them are my crews. If anything bad happened to my crews, that's means I failed. I make a decision that nobody will leave this ship. Can you understand that Mr. Kim?"
"Principal Maeran...,"
"What?" She stared at him.
"I accept that."
"Really?" Principal Maeran shocked!
Mr. Kim nodded. "They break a rules but I think we can pretend that we doesn't know anything about this. I know it's hard but sometimes I tried to understand youngsters nowadays. They just do what they want."
"So, it's settled?"
Once again, Mr. Kim nodded.
"How about Ha Nah and Cheolyong?" She asked.
He smiled. "Ha Nah always told me Chulyong is a nice guy. I never trust that actually. It's hard for me to believe there's nothing happened between them when they spent a night together outside this school. They are young and I hope I can understand that."
"Do you think something happened between them?" Principal Maeran curious.
Mr. Kim took a deep breath. "I don't know. I'm worried about Ha Nah. I'm afraid I can't accept it again when she tells me the truth."
Principal Maeran nodded. "You're right. Youngsters nowadays...,"

"Ha Nah...,"
"What are you doing?" Cheolyong placed his chin on Ha Nah's shoulders.
"I'm reading. Can't you see that?" Ha Nah keeps staring at the book in front of her.
Cheolyong pouted. "About that night...," He stopped.
Ha Nah looked at him. "What's wrong with that night?"
"What if...," Cheolyong stared at her stomach.
She looked at him with wide eyes. "Yaaa...don't you ever think about that."
"But anything is possible right?"
"I'm not ready for that. I have to finish my study first."
"I can't believe this. I said if...if...," He not satisfied.
She laughed. "Are you mad?"
"Aigoo...Kim Ha Nah is a bad girl. I can smell something fishy when you ask me to run with you."
"What?" Ha Nah stared at him.
He smiled.
"Do you think...,"
He nodded.
"I can't believe this. I never planned to seduce you." She sighed.
Cheolyong grabbed her hand. "But you love me right?"
She nodded and stared at him. Cheolyong smiled and hugged her.
Ha Nah laughed and she mess up Cheolyong's hair.

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!