Five Adorable Butlers


Shin Rae lean her head on the wall. Outside her room, she can hear her parents talking to each other. Holidays doesn't mean anything to her. She started missed Changsun so much. Shin Rae stood up and picked up her phone. She took a deep breath and let it go. She put back the phone and lying on her bed.

She doesn't want to trouble Changsun with all her problems. Her parents want her to forget about her swimming. She really doesn't know what to do. Swimming is her passion and she can't forget about it like nothing happened. What should she choose for her future? Business, medic, designer even law. D*mn! Nothing attracted her interest!

She gets up, went to bedroom door, opened it and walked out. Her mother stared at her when she went to the main door. She wears her shoes and looked at her parents.
"Where are you going?" Mr. Kim asked.
"I need some fresh air." She answered while walked out from the house.

Shin Rae took a deep breath. She scratched her hair and keeps walking. She went to a nearest playground and sat at one of the bench. She sighed when she realized she forgot her handphone at the house.
"You miss me?
Shin Rae smiled. D*mn! She started to hear Changsun voice! What's wrong with me? Miss him so much?!

"Yaaa...Kim Shin Rae. Do you miss me?"
She turned when she realized that voice too close at her ear. "Changsun!" She half shouted when she saw him standing next to her. "What are you doing here?" She can't hide her happiness. She stood up and she just let Changsun hugged her.

"I miss you so much. Why you didn't call me?" He placed both his palm on Shin Rae's cheeks. Her hands wrapped around his waist. They stared at each for a while.
"It's almost two hours for you to come here." She didn't answer him. She touched Changsun's hair and smiled. "How did you know I'm here?" She asked.
"I saw you come out from your house. So, I'll just follow you."
"Being my stalker?" She teased.

He smiled and stared at her. "You like it right? Lee Changsun is your stalker."
She nodded and smiled. She just let Changsun touched her hair and kissed her lips. She's too happy seeing his here. She spent her time everyday with him and it's like her routine to make sure Changsun always by her side.

They walked and holding hands. The weather was nice today. Sunny and she saw blue sky. Shin Rae smiled while Changsun's eyes keep staring at her. She always looked so tough from outside but she has a very soft heart. She never cried in front of anyone but she never hides it from Changsun. She wants to share everything with him even sometimes it can be hurt.

"You got a problem right?" Changsun asked.
Shin Rae stopped from walking and looked at him. "I don't know what to do. I want to share everything with you, Changsun but I know I can't always depend on you. Sometimes, I have to follow my own heart."
"So, what you choose? You still don't know what you want?"
She nodded.

"You have to fight for what you want Shin Rae. No one can force you."
"Even it will break my parent's heart?" She looked at him.
"Sometimes it's better to do that. Your parents will understand if you ask them in a right way. Unless they are stubborn like my father." He smiled.
Shin Rae sighed and scratched her hair. "Alright. I'm too afraid to tell them what I want. I'm totally mess up with my life."

Changsun smiled. "You want me to help you?"
"Maybe I can handle this."
"Are you sure?" He asked. "I can talk to your parents if you want."
"What are you gonna do?" Shin Rae frowned. She really wants to know what Changsun had in his head!

Changsun clinched his fist. He really needs to help Shin Rae. He cares about her and he doesn't want to see her cry anymore. But is he will make a right decision for her? What should he do? He already promised to Sin Rae that he will help her.

He stood up when he saw Mrs. Kim walked into the restaurant. He waves his hand and Mrs. Kim went near to him. "Lee Changsun?" She asked.
"Yes, I am." He nodded and both of them took a seat. Changsun took a deep breath and looked at her.
"I'm glad that I meet you. Thank you for taking care of Shin Rae." She smiled and stared at him. "So Changsun, what can I do for you?"

Changsun nodded and looked at her. "I heard that you and Mr. Kim want Shin Rae to forget about her dream. I want to talk with you about that."
"Changsun...that's my family problem. I hope you can understand that." She stared at him.
"Mrs. Kim. I care about Shin Rae. I really want her to find her own happiness."
"I want my daughter to find a better dream. I can't allow her to continue her swimming." She stood up but she stopped when she heard Changsun said something to her. She turned and stared at him. "What did you say?" She asked again.

"Dancing. What if she chooses dancing?" Changsun scratched his head. D*mn! What he said that? Shin Rae just dance for some fun. She will kill me!
"She dances?"
He nodded even he feels so guilty right now.
"She can dance?"
Once again he nodded.
"Who teach her?"
"Me. I teach her how to dance."

Suddenly Mrs. Kim smiled and laughed. Changsun stared at her. He confused. Why she looked so happy?
"I can't believe what you said to me. You really teach her?" She needs a confirmation from Changsun. He nodded and she sat back at her seat. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. I can accept that. I never know that Shin Rae like dancing. I mean that's my dream since I was in kindergarten. I'm glad that my daughter has a same dream as me."

Changsun smiled. This is too good to hear! But it's weird. Shin Rae never talked about that.
"But please don't tell anyone about that. I didn't tell my husband or my daughter. My late father really hates my dream." She sighed. "I really want the best future for Shin Rae. I don't know if my husband will accept her new dream. But I approve that."
"Really?" Changsun eyes widen. He totally happy with what he just heard!
"But I have one condition."
He stared at her. "What is it, Mrs. Kim?"

"I want her to win at least one dance competition. Can you help her?"
Changsun almost choked. He can't believe this! Why she has to give that kind of condition?!
"If you help her, I will talk to my husband. I will let her to continue her swimming. Can you do that?"
Changsun forced smiled and nodded. Dance competition? What should he do? He has to force Shin Rae to practice more!

"No way!" Shin Rae stood up and shook her head. "Why you make a promise to my mother? Yaaa...Lee Changsun!" She shouted and throws a pillow to him. Changsun caught the pillow and looked at her.
"This is only your chance. Your mother agreed to help you. Only one competition. She will let you to continue your swimming." Changsun walked near to her and hugged her shoulders. "Shin Rae aaa...I really want to help you."

Shin Rae sighed and stared at him. "Changsun, dancing is not easy. I have to learn so many things. You should understand that."
"I will teach you." He hugged her more tightly. "I'm your boyfriend. Do you think I will let you feel so sad anymore?" He looked at her. "I care about you Shin Rae. I know it's hard but you have me."
Shin Rae pouted. Changsun placed both his hands at her cheeks and smiled. "You know what Shin Rae...I really really love you."

Shin Rae took a deep breath. "You think you can buy me with that?"
"Of course. I never thought that I will date you." He lifts up his eyebrows. "You dance with me before this. We kissed...," He stopped and he gave Shin Rae a sweet kissed on her lips.
"Lee Changsun...,"
"I melt your heart right? You should be proud that you have me as your boyfriend." He smiled.

Shin Rae punched his shoulders and he laughed. "Alright, you win. She stared at him. "Changsun is my hero. Satisfied?"
He nodded and Shin Rae rubbed his hair.
"You will dance with me?" He asked.
Shin Rae smiled and Changsun hugged her more tightly.

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Chapter 18: Aww I enjoyed this fic a lot!
i enjoyed this fic its good haha the last chapter is so funny XD harabeoji's and principle's wedding LOL nice XD
kyeoptamest #3
nice dramatic fanfic :)
loving_eida #4
@kRiSLYNdjwmkc .... yup.. final chapter ... thank you so much for the comments ... glad that you like this fic....:)
nylsirhak #5
awww its done? it was good i really enjoyed this story
Accidentally_in_love #6
wow, your writing has improved a lot ^^<br />
good on you~!!<br />
totally subbing<br />
aaaaw and Mir is soo cute :3
loving_eida #7
thank you so much .. ;)
nylsirhak #8
i like the poster if thats what its called. cute chapter :)
loving_eida #9
ooo ... i like that drama . :) Mei-Chan No Shutsuji @ Mei- Chan's Butler ... one of my favorite ... i add description at foreword ...
I like your story :)<br />
But it kinda remind me of a Japanese drama that I've watch some time ago :/<br />
Anyway, update soon!