Five Adorable Butlers


How's your high school life? ? Sweet and adorable? Forgettable? Unforgettable? Or no comments at all? Some people meet their first love at high school. Some people have crush when they attend high school. Some people always get bullied but the others became a gangster. Meanwhile some people totally concentrated only on book and don?t care about other thing.

How about this five gorgeous guy? They broke the school rules. They meet with their love and they chased their dream with someone they love. So what happened to them after six years? Still together? Already build a new family? Have a little kid? Achieve their dream? Or someone will get married today? But who? Seungho? Byunghee? Changsun? Chundoong or Cheolyong?

First story Seungho

"Boo Mi... wake up...," Seungho caresses Boo Mi's hair while staring at her. "We already late for the wedding."
She opened her eyes and she gazed at him. "Seungho... I don't think I can go." She tried to get up and Seungho help her to sit on the bed. "What if I want to give birth at the wedding? It should be a trouble right?" She asked while her fingers rubbed her stomach. Seungho smiled as he placed his palm on Boo Mi fingers.
"Boo Mi...,"
"My due should be last week. Doctor will force me to give birth next week if I still didn't show any sign." She took a deep breath and slowly let it go. "But, can you carrying me to the hospital if my contraction comes at the wedding?"
"Of course I will do that. You think I will leave you alone?" He smiled. "Alright. So you want to go or...,"
"I'll go. But make sure you keep your promise okay?" Boo Mi looked at him.
"I will." Seungho placed both his palm on Boo Mi cheeks and smiled. "Can I kiss you?"
"I just wake up. Don't you remember?" Her eyes gazed at him.
"You're right." Seungho nodded. "I'll kiss you later." He stood up and went to the door.
"Yaaa... Yang Seungho. Kiss me."
"Later." He replied but he already walked out from the bedroom.
Boo Mi sighed and shook his head. "I can't believe this. He never cares about that before this."
"What did you say?" Suddenly Seungho turned and looked at her. She smiled when Seungho approached to her and gave a sweet short to her lips. "Do you really think I don't care right?" Her smiled widen and she shook her head again.

Second story Byunghee

Byunghee walked down from the stairs and he sighed when he saw his secretary waiting for him in front of his apartment. He went near to her and forced smiled. "What are you doing here?"
"I tried to call since last night but you didn't pick up your phone. You forced me to come here." His secretary smiled and her eyes were staring at him.
"Alright, talk faster. I already late for the wedding."
"Okay. Mr. Shin wants to know whether you can meet him today or not." He shook his head. "How about Mr. Lee?" Once again he shook his head. "Mr. Kim?"
"I don't want to meet any of them. Did you call my father?"
"His at Jeju Island right now. His on vacation." His secretary smiled.
"Yeah you right. I'll call you later if I need anything."
"Sure." She nodded.
"I have to go."
"Don't forget about Lee Ma Ri sshi. I think she's already waiting for you." His secretary reminded him.
"D*mn! How can I forget she back from Paris today?" He scratched his hair. "I really miss her. Can you believe she leave me for three years to study about bakery?" He looked at his secretary and she smiled. "Alright. Airport first then wedding. I'll see you later okay?" He waved his hand and went into his car.

Third story Changsun

Shin Rae smiled while her eyes gazing at Changsun. What a good dream that she ever had. Winning her first competition with Changsun when she was at high school and last week she went to Japan for her dancing tour. But she's not alone. She shared it with a man she loves.
"I already miss Korea." Changsun sighed and he lean his head on Shin Rae shoulder. "I hope we don't late for the wedding."
"Of course not. I think we will arrive there before the wedding."
"You already pick the best wedding gift from Japan for them?" Changsun asked.
"Yeah. The best and most memorable. I believe they will like it." Shin Rae smiled. "By the way, do you already think about the television offer? You want to do a show with them?"
"I'm not sure. I think I already have much commitment right now." Changsun sighed while looking at Shin Rae. "You want to do it for me?"
"No." She shook and smiled. "They want you not me." She grabbed Changsun hand and holds it tightly. "You are right. I started missed Korea too." Their gazed meet until they heard an announcement.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly...,"

Forth story Chundoong

"'s so sweet." Ji Na eyes were staring at the flight ticket on her hand. "Are you sure we will go to Hawaii for our second honeymoon?" She asked.
"Of course." Chundoong smiled while hugging her waist. "But this time make sure we will have a baby." He whispered to her ear.
"It's cheesy. I got goose bumps right now." Ji Na laughed.
"But I know you like it." He .
"Alright? Boy or girl?"
"I don't mind. We already married for two years and I want to add a new family. We can do that right?" She nodded. "By the way we already late for the wedding."
"You're right. Did you call Cheolyong? Tell him bring the ring. He wants us to remind him yesterday." Ji Na told Chundoong. She went to the couch and she grabbed her handbag. She almost walked to the door when she stopped from walking. She turned when she realized she forget the hand flower that she make last night. "Wait for me at the car. I need to take the hand flower at upstairs."
Chundoong nodded and he walked out from the house.

Fifth story Cheolyong

"Appa... appa...," Hye Na jumped on the bed and make Cheolyong wake up from his sleep. He turned when realized his little daughter jumped up and down and make him feel quite dizzy. He grabbed Hye Na petite body and she laughed before she landed beside him.
"Hye Na... Appa want to sleep."
"Omma want Appa to wake up." Hye Na told him while rubbing his hair. "Appa... wake up. Omma will angry...," She shook his hand.
"Bang Cheolyong!" Suddenly he heard Ha Nah shouted his name. Quickly he gets up and he saw Ha Nah was standing at the bedroom door. "Yaa... we already late. We should hurry." Ha Nah walked near to him and messed up his hair. "Chundoong called. Don't forget the ring."
He nodded but his eyes half opened.
"Yaa... open your eyes." Ha Nah pinched his cheek and make him screamed. Hye Na laughed while clapping her hand.
"Appa...," She called him.
"Alright... alright...," He rubbed his cheek while went down from the bed. He grabbed the towel before walked to the bathroom.
"Don't forget the ring." Once again Ha Nah reminded him. She and looked at Hye Na and both of them give a high five to each other.


The wedding

Mr. Kim smiled when Ha Nah approached to him and hugged him tightly. "Harabuji...congratulations. I'm happy for you." She let him go and her eyes gazed at him and then at the lady beside him. "Principal... please take care of Harabuji."
"Aigoo... this is embarrassing. Marriage at this age. We're already old." Principal Maeran looked at Mr. Kim and both of them smiled.
"Marriage is a good thing." She took hold her hand. "By the way, I wish long life and a happy marriage both of you."
"Thank you Ha Nah." Principal Maeran looked at her and they hugged.

"Photo time." They turned when they heard Cheolyong voice and he waved his hand to them. "They need bride and bridegroom." He told them. Ha Nah nodded and they walked near to him. Principal Maeran and Mr. Kim were standing at the middle and the others took their own position.
They took a deep breath and the photographer ready with a camera on his hand. "Alright. First shot. Say cheese...,"
"Cheeseeee....," All of them said the word at the same tone but suddenly they can hear Shin Rae laughed. They looked at her meanwhile Changsun patted her shoulder.
"I'm sorry. I prefer kimchi than cheese." She told the photographer and they smiled when they heard what she say.

The photographer nodded and ready for the second shot. "Alright. Say...,"
"Wait!" Out of nowhere they heard someone shouted. Byunghee waved his hands while dragging Ma Ri to follow him. They approached at them and they took a deep breath and let it go. "Sorry Mr. Kim, Principal. I have to pick her at airport." He told him.
"I'm sorry Mr. Kim. My flight delayed actually." Ma Ri smiled at both them.
"It's alright. Join us." Mr. Kim smiled and Byunghee nodded. Both of them walked near to Seungho and were standing beside him.
"Yaaa... I thought you already meet another girl." Seungho whispered at Byunghee ear.

"She's everything for me. Don't say anything." He warned Seungho before he looked at Ma Ri and gently he grabbed her hand. "Saranghae...," He lean his shoulder at her shoulder and whispered that word.
Ma Ri turned and smiled at Byunghee but she shocked when she realized the photographer took another shot. She forced smiled when the photographer eyes gazed at her and shook his head. "One more shot." He told them.
Boo Mi took a deep breath when suddenly she feels a pain on her stomach. She grabbed Ji Na hands who standing beside her and they looked at each other. Boo Mi face crumpled and Ji Na started to panic. "Chundoong, Boo Mi want to give birth." She told Chundoong but Seungho ear caught what she said.

"Yaaa... Boo Mi. Hold on." Seungho grabbed her shoulder but Boo Mi started to scream. Everyone shocked and looked at them. "Take a deep breath. What should I do?" His brain totally blank and he looked at Chundoong.
"Hospital... Yang Seungho...," Boo Mi grabbed his coat and her eyes widen. Without saying anything he carrying her while Ji Na and Ha Nah following them from behind. Chundoong hurriedly walked but Mir still standing there and holding his daughter hands.

"Ha Nah... we come later!" He shouted and he saw she nodded her head. "Aigoo... Harabuji. Your wedding...,"
"It's alright Cheolyong. They have more important thing to do." Mr. Kim patted his shoulder and smiled.
Changsun shook his head and he realized Shin Rae stunned at her placed she was standing. "Shin Rae... what's wrong with you?" He asked.

"Should we scream when we want to give birth?" She looked at Changsun.
"I don't know. I never have experience with that." Changsun shook his head.
Shin Rae pouted but suddenly she pinched Changsun wrist and make him screamed. "It's hurt right?."
"Of course it's hurt." Changsun stared at her but finally they smiled at each other. "Alright. I like that actually." He and Shin Rae laughed.

The wind blow softly and Byunghee smiled widen when he looked at Changsun and Shin Rae. He took a deep breath and he stared at Ma Ri when she took hold his fingers. "You miss me?" She asked while she smiled at him.
"Of course I miss you."
"Do you really mean what you said to me?" She asked again.
"What is it?" He looked at her.
Byunghee smiled and nodded his head. "I mean it. I really meant it."

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!