Five Adorable Butlers



Ji Na stared at the girl in front of her. She looked at her from head to toe. That girl smiled at her and she smiled at her back.
"I'm so happy to see you, Hee Jin. I thought you already forget about me."
Hee Jin smiled and looked at Chundoong. "Oppa, your mother told me you're here. I really miss you. That's why I come."
Chundoong laughed and nodded his head.
Ji Na stared at both of them. She feels so annoying. She doesn't know why but she hates that Hee Jin's girl! Pretending to be nice? Urgghhh...!
She shocked! She forced smiled and looked at Chundoong. "Yes."
"I want to go out with Hee Jin for a while. Can you...," Chundoong looked at her.
"Sure. Just go. You don't meet each other for a long time. I can understand that." Ji Na turned and looked at Hee Jin.
"Thank you Ji Na sshi." Hee Jin smiled.
Ji Na nodded. Chundoong and Hee Jin stood up and walked together, leaving the room. Ji Na sighed and lean her body on the couch. She clinched her fist and took a deep breath. Ahhhh....she can't accept this! That girl is Hee Jin! Chundoong likes her before!

She took a walked. She's alone today. She makes decision to spend her time at the park next to Haneul Girls High School. Ji Na took a deep breath. She sat on the bench under the oak tree. She took out her handphone and touched the screen. She waits for a while until the person she called answered.
"Ji Na little girl. I miss you so much."
She smiled. "I miss you too. How's dad?"
"His fine. We just talked about you this morning. You don't have a class today?"
"'s Saturday." She laughed.
"Really?" Her mother laughed too. "I don't remember that. Anyway, how's school?"
"Fun but sometimes bored." She sighed.
"Your butler take a good care of you right?" Her mother asked.
"Of course. Don't worry, Omma."
"I'm glad to hear that. Anyway, I'll talk to you later okay. I have to accompany your father to the tennis court."
"All right, Omma. Take care."
She pushed off button. She looked all around her but everyone seems busy with their weekend activities. She smiled when she saw four little boys playing ball not far from her. They laughed and chased the ball but her eyes suddenly stopped at Byunghee who walked near to her.
"Here you are. I thought I can't find you." He smiled and sat beside her.
"What are you doing here?" She asked while her eyes staring at him.
"Chundoong called me. He said maybe you need someone to spend your time today."
Ji Na smiled and nodded. "Anyway, where's Ma Ri?"
"She went to study camp for a week. No butlers are allowed to go, so it's quite bored for me."
"She went with all her classmates?"
Byunghee nodded.
They stopped from talking when suddenly a ball rolled at Byunghee's foot. He bowed a little and took that ball.
"Hyung, can you give back that ball?" One of the little boys ran and stopped in front of them.
Byunghee smiled and throw the ball. The boy catches it and waved his hand. "Thank you."
Byunghee waves his hand back and looked at Ji Na. "Chundoong meet Hee Jin right?"
Ji Na forced smiled and weakly nodded. Byunghee took a deep breath and lean his body on the bench.
"I know Chundoong like her. They know each other for a long time." She sighed.
"It's past not present." Byunghee smiled.
"Are you sure about that?" She asked.
"Of course." He replied. "Don't worry Ji Na sshi. Everything will be fine. If it doesn't work like we want, life still must go on right?"
She nodded.
" want to do anything? Have some fun." Byunghee smiled while lift up his eyebrow.
She laughed. She stood up and walked. She went to one of the little boy who still playing the ball and whispered something to his ear. He looked excited and nodded his head. He gave the ball to Ji Na. She took it.
"Jung Byung Hee...wants to join us? Footballs match." She smiled.
Byunghee laughed while his eyes staring at Ji Na. He nodded and walked to her. "Lose team treat the winner team. How about that?"
"Alright. Deal." She smiled and they shook hand.

"How's your parents?"
"Fine. My father got a promotion as a new manager a month ago. So, he makes decision that our family should move to a new house." Hee Jin smiled.
"That's great. I'm happy to hear that. How about school?" Chundoong asked.
Hee Jin sighed. "Boring...I hope I can moved to other school. Maybe Haneul Girls High School?"
He laughed and looked at her. "That school not for a girl like you. Don't force yourself to be there."
She stared at him and smirked. "So, it's just suitable for a girl like Ji Na sshi?"
"I didn't say that. I mean, you more independent right?"
She took a deep breath and nodded. She stared at soft drink in front of her.
"Hee Jin...,"
"You're right. I'm more independent and I don't like other people to arrange my life. But sometimes I hope I can be like Ji Na. She's rich, smart and she has a butler who can do anything for her. A spoil brat like her, she always get what she wants right?"
Chundoong stared at Hee Jin.
"Don't tell me your relationship with her more than a young lady and a butler. Honestly, I don't like the way she look at you."
"Hee Jin, please stop saying that. You can't judge her before you know her."
"Really? So I can't say anything when she tried to steal you from me?"
Chundoong shocked.
"I know you like me oppa. But why you never tell me about your feeling?"
Chundoong took a deep breath. "Hee Jin... I don't want to ruin our relationship because of this."
"It's not fair. You don't want me because of Ji Na right?" She asked while her eyes widen.
He shook his head. "What's wrong with you? Are you trying to involve her in our problems? I thought you really want to see me." His voice aloud.
"I really want to see you. But I'm not happy when I saw Ji Na. You like her more than me."
"I want you to stop all this. You try to blame other people for nothing." He stood up. "I think you better go home, Hee Jin."
Chundoong sighed. He walked away and leaves Hee Jin.
He can hear that voice but he doesn't want to look at her.

"I can't believe you will hurt yourself." Byunghee walked while piggyback Ji Na at his back.
"I'm sorry."
"You never play football right?" Byunghee glanced at her.
She nodded.
"Chundoong will blame me for this." Byunghee sighed.
"I will explain to him."
"Fine. I'm glad to hear that." Byunghee smiled. "Anyway, are you sure you don't want to go to the clinic? You sprinkle your ankle. It will bruise after this."
"I think I will fine."
Byunghee took a deep breath and nodded.
"Ji Na sshi...,"
"You really like Chundoong right?"
She sighed. "I don't know."
"Yaaaa...what kind of answer is that? You asked him to date you after your finish your study here. You're jealous when Hee Jin meets him. That's what you call love."
"But I'm afraid."
"About what?"
"What if I started to love him but he falls in love with other girl? Or, he loves me but I started to love other guy. It can happen right?"
"Wait a minute...I can think of Chundoong and Hee Jin right now. But you make me confuse. You like other guy?" He asked.
"I said if...,"
Byunghee laughed. "I almost think it's real. You scared me."
Ji Na smiled and patted his shoulder.

Chundoong stared at Ji Na. He sighed and looked at her ankle. Bruise!
She nodded.
"I can't believe this. Make sure you're more careful after this okay?"
She smiled. Chundoong stood up and he helps Ji Na lying on the bed. He took one pillow and placed it under Ji Na's foot. She touched Chundoong's fingers and he looked at her.
"You need anything, Agasshi?" He asked.
"Thank you."
Chundoong smiled and sat on the bed. "Why you say that? It's my duty to take care of you right?"
He looked at her.
"Are you happy to work with me?"
"Of course. That's why I choose you."
Ji Na took a deep breath. "Chundoong...," he called his name again.
"If you love other girl, you should tell me okay?"
He stared at her. "Agasshi...,"
"I mean it, Chundoong. You can't force yourself to like everything."
Chundoong grabbed her hand and smiled. "I know what I want. Don't worry about that okay?"
Ji Na smiled. Both of them stared at each other for a while.

Ji Na took a deep breath. She stared at Hee Jin meanwhile Hee Jin gave an angry stared at her.
"Chundoong oppa knows about our meeting?" Hee Jin asked.
"No. I told him that I have to see my father. Family gathering. You got a problem with that?"
Hee Jin smirked. "Spoil brat. You always use your father's name to get anything you want right?"
"What do you mean?" Ji Na clinched her fist.
"Chundoong oppa, I know you force him to be with you. Don't you think you burden him with yourself?"
"Hee Jin sshi...,"
Hee Jin stared at her. "I want you to leave him. Find another butler. I really want to throw up everytime I look at you."
Ji Na stunned. Hee Jin's word really hurt her. She already knew Hee Jin not a nice girl. Hating me for liking Chundoong? That's too much!
"Chundoong choose me. He chooses to work for me." She looked at Hee Jin.
"So, you like him because he will do anything for you? Han Ji Na...are you sure you love him? Chundoong oppa is your butler."
"I really like Chundoong."
"You lie to yourself. You want him because you need a worker not a lover. I'm the one who love him. I never ask anything from him. But you're different Ji Na sshi. Are you sure you do a right thing? He will do anything for you even the simple job. Do you really want a guy who you love did all that for you? Even when you want to drink, he will make a drink for you right?"
Ji Na shook her head.
"Ask you heart. Are you sure you love him? If not, you better find another guy for yourself."
Hee Jin stood up. She turned and completely shocked when he saw Chundoong stands not far from them. His not alone. There's another guy with him.
Chundoong stared at both of them. He walked and went near to Ji Na.
"Agasshi...I know you lie to me. I call your father and he told me."
Ji Na looked at him.
"I'll talk to you later, agasshi." He grabbed Hee Jin hands and dragged her to follow him. She saw Hee Jin smirked at her.
Ji Na confused. Why Chundoong took Hee Jin with him not her? Did Chundoong hate her?
"Ji Na sshi...,"
She stood up and grabbed Byunghee's hand. "Chundoong can't do this to me." She shook her head.
"Everything will be fine okay. I believe he want to talk to Hee Jin first."
Ji Na cried. She grabbed Byunghee's tee and buried her face on his chest.

Ji Na climbed the stairs. Byunghee followed her from behind. She stopped when she arrived in front of her doom. She took out a key and turned.
"Thank you, Byunghee."
"Are you sure you fine?"
She forced smiled. "Maybe. I got a headache but I think I can handle it."
Byunghee nodded. "I have to go. Call me if you need anything okay?"
He turned but he heard something fallen. He stunned when he saw Ji Na lying on the floor. Byunghee panicked and went to her. "Ji Na sshi...Ji Na sshi...," He shook her shoulders.
"Hyung...," Suddenly Chundoong appeared. He went to them and kneels down.
"Send her to hospital." Byunghee looked at him.
Chundoong carrying Ji Na and he started to run.

Ji Na opened her eyes. She looked at her hand and he saw someone hold it while sleeping. She smiled and softly he touched that person hair.
"Chundoong...," She half whispered.
Her smiled dead when he saw that person gets up and looked at her. Byunghee! Where's Chundoong?!
"Ji Na. You scared me last night." Byunghee smiled. He sat on the bed, in front of Ji Na.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Why you asked me that? Of course I have to be here with you." Byunghee smiled and touched her hair.
Ji Na stared at him. She looked at the door when someone walked in.
"You wake up. How do you feel?" The male doctor asked and smiled.
"I think I'm fine." She nodded.
The doctor took a deep breath and looked at her. "You need enough rest. Just make sure you take your supplement okay?"
She forced smiled.
"Alright Mrs. Jung. I'll talk to you later."
Ji Na shocked. She stared at the doctor.
"Doctor, why you call me Mrs. Jung? I'm Han Ji Na."
Byunghee laughed and hold her hand. "Ji Na. Are you alright? Of course Dr. Lee calls you Mrs. Jung. We married right?"
Married? What??!! Her eyes wide opened.
Ji Na confused!
Oh My God! What's wrong with me?! Am I dead?!
But, where's Chundoong?!

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!